NationStates Jolt Archive

Immigration, the lies and the truths!

04-08-2004, 20:28
This is not my work, but it is the work of somebody from a political forum, a good writer whose work I admire.

I just realized I never posted my final copy. Here is the final copy, the that I received an A for.

Excuse the awkward spacing, that is how it came out from the paste and I had to delete my name off the heading of each page.

Today in the United States, a recent wave of immigration is having a profoundly negative impact on American culture, heritage, and indeed the entire nation. These immigrants largely from nations not culturally compatible with the United States, will eventually overwhelm the nation, but only if Americans allow it. If Americans band together and act as one force, they can stand fast against the growing flood that threatens to destroy centuries of America’s rich history. If the citizenry fails in this endeavor, then everything America’s ancestors fought and died for will have been in vain. Americans must defend their country and keep it for the citizens who built it.
Many in the United States today view immigration as a great way to increase the economy of the nation. They feel that increased immigration will result in a greater nation overall. However, their thinking is flawed and they are not properly analyzing the data. According to Bill O’reilly, a journalist for Fox News, recent data reveals that immediately upon arrival in the Unite states, 25% of illegal and 35% of legal Mexican immigrants go on welfare. Furthermore, O’reilly uses data to show that illegal immigrants, from Mexico alone, cost the taxpayers about 100 billion dollars each year, and the cost is increasing annually (O’reilly). This shows that the economic costs of immigration are staggering. It also serves to dispel the false notion that immigrants contribute cheap labor to the nation. The notion that immigrants from Mexico take jobs nobody else wants is essentially false. They don’t take any jobs at all, therein lies part of the problem.
Perhaps if illegal immigration amounted to a mere trickle, there would be no real problem. However, what was a trickle forty years ago is today a massive torrent, rising

rapidly against the United States. According to Stephen Webster, of the American Renaissance, a conservative newsgroup, at least 912,500 illegals from Mexico, came into the USA each year, for the past ten to twenty years (Webster). This would account for the estimated twelve million illegals from Mexico alone, which are in the United States. American Renaissance goes on to provide data that suggests the vast majority of immigrants send the vast majority of their earnings back to their native lands. They do not declare taxes for several reasons. Illegals obviously cannot declare taxes. Because most illegals are paid their money under the table, and they are here illegally, so it would be unwise to declare taxes and open oneself up to possible deportation. This again should reinforce the point that the economic costs of immigration are staggering, and that American’s will see a progressively worsening economy until something is done about the immigration problem. When social security and medical assistance are gone it will be too late to act, the problem must be solved now.
Another massive problem associate with immigration is the fact that as Mexicans illegally sneak into the United States they are damaging property along the border, and physically and financially harming citizens who live along the border. Property owners in the American southwest are in a virtual border war with Mexican soldiers, drug dealers, people smugglers, and others who seek to enter into the USA for whatever nefarious reason they may have. According to Jack Foote, leader of Ranch Rescue, a group of brave citizens who defiantly patrol the border, turning back drug smugglers, illegal aliens, potential Al-qaeda operatives, and a whole host of other criminals, the border is a war zone (Foote). Mr. Foote cites many examples, the most recent being an attack on an

Arizona man on March 20, 2004. The man was in his trailer on his forty-acre plot of land along the border with Mexico, when he came under fire from a massive barrage of automatic weaponry. The man, Richard Kozak, had just chased several drug smugglers off of his property, so there is no question as to who fired the shots. His residence was also completely engulfed in flames (Foote).
Now some may think that the US Government simply has no way to stop these attacks. They would be completely wrong. According to William Grigg, a journalist for The New American, the US government has full knowledge of these attacks. But because it doesn’t fit into their political agenda, they are willing to quietly ignore the attacks. However, there is always a voice of dissent; in this case, the voice is of House Immigration reform Chairman Tom Tancredo, who documented no less than 118 instances of armed Mexican soldiers crossing into the United States in 2003 (Grigg). The magnitude of the problem of Mexican soldiers is of such a proportion that it is nothing short of an invasion. Granted there are no Mexican tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue, and the Mexican flag does not fly over the White House, at least not yet. What is happening is as more and more Mexican nationals move into the South Western United States; they hope to be able to eventually regain all the territory lost in the 1848 Mexican American War.
It is quite likely that what is going on along the border is a slow and calculated campaign designed to drive out the citizens so their land will then be ripe for the taking. Incidents constituting acts of war by the Mexican army go back as far as the 1980s. According to Jack

