Along with the recent influx of anti-semitism threads (which I credit myself for, see "Israel: Why are you so hated?), there has been an influx of Sucking threads. Whats with that?
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 17:48
Can't you see?!
The Bush Administration has heard our ultra liberal statements, he sent us the Nazis to make us right wign again, it's all part of his conspiracy to rule the world![/sarcasm]
15-08-2004, 17:50
yeah i know i noticed and made the tread suck sucks but i still havent thought of a word to replace it. option ten lol sounds like a nuclear bomb button.
Sir people dont like you
ok time to activate option ten *evil laugh
Purly Euclid
15-08-2004, 18:10
The anti-Semites seem to be out in full force now. The forum was quiet without them. But hey, at least they're someone new to pick on, unlike TRA.
15-08-2004, 18:56
yay! Suck is winning in suckyness