NationStates Jolt Archive

Should fat people be allowed to act?

01-08-2004, 12:31
I mean....look at em...THEY'RE TERRIBLE!

They're either really sassy jackasses. Or really smart-mouthed jackasses. And then theres the occasional redneck/truck driver.
Jello Biafra
01-08-2004, 12:39
The reason for that is either because people are idiots and would never buy a fat person in anything other than a comedic role, or that the studio honchos are idiotic in thinking that people would never buy a fat person in anything other than a comedic role.

Being fat should be a requirement for acting. Lol.
01-08-2004, 12:54
I don't think being fat has anything to do with bad acting, granted fat people are somewhat type cast as idiots and never get the chance to play the lead roles like Biafra said above, but whats fat got to do with anything...if Bradd Pitt was fat you'd probably blame it on his weight, rather than his lack of talent.
Upper Orwellia
01-08-2004, 13:01
Rosaenne entetained America for a decade (or more... I can't remember exactly) and it wasn't really second rate comedy. It had well developed characters, a complex ongoing plot and touched several issues that other shows would have run screaming from. There are plenty of others out there too, Marlon Brando. John Candy off the top of my head, and let's not forget Homer Simpson! Someone actually meant him to be fat!

In short, yeah, let them act. Their talent, like anyone else's does not depend on their weight; it's our perception of talent that does.
Chess Squares
01-08-2004, 13:13
Rosaenne entetained America for a decade (or more... I can't remember exactly) and it wasn't really second rate comedy. It had well developed characters, a complex ongoing plot and touched several issues that other shows would have run screaming from. There are plenty of others out there too, Marlon Brando. John Candy off the top of my head, and let's not forget Homer Simpson! Someone actually meant him to be fat!

In short, yeah, let them act. Their talent, like anyone else's does not depend on their weight; it's our perception of talent that does.
HELLOOOO, chris farley
Ancients of Mu Mu
01-08-2004, 13:29
Dear God no! Like smokers, fat people send a negative message to the stupid people (ie. it's ok to be fat) and should therefore be banned from stage and screen. So should portrayal sex, violence, alcoholism, drug-taking, bad language, nudity, racial hatred, the sexual objectification of women, the sexual objectification of men, conflict, dwarves, cannibalism, horror, vampirism, religion, cruelty to animals, the paranormal and Pepsi. :eek:
01-08-2004, 13:30
Dear God no! Like smokers, fat people send a negative message to the stupid people (ie. it's ok to be fat) and should therefore be banned from stage and screen. So should portrayal sex, violence, alcoholism, drug-taking, bad language, nudity, racial hatred, the sexual objectification of women, the sexual objectification of men, conflict, dwarves, cannibalism, horror, vampirism, religion, cruelty to animals, the paranormal and Pepsi. :eek:

Pepsi is the drink of the patriots! Only Coke should be banned!
01-08-2004, 13:44
Personally, I think weight as zip, zero, and ZILCH to do with talent.

I went to a musical last night, and there was a rather large guy cast as one of the main roles. He was perfect for it.

The US is WAY too obsessed with thin people. Being as thin as all the celebrities is as bad as being obscenely overweight.
01-08-2004, 14:00
Dear God no! Like smokers, fat people send a negative message to the stupid people (ie. it's ok to be fat) and should therefore be banned from stage and screen. :eek:

Well, DUH it is okay to be fat. What isn't okay is to be overweight because you can get heart disease and stuff, but it is okay to be fat.
And if fat people send out a bad message then skinny people do to. I mean if teenage girls look at TV or in magazines and they see skinny women they are going to want to look the same and that's not always good for them. They can get eating disorder. So why not just let everybody with talent act and let people decide how they want to look.
01-08-2004, 14:03
your banning overweight people from acting reminds me of a leader that wanted to destroy a particular counrty a while back. You know, "selective breeding" actors are based on their talent, not on their looks. roseanns was a great actress, and broke barriers not only as overweight, but as a female. There have always been overweight actors/actresses. You need to look at their talent, not their weight. Besides, the whole country is overweight anyway, why should Hollywood/NY be any different??
Im not saying i condone being overweight, but im not gonna say, they shouldnt be allowed to act either. Thats discrimination, and ive seen enough of that in my lifetime.
Ancients of Mu Mu
01-08-2004, 14:03
Well, DUH it is okay to be fat. What isn't okay is to be overweight because you can get heart disease and stuff, but it is okay to be fat.
And if fat people send out a bad message then skinny people do to. I mean if teenage girls look at TV or in magazines and they see skinny women they are going to want to look the same and that's not always good for them. They can get eating disorder. So why not just let everybody with talent act and let people decide how they want to look.

