What's your REAL ethnicity?
I'm American, but I've recently found out that I am...
- Greek
- Turkish (Take THAT NWV!)
- Indian
- African
- Native Colombian
- Spaniard
heh, what're YOU?
To NWV or LOA: Shut up and never TG me. You know nothing of what I mean.
The Wisemen
22-08-2004, 10:26
I am American also... but I made made up of..
In order from most to least %....
- German
- Irish
- Native American
22-08-2004, 10:31
Also American...
- British
- Canadian
- Native American (Mohawk)
- Scottish (not sure)
- Possibly French, but not sure.
There are so many holes in my family tree, though. My family knows very little about its past. (We're really small too)
22-08-2004, 10:33
-German, British, Irish, Polish, Norweigan, Swedish, Dutch, American Indian.
In short, White heinze 57.
22-08-2004, 10:38
1/2 Italian
1/2 Scottish
22-08-2004, 10:39
I am Australian, blood from
English 80%
Scottish 15%
Swedish 4%
take your pick 1%
22-08-2004, 10:41
I'm ... (in order of predominance)
- Texan (Native Texan - Caddo)
- Jewish (Benjaminite)
- Irish (O'Reillagh)
- Saxon (de Wymondham)
- Cajun (Theriault)
It's good to be mixed. :)
World wide allies
22-08-2004, 10:43
- English, Dutch, Russian, Polish, A little bit German.
In short, European Jew.
Dragons Bay
22-08-2004, 10:52
completely Chinese, with a teeny bit of Japanese.
Arcadian Mists
22-08-2004, 10:57
22-08-2004, 10:58
But since I have lived in Britain all my life I consider my self British, and because I have lived in Manchester for the majority of my life I consider myself Mancunian.
My Mum still thinks of herself as Irish. But my Dad considers himself English, when he has come from a far more different culture (S. Africa).
My mum used to get annoyed with me when I jokingly said that I was a second generation immigrant.
22-08-2004, 10:59
22-08-2004, 11:00
But since I have lived in Britain all my life I consider my self British
That's why I call myself Texan when asked. I don't like to call myself American. Not because nobody like Americans, but because of the culture thing ... Americans have none ... Texans do. ;)
I'm swedish descent, but since i have lived my whole life in finland, i just prefer to call my self finnish.
22-08-2004, 11:03
That's why I call myself Texan when asked. I don't like to call myself American. Not because nobody like Americans, but because of the culture thing ... Americans have none ... Texans do. ;)
Similar thing here, as I call myself Sicilian, not Italian.
22-08-2004, 11:05
Myself and my family back to one of my great grandparents and most and one of my grandparents at least were born in New Zealand.
Before that they were from Scotland mostly, (isle of skye to be spacific) and from england.
22-08-2004, 11:05
Similar thing here, as I call myself Sicilian, not Italian.
How come it sounds better when you say that then when I say I prefer being Mancunian then British.
Could just be my perspective.
22-08-2004, 11:07
Irish 100% that i know of.
Dragons Bay
22-08-2004, 11:09
i'm a permanent resident of hong kong sar with a british passport, born in the crown colony of hong kong and ethnic han chinese.
what am i?
22-08-2004, 11:09
Similar thing here, as I call myself Sicilian, not Italian.
My wife is Sicilian/Scottish. :)
22-08-2004, 11:12
How come it sounds better when you say that then when I say I prefer being Mancunian then British.
Could just be my perspective.
Must be perspective, other than the fact that I have no idea what Mancunian is, sorry.
Kervulia: cool, is she a good cook? :D I'm picturing some nice Penne all'Arrabiata with a side of Hagus.
22-08-2004, 11:15
Similar thing here, as I call myself Sicilian, not Italian.
Provengo da Napoli.
22-08-2004, 11:17
Provengo da Napoli.
Cool, for some strange reason I thought you were asian. Must have something to do with your nation name...
22-08-2004, 11:18
Kervulia: cool, is she a good cook? :D I'm picturing some nice Penne all'Arrabiata with a side of Hagus.
Lol! Surprisingly, no. I've actually had to teach her how to cook.
Although, I'm Cajun ... cooking comes naturally to us. :D
22-08-2004, 11:23
Must be perspective, other than the fact that I have no idea what Mancunian is, sorry.
Someone from Manchester, UK.
For some reason, anyone who says sounds like a bitter and gobby Northerner.
German some of my ancients from parts of germany that today is poland
22-08-2004, 11:25
1/2 polish
1/2 tschech
22-08-2004, 11:26
In New Zealand every one is usually so mixed it's hard to trace, so everyones just a Kiwi.
British, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Sweedish, Australian(which probably means something else), German and Maori
22-08-2004, 11:28
My father's Greek, from Lymnos, but grew up in Egypt; My mother's all English as far as I know. I've spent my whole life in England but don't really consider myself an Englishman. I spent my early years in a very cosmopolitan environment, with a particularly stong Greek influence, & I absorbed the Greek emotive ways much more than the English.
22-08-2004, 11:28
Sicilian really is hard to define though.
I am most likely greek from ancient times, as Sicily had more Greeks than Greece ever did. Although I think I have some viking blood in me. I get some Red Beard hairs.
22-08-2004, 11:28
Cool, for some strange reason I thought you were asian. Must have something to do with your nation name...
Haha, no, I am a third-generation Italian/Scottish-American. The name "Sdaeriji" is the careful refinement of a bashing of my keyboard.
22-08-2004, 11:30
Sicilian really is hard to define though.
I am most likely greek from ancient times, as Sicily had more Greeks than Greece ever did. Although I think I have some viking blood in me. I get some Red Beard hairs.
Alot of Southern Italy is like that. I wouldn't doubt if I had Greek blood in me, too.
I have red beard hairs, too. Weird.
22-08-2004, 11:32
Haha, no, I am a third-generation Italian/Scottish-American. The name "Sdaeriji" is the careful refinement of a bashing of my keyboard.
heh, I see.
My father was born in Agrigento (http://www.agrigento-sicilia.it/), hence the name.
22-08-2004, 11:33
I have heard that some Berbers (Morroco) are as white & blond as your stereotypical Norseman. Also the ancient Phonecians were typically portrayed as having red hair & they were Mediteranean.
22-08-2004, 11:36
The whole area is a melting pot more or less. Sicily alone has been conquered by many, many other places, including but not limited to:
Greeks, Carthiginians, Romans, Moors, Norman Knights, and Viking Raiders, most notably Harald Hardrada of Northern English fame.
