24-07-2004, 07:58
I will list down several valid reasons for the dislike that America engenders in the world.Please note that I am personally against certain American values,I just positively hate some of your government policies and your politics.Freedom,democracy and human rights are all very good and well,just don't impose them on the rest of the world.What works in America doesn't work in the rest of the world.America as a nation is very free,but freedom has to be tempered by discipline and responsibility,something I feel that segments of its population and its current administration lacke.
The USA has helped the world, but just as often, they have helped themselves - to the resources and well-being of the world. US foreign policy is openly based on national "self-interest'', not international cooperation. The only kind of cooperation the USA understands is where other countries "cooperate'' with the USA - i.e. other countries must do what the USA tells them to do or else....the invasion of Iraq which was done under false pretences,though it has served a great good by removing a tyrant from power.
Having good propaganda techniques as the US does is not in itself a bad thing, but it does mean that US citizens can't see the world clearly from within their own environment,often relying on Fox News and other biased sources that are pro-American such as CNN.The USA is in many ways an excellent country. The problem is just that this is so often at cost to the rest of the world,both in wealth and lives
About 3000 innocent civilians were killed on 2001-9-11. This is a tiny token compared the suffering inflicted on the world by the USA. (Perhaps I should also mention that the murder rate in the USA is about 80 per million per annum, which is about 20,000 per annum for the whole country. So the deaths on 2001-9-11 were less than a typical 2 months of murders in the USA,a comparatively light loss.
The United States tends to see most world issues with one eye closed. US citizens see only what is good about themselves and their client states and what is bad in others. But they should open the other eye too - and see the evil in themselves and the good in others.An example of this would be the Kyoto Protocols,which Bush refused to sign due to supposed constraints it would place on the American economy and industrial interests,not keeping in mind the long view,where continued human survival and the health of the Earths ecology at stake.
In the USA, it is said that "the terrorists hate the democracy and freedom of the USA and the West''. This is complete nonsense. Anyone with more than 5 neurons working in their brain knows that this is bull. People worldwide admire the good things of the USA and hate the bad things. US citizens must do some homework to find out what crimes, barbarism and atrocities are committed in their name. It's the same old story - the people are good, but the government is bad. The difference in a democracy is that the people choose their government (more or less). So in a democracy, the people are responsible for the crimes and evil of their government. People who trumpet the virtues of their democracy should remember that they are responsible for the crimes of their government. There are so many good people in the USA, isn't it a shame they're not running the country.
The USA has built up a deep reservoir of hatred and dislike against it. The reservoir of hate has become much deeper since 11/9/2001. Sometimes the dam wall breaks a little. But if the USA does not open its eyes soon, the dam wall will burst wide open and unleash the entire reservoir. The suicide hijackings are just the first in a series of anti-USA actions which are sure to continue. If you whip an angry lion, it does not lie down and roll over. A country which has a "shoot'em up'' approach to world politics should not be surprised when some of their victims take the same attitude. Since the USA has been terrorizing the world for the last 100 years, they can't be surprised if a little terror blows back at them. If the USA continues to treat the other countries of the world as some sort of rebellious provinces,they could soon find that no US citizen is welcome in many parts of the world.
Reasons why the USA is hated
1) Massive war crimes in Vietnam war: The mass murder of well over 1 million (some say about 3 million) innocent Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam war was an act of mass state terrorism. (The USA also used chemical weapons such as dioxins and Agent Orange in this aggressive war.) The USA should have been forced to pay hundreds of billions of dollars of reparations for their war crimes. But instead, the USA imposed horrendous trade sanctions on Vietnam which led to mass starvation for many years. At the same time, the USA forced the Vietnamese to put a humiliating amount of effort into finding decades-old corpses of American war criminals. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian Vietnamese died without their bodies being recovered.Seemingly,some US citizens are capable of feeling no sympathy for any people other than their own.They think that one American is worth a thousand foreigners. There are many people in the USA even now who are proud of their participation in the mass murder and war crimes in Vietnam.
{Personal Note:Ironically,this is a conundrum for me,as without the Vietnam War being fought,my country Singapore would not have grown strong enough to resist communist infiltration and subversion,and thus the Vietnam War bougt us time to cull the communist population down to size and eradicate them.However,this does NOT excuse the Americans for the murder of several of my fellow Asians,many of whom were innocent}
2)Destruction of democracy in Chile: The removal of the freely elected democratic government of Chile by the CIA, including the bombing of the presidential palace (on another September 11), followed by the murder of thousands of innocent civilians. This proves that the USA is not in favour of democracy.In you wish to know,this refers to General Pinochet who in a coup upsurped the democartically elected government with CIA support and American money.Pinochet was responsible for the 'dissappearance' of many political dissidents and opponents.
3)Embargo of Cuba but not China or Saudi Arabia: Decades of embargo of the government of Cuba, while the USA gives most favoured nation status to China, which is one of the most undemocratic governments and repressive regimes in the world.The support for China and Saudi Arabia is purely in the US self-interest.The dislike of Cuba could stem from the fact that it has resisted American hegemony and influence as well as politics influenced by the Cuban exile community.Cuba is not angel,but this reflects double standards on the part of America.Please compare the Saudi Arabian and Cuban human rights records,and then make a judgement.Of course,since Saudi Arabia is the source of the majority of the world's crude oil,it is a political necessity for the American government.
4)Preference for totalitarian China,not democratic Taiwan:For a few decades now, the USA has been cooperating with China in the international ostracism of Taiwan.Although Taiwan is a democratic country and China is a totalitarian one-party dictatorship, the USA takes the side of China. This is because the USA wants access to China's markets for its own industrial interests.This shows that the USA is against democracy when it serves its own interests. The USA actually prefers to have totalitarian dictatorships as allies,as has been shown for many decades around the world,as initially in the case of Taiwan,South Korea and Chile.The USA is not pro-democracy.The USA is just pro-capitalist.How can anyone believe that the USA prefers democracy when they see them isolate Taiwan so as to be friendly towards China? Some people argue that the USA is the world's strongest guarantor of Taiwan's security against Chinese aggression,but the USA also accepts and propagates the lie that Taiwan is part of China, and the USA gave the Taiwanese seat at the UN to China,when USA initially only recognised Taiwan.
5)Total devotion to Israel despite 5 decades of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians:The USA continues to protect, encourage and finance Israel in its crimes against humanity in Palestinian territories.The USA thwarts nearly every humane gesture by the United Nations in regard to Israel.The USA encourages and financially supports the slaughter of several hundred innocent people in Palestine every year by Israeli death squads seeking expanded living space for Jewish settlements.It is clear that the USA's ruling class favours Israel heavily.They are blinded by their favouritism of Israel.[If the Palestinians all converted to Christianity or Judaism from Islam,the scales would fall from the eyes of the Americans.Then they would realise that the Palestinians are human beings].The occupied West Bank of Jordan resembles the Warsaw Ghetto of World War II.The occupied West Bank is a slave colony of the Israelis.However deeds which were evil when the Germans did them to Jews in WW2 are now encouraged every day(indirectly) by the USA when the Israelis do them.Seeing the enthusiastic American Government support for Israelis turning innocent Palestinians into corpses is the principal cause of worldwide Muslim anger against the USA.(Jewish intellectuals, as individuals, are among the best people in the world in my opinion.The Jewish people have the highest regard for education, intelligence and learning. But the Israeli apartheid regime has soiled the good name of all Jewish people.)
