NationStates Jolt Archive

Name the one place where a flag is neither taken down nor is ever at half-mast ?

Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 02:49
Weet je het?
Vous le savez?
Wissen Sie ess?

Ok, for the English speakers: Do you know?
24-08-2004, 02:50
24-08-2004, 02:52
Bah, everyone knows that they were just a hoax

24-08-2004, 02:58
Bah, everyone knows that they were just a hoax


And the world is a disc, sitting on the backs of four huge elephants, who ride on the back of a giant space-swimming turtle, Great A'tuin....
Bodies Without Organs
24-08-2004, 02:59
Name the one place where a flag is neither taken down nor is ever at half-mast ?

Well, technically any place where there isn't a flag "a flag is neither taken down nor is ever at half mast".
24-08-2004, 02:59
No, I see his point. I mean, after all, it was America that landed on the moon first. Therefore it makes sense for someone to assume that America is really perpetrating the biggest hoax of all time, unknown by its own people, despite the Freedom of Information Act. No really, I see his point...
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:01

You just won the bottle of 1985 Krug. (250 $ bottle).

Correct :)
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:03
Well, technically any place where there isn't a flag "a flag is neither taken down nor is ever at half mast".

Hmm, you are so right, so I must give you the same Krug bottle. Santé
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:05
No, I see his point. I mean, after all, it was America that landed on the moon first. Therefore it makes sense for someone to assume that America is really perpetrating the biggest hoax of all time, unknown by its own people, despite the Freedom of Information Act. No really, I see his point...

Weet je dat psychiatrische hulp voor verloren mensen zoals jij gratis zijn in de EU? You need it. :rolleyes:
24-08-2004, 03:09
It doesn't make sense to assume that at all. Well, not as much as it does to assume that NASA actually did land people on the moon, in any case -the second assumption requires less extraneous consideration and consequential evidence.
Bodies Without Organs
24-08-2004, 03:14
Would 'at the top of a flag pole' also work as an answer?
24-08-2004, 03:16
And the world is a disc, sitting on the backs of four huge elephants, who ride on the back of a giant space-swimming turtle, Great A'tuin....
Why yes, as a matter of fact, it is.
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:18
No, I see his point. I mean, after all, Therefore it makes sense for someone to assume that America is really perpetrating the biggest hoax of all time, unknown by its own people, despite the Freedom of Information Act. No really, I see his point...

Wow, you really deserve a NDAP membership cart.

Who said this? Evidence?

You really need that help don't you? (Mag ik je er op wijzen dat hopeloze gevallen zoals jij echt gratis kunnen behandeld worden in de beste hulpcentra in de wereld in NL, B., Fr, enz. )
Denk er eens aan want je bent een echte gek om in dit vraagje zulke domme dingen te verspreiden, OK, aangezien je gek bent besef je hetzelf niet :rolleyes:
The Land of the Enemy
24-08-2004, 03:20
And the world is a disc, sitting on the backs of four huge elephants, who ride on the back of a giant space-swimming turtle, Great A'tuin....

I suppose we could ask now, what sex is A'tuin? And what will happen when it finds another turtle?
24-08-2004, 03:20
Wow, you really deserve a NDAP membership cart.

Who said this? Evidence?

You really need that help don't you? (Mag ik je er op wijzen dat hopeloze gevallen zoals jij echt gratis kunnen behandeld worden in de beste hulpcentra in de wereld in NL, B., Fr, enz. )
Denk er eens aan want je bent een echte gek om in dit vraagje zulke domme dingen te verspreiden, OK, aangezien je gek bent besef je hetzelf niet :rolleyes:
HadesRulestoomuch sounds like hes being sarcastic...
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:22
Would 'at the top of a flag pole' also work as an answer?

No, you allready won your botlle :p Don't win it twice!
Posted it to see the answer: the moon, but your good explenation deserves the same price! :fluffle:
24-08-2004, 03:25
^Dude, chill. He's being sarcastic, if you can't tell. Or do you want that in Dutch?