22-08-2004, 11:40
heh, I see.
My father was born in Agrigento (http://www.agrigento-sicilia.it/), hence the name.
Near Palermo, cool. I want to go to Sicily sometime.
Corona Luminai
22-08-2004, 11:41
I'm American, born and bred. But I'm also:
Chinese (50%)
black (25%)
white (25%)
A lot of people think I look Filipino or Hispanic, though. Some think I look half white and half Japanese; others think I look Korean or Native American.
22-08-2004, 11:44
Near Palermo, cool. I want to go to Sicily sometime.
My mother is from Palermo proper. Sicily is a beautiful place, though. It has pretty much everything. Beautiful beaches on the Med, Mountains and hills, and Tropical weather. First time I ever saw a palm tree.
The view from at top Mount Pellegrino is breath-taking. Looking down on Palermo in a bowl of mountains, right on the sea.... :)
Aussie, but Celtic ethnicity.
-Scottish (MacBeth Clan)
-plus a little bit of English, which is where I got the thrice-damned lily-white skin.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 11:59
Also American...
- British
- Canadian
- Native American (Mohawk)
- Scottish (not sure)
- Possibly French, but not sure.
There are so many holes in my family tree, though. My family knows very little about its past. (We're really small too)
Scottish is British, even if they won't want to tell you that.
Anyway, I'm:
96.875% English
3.125% Scottish
And it's possible a tiny amount of that 97% could be something else, but ethnically I come under "white British" :rolleyes: I'm not fond of the label "white" - I'm not "white", I'm English/British. I've lived and grown up in England all my life though, so I consider myself English before British, but essentially I am both (English is a British ethnicity anyway).
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 12:00
Aussie, but Celtic ethnicity.
-Scottish (MacBeth Clan)
-plus a little bit of English, which is where I got the thrice-damned lily-white skin.
Hmmm, you're a real Celtic snob aren't you?
High Fulfilment
22-08-2004, 12:06
Scottish is British, even if they won't want to tell you that.
Anyway, I'm:
96.875% English
3.125% Scottish
And it's possible a tiny amount of that 97% could be something else, but ethnically I come under "white British" :rolleyes: I'm not fond of the label "white" - I'm not "white", I'm English/British. I've lived and grown up in England all my life though, so I consider myself English before British, but essentially I am both (English is a British ethnicity anyway).
British nationality. Your ethnicity is your blood line i.e. English
Hmmm, you're a real Celtic snob aren't you?
Well, I'm certainly not Saxon, Nordic or Norman, the other main influences on British ethnicity.
Besides, most of the peoples I listed were fighting each other for millenia, so I'd prefer not to insult any of them by leaving them out.
22-08-2004, 12:14
Well, I'm certainly not Saxon, Nordic or Norman, the other main influences on British ethnicity.
Besides, most of the peoples I listed were fighting each other for millenia, so I'd prefer not to insult any of them by leaving them out.
MacBeth clan, thats cool. I always found the clan system interesting.
High Fulfilment
22-08-2004, 12:18
Being British is such a wide-ranging term. I prefer to narrow it down to being Scottish. It's far more comfortable.
I'm 100% Portuguese, but looking at some members of my family I say I've a bit of British, or German origin (blonds with blue eyes).
22-08-2004, 13:27
I´m German. Parts of my ancestors belonged to the German (Austrian - Czech belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian empire before 1918) minority in Czechoslovakia (at that time: today Czech Republic: Prague). And they mixed with the czech over there. My grandmother had a czech name before she married a polish jew.
So technically spoken I´m probably:
62,5% German
25% Jewish (polish)
12,5% Czech
But it is fair to say that I´m more or less "100%" German since I grew up here and I´m living here and I don´t had much personal contact to my ancestors since they unfortunately died shortly before and after I was born.
And I only speak German and English.
Zrabatz and Bruketo
22-08-2004, 13:35
I'm an American though I live in Sweden (ja).
Blood is divided like-a this:
German 50%
Italien(sicilian) 25%
Swedish(skåne) 25%
Horray for race mixing :sniper:
22-08-2004, 13:43
Italian, with some austrian ancestors, but living in China
Almighty Kerenor
22-08-2004, 13:45
I'm Israeli.
originally, I think it's, er...
22-08-2004, 14:00
I'm 100% Singaporean, and I'm proud of it. :) Although my ancestors did come from China...but I kinda have a problem with China now, so...yea.
No offense to any PRC nationals who may come across my post. :D
The best way to sum it all up: I'm 100% Human, not hoidrag-ian (keyboard bashing, lol!), or whatever hogwash, and I'm proud of it :D
Cheesy custard
22-08-2004, 14:37
87 1/2 % English
12 1/2 % Irish(Shhh dont tell anyone). ;)
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
22-08-2004, 14:45
As far as I know I’m of mostly German decent. I even know that my ancestors used to be wolf trappers somewhere in the south west area of Germany. Anything beyond that I have no idea. Except for the fact that I hate most German ethnic food.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 14:45
British nationality. Your ethnicity is your blood line i.e. English
Well seeing as I have 1/32 Scottish blood, that makes me a mix of two British ethnicities - therefore I am overall British by ethnicity though mostly English. Also, I don't like using the term "British" soully for nationality - I fail to see what's so British about an asian who claims allegiance to Pakistan and likes the idea of terror attacks in Britain.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 14:48
As far as I know I’m of mostly German decent. I even know that my ancestors used to be wolf trappers somewhere in the south west area of Germany. Anything beyond that I have no idea. Except for the fact that I hate most German ethnic food.
I couldn't interest you in just a little bit of saur kraut then? ;)
I am ethnically:
...in about that order of strength.
(Notice something? They're the most alcoholic countries in the world :-/ )
Baby Harp Seals
22-08-2004, 14:51
US born
I live in England
My bloodline is Slovakian, English, & a teeny bit French
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
22-08-2004, 15:00
I couldn't interest you in just a little bit of saur kraut then? ;)
AMERICAN.......FRENCH/CANADIAN.......IRISH.......ENGLISH........ Question..Why on almost post their is and "I don't like Americans theme" What is wrong with all of u? Their is hardly a country in the world that America has not helped finacially or whatever. Read your history books and get back to me.
22-08-2004, 15:08
I'm mostly Mexican with a little bit of Eastern European countries mixed in.
22-08-2004, 15:13
Anything beyond that I have no idea. Except for the fact that I hate most German ethnic food.