My personal theory about the love affair between the USA and Israel is that the Americans feel a deep sense of emptiness in their short history.They can look back with nostalgia to the early migrations, the severance from Britain, the settlement/appropriation of the West,and the Civil War.However they have no deep sense of history as other nations have.To fill this gap, they look to the Christian bible,which is tacked onto the Jewish bible, and see their deeper origins as lying in Jewish history.Therefore US Americans feel that in some fundamental sense they originate from the Jewish people.So the love of Israel is really a kind of yearning for the ancestors.If the USA severed its attachment to Israel, US Americans would have to face the emptiness of their own short history.Many people wonder why a rich country such as the USA is so obsessed with religion.(Usually religion fades in rich countries,to be replaced with spiritualism/free thinking/atheism/personal philosophies).The answer may be that perhaps Christianity gives the USA a deeper national creation mythology than they can compose in their own right.The Jewish and Christian stories are substitutes for a deeper US American national creation mythology.
{Personal Note:Similarly,my country owes Israel to an extent for contributing to our survival,as we are surrounded by Indonesia to the south,the largest Muslim nation in the world,and we have fought one war with them before,when we were still a colony of Britain and part of Malaysia.I admire the Israelis as great soldiers,warriors and scientists,and I can understand their fight for survival,but they have gone beyond reasonable limits in oppressing people and killing off hundreds of innocent Muslims.}
6)Causing the `Asian meltdown' through oppressive loan conditions: Enforcement of completely inappropriate and humiliating conditions on Thailand through the IMF(International Monentary Fund),which is controlled by the USA. In the "Asian crisis'' of about 1997,the currency of Thailand collapsed,due to the sudden withdrawal of huge amounts of capital,mostly by the USA.As a result, there was massive unemployment,thousands of people committed suicide when they lost their jobs,and the misery continued for several years until the time of their current Prime Minister,Thaksin Shinawatra.The IMF forced Thailand to carry out even more inappropriate measures after the crisis,whereas Malaysia under Mahathir refused the IMF commands.Malaysia's economy improved quickly but Thailand's did not and lingered until reforms were carried out.The economies of Vietnam and China hardly noticed the "Asian meltdown'', because they did not follow the IMF commands.Similar conditions were forced on Indonesia,resulting in some of the worst chaos seen since the 1960's,resulting in the persecution of thousands of Chinese and other non-Muslims.Under the current regime,conditions are better,and the TNI(Indonesian Armed Forces) is now keeping order in Aceh,cleansing Muslim rebels and killing terrorists in its various islands,with less overt racism.
7)Bombing of Cambodia and Laos:During the 1970s and throughout the Vietnam War,the USAF intruded into the airspace of these countries and bombed villages and towns along the border with Vietnam,in an attempt to wipe out Viet Cong supply lines.To my knowledge,in the end they succeeded in crippling the Viet Cong through a combination of operations in Vietnam,but the bombings of Cambodia and Laos resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians and other non-combatants.The USAF has never officially acknowledged the existence of such bombing operations or the deaths,officials have never been brought to trial under international law for war crimes,neither has it offered an apology for these actions.
8)Funding, weapons and training for Nicaraguan terrorists: The USA gave huge amounts of funding to terrorists in Nicaragua who killed hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguans in the 1980s with guns and mines on farmland. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians lost their legs or were maimed in other ways.When there was finally an election along US-approved lines, the USA said the vote was not fair and would not be recognized - until it emerged that the USA's puppet won, and then they immediately announced that the election was completely fair.(The previous election which brought the Sandinistas to power was recognized by official European observers and everyone else as free and fair.However the people didn't elect a pro-capitalist and pro-American government.Thus the US rejected that election as flawed.The USA was happy with the previous puppet dictator Somoza.)
9)Illegal mining of Managua harbour:The USA illegally mined Managua Harbour. When the USA was taken to the international court for this and the USA lost the case,the USA immediately withdrew its recognition of the court,even though it had agreed by treaty to give at least 6 months notice of withdrawal of recognition.The USA clearly believes that only other countries need to abide by international agreements.The USA is seemingly exempt from most international laws.Another example is the provision pushed through by America that its soldiers are immune to standing trials under the International Court of Human Rights for crimes against humanity and war crimes.the US government has passed a law to impose sanctions on any country which cooperates with the International Criminal Court, and they have passed a law to indemnify American war criminals from legal action.Thus,the US indicates that it is free to commit war crimes with impunity.
10)Arrogant, conceited nationalism:Some American citizens have a general attitude that they are rich because they are superior.This is totally explicitly stated,especially on ceremonial occasions.The reason the USA is rich is for many reasons, including very successful exploitation of other countries, the fact that they came into World Wars I and II very late when other countries were exhausted, the geographical isolation of the USA,the fertile land which they took from the indigenous people (whom they largely exterminated),and their homogeneous(though increasingly diverse) language and culture.
11) Imposition of unfair conditions of trade:Throughout the 1990s, the USA has been imposing "globalisation'' on the whole world. This is a propaganda term which means Americanisation of culture,economics and politics.Many countries are forced to cut back on all public services and social welfare as the US has done,and every country must accept anything that the US wants to export,no matter how much this harms the economies of the other countries.This often means that even valid health objections are rejected by the USA.When other countries succeed in exporting to the USA, e.g. farm goods at 1/3 the cost of production, the USA puts on heavy tariffs and gives substantial support to US farmers.Current estimates are that 50% of US farm income comes from the government.The USA does not permit any other country to do this.When other countries object, the USA wrangles in courts for years until so much damage is done that the issue is no longer relevant. The so-called "globalisation'' ideology is making poor countries poorer and the USA richer.
12)Protectionism in Trade Agreements:As stated in point 11,the USA is protectionist when it comes to its agricultural industries and places heavy tariffs on other goods,discouraging competition where it harms them,therefore making the treaty unequal in terms accorded.One example are the heavy tariffs on Vietnamese catfish,which are considerably cheaper than American catfish in rearing and breeding.This is a prime example of undair trade terms and protectionism.A 2nd example are the tariffs on European steel,produced at cheaper prices and superior quality to American steel.The steel industry used successful lobbying to get tariffs imposed on European steel.In this regard,it is more equal as Europe applied stiff tariffs on American steel in turn,something about which many American steel companies complained about.Finally,another example is the Australia-US FTA,where the agricultural products of Australia are heavily tarriffed to protect American agricultural produce.
13)Support for Indonesian massacre of Chinese: The USA approved the Suharto government's killing of about 500,000 Chinese Indonesians who were suspected of being communist sympathisers.This incident occured in the 1960s and other reports estimate up to a million or more were killed.500 000 is a conservative estimate.
14)Support for Indonesian invasion and massacre of East Timor: The US government gave the go-ahead to the Indonesian government to invade East Timor in 1975. This resulted in the several hundred thousand deaths of innocent civilians,with US approval.No action was taken by the UN to stop this action.
15)Invasion of Haiti: Occupation of Haiti in 1994 to install US choice of régime.The USA also invaded and occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934.