01-08-2004, 14:11
I mean....look at em...THEY'RE TERRIBLE!

They're either really sassy jackasses. Or really smart-mouthed jackasses. And then theres the occasional redneck/truck driver.
Who are you to judge?

Ever heard of Dom DeLuise, Jackie Gleason, Don Rickles, Oliver Hardy, or Lou Costello? Some of the funniest comedians ever.

Colodia :mp5:

I can't see you as a world dictator. However, I can picture you trying on cement overshoes. :rolleyes:
01-08-2004, 14:36

Pepsi is the drink of the patriots! Only Coke should be banned!
How is pepsi drink of the patriots? :confused:

and I think it's pretty dumb to suggest that fat people shouldn't be able to act. And they're not always in comedy roles. Kathy Bates, for example, is often in comedies, but she is also in many serious roles. Her part in Fried Green Tomatoes (while having funny moments) was also dramatic. I've never seen Love Liza, but from what I've heard, I bet that was serious as well. Etc, etc... Oprah, of course, was in the color purple (though I'm not sure if she was fat or thin at the same time) John Goodman has done a variety of roles, from comedy to drama to just normal boring roles.
Anyway, there are plenty more talented *fat* actors who could also just be considered talented actors. Perhaps blondes should be banned, since they're often cast in such awful roles. Like that woman in the ring....or the one in 21 grams....those roles were both pretty stupid- and neither was comedic

(but then I like comedy)
01-08-2004, 18:17
Brando was fat as Don Corleone and he won an oscar for it. Kathy Bates is fat but look at the great roles she had. Bill Clinton was chunky and look at his performance.
Suicidal Librarians
01-08-2004, 19:10
Of course fat people should be allowed to act. Half of the skinny beautiful people in acting are only famous because of their looks, even if they suck at acting. There are plenty of good actors that are fat.
01-08-2004, 19:25
This is simply another silly act of censorship. While I hate fat people with every nerve in my body, that still doesn't give us the right to simply force them away from all media because we think it will influence a few imbeciles.

Nobody has the right to determine what others are allowed and not allowed to see.

And for those of you who believe obesity is genetic, then such genes must only be present in the fast food wasteland of North America. Such a silly paradigm is just another of these pathetic exuses for people to not feel responsible for their own actions and errors. Fat people are virtually unheard of in most first-world nations, which is primarily because of healthier diets.
01-08-2004, 19:26
Stfu idiot. Weight has nothing to do with talent on stage. The only thing it might effect is physical capabilities. I don't see how it could effect how good they act.

And fatness can come from genetics. It all depends on how fast or slow your metabolism is.
01-08-2004, 19:29
Wait, when you say fat, are you talking about Renee Zellweiger fat as in "Bridget Jones Diary" as opposed to Renee Zellweiger in "Chicago"? Or are you talking about actually overweight people of John Goodmandian proportions?
01-08-2004, 19:31
what we really need to ask about overweight actors/actresses is whether they meet the basic standard of celebrity:

would you kick them out of bed in the morning?
01-08-2004, 19:32
Stfu idiot. Weight has nothing to do with talent on stage. The only thing it might effect is physical capabilities. I don't see how it could effect how good they act.

And fatness can come from genetics. It all depends on how fast or slow your metabolism is.

RIIIIGGGHHHTTT!!! It has NOTHING to do with what you eat... :rolleyes:

And just because someone is fat, doesn't mean they can't act... Hell, my ex was fat and he could act... Like a moron. ;)
01-08-2004, 19:35
It does also have to do with what you eat. But I know people who are almost constantly eating unhealthy foods, and are skinny as a twig because their metabolism is very low.
01-08-2004, 19:36
what we really need to ask about overweight actors/actresses is whether they meet the basic standard of celebrity:

would you kick them out of bed in the morning?

Well, I mean, if they're really fat, I'm not sure you could kick them out of bed...
01-08-2004, 19:37
YES! Do you remember Chris Farley?
01-08-2004, 19:46
If you don't like the TV star, change the channel. Better yet, get up, turn off the TV and go for a walk. Sheesh.
01-08-2004, 19:50
Well, I mean, if they're really fat, I'm not sure you could kick them out of bed...

yeah. but you know what a meant.
01-08-2004, 19:57
Brando was fat as Don Corleone and he won an oscar for it. Kathy Bates is fat but look at the great roles she had. Bill Clinton was chunky and look at his performance.