I don´t like it so much as well. Well, except the sausages of course. Everything has an end only the sausage has two, hehe; like the Frankfurter or the Thuringia small saugages. As a Frankfurter I of course prefer the Frankfurter small sausage.
Anyway: I don´t care much about food. Italian food is good, though. And chinese food, balcanic food and even a bit of fast food.
But English food is really bad. Well, except fish and chips.
Tuesday Heights
22-08-2004, 15:24
Well, let's see, I'm Native American (Cherokee, to be exact, 1/4), British (1/2), and German (1/4).
22-08-2004, 15:30
I consider myself British, I was born in England, but 3 out of my 4 grandparents were Protestant Northern Irish, the other grandparent English. Due to the Ulster part of my family I reckon theres some Scottish and probably some Dutch in there too, as there was a lot of Scottish and Dutch immigration to Northern Ireland. If anyone asks, I'm 3/4 Ulsterman, 1/4 Englishman.
Also, I don't like using the term "British" soully for nationality - I fail to see what's so British about an asian who claims allegiance to Pakistan and likes the idea of terror attacks in Britain.
Nationality is (if you are a 'nationalist') where your loyalties lie, not where you were born. Just because you happen to be born in Britain doesn't make you British.
22-08-2004, 15:40
Nationality is (if you are a 'nationalist') where your loyalties lie, not where you were born. Just because you happen to be born in Britain doesn't make you British.
Well: There we would come to the principal of citizenship law:
- ius soli (right of the ground - child automatically gets the citizenship of the country he/she is born in like in France, Britain and even more in the US) or
- ius sanguinis (right of the blood - citizenship of the child depens on the citizenship of the parents - like in Israel or (however since 2000 with some ius soli elements in it) in Germany)
Two legal concepts behind.
Appliance for citizenship is a different thing (however is of course possible with both systems - though the automatic mechanism in getting citizenship is different.)
22-08-2004, 16:03
Im apparently Scottish, English and Welsh....all I need is some Irish and I have the whole shabang.
Although I've probably drank enough Guinness in my time that I'm probably 4.3% Irish
22-08-2004, 16:15
i'm a permanent resident of hong kong sar with a british passport, born in the crown colony of hong kong and ethnic han chinese.
what am i?
how did you get a british passport? i understood that very few hongkong residents were allowed to get british passports before the hand-over.
ethnicity is hard to decide eh? its not really genetic. am i ethnically lithuanian because my mothers parents both came from there? i have never been in lithuania, cant speak even a single word, keep no lithuanian traditions.
i can say that i have lithuanian ancestors, plus canadian, native canadian, english, and who knows what other mishmash from over the many years that ashmores have lived in the new world.
i call myself ANGLO if anyone asks my ethnicity. i like the term very much since it its almost utterly meaningless beyond "shes mostly white and grew up speaking english"
22-08-2004, 16:22
I'm American, but I've recently found out that I am...
- Greek
- Turkish (Take THAT NWV!)
- Indian
- Native Colombian
- Spaniard
heh, what're YOU?
WOW!!! We share part of the same background, except I'm Canadian!
25% Greek
25% Turkish --> TAKE THAT NWV!! :D (to quote Colodia)
(this applies to my mom's side of the family; she's 50% Greek, 50% Turkish)
25% Welsh
12.5% Irish
6.25% Scottish
6.25% English
(this applies to my dad's side of the family; but, I have stronger Welsh blood from this side).
Canadian bacon:
22-08-2004, 16:57
American Sausage
Finn, and freaking proud of it!
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 17:01
I don´t like it so much as well. Well, except the sausages of course. Everything has an end only the sausage has two, hehe; like the Frankfurter or the Thuringia small saugages. As a Frankfurter I of course prefer the Frankfurter small sausage.
Anyway: I don´t care much about food. Italian food is good, though. And chinese food, balcanic food and even a bit of fast food.
But English food is really bad. Well, except fish and chips.
What the hell is wrong with English food? Why does everyone have something against English cuisine? There's nothing wrong with it; I'm sorry if it doesn't have enough garlic or pondlife on it for your liking.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 17:02
WOW!!! We share part of the same background, except I'm Canadian!
- Greek
- Turkish --> TAKE THAT NWV!! :D (to quote Colodia)
(this applies to my mom's side of the family; she's 1/2 Greek, 1/2 Turkish)
- Irish
- Welsh
- Scottish
- English
(this applies to my dad's side of the family; but, I have stronger Welsh blood from this side).
Greek and Turkish... ouch, I bet you're always beating yourself up. :D
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 17:04
i call myself ANGLO if anyone asks my ethnicity. i like the term very much since it its almost utterly meaningless beyond "shes mostly white and grew up speaking english"
You cheeky bugger. You've obviously never been to England.
Knight Of The Round
22-08-2004, 17:05
american: German, French, Irish, English, Polish, Belgium and Cherokee
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 17:06
Nationality is (if you are a 'nationalist') where your loyalties lie, not where you were born. Just because you happen to be born in Britain doesn't make you British.
Too bloody right. Let me shake your hand! Uh, wait, I'd better wash it first.
Catholic Europe
22-08-2004, 17:06
I am three quarters English and a quarter Italian (that's how I'm Catholic as no true English person in the UK is Catholic, unless they converted. All Catholics in Britain are immigrants or descendants of immigrants).
22-08-2004, 17:08
But in order to most to least percent I am...
Native American
^I beleive thats all...I mightve missed one
22-08-2004, 17:12
Well my ancestors that moved here in the 1820s were English and Irish. So I am all white.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 17:17
I am three quarters English and a quarter Italian (that's how I'm Catholic as no true English person in the UK is Catholic, unless they converted. All Catholics in Britain are immigrants or descendants of immigrants).
Actually, there have been quite a few Catholic communities scattered about the country - for example, for a long while parts of Yorkshire remained dominantly Catholic (henceforth Guy Fawkes was from York). Similarly, I believe some parts of the Highlands have retained their Catholic identity.
Catholic Europe
22-08-2004, 17:23
Actually, there have been quite a few Catholic communities scattered about the country - for example, for a long while parts of Yorkshire remained dominantly Catholic (henceforth Guy Fawkes was from York). Similarly, I believe some parts of the Highlands have retained their Catholic identity.
Firstly, Guy Fwakes was from a period when England had barely been Protestant for 80 or so years...you can hardly use that to talk about Catholics in Britain today.
Secondly, the highlands are the fringes and a very small minority...if they are Catholic at all.