16)Invasion of Grenada: Invasion of Grenada in 1983 to install pro-US government.
17)Attempted invasion of Cuba:Unsuccessful invasion of Cuba (1961) to install pro-US-capitalist government. Large numbers of people pointlessly killed for ideological/economic reasons,with no apology.This is related to the Bay of Pigs revolt put down by Fidel Castro,when CIA-trained Cuban exiles attempted to invade Cuba and assassinate Castro.
18)Support for Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan:Support of Muslim fanatics in Afghanistan to kill Russians and other Soviet citizens.As a result of US actions in Afghanistan, huge numbers of Russian conscripts were killed,the country's political system collapsed, and the political vacuum was filled by US client groups who violated human rights on a vast scale with US support, knowledge and acquiescence.
{Personal Note:During the Afghanistan actions from 1979-1989,America funded mujahideen groups through the CIA,one such group being led by Osama bin Laden who went to aid in the jihad to liberate Afghanistan from the USSR.Of course,once they had fulfilled their use,the US simply abandoned them,rather than doing anything constructive to rebuild Afghanistan.At the very least,they did not betray them}
19)Support for Iraqi war crimes and weapons of mass destruction:Support for Iraqi aggression against Iran in the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s,despite the very well-known fact that Iraq attacked Iran pre-emptively without warning from the air in the expectation of destroying all of Iran's planes on the ground and occupying all of Iran.The Iraqis killed over 1 million Iranians (which helps explain the high proportion of young people in Iran now 20 years later).The Iraqis used chemical and biological weapons with US knowledge and active support because of the US desire to punish Iran.(This indicates that the USA is in favour of the use of `weapons of mass destruction' by its clients, allies and puppets.WMDs are okay for the USA's friends.An example is the 500 nuclear warheads possessed by Israel.)To this day,US sanctions are still in place against Iran,whle the Swiss serve as the intermediaries for America.
While siding with Iraq against Iran, the US shot down an Iranian passenger plane,killing hundreds of people, even though it was clear from all sources of information that it was a civilian plane.A 'trigger-happy' naval officer shot it down before thinking.
This is the problem with giving the "power of a god to someone without the discipline,intelligence,morals or responsibility that comes with that power".The USA just so easily wipes out hundreds, thousands or millions of lives without consequences to itself.Similar 'trigger-happy' incidents have occurd as recent as in Afghanistan,where a US plane bombed Canadian soldiers on the ground,killing several and the Iraqi war,where several British soldiers suffered under "friendly fire" from American forces."Friendly fire" that killed some of them.The US has also been known to bomb weddings and other family gatherings,as seen in Afghanistan in at least one incident.
20)Use of armaments sales to apply pressure:The USA has used weapons sales to countries to apply diplomatic pressure to its advantage.An example is their refusal to grant my country direct access to the AMRAAM missile systems when we had bought them,instead insisting on storing them in Deigo Garcia and then shipping them to us if we ever were to fight a war.Since then,we are increasinly turning to European and Russian defence contractors and indigenous weapons designs to reduce reliance on America and bypass any form of diplomatic pressure.An example is the arms embargo on Indonesia.
21)Corrupt political lobbying in the USA:The US lectures other countries on cronyism,but has the worst case of crony capitalism in the world.The US government gives in to corporate lobbying on all subjects,including the protection of US farmers and industries from free world trade.The Jewish lobbying causes the US government to support horrible human rights abuses in occupied Palestine.The USA's form of government could be accurately described as "policy payola''.
22)Rejection/sabotage of international standards:Whenever an international standard develops for anything, the USA tries to undermine it.Just one example is the adoption of GSM, which was invented in Europe.The US ideology demanded that there should be multiple competing digital mobile phone technologies because pointless competition is part of the USA's culture.As a result,the USA ended up with an appalling mess in mobile telephony whereas the rest of the world got the very successful GSM.Just like IBM had a long history of thwarting every attempt to build industry-wide standards in the computer industry (they only attended standards meeting to sabotage and delay any standards),so the USA tries to prevent the emergence of all world standards.The USA regards international standards as a threat to its world dominance.International standards are "not the US national interest''.
23)Imposition of American beliefs on other nations:I take issue most often with the Christian right of the USA,which is trying to exports its ideology on major issues such as abortion and contraception to other parts of the world.Similarly,I take issue with militant atheists imposing their views on others from across the world.Please,keep your beliefs to yourself and don't impose them on other people.I certainly don't need saving by Jesus,and I certainly don't need saving from views that organised religion is a form of socital insanity.Keep your damn views to your own damn continent,thank you very much.
24)Cultural domination through extra-territorial copyright law: The US imposes its laws against music and video copying throughout the world, exercising extra-territorial jurisdiction.Because of the use by pathetically weak encryption by the US music and film industry,the USA has a law called the DMCA, which forbids decryption of music and videos.However,people in Europe and Russia have decrypted these formats.Therefore these people are prosecuted in the USA for acts which are legal in other countries.One prominent example is the CSS encryption,which enables US companies to charge more in Europe and Asia than in the USA.It also prevents Linux users from playing video disks.This kind of market distortion is the opposite to globalisation and is anti-competitive.This shows that the USA lies when they say they are in favour of globalisation and free competition.They are only in favour of globalisation and free competition in market sectors where the USA is strong.In the markets where the USA is weak,they enforce anti-competitive and anti-trade protectionist measures,and laws to distort markets in their favour.The USA has unilaterally extended the 28 years of copyright protection which used to be the international norm to 50 and now to 70 years. (Some people say, probably correctly, that this is to satisfy Disney and such companies.)Then the USA forces their one-sided interests on everyone else.
25)Environmental delinquency: The USA unilaterally withdrew from the climate treaty, because it was not in the US short-term interest to cooperate with other countries. This is despite the fact that the USA has about the same standard of living as Western Europe with about twice the per capita energy consumption. The USA is just an extremely inefficient consumer of fuel,which forces to the rest of the world to use less. The USA wants other countries to make economic sacrifices to help the USA, but not vice versa.
26)Economic subjugation/Population abues through extra-territorial patent law: The USA insists that patent law should be sacred world-wide when the USA wants to maximize its profits from AIDS treatment drugs.As a result, millions of people are dying needlessly world-wide in poor countries.Of course, when the USA wanted to get some cheap anti-anthrax drugs because about when relatively few people in the USA had died,then on the grounds of national emergency,the USA said that they should be able to override the patents just to get a price reduction for a drug which they could well afford. This has outraged people worldwide who see that the value of a USA citizen is a million times greater than that of citizens of other countries,in the USA's view.
27)Energy wastage: In terms of energy efficiency, the USA has about the same standard of living as Western Europe but with twice the consumption of energy. As a result, the USA has to control world oil prices so as to maintain its standard of living.On top of this, they refuse to restrict their pollution of the atmosphere,as evidenced by their refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocols,when they are the heavist polluter on the planet.
28)Support for Irish terrorism: For the last 30 years,the USA has been the principle funder of the Irish terrorists who have been killing both civilians and soldiers trying to keep the peace in Northern Ireland.This shows that the USA only objects to terrorists who are Muslim and/or anti-American.The anti-British Northern Irish terrorists are neutral with regards to the USA.Thus the USA allows the IRA to raise funds and gain political support to kill the English in Britain and the Protestants in Northern Ireland. This shows that the USA very definitely will not declare a war on all terrorists.This occured despite repeated requests by the UK for the US to shut down IRA cells based in the USA.