It depends on what your definition of 'fat' is. I suppose.
01-08-2004, 19:59
Sure, they can act, if they're of the proper calibre for acting in the first place. They work really good in a comedic role, true. Thing is, it's wrong to refuse a role to a fat person just because they're fat, ESPECIALLY if they're good actors. This, of course, does not apply to roles that cannot be fat (ex. anorexics).

'Course, being fat may also be due to a lack of discipline, which makes acting severely difficult. It limits the ability to follow directions. Then again, this allows an even greater level of improvisation in dialogue and actions, which makes the act seem almost realistic.

Really, it depends on who the person is.

Some things about obesity that I know;

Metabolism is a combination of many factors; it is not only genetic, but it also depends on what you eat, how much and how much you exercise.

And in first-world nations, keep in mind that they don't have HEALTHIER diets; they have SMALLER diets. They don't have enough food or money to buy food.

Some people consider me fat, honestly. I don't think I technically am, but hey, I look it. I exercise a bit, but I eat a lot and rarely to a good diet. Still, it doesn't limit my other abilities. Furthermore, I usually contribute effort to primarily intellectual items... OTHER than NationStates. As a result, I'm (in my and most other people's opinions) much smarter and intellectually capable. I'm surprised how stupid thin people can be; seriously. And hey, I might be too fat to be on stage, according to the media (I honestly don't know), but I'm sooooo much smarter. And, like I always say, just because people do it doesn't make it right. This also applies to what people say.

I'm also arrogant like hell and have no people skills. Oh well.
01-08-2004, 21:15
I love how people keep mentioning Farley. I love that guy :p

Look, just...take DeCaprio and Farley. Farley is OBVIOUSLY the superior of the two. Or what about Bloom?

Just 'cause they're pretty doesn't mean they're good actors :p
01-08-2004, 21:22
fattys make me laugh
Forum Feline
01-08-2004, 21:25
Weight has nothing to do with acting skills... as someone said, there is no better example than Marlon Brando and the Olsen Twins. "Mondo Brando" was a Mondo-good actor, and the Olsens are overcommericalized horrible actresses, and they are thin. One is even anorexic.

Now, we should not encourage people to be overweight/obese, but we should not treat them any different. Also, keeping them off the screens is just absurd: a director and his artistic vision should be the only thing that determines the movie. I would prohibit real animal cruelty, but not visual effects done stuff, since that is possible to do with visual effects without hurting anything, but other than that, it is all up to the director.
01-08-2004, 21:28
Dear God no! Like smokers, fat people send a negative message to the stupid people (ie. it's ok to be fat) and should therefore be banned from stage and screen. So should portrayal sex, violence, alcoholism, drug-taking, bad language, nudity, racial hatred, the sexual objectification of women, the sexual objectification of men, conflict, dwarves, cannibalism, horror, vampirism, religion, cruelty to animals, the paranormal and Pepsi. :eek:
I would hand you a halo but you mentioned religion in your list....... :rolleyes:
Romanticizing Samurai
01-08-2004, 21:41
Hey! I am fat, I sometimes do comedic roles in acting, but I strive to be the best villian in a play that has action, adventure, and cool sword fights. Last role I played was bishop of Hereford in Robin Hood, I'm not that fat, but the friar was more-so, but I was the beat-up doll for them, it was unfair...I nearly was hanged when they carried me offstage after putting the nose around my neck. But I am still a villain looking for a part worthy of my villainous demeanor.
Insane Troll
01-08-2004, 22:20
Fat people should be confined to their homes.
Suicidal Librarians
01-08-2004, 22:48
Some of you guys are so mean! Fat people are harassed enough in everyday life, don't keep them from acting. Yeah, maybe they could control their weight, maybe they do eat too much junk food, so what? This is proof that our society judges too much on appearance. If anything skinny people should be taken off the big screen. They are causing people (mostly teenage girls) to develop eating disorders because they aren't as pretty and thin as the actress in their favorite movie.
01-08-2004, 23:06
New poll: Should Colodia be allowed to speak? Options:

+No, he should take into consideration the feelings of others

+No, I hope while he reads this he has a massive hemmhorage, and falls out of his window onto a broken broom.


I'm pretty sure that post made me seem like I'm fat, so just to clear things up, nope.
Ancients of Mu Mu
02-08-2004, 01:34
People here seem to be taking my earlier post on this thread seriously. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
02-08-2004, 02:19
all actors should be young and devastatingly good looking
no one should be allowed an acting job if they are older than 25
for gods sake who wants to see OLD PEOPLE let alone OLD FAT UGLY people

cant you see ashton kutcher as king lear? oh wait, he just turned 26, hes too old for that role

never mind