Just to add 1 more non-political post: SPIDER-MAN 3
22-08-2004, 21:41
I know you don't care about what I think. I'm still going to say it, but isn't Presidental candidate-bashing getting too mundane an acitivity by now?
Anyways, to those of you who saw the first or the second Spider-Man movie. What do you think the third installment is going to be like?
Of course, every comic book version fan is going to want Venom. The director (Sam Raimi) is known to be against it though. The Lizard is probably going to the main villian (seeing as theres been references to his alter ego,Dr. Curt Connors, already).
I think the most significant event in the 3rd installement (some say it'd be the final) will be the death of MJ. I'd put that in a reply when I get the time to write it.
22-08-2004, 21:45
There's a lot of talk (but bear in mind, that's all it is so far, is talk) going around that the Lizard will be the villain in SM3, and that there may be 6 SM films in total.
They won't put Venom in because then they would of probably had to make it an R movie. For if I remember correctly Venom was a serial killer who did lots of chopping to the bodies.
22-08-2004, 21:50
They won't put Venom in because then they would of probably had to make it an R movie. For if I remember correctly Venom was a serial killer who did lots of chopping to the bodies.
He wasn't a serial killer, but he was extremely brutal, and literally bloodthirsty. Carnage was a serial killer, but I don't know if he chopped up bodies.
22-08-2004, 21:51
All I can say is they damn well better put Venom in one of the movies! :mad:
22-08-2004, 21:53
Right, where was I? The MJ death scene.
I can almost see it in my head already. MJ is either kidnapped by the main villian, either intentionally killed or unintentionally killed. The villian temporary vacates himself of the place. Spidey arrives just in time to see MJ's death (maybe a brief Last-Words-Love-In-Death scene). MJ dies melodramatically.
In my mind, this would probably happen somewhere pretty isolated. An ideal place would be a dark alley, its raining and theres only 1 main light source. (eg. like where MJ and Spidey/Parker first kissed)
Theres a camera shot (Long shot) from the end of the alley, one sole light source shines down on the dead MJ, and Spidey stands watching her. Cue that statement he's constantly making ON NARRATION, "No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, it's the ones I love who will be the ones who pay."
Then of course, Spidey goes on a path to revenge. Of course, before he kills the villian, he has an ethical/moral dilema, that "With great power comes great responsibility." thing again.
Anyways, those are my thoughts.
22-08-2004, 21:56
Right, where was I? The MJ death scene.
I can almost see it in my head already. MJ is either kidnapped by the main villian, either intentionally killed or unintentionally killed. The villian temporary vacates himself of the place. Spidey arrives just in time to see MJ's death (maybe a brief Last-Words-Love-In-Death scene). MJ dies melodramatically.
In my mind, this would probably happen somewhere pretty isolated. An ideal place would be a dark alley, its raining and theres only 1 main light source. (eg. like where MJ and Spidey/Parker first kissed)
Theres a camera shot (Long shot) from the end of the alley, one sole light source shines down on the dead MJ, and Spidey stands watching her. Cue that statement he's constantly making ON NARRATION, "No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, it's the ones I love who will be the ones who pay."
Then of course, Spidey goes on a path to revenge. Of course, before he kills the villian, he has an ethical/moral dilema, that "With great power comes great responsibility." thing again.
Anyways, those are my thoughts.
That'd be cool. :cool: Personally, though, I think they should have put Gwen Stacy in and made it where the Green Goblin killed her.
He wasn't a serial killer, but he was extremely brutal, and literally bloodthirsty. Carnage was a serial killer, but I don't know if he chopped up bodies.
doh. I always get venom and carnage confused.
Right, where was I? The MJ death scene.
I can almost see it in my head already. MJ is either kidnapped by the main villian, either intentionally killed or unintentionally killed. The villian temporary vacates himself of the place. Spidey arrives just in time to see MJ's death (maybe a brief Last-Words-Love-In-Death scene). MJ dies melodramatically.
In my mind, this would probably happen somewhere pretty isolated. An ideal place would be a dark alley, its raining and theres only 1 main light source. (eg. like where MJ and Spidey/Parker first kissed)
Theres a camera shot (Long shot) from the end of the alley, one sole light source shines down on the dead MJ, and Spidey stands watching her. Cue that statement he's constantly making ON NARRATION, "No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, it's the ones I love who will be the ones who pay."