29) Wilful disregard of Rwandan genocide: When the US personnel in Rwanda knew that there was about to be a massacre, they quickly got all their people out of there and let the massacre happen, making almost no public comment while 800,000 people were murdered. The USA could have stopped it, but they were worried that US citizens might die as they did in Somalia. This must be what the US government means by moral leadership. US moral leadership means getting out of anything that is of no immediate benefit to the USA. One US citizen means more to the US government than 800,000 Rwandans. The US government pretended that they didn't know there was going to be a genocide, because then they would have been obliged under the Genocide Convention to do something about it. But revelations since then have shown that the government did know about it before and while it was happening.
30)Harrassing the creation of the International Criminal Court: The US government has done everything it can to hinder the establishment of an international court to prosecute war criminals and crimes against humanity because they are worried that they and their client states will be brought before this court. They have even passed a law to put sanctions on any country which cooperates with the international court. Once again, the USA uses extra-territorial quasi-legal measures to intimidate other countries, even their nominal friends and allies, as a way of achieving the USA's self-interest. In this case, the USA knows that it regularly commits war crimes all over the world. As a result, it will not be possible to bring war criminals of other nationalities to such a court,due to the precedent set by the USA in this regard.
31)Sex tourism by military and civilians: When many American males travel overseas, they have only one principal objective, namely to have sex with as many local women as possible. US women should know that when their partners travel overseas, they spend all of their time and energy (and much of their money) trying to get sex with local women. This spreads diseases and unwanted children. US males tell lies to women to dupe them into having sex with them. This is true in all parts of the world, Asia, Europe, Australia, and everywhere else.This stands true particularly for military personnel,as seen in Korea and Okinawa,as well as in the Philipines.
32)Resistance to globalisation of measurement units: While lecturing and bullying the rest of the world to accept US exports under the slogan of "globalisation'', which really means Americanization of non-US economies, the USA refuses to globalise its measurement units. They still use the medieval units known as British Imperial measures even though 95% of the world has converted to modern decimal-based units (the metric or SI system) as developed in France during the 18th century. The USA is 200 years behind the rest of the world, but they keep bullying everyone else to be like them. It's time they showed some commitment to globalization and immediately removed all usage of miles, furlongs, acres, fahrenheit, feet, inches, pounds, ounces, imperial tons, hundredweight, stones, gallons and quarts. The old units are so quaint, but they are a serious impediment to world trade. Get moving, USA, and catch up with the rest of the world!!! Every other country has to produce everything in dual units for the USA. The USA claims to be very modern, but is in actual fact the most backward bountry in the world in measuring units. Everybody else in the world can cope with metric units. So why can't the USA cope?
33)Export of Christian-right ideology, causing massive AIDS deaths: In order to get votes from the catholic anti-condom, anti-contraception, anti-abortion (and anti many other things) lobby, the US government impedes the use of condoms in poor countries which have a serious AIDS problem. Just as one example, Kenya has a very serious AIDS problem, but the US has cut off aid to organisations in Kenya making condoms available to prevent AIDS. The result in poor countries of this sort of policy is a vast increase in AIDS sickness and death. The USA say that they give a lot of foreign aid. But this is propaganda nonsense. The USA gives only about 0.1% of GDP in foreign aid, compared to 3 times that much for most western countries. Some western countries give as much as 1% of GDP in foreign aid. The USA is near the bottom of the league table in overseas aid.
34)Bhopal disaster, India: When a US company caused the deaths of many thousands of people in India due to a chemical leak, the USA gave negligible compensation to the victims. The sympathy for these people was less than the sympathy for any minor incident in the USA. The USA's big companies value the lives of non-US citizens at absolute zero.However when even one US citizen is killed, there's a huge fuss. If the USA wants people to feel sympathetic towards their victims of disasters, they should start regarding non-US citizens as full human beings. All the USA thinks about in disasters like Bhopal is how to minimize the compensation payouts. So why should anyone feel sympathy for the much less serious NY incident on 11/9/2001. The USA is milking that incident for all it's worth.
35)Ethnic cleansing of Native Americans: The USA was built on Native American land which was stolen. This was achieved by the ethnic cleansing of the entire area of the USA apart from a few "reservations'' which are the bits left over that the colonists didn't immediately want.Americans should never forget that the USA is a colony created by theft.Therefore the USA cannot lecture other countries about colonisation.A nation that was built from ethnic cleansing and slavery is not in a strong position to talk internationally about morality. The "cowboys and indians'' movie genre during the 20th century has given the impression that the ethnic cleansing of native American lands was something like a sport where the 'good guys' won. How many countries proudly base their national cinema culture on their own history of ethnic cleansing?
Anyone in the USA who really, really wants to understand why so many people hate the USA should read the above points and do further research of their own to learn of the huge scale of murder and horrendous exploitation of other countries by the USA. Of course, it is not in the "interests'' of US citizens to learn about the harm they are doing every day to the rest of the world. Some people say that citizens of the USA don't know what's being done in their name. They say they are innocent bystanders. But that's what the Germans said after WW2: "We knew nothing...''. The Germans have learned that they must act early to stop outrages. Now citizens of the USA must learn the same lesson.
Personally, I don't hate(I just dislike it and loathe its policies intensely) the USA,or most of its population.However I am dismayed by the horrors inflicted on the poor countries of the world by the USA. No country can afford to make enemies of the majority of countries in the world. The excessive use of the "big stick'' to solve all international problems has resulted in a very resentful world. Like a tiger trainer who whacks the tigers too often, the USA needs to be careful now. Even tigers sometimes kill their trainer or elephants when they have been beaten once too often.
Many people in the world hoped on 11/9/2001 that US citizens would stop and think about what they are doing which attracts so much hate.Apparently,America and its people have not.
Sympathy Squandered(From another Author,not me)
Sympathy squandered.
For a day or two after the 11/9/2001 suicide hijacks, the whole world felt a huge sympathy for the USA. For once we saw the USA weak and vulnerable. When the USA was strutting the world stage as the selfish international bully, no one could feel affection for them. But seeing them weak for once made it possible to feel compassion and sympathy.
But the USA squandered the sympathy it deserved on 11-9-2001. If the US had been more gentle and understanding, the sympathy would have continued. But instead, the USA turned into a super-bully, much more selfish and bloodthirsty than ever before. And this is why the USA is without friends now. The USA has cashed in its international goodwill chips. There will be no chips left when the USA needs friends.
Apart from the UK and Australia, most countries and their governments grew weary of the super-bully renaissance by the end of 2001. The USA received sympathy even from the Muslim countries after 9-11. Now that's gone. If only the USA could find ways of resolving conflict apart from violence and annihilation, the world may once again feel genuine solidarity with the USA - not the kind of `cooperation' which is forced at the threat of sanctions and violence.