The fact of the matter is this, most Catholics in Britain are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.
Orders of Crusaders
22-08-2004, 17:27
I'm Irish, and I'm:
2/3 Irish
1/3 Scottish on my mother's side(she's a half Irish half Scottish)
Holy hell, a lot you yankees got Irish in your blood...
22-08-2004, 17:33
You cheeky bugger. You've obviously never been to England.
its a new mexico thing
we have 4 fairly meaningless categories here
they are broad categories that have so many different ethnicities in them that it renders them almost meaningless. (how else could you dare lump zuni and apache together?)
i have ancestors from many different countries but i am culturally utterly american. so if pressed i call myself anglo (or angla if im being very correct that day)
Purly Euclid
22-08-2004, 17:42
I'm American with a half-and-half combination. I'm 50% Italian, 50% Lebanese. Specifically:
25% of my family is from Rio Monte in Sicily
12.5% of my family is from south-central Italy, specifically Frizenone
12.5% is a mixture of Italian, German, and French, from the Valle d'Aosta
25% of my family were Maronite Christians in Lebanon
25% were Arabs
And perhaps I have a little Crusader blood in me :).
Purly Euclid
22-08-2004, 17:44
Similar thing here, as I call myself Sicilian, not Italian.
That's because we Sicilians are better than our oppressors on the mainland :D.
The Milesian Technate
22-08-2004, 17:47
100% Irish.
New Foxxinnia
22-08-2004, 17:50
The only thing I know about my maternal side of my family is that they've been living in America from hundreds of years. So I just say I'm American.
On my paternal side I'm Swedish-Russian-Danish-Dutch-Polish-German. So...yeah...But I'm mostly Swedish.
22-08-2004, 17:54
Don't know mine exactly.
Interestingly, it's not unusual for members of my paternal side to tend towards darker, hard to burn skin and I have an odd birthmark which looks exactly like a normal bit of skin apart from the fact it's the wrong colour (think Punjabi colour).
West - Europa
22-08-2004, 17:56
With a tad of French if you go back far enough. Makes sense, since it's near the border, and part of Flanders was stolen by France some centuries ago.
22-08-2004, 18:02
I'm Arkansan, and that's an ethnicity all to itself.
But seriously, I'm English/Irish/Scottish/Welch/Cherokee. In other words, I'm mostly just WHITE, though I tan easily and have a genetic predisposition towards having really good aim.
Greater Dalaran
22-08-2004, 18:11
As far back as i can go (several Hundred years) ive found out im 100% British
22-08-2004, 18:11
AMERICAN.......FRENCH/CANADIAN.......IRISH.......ENGLISH........ Question..Why on almost post their is and "I don't like Americans theme" What is wrong with all of u? Their is hardly a country in the world that America has not helped finacially or whatever. Read your history books and get back to me.
:) Your post is mostly off-topic, dear Lady.
22-08-2004, 18:13
22-08-2004, 18:14
As far back as i can go (several Hundred years) ive found out im 100% British
Which means you can be traced back to Gallic, Celtic, Scandinavian, Italian and Germanic influences.
A Dead Cat
22-08-2004, 18:17
I'm Canadian.
Jimbobway Islands
22-08-2004, 18:17
I am American.
63% German
20% Shawnee (native American- the original Americans)
11% Dutch
6% Irish
Yes, No French in my blood.
Getin Hi
22-08-2004, 18:20
50% Lancashire
50% Derbyshire
100% boring Anglo-Saxon who can't tan properly...
22-08-2004, 18:22
New Yorker. ;)
Ok, ok -- American.
My ancestors came from Sicily (Palermo and Messina) and from Puerto Rico (Ponce and San Juan). And I'd like to thank my family for never thinking to teach me either Italian or Spanish ......
People absolutely refuse to believe that I trace my ancestry from either, however... I apparently don't "look" it -- which led to an amusing incident in which a friend's mother announced whilst I was at dinner with them that she would NEVER have a Puerto Rican in her house... she was mortified when her daughter replied, "Really? Kat's one... and she's housebroken and everything. Knows how to use silverware too."
That was... shall we say... an interesting meal. :)
All cool though -- we've all been spending holidays together for twenty years now.
22-08-2004, 18:23
-Venetian 90%
-Russian 10%
Orders of Crusaders
22-08-2004, 18:25
Good point, Brutanion. So if I go back even more, I'd be Celtic all the way! So, 100% Celtic:D
22-08-2004, 18:25
Malay, Javanese & 1/4 Chinese
22-08-2004, 18:30
Good point, Brutanion. So if I go back even more, I'd be Celtic all the way! So, 100% Celtic:D
I'll go back even further: I'm North African. :D
22-08-2004, 18:36
Irish. We came to the New World from Ireland, married other Irish immigrants (with the occasional Scot thrown in for color) and had lots of little American- Irish babies who, upon reaching adulthood, married other American-Irish adults.
At one time, it was alleged that there was a French woman involved as well, but this has never been confirmed or, indeed, denied.
New Kanteletar
22-08-2004, 18:39
Lemme see:
- Canadian
- American
- English
- Scotish (Ross)
- Irish
- Dutch
- Spanish (I'm a white guy with nearly black hair)
- Swedish
22-08-2004, 18:39
For the last 300 years, 100% Finnish.
Orders of Crusaders
22-08-2004, 18:54
I'll back even further, I'm Ethiopian!(I think thats where they say the first humans emerged...)
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 19:00
Firstly, Guy Fwakes was from a period when England had barely been Protestant for 80 or so years...you can hardly use that to talk about Catholics in Britain today.
Secondly, the highlands are the fringes and a very small minority...if they are Catholic at all.
The fact of the matter is this, most Catholics in Britain are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.
Exactly. Most; yes - you said "all", which I hole-heartedly dispute. ;)
22-08-2004, 19:03
Exactly. Most; yes - you said "all", which I hole-heartedly dispute. ;)
Not really.
You forget that Catholicism simply went underground and there are still many 'native' Catholics.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 19:03
I'm Arkansan, and that's an ethnicity all to itself.
But seriously, I'm English/Irish/Scottish/Welch/Cherokee. In other words, I'm mostly just WHITE, though I tan easily and have a genetic predisposition towards having really good aim.
What have tanning easily and having a good aim got that is contrary to being white?
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 19:05
Not really.
You forget that Catholicism simply went underground and there are still many 'native' Catholics.