Foote, in 1985, eight-armed Mexican soldiers kidnapped Robert Maupin from San Diego County for reporting the existence of a drug lab on the Mexican side of the border, which he was able to see from the US side of the border. Fortunately Mr. Maupin survived the ordeal (Foote). However with the way things seem to be going on the border, it is simply a matter of time before Americans witness a major bloodbath along the border. Hopefully it will be the cowardly Mexican soldiers, who attack women and children, and not the brave men of groups such as Ranch Rescue, who die in droves in this undeclared border war.
Nothing short of a placing the armed forces along the border with Mexico will solve the massive invasion that America is faced with. The border patrol is wholly unsuited for securing the border. According to Tom Steller, a journalist in Arizona, in May of 2002, three-armed Mexican soldiers opened fire on a border patrol agent in Ajo, Arizona (Steller). In another instance, cite by Jon Dougherty, a journalist, on December 4th, 2003, a squadron of armed Mexican Soldiers swept across the border into Texas and kidnapped a family of five (Dougherty). The Mexican army has thus shown that it will disrespect America’s citizens, borders, and those who patrol the borders. Perhaps if A few thousand of America’s finest soldiers along with some heavy tanks were situated along the border, the Mexican army would realize that to cross into the USA would be tantamount to suicide en masse. The idea that America cannot spare a single soldier to protect the border due to the war on terrorism would be the most ludicrous notion ever put forth. Securing our border is paramount to securing our nation. Already it has become

known that Al-Qaeda is seeking to enter into the USA via Mexico. According to Bill Gertz, of the Washington Times, it has become known, that at least fourteen Al-Qaeda fighters were known to be in Mexico actively seeking entry into the United States via the Mexican border (Gertz). That is fourteen terrorists that they know of; it is highly likely there are dozens if not hundreds more who are simply as yet unknown. If America’s politicians truly wanted America to be safe then they would secure her borders, and they would secure them without hesitation.
The truth of the matter is that the majority of the politicians of this nation have already surrendered in the war against Mexico. Yes it is a war, the Mexicans want land that they think belongs to them. The massive influx of Mexican nationals will eventually make the dream of seizing the land into a reality. The land in question is essentially California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and parts of Nevada, Utah, Oregon, and Colorado. The idea of taking this land is commonly referred to as “La Republica Del Norte” (The Republic of the North), or in other instances as “Aztlan”. According to Carreon Hector, of a Mexican Supremacist, the phrase Republic of the North was coined by a University of New Mexico professor of Chicano studies Charles Truxillo. The professor makes the correct assertion that the Hispanic seizure of numerous states is an inevitably, due largely to the massive influx of Hispanics into the states in question. He states that the new nation would be achieved through political means, such as organizing the mestizoes into a massive voting bloc, rather than through an open civil war (Hector).
However, as history has proven, peaceful secession is at best a pipe dream. It will come down to a civil war; there will be a massive ethnic civil war the likes of which will

dwarf recent conflicts such as Yugoslavia and Rwanda. What will happen is the Mexicans will attempt secession and at the last moment possible when they see what is about to happen, White Americans in the states in question will likely openly rise against the Mexicans. Although whether the efforts of the White Americans will meet with success is something that is in doubt; for in the states in question the Hispanics already compromise a majority, and their numbers rise daily. In the end it boils down to numbers, and as stated by Haya Nasser, a journalist for USA Today, a national newspaper, by 2050 Hispanics will compromise an estimated one-half of the four hundred and twenty million people projected to live in the United States. Asians and Negroes will comprise a significant portion of the remaining one-half, which leaves whites essentially a numerically insignificant portion of the population (Nasser). This matters because it is doubtful that the Negroes and Asians will assist White Americans during a possible border war. It would seem more likely that people will divide into groups along racial and ethnic lines, as has happened in the past. The United States could very likely splinter into several new nations, with each new nation being ruled by a certain ethnic or racial group.
There are undoubtedly those in America who care not for defending borders or
maintaining traditional European culture in the United States. They will make shrill cries of “Racist”, “Xenophobe”, “Hater” and other buzzwords in an attempt to silence patriotic Americans into submission. According to Bob Moser, a leader in the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that espouses communist ideology, the only people who patrol the border are armed vigilantes and thugs (Moser). This argument is immediately