No one's going to feel affection or goodwill for a country which looks down on them. People all over the world felt deep sympathy and affection for the USA on 11/9/2001 because that's how people feel towards a country in need. The USA has squandered that sympathy and affection. To regain the world's affection, the USA will have to stop behaving unilaterally and arrogantly and start learning how to be more practical and intelligent and at least a bit more magnanimous and benign in regard to foreign policy.
The USA has helped the world, but just as often, they have helped themselves - to the resources and well-being of the world. US foreign policy is openly based on national "self-interest'', not international cooperation. The only kind of cooperation the USA understands is where other countries "cooperate'' with the USA - i.e. other countries must do what the USA tells them to do or else....the invasion of Iraq which was done under false pretences,though it has served a great good by removing a tyrant from power.
Having good propaganda techniques as the US does is not in itself a bad thing, but it does mean that US citizens can't see the world clearly from within their own environment,often relying on Fox News and other biased sources that are pro-American such as CNN.The USA is in many ways an excellent country. The problem is just that this is so often at cost to the rest of the world,both in wealth and lives
About 3000 innocent civilians were killed on 2001-9-11. This is a tiny token compared the suffering inflicted on the world by the USA. (Perhaps I should also mention that the murder rate in the USA is about 80 per million per annum, which is about 20,000 per annum for the whole country. So the deaths on 2001-9-11 were less than a typical 2 months of murders in the USA,a comparatively light loss.
The United States tends to see most world issues with one eye closed. US citizens see only what is good about themselves and their client states and what is bad in others. But they should open the other eye too - and see the evil in themselves and the good in others.An example of this would be the Kyoto Protocols,which Bush refused to sign due to supposed constraints it would place on the American economy and industrial interests,not keeping in mind the long view,where continued human survival and the health of the Earths ecology at stake.
In the USA, it is said that "the terrorists hate the democracy and freedom of the USA and the West''. This is complete nonsense. Anyone with more than 5 neurons working in their brain knows that this is bull. People worldwide admire the good things of the USA and hate the bad things. US citizens must do some homework to find out what crimes, barbarism and atrocities are committed in their name. It's the same old story - the people are good, but the government is bad. The difference in a democracy is that the people choose their government (more or less). So in a democracy, the people are responsible for the crimes and evil of their government. People who trumpet the virtues of their democracy should remember that they are responsible for the crimes of their government. There are so many good people in the USA, isn't it a shame they're not running the country.
The USA has built up a deep reservoir of hatred and dislike against it. The reservoir of hate has become much deeper since 11/9/2001. Sometimes the dam wall breaks a little. But if the USA does not open its eyes soon, the dam wall will burst wide open and unleash the entire reservoir. The suicide hijackings are just the first in a series of anti-USA actions which are sure to continue. If you whip an angry lion, it does not lie down and roll over. A country which has a "shoot'em up'' approach to world politics should not be surprised when some of their victims take the same attitude. Since the USA has been terrorizing the world for the last 100 years, they can't be surprised if a little terror blows back at them. If the USA continues to treat the other countries of the world as some sort of rebellious provinces,they could soon find that no US citizen is welcome in many parts of the world.
Reasons why the USA is hated
1) Massive war crimes in Vietnam war: The mass murder of well over 1 million (some say about 3 million) innocent Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam war was an act of mass state terrorism. (The USA also used chemical weapons such as dioxins and Agent Orange in this aggressive war.) The USA should have been forced to pay hundreds of billions of dollars of reparations for their war crimes. But instead, the USA imposed horrendous trade sanctions on Vietnam which led to mass starvation for many years. At the same time, the USA forced the Vietnamese to put a humiliating amount of effort into finding decades-old corpses of American war criminals. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian Vietnamese died without their bodies being recovered.Seemingly,some US citizens are capable of feeling no sympathy for any people other than their own.They think that one American is worth a thousand foreigners. There are many people in the USA even now who are proud of their participation in the mass murder and war crimes in Vietnam.
{Personal Note:Ironically,this is a conundrum for me,as without the Vietnam War being fought,my country Singapore would not have grown strong enough to resist communist infiltration and subversion,and thus the Vietnam War bougt us time to cull the communist population down to size and eradicate them.However,this does NOT excuse the Americans for the murder of several of my fellow Asians,many of whom were innocent}
2)Destruction of democracy in Chile: The removal of the freely elected democratic government of Chile by the CIA, including the bombing of the presidential palace (on another September 11), followed by the murder of thousands of innocent civilians. This proves that the USA is not in favour of democracy.In you wish to know,this refers to General Pinochet who in a coup upsurped the democartically elected government with CIA support and American money.Pinochet was responsible for the 'dissappearance' of many political dissidents and opponents.
3)Embargo of Cuba but not China or Saudi Arabia: Decades of embargo of the government of Cuba, while the USA gives most favoured nation status to China, which is one of the most undemocratic governments and repressive regimes in the world.The support for China and Saudi Arabia is purely in the US self-interest.The dislike of Cuba could stem from the fact that it has resisted American hegemony and influence as well as politics influenced by the Cuban exile community.Cuba is not angel,but this reflects double standards on the part of America.Please compare the Saudi Arabian and Cuban human rights records,and then make a judgement.Of course,since Saudi Arabia is the source of the majority of the world's crude oil,it is a political necessity for the American government.
4)Preference for totalitarian China,not democratic Taiwan:For a few decades now, the USA has been cooperating with China in the international ostracism of Taiwan.Although Taiwan is a democratic country and China is a totalitarian one-party dictatorship, the USA takes the side of China. This is because the USA wants access to China's markets for its own industrial interests.This shows that the USA is against democracy when it serves its own interests. The USA actually prefers to have totalitarian dictatorships as allies,as has been shown for many decades around the world,as initially in the case of Taiwan,South Korea and Chile.The USA is not pro-democracy.The USA is just pro-capitalist.How can anyone believe that the USA prefers democracy when they see them isolate Taiwan so as to be friendly towards China? Some people argue that the USA is the world's strongest guarantor of Taiwan's security against Chinese aggression,but the USA also accepts and propagates the lie that Taiwan is part of China, and the USA gave the Taiwanese seat at the UN to China,when USA initially only recognised Taiwan.
5)Total devotion to Israel despite 5 decades of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians:The USA continues to protect, encourage and finance Israel in its crimes against humanity in Palestinian territories.The USA thwarts nearly every humane gesture by the United Nations in regard to Israel.The USA encourages and financially supports the slaughter of several hundred innocent people in Palestine every year by Israeli death squads seeking expanded living space for Jewish settlements.It is clear that the USA's ruling class favours Israel heavily.They are blinded by their favouritism of Israel.[If the Palestinians all converted to Christianity or Judaism from Islam,the scales would fall from the eyes of the Americans.Then they would realise that the Palestinians are human beings].The occupied West Bank of Jordan resembles the Warsaw Ghetto of World War II.The occupied West Bank is a slave colony of the Israelis.However deeds which were evil when the Germans did them to Jews in WW2 are now encouraged every day(indirectly) by the USA when the Israelis do them.Seeing the enthusiastic American Government support for Israelis turning innocent Palestinians into corpses is the principal cause of worldwide Muslim anger against the USA.(Jewish intellectuals, as individuals, are among the best people in the world in my opinion.The Jewish people have the highest regard for education, intelligence and learning. But the Israeli apartheid regime has soiled the good name of all Jewish people.)
