Thumbwrestling, who would win Bush or Kerry?
Well? This seems to be about as intellectual as we can get around here. So what do you think? I pick Kerry. I think behind that unibrow, rests the mind of a master tactician.
18-08-2004, 03:06
I think we'll need pictures of the opposing thumbs before we can make a decision.
That's an interesting idea MP, why don't you see if you can find any.
18-08-2004, 03:13
I would say bush. Kerry seems weaker for some reason. Bush is bulkier.
Lunatic Goofballs
18-08-2004, 03:14
I would say bush. Kerry seems weaker for some reason. Bush is bulkier.
I think Bush has an advantage because his thumb gets more of a workout by being up his ass all day. :D
Nazi Weaponized Virus
18-08-2004, 03:15
Yeh Bush must be stronger, what with all that rhetoric hardtalk he must be hard. Musn't he?
Interesting theories so far.. I think we need a poll.
Bush would mix up the rules and win through intense stupidity. Kerry would demand a rematch.
18-08-2004, 03:19
Bush would mix up the rules and win through intense stupidity. Kerry would demand a rematch.
This is kerry, not gore.
Kerry would probably get a mysterious handcramp, after shaking hands with Conda Leeza Rice.. although I bet if he offered Bush a pretzle, he could bag the win easy.
So I can't add a poll?
18-08-2004, 03:21
The best I could do quickly, sry.
The best I could do quickly, sry.
Ooh.. so hard to tell. Bush looks pretty confident, holding that thumb up high for all to see, but Kerry's is all blurry, showing how fast and agile his thumb is. Hmmm.. interesting.
18-08-2004, 03:27
Bush would win simply because a Texan can woop a yankee in any kind of fight.
18-08-2004, 03:28
Kerry, because it takes a certain level of intelegence to thumbwrestle that Bush isn't close to. Anyways, Bush would be too busy brainwashing America through Fox News. It's true.
Bush would win simply because a Texan can woop a yankee in any kind of fight.
*looks up "woop" in the dictionary*
*doesn't find it*
Hmm.. a valid point.
18-08-2004, 03:29
Bush would win simply because a Texan can woop a yankee in any kind of fight.
It's spelled whoop. And Kerry would win.
18-08-2004, 03:31
Kerry, because it takes a certain level of intelegence to thumbwrestle that Bush isn't close to. Anyways, Bush would be too busy brainwashing America through Fox News. It's true.
Ooh.. and think of the media blitz.. Wolf Blitzer would be giving a minute by minute account of the two thumbs.
18-08-2004, 03:31
From those pics, I'd say Kerry has range and flexibility on Bush not to mention a much more intimidating face.
18-08-2004, 03:32
Seriously, Fox is evil.
Anyone happen to know if they are both right handed? This could have a critical impact on the results!
Bush would win simply because a Texan can woop a yankee in any kind of fight.
Bush is a carpetbagger, He grew up in Conneticut.
Kerry had miltary training he showed up to, though the number of alcoholic beverages Bush held in his developmental years must have had some effect on his grip...too close to call.
Wait, Bush is all thumbs and is inexcusably heavy-handed, so I guess Bush would win.
You know.. we should just consider electing our presidents based on thumbwrestling competitions. I mean.. it's not like we really have fair or free elections anyway, and we always seem to pick the wrong guy, so I say.. let the best thumb win!!
18-08-2004, 11:21
You know.. we should just consider electing our presidents based on thumbwrestling competitions. I mean.. it's not like we really have fair or free elections anyway, and we always seem to pick the wrong guy, so I say.. let the best thumb win!!
Yeah that way the third parties would stand a chance
You know, if Clinton were in the match, he'd have wone for sure! He always talked with that thumb sticking out. I bet that's one strong thumb!!
19-08-2004, 05:01
Kerry, probably. Remember, he plays the guitar, and hence would be able to maintain a firm, unyielding grip on Bush's hand, preventing any funny business. Besides, Kerry uses that thumb to campaign almost as much as Clinton used it to reassure.
Both thumbs engaged, strong possibility that Kerry is an ambithumber.
Again, we see that Kerry is eager to use his thumbs, and allows them free movement at every opportunity. As a man who thumbs casually, we know that he is comfortable with his thumbs.
Advantage: Kerry.
I also want to see a candidate wrestling match. I think Kerry would savagely dominate Bush.
Wow Mentholyptus, that's some compelling evidence. I especially like your theory that Kerry could possibly be anbithumbdextrous. That could just be the wildcard he needs to win come November.