Hij doet sarcastish, joh. Rustig aan.
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:27
HadesRulestoomuch sounds like hes being sarcastic...

Allready saw his dirty tongue when someone tried to start a US-EU war in another topic.(he defended the guy that tried to do so) I answered the guy that tried to make a topic in such a one and his dirty answer was to point my typo's (as a non English speaker) instead of having the guts to continue bashing me in other European languages. Die hij uiteraard niet machtig is :p . C'est un idiot diplomé :cool:
Ein diplomiertert Arschlog :D BTW, allways nice that he lacks the cappacities to understand other tongues and needs the time to use his Bable Fish.

BTW, I would never point a guy that does not speak my mothertongue and try to use that as the only weapon in a debate. (Typisch HadesRulesMuch).
Hij weet zelfs niet wie Hades is, daaraan zie je zijn niveau, of hebben we hier met een speleoloog te doen in wiens clubnaam vaak Hades is verbonden, denk het niet :rolleyes:
New Spartan Empire
24-08-2004, 03:28
The flew the flag at half-mast in local places when Strom Thurmond died.

Strom was a stud.
Getin Hi
24-08-2004, 03:38
Signore Basil Fawlty:

Ou! Guarda com'è fastidioso quando qualcuno scrive in un' altra lingua che non capisce neanche un cane, ti da fastidio? Non mi sorprenderebbe se sia il caso, perché non è che a qualcosa che scrivi può capire tutti... Secondo me sei un po' pieno di te. Non ti gaggiare solo perché sai un' altra lingua. Fidati, non frega un cazzo a nessuno. Questa forum è un forum discusso sempre in inglese, e di fare un discorso con te stesso nella tue lingue ci farà solo sconvolgere. Sai cosa voglio dire?
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:40
^Dude, chill. He's being sarcastic, if you can't tell. Or do you want that in Dutch?

Hij doet sarcastish, joh. Rustig aan.

Misschien toch eerst eens naar zijn speak kijken in andere topics waar ik trachtte tussen te komen in een EU-US gevecht dat daar niet thuis hoorde. Deze agressieve gast pakt niet Engelstaligen op typo's in plaats van argumenten. Het is een lafaard di eniet in het Duits, Frans, Nederlands of Spaans wil debateren wanner ik hem uitdaag om hem te tonen dat zijn taalargumenten belachelijk zijn aangezien hij niet en ik met vele andere mensen hier, deze wel spreken.

Bekijk eerst wat hij deed voor je een mening vormt, ik weet dat zijn ding niet sarcastisch is en enkel op mij bedoelt was na zijn flaiming. Wil je gerust dat eens doorsturen hoor, tenzij jij en hem dezelfde zijn?
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 03:47
Signore Basil Fawlty:

Ou! Guarda com'è fastidioso quando qualcuno scrive in un' altra lingua che non capisce neanche un cane, ti da fastidio? Non mi sorprenderebbe se sia il caso, perché non è che a qualcosa che scrivi può capire tutti... Secondo me sei un po' pieno di te. Non ti gaggiare solo perché sai un' altra lingua. Fidati, non frega un cazzo a nessuno. Questa forum è un forum discusso sempre in inglese, e di fare un discorso con te stesso nella tue lingue ci farà solo sconvolgere. Sai cosa voglio dire?

Mr Getin Hi,

Alhoewel ik de essentie versta moet ik zeggen dat dit nog geen Engels, Nederlands, Duits, Frans is. De talen waar ik het over had."ti da fastidio?" (*Pour moi, vous êtes le fasciste*). Und nein wir redenen Franzosich, English oder Deutsch. Wat wil je eigenlijk bereiken met nu al je 2de puppet :rolleyes: . Niet iedereen is zo stupied als jij hoor. BTW, je gaf nog steeds geen adequate verdediging op mijn verdedediging toen je me aanviel in die andere topic. OK, klotenvreter?