My personal theory about the love affair between the USA and Israel is that the Americans feel a deep sense of emptiness in their short history.They can look back with nostalgia to the early migrations, the severance from Britain, the settlement/appropriation of the West,and the Civil War.However they have no deep sense of history as other nations have.To fill this gap, they look to the Christian bible,which is tacked onto the Jewish bible, and see their deeper origins as lying in Jewish history.Therefore US Americans feel that in some fundamental sense they originate from the Jewish people.So the love of Israel is really a kind of yearning for the ancestors.If the USA severed its attachment to Israel, US Americans would have to face the emptiness of their own short history.Many people wonder why a rich country such as the USA is so obsessed with religion.(Usually religion fades in rich countries,to be replaced with spiritualism/free thinking/atheism/personal philosophies).The answer may be that perhaps Christianity gives the USA a deeper national creation mythology than they can compose in their own right.The Jewish and Christian stories are substitutes for a deeper US American national creation mythology.
{Personal Note:Similarly,my country owes Israel to an extent for contributing to our survival,as we are surrounded by Indonesia to the south,the largest Muslim nation in the world,and we have fought one war with them before,when we were still a colony of Britain and part of Malaysia.I admire the Israelis as great soldiers,warriors and scientists,and I can understand their fight for survival,but they have gone beyond reasonable limits in oppressing people and killing off hundreds of innocent Muslims.}
6)Causing the `Asian meltdown' through oppressive loan conditions: Enforcement of completely inappropriate and humiliating conditions on Thailand through the IMF(International Monentary Fund),which is controlled by the USA. In the "Asian crisis'' of about 1997,the currency of Thailand collapsed,due to the sudden withdrawal of huge amounts of capital,mostly by the USA.As a result, there was massive unemployment,thousands of people committed suicide when they lost their jobs,and the misery continued for several years until the time of their current Prime Minister,Thaksin Shinawatra.The IMF forced Thailand to carry out even more inappropriate measures after the crisis,whereas Malaysia under Mahathir refused the IMF commands.Malaysia's economy improved quickly but Thailand's did not and lingered until reforms were carried out.The economies of Vietnam and China hardly noticed the "Asian meltdown'', because they did not follow the IMF commands.Similar conditions were forced on Indonesia,resulting in some of the worst chaos seen since the 1960's,resulting in the persecution of thousands of Chinese and other non-Muslims.Under the current regime,conditions are better,and the TNI(Indonesian Armed Forces) is now keeping order in Aceh,cleansing Muslim rebels and killing terrorists in its various islands,with less overt racism.
7)Bombing of Cambodia and Laos:During the 1970s and throughout the Vietnam War,the USAF intruded into the airspace of these countries and bombed villages and towns along the border with Vietnam,in an attempt to wipe out Viet Cong supply lines.To my knowledge,in the end they succeeded in crippling the Viet Cong through a combination of operations in Vietnam,but the bombings of Cambodia and Laos resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians and other non-combatants.The USAF has never officially acknowledged the existence of such bombing operations or the deaths,officials have never been brought to trial under international law for war crimes,neither has it offered an apology for these actions.
8)Funding, weapons and training for Nicaraguan terrorists: The USA gave huge amounts of funding to terrorists in Nicaragua who killed hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguans in the 1980s with guns and mines on farmland. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians lost their legs or were maimed in other ways.When there was finally an election along US-approved lines, the USA said the vote was not fair and would not be recognized - until it emerged that the USA's puppet won, and then they immediately announced that the election was completely fair.(The previous election which brought the Sandinistas to power was recognized by official European observers and everyone else as free and fair.However the people didn't elect a pro-capitalist and pro-American government.Thus the US rejected that election as flawed.The USA was happy with the previous puppet dictator Somoza.)
9)Illegal mining of Managua harbour:The USA illegally mined Managua Harbour. When the USA was taken to the international court for this and the USA lost the case,the USA immediately withdrew its recognition of the court,even though it had agreed by treaty to give at least 6 months notice of withdrawal of recognition.The USA clearly believes that only other countries need to abide by international agreements.The USA is seemingly exempt from most international laws.Another example is the provision pushed through by America that its soldiers are immune to standing trials under the International Court of Human Rights for crimes against humanity and war crimes.the US government has passed a law to impose sanctions on any country which cooperates with the International Criminal Court, and they have passed a law to indemnify American war criminals from legal action.Thus,the US indicates that it is free to commit war crimes with impunity.
10)Arrogant, conceited nationalism:Some American citizens have a general attitude that they are rich because they are superior.This is totally explicitly stated,especially on ceremonial occasions.The reason the USA is rich is for many reasons, including very successful exploitation of other countries, the fact that they came into World Wars I and II very late when other countries were exhausted, the geographical isolation of the USA,the fertile land which they took from the indigenous people (whom they largely exterminated),and their homogeneous(though increasingly diverse) language and culture.
11) Imposition of unfair conditions of trade:Throughout the 1990s, the USA has been imposing "globalisation'' on the whole world. This is a propaganda term which means Americanisation of culture,economics and politics.Many countries are forced to cut back on all public services and social welfare as the US has done,and every country must accept anything that the US wants to export,no matter how much this harms the economies of the other countries.This often means that even valid health objections are rejected by the USA.When other countries succeed in exporting to the USA, e.g. farm goods at 1/3 the cost of production, the USA puts on heavy tariffs and gives substantial support to US farmers.Current estimates are that 50% of US farm income comes from the government.The USA does not permit any other country to do this.When other countries object, the USA wrangles in courts for years until so much damage is done that the issue is no longer relevant. The so-called "globalisation'' ideology is making poor countries poorer and the USA richer.
12)Protectionism in Trade Agreements:As stated in point 11,the USA is protectionist when it comes to its agricultural industries and places heavy tariffs on other goods,discouraging competition where it harms them,therefore making the treaty unequal in terms accorded.One example are the heavy tariffs on Vietnamese catfish,which are considerably cheaper than American catfish in rearing and breeding.This is a prime example of undair trade terms and protectionism.A 2nd example are the tariffs on European steel,produced at cheaper prices and superior quality to American steel.The steel industry used successful lobbying to get tariffs imposed on European steel.In this regard,it is more equal as Europe applied stiff tariffs on American steel in turn,something about which many American steel companies complained about.Finally,another example is the Australia-US FTA,where the agricultural products of Australia are heavily tarriffed to protect American agricultural produce.
13)Support for Indonesian massacre of Chinese: The USA approved the Suharto government's killing of about 500,000 Chinese Indonesians who were suspected of being communist sympathisers.This incident occured in the 1960s and other reports estimate up to a million or more were killed.500 000 is a conservative estimate.
14)Support for Indonesian invasion and massacre of East Timor: The US government gave the go-ahead to the Indonesian government to invade East Timor in 1975. This resulted in the several hundred thousand deaths of innocent civilians,with US approval.No action was taken by the UN to stop this action.
15)Invasion of Haiti: Occupation of Haiti in 1994 to install US choice of régime.The USA also invaded and occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934.
16)Invasion of Grenada: Invasion of Grenada in 1983 to install pro-US government.
