What's the largest factor in determining intelligence?
20-08-2004, 21:34
I know some of these are intertwined(lot's of money usually means a good education, high social class usually means lot's of money etc.), but that's why you can choose more then one.
Lower Aquatica
20-08-2004, 21:39
I'm going to need a working definition for the word "Intelligence" for the purposes of this discussion.
I've had a lot of discussions about IQ with people -- I'm actually in MENSA, and occasionally have been asked about it. My take is that a high IQ only measures CAPACITY for smarts; kind of like the difference between having a pint pitcher and a half-gallon pitcher. But, having a bigger vs. a small pitcher is only part of the battle; a pint pitcher of sangria is definitely going to be more attractive than a half-gallon pitcher of rancid Strawberry Yoo-hoo.
So are you talking pitcher size or pitcher contents in this instance?
20-08-2004, 21:43
Political agenda. To a neonazi, black people are stupid. To others, this isn't necessarily true.
Moose In A Tin
20-08-2004, 21:55
i don't thin any of these things are legitimate factors in determining someones intellegence
looks - thats just stupid coz it relates in no way to a persons intellegence
education - irrelevent as well because you may meet a highly educated person who is only of mediocre intellence and then someone who hasn't had the same oppertunities but is really intellegent they just don't have the qualificatons to prove it
money - could be old money that they haven't done any work for or they could be a pop star who just have to mime and look good to make millions
social class - thats just stupid because your born into it and being from a particular class doesn't deterine your intellegence
enviroment - can help if you grow up in a family where they read lots of books and have interlectual discussions this can stimulate the IQ but not advance it greatly you have to have the brains in the first place
gender - similar to social class your just born with a sex it wont determine your intellegence (theres thick and clever people in both)
The Force Majeure
20-08-2004, 22:15
Don't know the accuracy of this -
IQ broken down by race, country, profession, height, religion, etc