Then of course, Spidey goes on a path to revenge. Of course, before he kills the villian, he has an ethical/moral dilema, that "With great power comes great responsibility." thing again.
Anyways, those are my thoughts.
I doubt they will kill MJ cause they are trying to follow the comic. And MJ doesn't die in the comic. I think in the original series of the comic in the last issue they made it so you think shes dies. But im pretty sure(ill have to check) that MJ is in all the new comics.
22-08-2004, 22:02
The Lizard. The Lizard? What a sucky supervillain. He doesn't even have world changing plans. He just wants to not be a Lizard any more. Venom has to be in it. It's just not right without him.
Von Witzleben
22-08-2004, 22:03
They won't put Venom in because then they would of probably had to make it an R movie. For if I remember correctly Venom was a serial killer who did lots of chopping to the bodies.
They would have to make a Secret Wars movie first then. Since Venoms costume came from Battleworld.
they'll probably make it about the revenge of the green goblin, with Harry taking over the roll of his father. knowing who peter is, he'll take out MJ, she'll end up in the hospital or maybe dead, and the whole plot will be about peter not knowing whether to quit being spiderman to save MJ or to go crazy go nuts and kill Harry.
23-08-2004, 05:04
SM3: Please no.
The Dark Dimension
23-08-2004, 05:07
The Lizard. The Lizard? What a sucky supervillain. He doesn't even have world changing plans. He just wants to not be a Lizard any more. Venom has to be in it. It's just not right without him.
He wants more than that. He wants to create a whole army of reptiles like himself to take over the world. So, yeah, he is a global conquest guy. And I think he's cool. Read Amazing Spider-Man #6 for more details.
23-08-2004, 05:15
SM3 would be terrible. It'd be like Harold and Kumar Go to Amsterdam, which I know is coming and will be awful.
Dobbs Town
23-08-2004, 05:47
Well, the Lizard looks like a shoo-in for SM3 seeing as they went to the trouble of featuring Doc Connors...but you think they'll do the goofy bit with Parker growing four extra arms?
"P-hew, Parker! Forget to put some deodorant on this morning?"
"Uhhh, Doc, that's what I've been meaning to talk to you about..."
Given my druthers I'd like to see Mysterio in any Spider-Man flick.
Nothern Homerica
23-08-2004, 06:26
Well, I know very little about the subject, but didn't Harry follow in his father's footsteps and become a villian named Hobgoblin in the comic? This is precisely how they set up the end of SM2.....
Steel Butterfly
23-08-2004, 06:31
I'd kill for Venom to be in the flick, but as someone said, it would probably make it R, and they wouldn't do that. Then again, the Punisher was R, wasn't it?
Anyhow, Harry will be the villian in 3, they set it up perfectly.
The Land of the Enemy
23-08-2004, 06:50
I don't know who will be the actual villain in S-M 3, but they did set up premise for up to three of the villains of the comics to appear:
Harry Osborne to be Hobgoblin.
John Jameson to become Venom.
And Dr. Curt Connors to become the Lizard.
All of those are possibilities to appear one-by-one in the upcoming sequals, but I think they should go for a major whopper and throw all three of those villains in one movie. That, in my humble opinion, would be awesome. Peter Parker, now fully accepting his role as Spider-Man, gets to have some really hard time trying to fend off three evil super-powerful beings, and still try to live a 'normal' life. I think Sam Raimi's sitting on a goldmine here and he better take full advantage of it now or will will dump him on his ass and crawl away.
Dobbs Town
23-08-2004, 06:58
Speaking of Sam Raimi, think he'll ever make another 'Evil Dead' flick?
23-08-2004, 09:05
Speaking of Sam Raimi, think he'll ever make another 'Evil Dead' flick?
IMHO, not any time soon.
Yay, a Spider-Man post managed to fill 2 pages with replies.
23-08-2004, 10:16
Well, I know very little about the subject, but didn't Harry follow in his father's footsteps and become a villian named Hobgoblin in the comic? This is precisely how they set up the end of SM2.....
No, Harry Osbourne didn't become the Hobgoblin, he became the second Green Goblin. The Hobgoblin was another guy.
23-08-2004, 16:06
If the Green Goblin makes another appearence, hopefully he will so so with a different mask.
That green thing had 10 year olds halloween costume written all over it.