No, that's exactly the thing I'm not forgetting. Bloody hell, get me a pint, cigar - anything.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 19:06
I'm Canadian.
What's wrong with all you Americans??? (Yes, you are American. Canada is in North America ;))
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 19:08
50% Lancashire
50% Derbyshire
100% boring Anglo-Saxon who can't tan properly...
Tans, tans, tans... Is it our obsession with tea that's made our society this way? We drink tea enough to want to look tea-stained, or so it seems.
The Land of Glory
22-08-2004, 19:13
I'll back even further, I'm Ethiopian!(I think thats where they say the first humans emerged...)
It's a theory, not a theorem. And it shall remain that way for, probably, the rest of time.
Anyway, now my time to stop hogging the thread. *gives people breathing space*
Mame Land
22-08-2004, 19:19
I live in Massachusetts, USA, but my ethnicity is Irish and about 1% French.
22-08-2004, 19:25
In the 1970 census I was listed as 1/4 chinese.
22-08-2004, 19:48
American. White.
About half German, 1/8 French, 1/8 Irish, 1/16 Danish, plus English and Welsh (not sure how much), and a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny bit (less than 1%) Native American.
Suicidal Librarians
22-08-2004, 19:50
I am:
50% Polish
25% German
25% Heinz 57
22-08-2004, 19:52
75% Russian Slavic
25% Jewish
Lagrange 4
22-08-2004, 20:04
Just Finnish.
(Americans have it good with the genetic cocktail thing)
Bloody Loon
22-08-2004, 20:18
Well, I'm a mutt who happens to live in the US.
Not an exact idea of percentages but:
Native American
and probably some African since I come from the South.
Full-blooded Heinz 57 American here. ;)
Let's see...
Seminole, and..
and probably some African since I come from the South.Like my mama said, " small enough percentage of everything that you'd lose any of it if you cut your finger." :D
22-08-2004, 20:38
-Native mexican.
I'm American, but I've recently found out that I am...
- Greek
- Turkish (Take THAT NWV!)
- Indian
- African
- Native Colombian
- Spaniard
heh, what're YOU?
To NWV or LOA: Shut up and never TG me. You know nothing of what I mean.
23-08-2004, 03:28
My ancestors are all Swiss-German/Amish.
Playtime bunnies
23-08-2004, 12:44
Welsh, thats where I was born
Mum's English, through and through, as far as I know anyhows (which prob means there's all sorts of Eurpoean blood in there, the niumber of invasions England has seen!)
My father's from Mauritius, his grandfather (I think, maybe great grandfather?) was from India.
when it comes down to it, I'm British... mentally White...
23-08-2004, 13:29
I'm an American citizen. My ethnicity is, German, scotch-Irish, Native American(crow), English, and possibly Jewish. I love German food, except for ham since I've become a muslim, and polka music.
Mum's English, through and through, as far as I know anyhows (which prob means there's all sorts of Eurpoean blood in there, the niumber of invasions England has seen!)
Four (discluding current immigration), two of which were low-scale, you mean?
Comrade Staling salutes your mis-calculations and over-estimations!
1/8th Dutch (Zeeland) and some far-off French thrown in;
plus a specific type of monocellulars a bit further down the line.
Joseph Curwen
23-08-2004, 14:07
My Father is Mi'kmaq,
My Mother is Acadian.
23-08-2004, 14:20
1/4 Scottish
1/4 Iranian
1/4 Eastern European Jewish
1/4 French/Spanish/Mediterranean Jewish
100% Massachusetter (Is that the right adj.?)
Amor Fati
23-08-2004, 14:34
nationality: Belgian
ethnicity: ???
Belgium (or the territory later so named) has been Europe's doormat, invaded by just about everyone: France, Germany, Spain, etc. And if you go back even further back in history: the Celts, several Germanic tribes, etc. A real melting pot... You name it, we got it! :)
Amor Fati
23-08-2004, 14:37
Oh yeah, there a rumor in the family that my mother's side of the family descends from a bastard child of the feared Spanish Duke of Alva while he was in Flanders... I might have blue blood :)
23-08-2004, 14:40
For the record, I'm Australian (not Jewish)
1) Chinese
2) Thai? - Surname = Tai
3) 0.0000000000000000000000001% Jewish
23-08-2004, 14:45
I believe your nationality,etc. is all a state of mind.
anyway, I am British,
born in London,
but have no english blood.
I have Scottish,Greek,Irish & Austrian blood.
I consider myself British.
23-08-2004, 15:02
For the record, I'm Australian (not Jewish)
1) Chinese
2) Thai? - Surname = Tai
3) 0.0000000000000000000000001% Jewish
One jewish ancestor 83 generations back? How did that happen? And how is it that your family manages to remember it?
23-08-2004, 15:15
I am American, with 50% of my ancestors from Great Britain (my father's side of the family), 25% from Germany, and 25% from Finland (my mother's side of the family). The British half came to America in the early 1700's; the German and Finn parts came here in the early 1900's. My grandfather on that side was born in Germany, and my grandmother in Finland. They settled in Oregon in the 19-teen's. Many of my ancestors on my father's side fought in the American Civil War, all of them on the Union side.
Lower Aquatica
23-08-2004, 15:49
Predominantly English, a few shots of Irish, a Polish-great-grandmother, and a Canadian grandmother.
Then, if you want to get into specifics, I am distantly related to an 1800's end-times prophet, and related by marriage to Gen. Tom Thumb. :cool:
23-08-2004, 16:00
United States, born in Cleveland, Ohio and lived in the area the first 25 years of my life.
as far as roots: Father's family was Slovak via Vojvodina (now in Serbia), mother's was Polish.
23-08-2004, 16:11
United States, born in Cleveland, Ohio and lived in the area the first 25 years of my life.
as far as roots: Father's family was Slovak via Vojvodina (now in Serbia), mother's was Polish.
Also born in Cleveland and lived there for the first four years of my life.
Dragons Bay
23-08-2004, 16:33
I have finally completely politically identified myself for once.
1. I am a Chinese national and enjoy protection of any Chinese embassy and consulate in the world.
2. I am a permanent resident of HKSAR of the PR China. My children and I have the right to live in Hong Kong, and enjoy civil rights such as the right to vote and the right to work.
3. I can travel freely to anywhere in China with a simple entry card. But I do not enjoy the right to vote or the right to work or the right to join the military in China.
4. I am also a British national who enjoys the rights of protection by any British embassy and consulate in the world except in China and HKSAR.
My goodness. My identity should be the most complicated in the world...