17)Attempted invasion of Cuba:Unsuccessful invasion of Cuba (1961) to install pro-US-capitalist government. Large numbers of people pointlessly killed for ideological/economic reasons,with no apology.This is related to the Bay of Pigs revolt put down by Fidel Castro,when CIA-trained Cuban exiles attempted to invade Cuba and assassinate Castro.
18)Support for Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan:Support of Muslim fanatics in Afghanistan to kill Russians and other Soviet citizens.As a result of US actions in Afghanistan, huge numbers of Russian conscripts were killed,the country's political system collapsed, and the political vacuum was filled by US client groups who violated human rights on a vast scale with US support, knowledge and acquiescence.
{Personal Note:During the Afghanistan actions from 1979-1989,America funded mujahideen groups through the CIA,one such group being led by Osama bin Laden who went to aid in the jihad to liberate Afghanistan from the USSR.Of course,once they had fulfilled their use,the US simply abandoned them,rather than doing anything constructive to rebuild Afghanistan.At the very least,they did not betray them}
19)Support for Iraqi war crimes and weapons of mass destruction:Support for Iraqi aggression against Iran in the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s,despite the very well-known fact that Iraq attacked Iran pre-emptively without warning from the air in the expectation of destroying all of Iran's planes on the ground and occupying all of Iran.The Iraqis killed over 1 million Iranians (which helps explain the high proportion of young people in Iran now 20 years later).The Iraqis used chemical and biological weapons with US knowledge and active support because of the US desire to punish Iran.(This indicates that the USA is in favour of the use of `weapons of mass destruction' by its clients, allies and puppets.WMDs are okay for the USA's friends.An example is the 500 nuclear warheads possessed by Israel.)To this day,US sanctions are still in place against Iran,whle the Swiss serve as the intermediaries for America.
While siding with Iraq against Iran, the US shot down an Iranian passenger plane,killing hundreds of people, even though it was clear from all sources of information that it was a civilian plane.A 'trigger-happy' naval officer shot it down before thinking.
This is the problem with giving the "power of a god to someone without the discipline,intelligence,morals or responsibility that comes with that power".The USA just so easily wipes out hundreds, thousands or millions of lives without consequences to itself.Similar 'trigger-happy' incidents have occurd as recent as in Afghanistan,where a US plane bombed Canadian soldiers on the ground,killing several and the Iraqi war,where several British soldiers suffered under "friendly fire" from American forces."Friendly fire" that killed some of them.The US has also been known to bomb weddings and other family gatherings,as seen in Afghanistan in at least one incident.
20)Use of armaments sales to apply pressure:The USA has used weapons sales to countries to apply diplomatic pressure to its advantage.An example is their refusal to grant my country direct access to the AMRAAM missile systems when we had bought them,instead insisting on storing them in Deigo Garcia and then shipping them to us if we ever were to fight a war.Since then,we are increasinly turning to European and Russian defence contractors and indigenous weapons designs to reduce reliance on America and bypass any form of diplomatic pressure.An example is the arms embargo on Indonesia.
21)Corrupt political lobbying in the USA:The US lectures other countries on cronyism,but has the worst case of crony capitalism in the world.The US government gives in to corporate lobbying on all subjects,including the protection of US farmers and industries from free world trade.The Jewish lobbying causes the US government to support horrible human rights abuses in occupied Palestine.The USA's form of government could be accurately described as "policy payola''.
22)Rejection/sabotage of international standards:Whenever an international standard develops for anything, the USA tries to undermine it.Just one example is the adoption of GSM, which was invented in Europe.The US ideology demanded that there should be multiple competing digital mobile phone technologies because pointless competition is part of the USA's culture.As a result,the USA ended up with an appalling mess in mobile telephony whereas the rest of the world got the very successful GSM.Just like IBM had a long history of thwarting every attempt to build industry-wide standards in the computer industry (they only attended standards meeting to sabotage and delay any standards),so the USA tries to prevent the emergence of all world standards.The USA regards international standards as a threat to its world dominance.International standards are "not the US national interest''.
23)Imposition of American beliefs on other nations:I take issue most often with the Christian right of the USA,which is trying to exports its ideology on major issues such as abortion and contraception to other parts of the world.Similarly,I take issue with militant atheists imposing their views on others from across the world.Please,keep your beliefs to yourself and don't impose them on other people.I certainly don't need saving by Jesus,and I certainly don't need saving from views that organised religion is a form of socital insanity.Keep your damn views to your own damn continent,thank you very much.
24)Cultural domination through extra-territorial copyright law: The US imposes its laws against music and video copying throughout the world, exercising extra-territorial jurisdiction.Because of the use by pathetically weak encryption by the US music and film industry,the USA has a law called the DMCA, which forbids decryption of music and videos.However,people in Europe and Russia have decrypted these formats.Therefore these people are prosecuted in the USA for acts which are legal in other countries.One prominent example is the CSS encryption,which enables US companies to charge more in Europe and Asia than in the USA.It also prevents Linux users from playing video disks.This kind of market distortion is the opposite to globalisation and is anti-competitive.This shows that the USA lies when they say they are in favour of globalisation and free competition.They are only in favour of globalisation and free competition in market sectors where the USA is strong.In the markets where the USA is weak,they enforce anti-competitive and anti-trade protectionist measures,and laws to distort markets in their favour.The USA has unilaterally extended the 28 years of copyright protection which used to be the international norm to 50 and now to 70 years. (Some people say, probably correctly, that this is to satisfy Disney and such companies.)Then the USA forces their one-sided interests on everyone else.
25)Environmental delinquency: The USA unilaterally withdrew from the climate treaty, because it was not in the US short-term interest to cooperate with other countries. This is despite the fact that the USA has about the same standard of living as Western Europe with about twice the per capita energy consumption. The USA is just an extremely inefficient consumer of fuel,which forces to the rest of the world to use less. The USA wants other countries to make economic sacrifices to help the USA, but not vice versa.
26)Economic subjugation/Population abues through extra-territorial patent law: The USA insists that patent law should be sacred world-wide when the USA wants to maximize its profits from AIDS treatment drugs.As a result, millions of people are dying needlessly world-wide in poor countries.Of course, when the USA wanted to get some cheap anti-anthrax drugs because about when relatively few people in the USA had died,then on the grounds of national emergency,the USA said that they should be able to override the patents just to get a price reduction for a drug which they could well afford. This has outraged people worldwide who see that the value of a USA citizen is a million times greater than that of citizens of other countries,in the USA's view.
27)Energy wastage: In terms of energy efficiency, the USA has about the same standard of living as Western Europe but with twice the consumption of energy. As a result, the USA has to control world oil prices so as to maintain its standard of living.On top of this, they refuse to restrict their pollution of the atmosphere,as evidenced by their refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocols,when they are the heavist polluter on the planet.
28)Support for Irish terrorism: For the last 30 years,the USA has been the principle funder of the Irish terrorists who have been killing both civilians and soldiers trying to keep the peace in Northern Ireland.This shows that the USA only objects to terrorists who are Muslim and/or anti-American.The anti-British Northern Irish terrorists are neutral with regards to the USA.Thus the USA allows the IRA to raise funds and gain political support to kill the English in Britain and the Protestants in Northern Ireland. This shows that the USA very definitely will not declare a war on all terrorists.This occured despite repeated requests by the UK for the US to shut down IRA cells based in the USA.
