Insurance v. Estate Agents v. Lawyers
Freedom For Most
25-07-2004, 17:39
Which profession do you dislike the most out of the above three?
Apologies to any Insurance men, Estate Agents or Lawyers.. hope its taken in humour!
I think the evilness of insurance agents is over-rated. I personally think that Estate Agents are the most evil of the three and the most likely to try and squeeze every penny you have out of you (an estate agent took £200 from a friend of mine just for a 10min meeting to sign some forms, lol)
25-07-2004, 17:44
i dont know what an estate agent is
its gotta be insurance agents, who else can con you into paying thousands for insurance that only pays off AFTER YOURE DEAD?
West - Europa
25-07-2004, 17:49
You could have added Banker.
25-07-2004, 18:31
Lawyer is the worst.
25-07-2004, 18:36
what exactly does an estate agent do?
Unfree People
25-07-2004, 18:55
Bah, laywers are awesome :D
Stuffing Beavers
26-07-2004, 02:40
inshuarnce agent and lawyers are tied
Purly Euclid
26-07-2004, 02:50
Lawyers are. They try squeezing every penny possible for attorney's fees, and they get plantiffs big payouts, sometimes for the stupidess reasons. Ever since the Supreme Court allowed lawyers to advertise back in '87, they've been luring in people to sue for everything. It's driving insurance premiums up, and in the US, I think it is the main factor for high healthcare costs.
As for the other two, insurance agents aren't bad people at all. They just try advertising their product, and it hurts no one. And I can't say estate agents are evil, as my grandfather is one.
26-07-2004, 04:47
I'd have to go with Lawyers as the amount of and stupidity of law suits is beyond excessive and still on the rise.
Insurance agents make better villains, though.
Freedom For Most
26-07-2004, 21:50
Looks pretty equal between the 3. I've never met any bankers myself, so I wouldn't know.
Estate Agents are the people that buy and sell houses, usually charging you for things you don't need at extortionate rates whilst they're at it.
Can't say I'm a fan of the ambulance chasing lawyers and law firms that you get. Lawyers have to be quite evil to defend some people. An example would be the lawyers that got OJ Simpson off the hook when all evidence apart from that glove says that he did it... surely that lawyer has to live with that on his conscience every day... if he has a conscience.
Insurance Agents that I've met are actually decent people, just a bit greedy. Estate Agents can be downright nasty & evil!