23-08-2004, 16:53
What the hell is wrong with English food? Why does everyone have something against English cuisine? There's nothing wrong with it; I'm sorry if it doesn't have enough garlic or pondlife on it for your liking.
Where shall I start? Those strange sauces for example, bah. Those beans .... Well: mostly I was able to eat it though. I try to be friendly. You know: "In Rome do as the Romans do." - But it is sometimes really difficult. So I rather preferred to go to Mc Donalds in England or tried to get some "European food". Sorry.
I don´t like your "bread". That is also a problem in the US. It is too soft. I need something to bite at, so real bread not white bread.
Well: ok- It was not that worse as I pointed out but the reputation of English cuisine has its reasons behind it.
There is a joke about Europe:
"The Brits are the best cooks, the Italians are the most punctual, the French are the most modest and the Germans are the most humorous." - hehehe.
23-08-2004, 17:05
For the most part, I am Chinese, but something else must be mixed in as well, because I don't "look" Chinese. (I have deep-set eyes and "Turkish eyebrows") I've been told I look Uighur (A Turkic ethnic minority group in China), Korean, Portuguese, and even Iranian; so I'm probably part Turkic/Central Asian or part Persian.
50% Irish
49% Italian
1% Russian, Polish
At least that's what my parents tell me.
Daistallia 2104
23-08-2004, 18:42
completely Chinese, with a teeny bit of Japanese.
You've got my curiosity! How close of a kinship relation? And, if you don't mind my nosiness, how do you feel about that, considering the serious animosity you've expressed against the Japanese?
Daistallia 2104
23-08-2004, 18:48
Maternal: mostly English-American (Talbot), certainly some Scottish and French, probably a fair bit of other ethnicities....
Paternal: unclear - My father is supposed to be 50% Cherokee and 50% unknown. He was the result of a rape, and his paternal ethnicity is unknown. He was raised by Scot-Irish Americans.
In other words, 100% pure USAian mutt! (and damned proud of it! :D)
23-08-2004, 18:50
In approximate percentage order:
Canadian by birth.
French (French Canadian): 55%
British (including Scotish and Irish roots): 30%
Random European nations, some Native American: 15%
To be more clear:
Mother: English, French, German, Wampanoag, Irish, Australian, Polish
Father: Spanish, Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican
Onion Pirates
23-08-2004, 19:12
Scots 39%
Irish 39%
Welsh 19%
Native American 03%
Not one dirrrty drrrop of Anglo Saxon blood.
The Uber-Furher
23-08-2004, 19:52
Fuck if I know what I am!
The Cherokee hardly counts though, it's there for flash.
My mother's side is very mysterious. We have tons of Puritan ancestors, apparantly, who have passed down to us an old family Bible (then she converted to Judaism) and a holy recipie for fried chicken. We've yet to find out where it is.
23-08-2004, 19:55
Greek and Turkish... ouch, I bet you're always beating yourself up. :D
What? no snide remarks about the mix of English, Scottish and Irish blood? (yes, I left Welsh out...since they are just there ;))
23-08-2004, 19:56
I am American/Canadian.
My Ethnicity breaks down to:
50% Welsh
25% Polish
25% Russian
Cheesy custard
23-08-2004, 20:12
Where shall I start? Those strange sauces for example, bah. Those beans .... Well: mostly I was able to eat it though. I try to be friendly. You know: "In Rome do as the Romans do." - But it is sometimes really difficult. So I rather preferred to go to Mc Donalds in England or tried to get some "European food". Sorry.
I don´t like your "bread". That is also a problem in the US. It is too soft. I need something to bite at, so real bread not white bread.
Hey we invented custard.Anyway the nancy boys of Europe did all the cooking(French/Italians/Spanish)while the anglo saxons invented every major item in the world for several centuries and ruled the biggest empire the world had ever seen.Its in our blood to conquer.Look at the germans and now america led by anglo saxon ancestry(Bush,Herman Rumsfeld)are at it again.
Mcdonalds?food?,wow thats something the US has reason to be proud of!
P.S.I think we invented apple pie first!
Jester III
23-08-2004, 20:14
& Russian
are traceable within the last generations.
It kind of gets lost a few generations before, but since nearly everyone rampaged through middle-europe once i wouldnt wonder about a few more.
Irish, German, Belgin, and Serbian.
23-08-2004, 21:16
Wow...a lot of mixed blood here. :D
Jimbobway Islands
24-08-2004, 04:01
God bless all of you that are German.
Allied Alliances
24-08-2004, 04:46
60% German
20% Norwegian
10% English
5% Scottish
5% Irish
50% Irish
49% Italian
1% Russian, Polish
At least that's what my parents tell me.
wow, in order to be 1% of something, you gotta be the relative of someone who hung out with Jesus!
24-08-2004, 05:05
-Black Dominican
-Hispanic Dominican
-Maronite Lebanese
24-08-2004, 05:15
Scottish (Bhill Farr cross), Irish, English,German,NA=American
Thule Reich
24-08-2004, 05:55
I'm brazilian, made up of German (Hentzy); Swiss (Stellet); and Italian (Rufino).
Siegen für Deustchland!
24-08-2004, 05:58
english, scottish, IRISH, french, canadian, native american. i think that's it.
I've been tracing my family tree for over seven years, so all this stuff is quite familiar to me:
Nationality: 3rd generation American (on one side, 4th).
Ethnicity (to get the proportions, I looked at the nationalities 16 g.g.grandparents):
1/2 Polish
1/4 Lithuanian
1/8 Hungarian
1/8 Ukrainian
And, as far as I can trace, 100% Jewish.
I guess this shows the problem with "ethnicity"- in my case, "Polish" isn't really accurate, since it's not like my ancestors were really "Poles"- particularly not during the period when they lived there. They're really just "Jews from what is now Poland/Lithiania, Ukraine", etc...
But, whatever. Ethncity is Ashkenazi, the nationalities of my ancestors are as given above.
(Oh, and I have relatives on almost every continent.)
24-08-2004, 09:55
But I still put Native American when it's a multiple choice, because I was born here as much as anyone else. Ok, so it's mostly because I'm an asshole...
Cyber Duck
24-08-2004, 10:28
Let me see...
and a little bit of english
But unlike some people seem to think, I DON'T have a posh british accent.
Universalist Totality
24-08-2004, 10:31
1/2 Polish, 1/2 German.
