Anyone here know a lot of Latin?
Arx Angelus
15-08-2004, 20:22
I need help to come up with a name for my new region that I am going to found. And I want it to have a latin name... but I don't know any. lol.
So, If you know latin, please tg me, or post right here, and we'll pound somthing out.
Thank you.
15-08-2004, 20:25
I don't know Latin (but have hundreds of Latin phrases), but I do know someone who could help. If you give an idea what you want it to be.
Arx Angelus
15-08-2004, 20:32
I don't know Latin (but have hundreds of Latin phrases), but I do know someone who could help. If you give an idea what you want it to be.
Well, I suppose I want it vaguely Christian-y... But other than that I don't have much of an idea.
15-08-2004, 20:41
My first suggestion would be Terra Nova, but I assume that is taken (fairly common phrase).
How about Terra In Excelsis? (I'd check the spelling though)
Lux Aeterna
Lux Ferre
Terra de Deus
Cidade de Deus?
Arx Angelus
15-08-2004, 20:44
My first suggestion would be Terra Nova, but I assume that is taken (fairly common phrase).
How about Terra In Excelsis? (I'd check the spelling though)
Lux Aeterna
Lux Ferre
Terra de Deus
Cidade de Deus?
Well, what do they all mean? :p
Bodies Without Organs
15-08-2004, 20:50
Porta est urna?
Caesar adsum iam forte.
Brutus aderat.
Caesar sic in omnibus.
Brutus sic in at.
in hoc signes vinces - with(in) this sign you will prosper, supposedly god spoke to Constantine saying that and he put the greek cross on his shield and won some battle or someshit I can't remember, too headachey and tired.
15-08-2004, 20:53
Terra In Excelsis [Bastardisation of Gloria in excelsis Deo
, "Glory to God on high." Means nothing, just liked the sound]
Lux Aeterna [Eternal Light, part of a Requiem Mass iirc, (NB: If you have the time, check out Faure's Requiem)]
Lux Ferre [Light Bright]
Terra de Deus [Land of God]
Cidade de Deus [City of God]
Lux Mundi [Light of the World]
Sal Terræ [Salt of the World, æ pronounced like 'i' iirc]
Dominus vobiscum [Lord be with you].
Pater Noster [Our Father]
Ave Maria [Hail Mary]
btw, I used to be Catholic, so if you are wondering where I got these from, Latin Prayer.
Arx Angelus
15-08-2004, 20:54
in hoc signes vinces - with(in) this sign you will prosper, supposedly GOD spoke to Constantine saying that and he put the greek cross on his shield and won some battle or something I can't remember, too headachey and tired.
Place names, please... Although that could be a nice Regional Motto or somthing...
15-08-2004, 21:05
Chateau Neuf du Pape?
Arx Angelus
15-08-2004, 21:07
Chateau Neuf du Pape?
House of the Father?
Hmm... anyone know what 'Fortress/Castle of the Knights' would be?
I was thinking of Krak des Chevaliers, but... if the Latin sounds better, I'll take it.
15-08-2004, 21:15
House of the Father?
Try Castle of the Ninth Pope
Have you looked at my other suggestions?
Bodies Without Organs
15-08-2004, 21:19
Hmm... anyone know what 'Fortress/Castle of the Knights' would be?
I was thinking of Krak des Chevaliers, but... if the Latin sounds better, I'll take it.
That would be something like Terris Beligerator, but it has been far too long since I studied Latin for me to work out what the correct word ending woulkd be. Possibly Terrum Beligeratri?
Arx Angelus
15-08-2004, 21:20
Try Castle of the Ninth Pope
Have you looked at my other suggestions?
Yes, but most of them were more phrases than place-names...
Arx Angelus
15-08-2004, 21:32
Ok! We have a new region! I have chosen Krak des Chevaliers... I hope my new region does well. :)
Cheese varieties
15-08-2004, 21:40
Just for information purposes, I think in Latin it works out to be something like "castelli equibus" but I only ultimately got a C for Latin so i'm not entirely sure.
15-08-2004, 21:51
Too late, I know, but Peregrinus Propugnaculum would translate as Fortress of the Crusader/Pilgrim.
Not sure how Latin would handle the missing conjunctions, and I'm not at all sure I have the correct declension for Peregrinus (which is posted as nominative but probably should be genitive). Somehow I don't think it matters.
Bodies Without Organs
15-08-2004, 22:56
Too late, I know, but Peregrinus Propugnaculum would translate as Fortress of the Crusader/Pilgrim.
Peregrini propugnaculum? - Arx Angelus was looking for the knights to be plural.
Freakin Sweet
15-08-2004, 23:07
vaguely christus can you guess what that one means??
Chess Squares
15-08-2004, 23:18
Kyrie Eleison - more Greek than Latin but it means "Lord, have mercy" or "Lord, have mercy upon us"
Bodies Without Organs
15-08-2004, 23:20
Kyrie Eleison - more Greek than Latin but it means "Lord, have mercy" or "Lord, have mercy upon us"
Pater, mea culpa (Father, forgive me) would do at a pinch as a latin equivalent.