defeated by the fact that the Mexican soldiers cross into the USA, not the private patriotic militias into Mexico. The militias are the people who defend the border, and they do so because the government has proven time and again that they will not defend the border. When the government fails in its primary duty, that of protecting the people, the people have a duty, an obligation, to take up arms for their own defense and the defense of their nation.
The French author Jean Raspail, in his 1973 apocalyptic novel “The Camp of the Saints” predicted that unless the massive non-white immigration into the whites nations was ended, the white race would cease to exist (314). Now many on the left would immediately cry “Racist” to the assertion that the white race has a right to exist, and has a right to keep its culture intact. But do not every people have a fundamental right to exist. During the anti-colonial uprisings in Africa and Asia, the natives were quite persistent with statements about how whites don’t belong in Africa, and how white don’t belong in Asia. Well fine, that seems reasonable, and in most cases whites peacefully left, in other cases they fought on until they eventually decided to leave.
Would it not then seem reasonable that whites would seek to keep white nations white. If there was no legitimate reason for whites to be in the non-white nations, there is no legitimate reason for Asians and Africans to be in the White nations. What we could very well be seeing is a situation where other cultures and groups are encouraged to take pride in their heritage, while whites are vilified for doing the same. Jean Raspail states “… that these people were entering our countries by the tens of millions in an irreversible stream- when the slow, cancerous progress of compassion, which is only a

misleading and lethal form of charity, duly laid siege to the western conscience” (314). What Raspail is saying is that whites are so guilt stricken for perceived past misdeeds, that they are allowing their nations to be taken from under them, without a shot being fired to stop it.
It would seem now in 2004 that the white nations, that is Europe, Canada, the United States, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, are indeed besieged. In South Africa whites have always been a minority. According to Haya Nasser, a journalist for USA Today, in Australia and New Zealand it is projected whites will become a minority within a few decades. In the United States the date set for whites to become the United States is between 2050-2055. In Europe by about 2055 whites will be near minority. By 2100 in Europe, whites will be perhaps no more than 10% of the population (Nasser).
History has proven that whenever a people are threatened with annihilation they either rise to the occasion and defend themselves and are saved, or they bury their heads in the sand and eventually are wiped out. The fundamental question immigration raises is that of will whites rise to the occasion and save centuries of history and culture, or will the whites bury their heads in the sand and enter into the history books as another extinct species. The fundamental question regarding the non-white races has already been answered because the non-whites are relatively secure in their various homelands in Central America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. It is the whites that are not secure in the white homelands.

The dilemma of racial and cultural extinction via mass immigration is one that the white race is faced with; it is a problem that the white race must contend with. If whites in America and Europe rise to the occasion and take steps to secure their nations continued place as a white homeland, then the light of Western civilization may burn bright for centuries to come, but if not, then the West will go the way of Rome.

Note- I asked Mr. Foote a few questions when he was on the Hal Turner show when he was on there, I didn't remember the exact date, so I just made an educated guess that it had to have been sometime before the date I wrote the paper, and it couldn't be a date in the future. (I just picked any date) I also had no idea when O'reilly talked about the costs the illegals make us pay, I just remember it was in the winter or fall of 2003, so again, I picked a date and went with it.

Works Cited

Carreon, Hector. La Voz de Aztlan. 2000-2004. 1 March 2004

Dougherty, John E. “Mexican Troops Kidnap Texas Family”. News Max 4 December
2003: 1+.

Foote, Jack. Telephone Interview. 1 March 2004.

Gertz, Bill. “Terrorists said to seek entry to U.S. via Mexico.” Washington Times 7 April
2003: 1+.

Grigg, William N. “The Border War”. The New American. 2000-2002. 1 March 2004

Moser, Bob. “Open Season.” Intelligence Report 3 May 2003:1A-2A.
SIRS Researcher. SIRS Knowledge Source. Mentor High School
Library, Mentor, OH. 20 March. 2004 <>.

Nasser, Haya. “Census Projects More Diversity.” USA Today 17 March 2004: 1+.

“Fox News: The O’reilly Factor.” O’reilly Factor. Journalist.
O’reilly, Bill. Fox News Channel. December 15th 2003.

Raspail, Jean. The Camp of The Saints.
Paris France: The Social Contract Press, 1994.

Steller, Tom. “Border Patrol Agent Fired On.” Arizona Daily Star. 22 May 2004: 1+
Webster, Stephen. American Renaissance. 1991-2004. 1 March 2004