BTW read first before posting, it is about a English speaker that think's that he can bash non English speakers because of the typo's. (and he hops in at every topic with this shit :rolleyes: ) And I dare to say that he must have the guts to speak other languages, and then we'll see. (BTW I'll never use their style. To attack a speaker that does not speak my languages for those reasons only prooves your own wrong).
24-08-2004, 04:15
Oh gee. Wow. How amazing, a different language. Wow. You just blew my mind. Why, you must be some sort of genius. After all, noone who speaks more than 1 language could ever be wrong. In fact, speaking German in particular makes you infallible!

Cut the crap. If you have something you want to tell the rest of us, say it in English, the language that most of the people on this board speak (or can at least read). If you don't have anything to say to us, don't say anthing. It is that simple.
Getin Hi
24-08-2004, 04:24
I didn't expect you to understand the Italian, it was deliberate, to demonstrate how annoying it is when someone posts in a foreign language just for his own amusement. I'll sum up what I said:

Is it annoying when someone posts something that no-one understands? Not everyone can understand Dutch, and by posting in Dutch with such frequency implies that you assume people can understand. They can't. I can't. Nobody cares if you know another language. This is an English-language forum. I'm not a fascist, (almost exactly the opposite) but there's an appropriate time and place for everything.
24-08-2004, 04:28
I didn't expect you to understand the Italian, it was deliberate, to demonstrate how annoying it is when someone posts in a foreign language just for his own amusement. I'll sum up what I said:

Is it annoying when someone posts something that no-one understands? Not everyone can understand Dutch, and by posting in Dutch with such frequency implies that you assume people can understand. They can't. I can't. Nobody cares if you know another language. This is an English-language forum. I'm not a fascist, (almost exactly the opposite) but there's an appropriate time and place for everything.

Yeah I was referring to Basil, not you. I can usually understand a decent amount of any language, and I could tell what your post was about.
Getin Hi
24-08-2004, 04:32
Yeah I was referring to Basil, not you. I can usually understand a decent amount of any language, and I could tell what your post was about.
Sorry, misunderstanding. I should use quotes more, so people know who I'm addressing better.
Getin Hi
24-08-2004, 04:34

"Ti da fastidio?"
"Does it annoy you?"

(Nothing to do with the word 'fascist', more related to the english definition of 'fastidious', in terms of etymology)
24-08-2004, 05:09
No, I see his point. I mean, after all, it was America that landed on the moon first. Therefore it makes sense for someone to assume that America is really perpetrating the biggest hoax of all time, unknown by its own people, despite the Freedom of Information Act. No really, I see his point...

No, Jesus is the biggest hoax of all time. Well...It would be if we could prove it! I mean, what if the Jew's are right? The savior hasn't come yet? I bet that would shame all the people who were executioner's in the Inquisition!
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 05:14

"Ti da fastidio?"
"Does it annoy you?"

(Nothing to do with the word 'fascist', more related to the english definition of 'fastidious', in terms of etymology)

Hey, this started because you "ubermensch" English speakers:

1st did not reply
2nd only had a reply to correct non English speakers, great of you! BTW, you still don't understand it, if you dare to correct someone, dare to speak an other language (even not mine). Quite Nazi of you to try English as a language for all. Why not Chinese or Uk English (dont say you US guys speak English, because 99% of the English think you speak a kind of Mc Crap) or French? Why? Simply, because you can not!

Don't have a problem with a English board but have a problem with US Nazis that think that they can overcome arguments in a disscussion with semantics, bunch of fascist losers.

BTW, why did you hop in, Nazi's, I asked a question about a flag and before you bacterial diarrhoea lifeforms came in was it a nice topic.