19-08-2004, 18:41
kerry has no hands. He can't catch a football to save his life. He can't throw a baseball either. If you've seen any of these, then you know what I'm talking about.
Sumamba Buwhan
19-08-2004, 18:50
Bush MIGHT win the thumbwrestling competition but Kerry would kill him at a game or rock/paper/scissors - Bush wouldn't be able to keep up with all the options. no doubt about it.
Demented Hamsters
19-08-2004, 19:33
The best I could do quickly, sry.
I think Kerry. In those pics, he seems to have one hell of a massive thumb, especially compared to Bush's weiner. Could be the angle of course.
Onion Pirates
19-08-2004, 20:41
Bush is a phony Texan, he's really a Yankee from a Yankee family.
Bush would lose because he's a cheerleader sissy and Kerry's a real man.
Bush would also lose because he never fought or competed in anything.
Bush would also lose because he has to have other people do his fighting for him; he was *given* a sports team to mismanage, and an oil company, he never did a thing for himself, he couldn't even talk to the 9/11 comission without Dickie Cheney holding his hand.
Sumamba Buwhan
19-08-2004, 20:49
and then it couldnt be under oath.
he will always be the AWOL, C student, cheerleader, drug addict that could never run anything properly in my book
People please!! Focus!! This is not about politics.. it's about the thumbs!!
Well? This seems to be about as intellectual as we can get around here. So what do you think? I pick Kerry. I think behind that unibrow, rests the mind of a master tactician.
Kerry's tactics are no match for Bush's strength!
Bush has a monstrously strong right hand because he is such a jerkoff.
(I hope we have Kerry for future President. Anyone is better than Dubya.)
hmm.. tactics vs. strength... interesting.
I think I'll go look for more pics of their thumbs.
Arcadian Mists
20-08-2004, 11:01
My vote's for Bush. That layer of greasy ooze that covers his entire body would make it really hard to pin any of him down. That little ability really came in handy when he was AWOL.
Bush would win simply because a Texan can woop a yankee in any kind of fight.
hey wasnt teh american revolution backwards to that or sumthin!?!?!?!?1
hey wasnt teh american revolution backwards to that or sumthin!?!?!?!?1
Depends really. The southern boys pretty much kicked the northern boys arses on a 1 for 1 basis. It's just that the North had more boys to lose.
About 600,000 casualties. 400,000 were northern troops.
I'd have to go for Perot. He'd fly in unexpectedly on a private jet and his ears would distract both opponents.
Bush would win simply because a Texan can woop a yankee in any kind of fight.
buSH was not born in Texas! He has pissed all over our 4th amendment rights! He is a pimp of the majority of xian fundies. They are his dupes and his foot soldiers.(voters) They love him. They "go a whorin" by voting for him.
But hey. Thats just my modest opinion. hehe.
(Theres no smilies that are cross eyed and frothing at the mouth and pulling thier hair out. mmm... Well reader just use your imagination. Hey if your into the kinky stuff you can picture me shirtless and in speedos. I have a very hairy chest, extremely out of shape, and I have man boobs.)
Perot and Nader are not in this match. Again people.. focus!!
20-08-2004, 16:11
Kerry thumbs
Bush Thumbs
Kerry always holds that thumb up with confidence. That's a man who believes in his thumb.
Bush always looks like he's waiting for someone to give his thumb approval.
I'm still strognly leaning towards Kerry in this match.
20-08-2004, 20:43
Kerry won three purple hearts. I don't think that can be stated enough. Just keep that in mind.
20-08-2004, 21:11
Bush: Does crack
Kerry: Kills four people
Bush: Drives drunk
Kerry: Dives into river to save life
Bush: Arrested for driving drunk
Kerry: Joins volunteer orginazation to pull Americans out of Vietnam and save lives
Well, Kerry did the manlier thing every time, so logically he would win.
21-08-2004, 00:37
Kerry won three purple hearts. I don't think that can be stated enough. Just keep that in mind.
Wow i really didnt know that. Really won.. purple?.. 3?.. hearts?
You don't win purple hearts, you earn them, with your blood.
Bush MIGHT win the thumbwrestling competition but Kerry would kill him at a game or rock/paper/scissors - Bush wouldn't be able to keep up with all the options. no doubt about it.
hahaha! so true
Sumamba Buwhan
23-08-2004, 16:10
hahaha! so true
Well? This seems to be about as intellectual as we can get around here. So what do you think? I pick Kerry. I think behind that unibrow, rests the mind of a master tactician.
congrats on the awsome thread :D
The Land of Communism
23-08-2004, 22:28
The state our countrie is in bush is better. I don;t like him as a person