Is this game a nutcase magnet?
Daistallia 2104
15-08-2004, 08:16
It seems to me that this game, and especially the general forum is a bit of a magnet for nutcases. I've been on a wide variety of boards, but this seems to have the largest number of neo-nazis, facists, anarchist crackpots, communists, libertarian crackpots, conspiracy theorists, and others, many of whom actually seem to get along remarkably decently. It's actually one of the reasons I like it so much. :D
Does anyone else agree? And why do you think it attracts so many nuts?
our mutual insanities acts like a strange bond
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 08:23
Everybody in real life calls me crazy, if they were to see you, they'd call the insane asylum...
no, check out the General forums at
They're WAY worse than NS
15-08-2004, 08:25
I usually like the political diversity in the General forum...
Except the damn nazi's.
Those stupid bastards who scream "I hate TEH JOOOS!" but simply cant prove anything they say.
Daistallia 2104
15-08-2004, 08:26
He... I just realized I left off one option - NS, RL, and the net are all equally nutty.
no, check out the General forums at
They're WAY worse than NS
I'll have to check it out.
New Fubaria
15-08-2004, 08:32
It seems to me that this game, and especially the general forum is a bit of a magnet for nutcases. I've been on a wide variety of boards, but this seems to have the largest number of neo-nazis, facists, anarchist crackpots, communists, libertarian crackpots, conspiracy theorists, and others, many of whom actually seem to get along remarkably decently. It's actually one of the reasons I like it so much. :D
Does anyone else agree? And why do you think it attracts so many nuts?
I fully and totally agree with you! :)
As for why? I'd guess that it's a widely viewed forum that lets people (for the most part) speak their minds freely - therefore, most nutjobs see an opportunity to disseminate their crackpot ideals! :p
15-08-2004, 08:34
everyone seemes pretty sane by my standards
15-08-2004, 08:34
Of course it attracts nuts! It attracted me, didn't it? ;)
15-08-2004, 08:36
When you enter these forums, you just need to expect a lot of idiots. Learn to walk away from the implausible threads. Then, you'll be cooler then Buddha.
Free Soviets
15-08-2004, 08:38
neo-nazis, facists, anarchist crackpots, communists, libertarian crackpots, conspiracy theorists, and others
hey, how come i'm a crackpot but not the commies?
15-08-2004, 08:40
politics, religeon, economics, anything to do with any
of these things, whether real or pretend is naturaly a
'nutcase magnet'. without us, would any of them even
(and for what it's worth i know of at least one other board
that is even more so of one then here.
far be it from me though to name names, so you'll just have
to look for it yourself)
Lunatic Goofballs
15-08-2004, 08:42
You are all wackos. And I am your King! *raises arms triumphantly*
15-08-2004, 08:44
You are all wackos. And I am your King! *raises arms triumphantly*
oooooooh can i be the queen!!!!!!!!!
15-08-2004, 08:46
You are all wackos. And I am your King! *raises arms triumphantly*
You there.
Funny man...
I like you.
Come the revolution, you will be spared.
Your other clown bretheren will not be so lucky.
Lunatic Goofballs
15-08-2004, 08:47
oooooooh can i be the queen!!!!!!!!!
Depends. Can I keep concubines? :D
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 08:48
oooooooh can i be the queen!!!!!!!!!
I thought Stephistan and her man was the royalty here.
I, with SnS and CWS is leading the Forum Revolution, Democracy to all!
15-08-2004, 08:48
Depends. Can I keep concubines? :D
sure, can i have fancy lads.
Lunatic Goofballs
15-08-2004, 08:48
You there.
Funny man...
I like you.
Come the revolution, you will be spared.
Your other clown bretheren will not be so lucky.
*puts another name on the list of those that intend to spare him once they assume power* I always try to cover all the bases.
Lunatic Goofballs
15-08-2004, 08:50
sure, can i have fancy lads.
Absolutely. THough I reserve the right to fling fancy lad and concubilne alike into the moat if they are too impudent. Or not impudent enough.
I demand a delicate balance of impudence in my kingdom!
15-08-2004, 08:50
I thought Stephistan and her man was the royalty here.
I, with SnS and CWS is leading the Forum Revolution, Democracy to all!
You stick with a Forum Revolution.....
I'll stick to global domination.
Mimes will be the first to go.
Then...the clowns.
Just as soon as I get a Doomsday Device.
Im thinking about doing the "Weather Dominator" thing, but a "laser" might be fun too.
15-08-2004, 08:51
*puts another name on the list of those that intend to spare him once they assume power* I always try to cover all the bases.
off with their heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just practicing sweetums :p
15-08-2004, 08:52
Absolutely. THough I reserve the right to fling fancy lad and concubilne alike into the moat if they are too impudent. Or not impudent enough.
I demand a delicate balance of impudence in my kingdom!
well and theirs always floggings in the dungeons for the naughty ones...
well i mean harder and more prolonged floggings
Lunatic Goofballs
15-08-2004, 08:54
well and theirs always floggings in the dungeons for the naughty ones...
well i mean harder and more prolonged floggings
Ooh. Kinky. ;)
The Sword and Sheild
15-08-2004, 08:54
I thought Stephistan and her man was the royalty here.