29) Wilful disregard of Rwandan genocide: When the US personnel in Rwanda knew that there was about to be a massacre, they quickly got all their people out of there and let the massacre happen, making almost no public comment while 800,000 people were murdered. The USA could have stopped it, but they were worried that US citizens might die as they did in Somalia. This must be what the US government means by moral leadership. US moral leadership means getting out of anything that is of no immediate benefit to the USA. One US citizen means more to the US government than 800,000 Rwandans. The US government pretended that they didn't know there was going to be a genocide, because then they would have been obliged under the Genocide Convention to do something about it. But revelations since then have shown that the government did know about it before and while it was happening.
30)Harrassing the creation of the International Criminal Court: The US government has done everything it can to hinder the establishment of an international court to prosecute war criminals and crimes against humanity because they are worried that they and their client states will be brought before this court. They have even passed a law to put sanctions on any country which cooperates with the international court. Once again, the USA uses extra-territorial quasi-legal measures to intimidate other countries, even their nominal friends and allies, as a way of achieving the USA's self-interest. In this case, the USA knows that it regularly commits war crimes all over the world. As a result, it will not be possible to bring war criminals of other nationalities to such a court,due to the precedent set by the USA in this regard.
31)Sex tourism by military and civilians: When many American males travel overseas, they have only one principal objective, namely to have sex with as many local women as possible. US women should know that when their partners travel overseas, they spend all of their time and energy (and much of their money) trying to get sex with local women. This spreads diseases and unwanted children. US males tell lies to women to dupe them into having sex with them. This is true in all parts of the world, Asia, Europe, Australia, and everywhere else.This stands true particularly for military personnel,as seen in Korea and Okinawa,as well as in the Philipines.
32)Resistance to globalisation of measurement units: While lecturing and bullying the rest of the world to accept US exports under the slogan of "globalisation'', which really means Americanization of non-US economies, the USA refuses to globalise its measurement units. They still use the medieval units known as British Imperial measures even though 95% of the world has converted to modern decimal-based units (the metric or SI system) as developed in France during the 18th century. The USA is 200 years behind the rest of the world, but they keep bullying everyone else to be like them. It's time they showed some commitment to globalization and immediately removed all usage of miles, furlongs, acres, fahrenheit, feet, inches, pounds, ounces, imperial tons, hundredweight, stones, gallons and quarts. The old units are so quaint, but they are a serious impediment to world trade. Get moving, USA, and catch up with the rest of the world!!! Every other country has to produce everything in dual units for the USA. The USA claims to be very modern, but is in actual fact the most backward bountry in the world in measuring units. Everybody else in the world can cope with metric units. So why can't the USA cope?
33)Export of Christian-right ideology, causing massive AIDS deaths: In order to get votes from the catholic anti-condom, anti-contraception, anti-abortion (and anti many other things) lobby, the US government impedes the use of condoms in poor countries which have a serious AIDS problem. Just as one example, Kenya has a very serious AIDS problem, but the US has cut off aid to organisations in Kenya making condoms available to prevent AIDS. The result in poor countries of this sort of policy is a vast increase in AIDS sickness and death. The USA say that they give a lot of foreign aid. But this is propaganda nonsense. The USA gives only about 0.1% of GDP in foreign aid, compared to 3 times that much for most western countries. Some western countries give as much as 1% of GDP in foreign aid. The USA is near the bottom of the league table in overseas aid.
34)Bhopal disaster, India: When a US company caused the deaths of many thousands of people in India due to a chemical leak, the USA gave negligible compensation to the victims. The sympathy for these people was less than the sympathy for any minor incident in the USA. The USA's big companies value the lives of non-US citizens at absolute zero.However when even one US citizen is killed, there's a huge fuss. If the USA wants people to feel sympathetic towards their victims of disasters, they should start regarding non-US citizens as full human beings. All the USA thinks about in disasters like Bhopal is how to minimize the compensation payouts. So why should anyone feel sympathy for the much less serious NY incident on 11/9/2001. The USA is milking that incident for all it's worth.
35)Ethnic cleansing of Native Americans: The USA was built on Native American land which was stolen. This was achieved by the ethnic cleansing of the entire area of the USA apart from a few "reservations'' which are the bits left over that the colonists didn't immediately want.Americans should never forget that the USA is a colony created by theft.Therefore the USA cannot lecture other countries about colonisation.A nation that was built from ethnic cleansing and slavery is not in a strong position to talk internationally about morality. The "cowboys and indians'' movie genre during the 20th century has given the impression that the ethnic cleansing of native American lands was something like a sport where the 'good guys' won. How many countries proudly base their national cinema culture on their own history of ethnic cleansing?
Anyone in the USA who really, really wants to understand why so many people hate the USA should read the above points and do further research of their own to learn of the huge scale of murder and horrendous exploitation of other countries by the USA. Of course, it is not in the "interests'' of US citizens to learn about the harm they are doing every day to the rest of the world. Some people say that citizens of the USA don't know what's being done in their name. They say they are innocent bystanders. But that's what the Germans said after WW2: "We knew nothing...''. The Germans have learned that they must act early to stop outrages. Now citizens of the USA must learn the same lesson.
Personally, I don't hate(I just dislike it and loathe its policies intensely) the USA,or most of its population.However I am dismayed by the horrors inflicted on the poor countries of the world by the USA. No country can afford to make enemies of the majority of countries in the world. The excessive use of the "big stick'' to solve all international problems has resulted in a very resentful world. Like a tiger trainer who whacks the tigers too often, the USA needs to be careful now. Even tigers sometimes kill their trainer or elephants when they have been beaten once too often.
Many people in the world hoped on 11/9/2001 that US citizens would stop and think about what they are doing which attracts so much hate.Apparently,America and its people have not.
Sympathy Squandered(From another Author,not me)
Sympathy squandered.
For a day or two after the 11/9/2001 suicide hijacks, the whole world felt a huge sympathy for the USA. For once we saw the USA weak and vulnerable. When the USA was strutting the world stage as the selfish international bully, no one could feel affection for them. But seeing them weak for once made it possible to feel compassion and sympathy.
But the USA squandered the sympathy it deserved on 11-9-2001. If the US had been more gentle and understanding, the sympathy would have continued. But instead, the USA turned into a super-bully, much more selfish and bloodthirsty than ever before. And this is why the USA is without friends now. The USA has cashed in its international goodwill chips. There will be no chips left when the USA needs friends.
Apart from the UK and Australia, most countries and their governments grew weary of the super-bully renaissance by the end of 2001. The USA received sympathy even from the Muslim countries after 9-11. Now that's gone. If only the USA could find ways of resolving conflict apart from violence and annihilation, the world may once again feel genuine solidarity with the USA - not the kind of `cooperation' which is forced at the threat of sanctions and violence.
No one's going to feel affection or goodwill for a country which looks down on them. People all over the world felt deep sympathy and affection for the USA on 11/9/2001 because that's how people feel towards a country in need. The USA has squandered that sympathy and affection. To regain the world's affection, the USA will have to stop behaving unilaterally and arrogantly and start learning how to be more practical and intelligent and at least a bit more magnanimous and benign in regard to foreign policy.