By the way, the diarrhoea fascisme is smelling when you try to speak about languages.
Getin Hi
24-08-2004, 05:24
Hey, this started because you "ubermensch" English speakers:

1st did not reply
2nd only had a reply to correct non English speakers, great of you! BTW, you still don't understand it, if you dare to correct someone, dare to speak an other language (even not mine). Quite Nazi of you to try English as a language for all. Why not Chinese or Uk English (dont say you US guys speak English, because 99% of the English think you speak a kind of Mc Crap) or French? Why? Simply, because you can not!

Don't have a problem with a English board but have a problem with US Nazis that think that they can overcome arguments in a disscussion with semantics, bunch of fascist losers.

BTW, why did you hop in, Nazi's, I asked a question about a flag and before you bacterial diarrhoea lifeforms came in was it a nice topic.

By the way, the diarrhoea fascisme is smelling when you try to speak about languages.

I use UK English, being English myself, and, of course, knowing how to spell properly! :D

Are you suggesting that the English language is being enforced on you in a fascist way? Because if so, then you are, quite simply, wrong.

A) This forum is an English-speaking forum, I wouldn't complain that I was being marginalised if I posted in English on a Spanish-speaking forum.

B) English is, like it or not, the most widely-spoken language on Earth. In China, more people are currently studying to learn English than there are mother tongue speakers in the UK, USA and Australia combined. All air traffic control is conducted in English all over the globe. As are most business transactions. 90% of the internet is in English. Why is this? Well, there are numerous factors which would take weeks to explain fully. I don't think that English is inherently better than any other language. I'm English, but I like Italian better because I think it expresses emotional subtleties better, despite the lower overall vocabulary.

I don't appreciate being called a Nazi. It offends me deeply.
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 05:29
I use UK English, being English myself, and, of course, knowing how to spell properly! :D

Are you suggesting that the English language is being enforced on you in a fascist way? Because if so, then you are, quite simply, wrong.

A) This forum is an English-speaking forum, I wouldn't complain that I was being marginalised if I posted in English on a Spanish-speaking forum.

B) English is, like it or not, the most widely-spoken language on Earth. In China, more people are currently studying to learn English than there are mother tongue speakers in the UK, USA and Australia combined. All air traffic control is conducted in English all over the globe. As are most business transactions. 90% of the internet is in English. Why is this? Well, there are numerous factors which would take weeks to explain fully. I don't think that English is inherently better than any other language. I'm English, but I like Italian better because I think it expresses emotional subtleties better, despite the lower vocabulary.

So why are you so frustrated about it?

BTW your numbers about China aso are false. Do you really think that the most of the Chinese (still on the countryside) learn English Altough that is important to learn it for them (like your children will learn Indian and Chinese,Russian aso. to make a chance) they aren't in the way you write.

BTW, your Ubermensch attitude still shows your stupidity.Your attitude (Nazi Germay, Japan and their allies) lost the war. And created another one that is different from your UbermenschEnglish. Keep on believing it :rolleyes:
24-08-2004, 05:31
QUOTE=Lenbonia]Oh gee. Wow. How amazing, a different language. Wow. You just blew my mind. Why, you must be some sort of genius. After all, noone who speaks more than 1 language could ever be wrong. In fact, speaking German in particular makes you infallible!

Cut the crap. If you have something you want to tell the rest of us, say it in English, the language that most of the people on this board speak (or can at least read). If you don't have anything to say to us, don't say anthing. It is that simple.[/QUOTE]

1) It was Dutch.
2) He's been writing in English; it's not his first language, and sometimes the nuances are difficult to understand... others who understand his languages have been explaining to him.
3) English is not the only language on the planet, and you're not the center of the universe.
Mr Basil Fawlty
24-08-2004, 05:40
QUOTE=Lenbonia]Oh gee. Wow. How amazing, a different language. Wow. You just blew my mind. Why, you must be some sort of genius. .

What are you talking about?