I, with SnS and CWS is leading the Forum Revolution, Democracy to all!
Well, once we have dethroned the actual Royalty, there are bound to be pretenders.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 08:59
Well, once we have dethroned the actual Royalty, there are bound to be pretenders.
We'll kill them all!
15-08-2004, 09:04
Well, NS is a simulation poltical you need people to represent all sides of the, yes, the nutcase ratio is high,
15-08-2004, 09:07
We'll kill them all!
or turn them into pony boys(and girls i suppose) to pull us about in our fancy carriages under the whip of brawny coachmen in velvet surcoats with lovely shiny brass buttons and buckles.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 09:09
or turn them into pony boys(and girls i suppose) to pull us about in our fancy carriages under the whip of brawny coachmen in velvet surcoats with lovely shiny brass buttons and buckles.
Heh, you're funny for a Facist... and a little scarier o-o
15-08-2004, 09:12
Heh, you're funny for a Facist... and a little scarier o-o
wanna be a coachman my lovely dark eyed lad.
It is impossible for more nuts to exist on Nationstates than in real life, since everyone on NS also exists in real life. And it's fair to assume there is at least one nut who doesn't have internet.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 09:19
wanna be a coachman my lovely dark eyed lad.
*sneaks away*
15-08-2004, 09:20
*sneaks away*
damn i always seem to scare the pretty ones off.
Daistallia 2104
15-08-2004, 09:37
It is impossible for more nuts to exist on Nationstates than in real life, since everyone on NS also exists in real life. And it's fair to assume there is at least one nut who doesn't have internet.
We're talking ratios here....
Oopsies. o.o It's 6AM here, and I haven't slept yet. So I missed the 'quotients' part of the poll. Yes, yes it does.
Naxem Galan
15-08-2004, 10:06
These 'Nutcases' know that their views will never have any real voice or power in the real world. NationStates attracts them like moths to the flame for it gives the illusion, the outlet of expression for their views.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 10:33
These 'Nutcases' know that their views will never have any real voice or power in the real world. NationStates attracts them like moths to the flame for it gives the illusion, the outlet of expression for their views.
Gotta agree there...
Daistallia 2104
15-08-2004, 10:55
hey, how come i'm a crackpot but not the commies?
I specifcally avoided naming particular posters to avoid offense. You may be an anarchist, with all the nuttiness I precieve that to encompass, but you aren't a crackpot.
Daistallia 2104
15-08-2004, 10:56
Oopsies. o.o It's 6AM here, and I haven't slept yet. So I missed the 'quotients' part of the poll. Yes, yes it does.
No worries. ;)
15-08-2004, 11:28
Nah--this place is pretty normal, I think. Now the Freeper board and Stormfront? They're full of whackjobs--and scary ones. Not scary like I'd be afraid to come upon them in a dark alley scary--scary like they're able to breed and pass on their faulty genetic code scary. Deliverance scary.
Free Soviets
15-08-2004, 17:47
I specifcally avoided naming particular posters to avoid offense. You may be an anarchist, with all the nuttiness I precieve that to encompass, but you aren't a crackpot.
i demand equal crackpottery for all!
These 'Nutcases' know that their views will never have any real voice or power in the real world. NationStates attracts them like moths to the flame for it gives the illusion, the outlet of expression for their views.
lies--our opinions are expressed on the streets that matter
15-08-2004, 18:24
Any time you have a high concentration of teenagers in one place, Internet or RL, it will be more likely to be a bit nutty. So, my answer is YES!
15-08-2004, 18:33
NS is about on par with the general insanity and the like found on the net, but is much worse than in RL.
The internet breeds stupidity and insanity, it is largely a result of the relative anoymity of the internet. I could be anyone in RL, your nextdoor neighbor, your brother, Ralph Nader, and you wouldn't know. Similarly, I could control anyone of hundreds of other online personas, and you wouldn't know about them either.
15-08-2004, 18:38
NS is about on par with the general insanity and the like found on the net, but is much worse than in RL.
And what is most insane is that we who are insane are talking about our insanity.
Free Soviets
16-08-2004, 06:29
i demand equal crackpottery for all!
and once again my demands are ignored
16-08-2004, 06:40
Hey, we're all equal, but some of us our more equal than others...
lol, jk.
Yeah, everyone here is a bit of a whack job in their own way. Makes you feel kinda warm and fuzzy actually... All my friends think I'm a litle crazy, and sometimes people ask me if I'm high, lol.
So, I must change the basic saying of animal communism...
We're all crzy, but some of us are crazier than others. (YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
oh well, I like it here on the left side, with our free health care, efficient social security, and good education.
Speaking of good education, a site did the research and found that the average IQ's of Right-leaning states is lower than left leaning. Massachusetts is around 110 or 120, and Mississippi is around 80, 10 points off retarded. Of course, this is based off the Army IQ test, which isn't as accurate because it doesn't test everyone, so this more means that in the Right-leaning states we're having idiots poured in to the military but smart guys from the left leaning states. There should be an IQ test with the Census just to see if those results were more correct than they seem...
Whoah... oops, anyway, yeah, we're all nuts-O!!! and I JUST PROVED IT!!!!!!
I'm so cool