Dragons Bay
24-08-2004, 10:37
You've got my curiosity! How close of a kinship relation? And, if you don't mind my nosiness, how do you feel about that, considering the serious animosity you've expressed against the Japanese?
i think some great-grandfather of mine married a Japanese woman or something. i don't despise the people, i simply disagree with their apparent lack of historical responsibility and increasing imperialism by certain members of their society and government. i'm quite okay with Japanese culture - and i'm planning to learn the Japanese language. me hate the Japanese? no no.
Hmm... still the only one to identify Manx or Cornish among my ancestors.
And before people ask, Cornwall is not part of England.
But I still put Native American when it's a multiple choice, because I was born here as much as anyone else. Ok, so it's mostly because I'm an asshole...
Sometimes I check white and then write in "Jewish". Just to be unique.
Hmm... still the only one to identify Manx or Cornish among my ancestors.
And before people ask, Cornwall is not part of England.
Hmm. According to this: http://grandtour.4t.com/cornwall.jpg, it looks like it's the UK's penis.
Kind of like Florida. :)
24-08-2004, 10:45
English 1/4
irish 1/4
some bits of
i am what happens when england unites
24-08-2004, 10:46
are you english
cornwall is england
and kent is the arse
Gran Breton
24-08-2004, 10:57
Just for our old colonial cousins;
British consists of English, Scottish, Welsh and North Irish (used to be all of Ireland).
So I'm British as I was born in England, as were my parents, by my Maternal side are from Wales and my Paternal from Ireland and I've lived in England, Wales and Scotland.
I'm totally English...how depressing. Although I guess I'm half yorkshirian (is that a word?) and half southerner...
I blame my heritage on the fact that I never get a tan and just BURN! lol, damn English blood. I wish I was more 'interesting'
Meh. Regardless of what people are saying about Cornwall (which, I repeat, is not England), I still am the only one to admit to Manx blood. And there is no way you could say that the Isle of Man is part of another country.
I've also got Breton, as well.
24-08-2004, 11:16
Hmm... still the only one to identify Manx or Cornish among my ancestors.
And before people ask, Cornwall is not part of England.
Enn wake up. Cornwall will never achieve devolution- there is no point to it. If it were to do so, then why not everywhere else? I would love to see Cornwall survive as an independent nation- you would be bankrupted immediately.
People in Scotland and Wales call for independence- what they dont realise is that most English people would love that! The people of those nations contribute barely anything to taxes (when about 80% of GBR pop. is English, you see why), yet they receive a massive proportion of our investment.
Also, Labour's Scottish MP's (not MSP's before someone tries to be clever) voted for the highly controversial Top-up fees, allowing the legislation to pass with a majority of 5. If they had done the honourable thing like the Lib Dem and Tory MP's representing Scotland had done (i.e. abstained from voting because the legislation only applies to England and Wales) then this would not have passed.
Also, in the Government (not every single MP, but the 100 or so who receive a ministerial job), there are dozens (hyperbole but shhhhhhh) of Scottish people- the Health Secretary, loads of Ministers without portfolio, even the Chancellor! Far more than their population's worth of Scottish people are in this Government.
As for the point of the forum, I am 75% English and 25% Greek (my Grandma on my mothers side is Greek)- I have lived in England for my entire life, but consider myself British, not English.
24-08-2004, 18:27
1/2 Japanese
1/4 Eastern European "Jew" (from the Ukraine, I think)
1/4 Anglo-Saxon (I suspect with some Frankish blood too, because the lastof this section of the family is Dashiel)
24-08-2004, 18:30
- Native Colombian
Awesome I'm Colombian too!
24-08-2004, 18:33
Mostly English, Scottish, Irish and then French. I don't know what the order for the first three are, but I think it's mostly English or Scottish, and French might be more than Irish. I am a Canadian citizen though, born and raised.
24-08-2004, 18:33
I'm mostly Greek, but I've also got some English, German, and Hungarian in me.
24-08-2004, 18:35
In order (Most to least %)
Bohemian (Yeah, Bohemian. Got a problem with that?)
24-08-2004, 19:46
Aryan Supremacy
24-08-2004, 20:14
Im pure British, although i still prefer to call myself English.
5/8 English
1/8 Scottish
1/4 American
Although my American blood comes from British Americans (mixed Welsh-English as far as i can ascertain).
Fury Feet
24-08-2004, 20:23
Im rastafarian! So come on down and ill sell you some ganga mon!
Little Ossipee
24-08-2004, 20:24
Irish, German and Native American.
The poor, the beer brewers, and the beer consumers.
I'm genetically drunk.
Ersatz Absurdity
24-08-2004, 20:35
I'm all human.
25-08-2004, 15:32
Hey we invented custard.Anyway the nancy boys of Europe did all the cooking(French/Italians/Spanish)while the anglo saxons invented every major item in the world for several centuries and ruled the biggest empire the world had ever seen.Its in our blood to conquer.Look at the germans and now america led by anglo saxon ancestry(Bush,Herman Rumsfeld)are at it again.!
I would be interested how you define the world anglo-saxon? We you use it when we speak about Britain and the US (both English speaking). Their are also other germanic (meaning countries of the Northern European language family - English, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Denish, German, e.g.) countries.
Well: If you really look back into history you see that the romanic countries also had their empires: Romans (Italy), Spaniards, French. So a bit of expansionism seems to be the case in the history of any nation.
Britain and France rivaled during the 18 th and 19 th century (before the Entente was formed) about colonies. There were even some wars overseas like about Canada (Quebec) or the french support for 13 british colonies who wanted to seek independence (the US). And during Napoleon they even dominated all of Europe and even tried to invade Britain (via a tunnel)- which however ended with his defeat in Moscow (1812/13) and the rebellion of Prussia and Austria against him - thus awakening German nationalism. And that was finally leading to the unification of Germany under Prussian leadership in 1871 after more than two centuries of divisions following the reformation and finally the 30 year-war (1618-48) between the Holy Alliance (Spain, Austria, Pope) and the mainly protestant alliance (England, Sweden and France (although catholic)).
After 1648 till 1815 France was actually the dominating power on the European continent and French the "lingua franca" (before it was Latin). That continued till the end of the 19 th century. However overseas it was English and since the the end of World War II English is more and more talking that place.
Even more since the collapse of the USSR, which after all was 22 million square kilometers big - and Russia before 1918 was even bigger actually.
Mcdonalds?food?,wow thats something the US has reason to be proud of!!
Well: it is something they really invented themself. And it is popular around the world. Even in France and China by the way. The rest was imported after all! Well: they can also be proud of their delicious turkey and other things of course like the American Revolution.