1.Where do I say that a certain language is better then another one?
2. Why don't I have the right to correct people that think that they can win in a discussion just because they can correct a non English speaker in typo's withouth prooving themselves that they can do the same. (speaking a more then Spanish or English, BTW, the levell of you posters in French, German,Dutch must be crap since you fail to proove :mp5: :sniper: :p )
3.Thank's for the word "genius" since most of my US friends (real Americans) said it that even the biggest idiot in the world can be a genius in the US. So I won't have to explain you for the 1000th time that I never use a language weapon against underdeveloped people in that matter.
24-08-2004, 05:46
Point: English, though spoken by only about 6% of the Earth's population (which is still second only to Chinese), is the dominant language, primarily because the United States is the greatest country in the world now and Britain was one of the largest empires in the world for centuries. An analogy showing how English can be the dominant language while not the largest might be that [ancient] Greece, while small, was awesome. Fascism would be to create rules against using non-English languages on the board, of which there are none. However, it is not universally considered socially acceptable to write in Dutch.

I am right and if you disagree with me, you are wrong.
Getin Hi
24-08-2004, 05:50
So why are you so frustrated about it?

BTW your numbers about China aso are false. Do you really think that the most of the Chinese (still on the countryside) learn English Altough that is important to learn it for them (like your children will learn Indian and Chinese,Russian aso. to make a chance) they aren't in the way you write.

BTW, your Ubermensch attitude still shows your stupidity.Your attitude (Nazi Germay, Japan and their allies) lost the war. And created another one that is different from your UbermenschEnglish. Keep on believing it :rolleyes:

The China figures are true. I saw it on a documentary we saw as part of our English Language A-Level curriculum. There's an educational TV progam broadcast all over China, the viewers teach themselves, Open University style, with no need for classrooms or other facilities.

And as I thought I clarified in my last post, I don't think English is an Uberspeil, it's just another language for me. I prefer Italian. (English, for whatever reason, probably luck, happens to be the most popular. Spanish is a close second though...)

And the way you continue to assume that I'm a Nazi is ridiculous. Isn't it screamingly obvious from my post history that I hate Nazis?
24-08-2004, 05:53
What are you talking about?

1.Where do I say that a certain language is better then another one?
2. Why don't I have the right to correct people that think that they can win in a discussion just because they can correct a non English speaker in typo's withouth prooving themselves that they can do the same. (speaking a more then Spanish or English, BTW, the levell of you posters in French, German,Dutch must be crap since you fail to proove :mp5: :sniper: :p )
3.Thank's for the word "genius" since most of my US friends (real Americans) said it that even the biggest idiot in the world can be a genius in the US. So I won't have to explain you for the 1000th time that I never use a language weapon against underdeveloped people in that matter.

I think the quote pyramid broke -- Lenbonia told you to speak English or not speak at all. If you read the rest of the post, you would see I was saying English is not the only language spoken on the planet.
24-08-2004, 06:07
And the world is a disc, sitting on the backs of four huge elephants, who ride on the back of a giant space-swimming turtle, Great A'tuin....


You lot!

Put a lid on the yappin eh Lad?

Lord-General Drache
24-08-2004, 07:12
Weet je het?
Vous le savez?
Wissen Sie ess?

Ok, for the English speakers: Do you know?

Isn't it the UN?

And it's just one s on "es"..
24-08-2004, 13:29
Hey, this started because you "ubermensch" English speakers:

1st did not reply
2nd only had a reply to correct non English speakers, great of you! BTW, you still don't understand it, if you dare to correct someone, dare to speak an other language (even not mine). Quite Nazi of you to try English as a language for all. Why not Chinese or Uk English (dont say you US guys speak English, because 99% of the English think you speak a kind of Mc Crap) or French? Why? Simply, because you can not!

Don't have a problem with a English board but have a problem with US Nazis that think that they can overcome arguments in a disscussion with semantics, bunch of fascist losers.
He corrected your arrogant ass because you were trying to overcome an argument by saying you knew six languages, therefore you are always right. He merely matched the irrelevance and cockiness of your comment.