P.S.I think we invented apple pie first!
Maybe. But probably not apple juice. At least "Appelwoi" (apple wine) is not your invention - well: that is actually a regional drink in the area around Frankfurt in Hesse, Germany.
Nationalist Hungary
25-08-2004, 16:18
I was born in Ukraine but shortly after i left and went to live in Vienna for like 2-3 years and now i live in America ethnicly i would consider my self to be Russian but half of my family has german ancestry(which is irrelevent since they had been officially "Russianized" since they lived in the former USSR their whole lives)
25-08-2004, 16:28
I was born in Ukraine but shortly after i left and went to live in Vienna for like 2-3 years and now i live in America ethnicly i would consider my self to be Russian but half of my family has german ancestry(which is irrelevent since they had been officially "Russianized" since they lived in the former USSR their whole lives)
You would probably be able to apply for german citizenship since Germany follows ius sanguinis (right of the blood). But I think they today require a language test first.
Well, anyway: many people have mixed ancestry. I as well.
25-08-2004, 16:32
-25% english
-25% welsh
-50% spanish (catalan + andaluce)
Going further back, as well,
The Naro Alen
25-08-2004, 17:05
American here
Russian Jew
I think some Brazilian Portugese too.
01-09-2004, 09:56
Native American
Probably other stuff too, but in practically insignificant amounts
Clan HunHill
01-09-2004, 10:29
Western and Northern Europe.
And one, single Gyspie woman about 100 years ago.
Though, in Quebec (where I'm from, live in Ontario now) I'm referred to as an Anglaphone, for those of you who know what that is.
01-09-2004, 10:38
Scottish. Not British or English, Scottish.
01-09-2004, 10:51
I'm fully Welsh for 8 generations or more, which means I've probably got a bit of viking, some celtic, gallic and angle blood in me.
01-09-2004, 11:04
I am able to trace my family on my dads side back nearly 200 years in the same town.
My mums family has lived on the same piece of land since the great famine (1845-1850).
This makes me (to my mind at least) pure bred 100% irish of celtic origin.
My surname is welsh, but welsh of irish descent.
Some people think im crazy and i drink too much. I also talk lots of blarney(that means charming rubbish) so manage to fit into the stereotypical mould rather well.
01-09-2004, 11:11
..... and although not politicaly correct(pish) fiercly proud of it.
01-09-2004, 11:17
That's why I call myself Texan when asked. I don't like to call myself American. Not because nobody like Americans, but because of the culture thing ... Americans have none ... Texans do. ;)
Hell YA!! Texas rules! :D
The Maghrib
01-09-2004, 11:18
I'm Canadian.
25% German (maybe some Dutch in there, too)
25% Finnish
50% Southerner, with a Scottish family name
01-09-2004, 11:21
Im a Texan. My heritage is
And no I never get the disire to invade myself. :D
Im American.
But im 100% Cuban.
Findecano Calaelen
01-09-2004, 11:32
my family tree goes something like
so im pretty Aussie
01-09-2004, 12:15
I'm an Australian of mainly German heritage but also Polish, Irish and Spanish.
Swedish + Spanish baby, yeah. YEAH! Uh ah
01-09-2004, 12:18
Scottish, through and through. Traced back 5 generations, everyone was born and lived in Scotland.
Regime Change
01-09-2004, 12:20
That's why I call myself Texan when asked. I don't like to call myself American. Not because nobody like Americans [...]
So no-one likes Americans but Texans are ok? Unlike americans thinking Paris was in England etc. Most non-americans know Texas is in America. Culture? Oil yes, and I suppose you could buy lots of paintings and 'culture' with your oil money, but what is traditional Texan culture? Unleess of course you mean native Texan, in whichcase please ignore the above.
Wateva names r untaken
01-09-2004, 12:22
Traced back to the middle ages by my Grandma my family came from Wales and moved to england about 200 years ago.
Notorious Jay
01-09-2004, 12:27
I'm welsh, among other things, which kinda sucks because no one around here seems to know where Wales is.
On the other hand, my beard is red, which is kinda spiffy.
I am 75 % english and 25 % random
01-09-2004, 17:20
50% Dutch
20% German
20% English
10% All over Western Europe
01-09-2004, 17:51
25% Dutch (which I look like and identify with most)
English (probably at least some Welsh)
Native American
There's a rumor that on my Dutch side there's a Spaniard somewhere, but we haven't found him/her yet.
And then there's 12.5% we have no idea about because we can't trace back one of my great-grandfather's ancestry.
first generation canadian, third generation american.
on my mom's side i'm scottish, irish, welsh, french, german, swedish, norwegian (that i know of)
on my dad's side i'm irish and eastern european... that no one seems to be able to place... except that one of my great grandmothers was born in austria-hungary... though whether she was austrian or hungarian is unknown.
Teh ninjas
01-09-2004, 18:10
100% Cuban. Family bloodline originated from Spain. (mothers, and fathers side)
Percentages are sketchy, but mostly Irish, then English, and a wee bit of Scottish.
I oppressed myself! Yay!
Lord-General Drache
02-09-2004, 05:14
I'm half Persian (Dad's from Iran)
3 tribes of Native American
I think some German and French. Canna recall.
Yeah..my ancestors got around a bit.
02-09-2004, 16:46
...It appears to me that the paddies really shagged about. Most a ya'll seem to have some in ya somewhere.
GO US. (i mean us,not u.s.)
02-09-2004, 17:03
Swedish, Danish, German, French, Finnish, etc...
Crimson blades
02-09-2004, 17:49
Im American, But my ancestory is predominatly Germanic. I do however have a bit of Irish in me.
Copiosa Scotia
02-09-2004, 17:51
25% German
25% Irish
50% British, Scandinavian, other European, and a sliver of Cherokee about seven generations back.
The Black Forrest
02-09-2004, 18:37
One side of the family, I am a Pole. Second generation american. Grandpa was the immigrant.
My mom's mother is several generations of American but the immigrant was a Highlander. Actually in the history books. Angus McDonald. Lord Dunmores War.
Mom's Dad we have not traced.
A lesson to all. If you have a relatative that knows your genology lines, make sure they are WRITTEN DOWN! I had an aunt that knew everything as far back as 1400s. Some say earlier then that. It was all in her head and it went with her! :(
Cornflake Gremlins
02-09-2004, 18:45
I'm equal amounts of English, Scottish and Irish:)