Which candidate matchs you?
Fat Rich People
24-07-2004, 03:48
I thought that this was kind of interesting. It's a short quiz that will tell you who's ideals are most like yours.
I got 66% to kerry, 65% to kucinich, and 17% to bush.
Kucinich - 86%
Kerry - 79%
Bush - 7%
Heh. 7%... ouch.
24-07-2004, 04:35
kucinich 92%
kerry 80%
bush isn't even mentioned. my job here is done!
24-07-2004, 04:37
Kuchnich- 83%
Kerry- 78%
Bush- 10%
Fair, but I like Kerry more than Kuchnich, even if our policies are closer.
Lance Cahill
24-07-2004, 04:40
There is also one with more candidates issues2000.org
kunich 91%
kerry 81%
bush 0%
where's nader in all this?
Josh Dollins
24-07-2004, 05:24
Bush 72% kerry at 35% AND KUCINICH AT 29%
Also politopia is a good site I get northwest with ayn rand and such over there.
issues2000.org I get bush
Politopia I am a libertarian close to ayn rand so thats where most of my bush complaints are some issues I'm more liberal and pro freedom and on economic issues even more conservative than he.
24-07-2004, 05:25
1 Kucinich Score: 81%
2 Kerry Score: 76%
3 Bush Score: 12%
HAHAHA! Bush is last!
24-07-2004, 05:27
Kucinich 88%
Kerry 80%
Bush 1%
Gotta figure out where I went wrong with that 1%
24-07-2004, 05:31
Bush 84%
Kerry 25%
Kucinich 22%
24-07-2004, 05:36
I got the exact same as Dakini. Weird.
Kinda scary if this is a site that actually influences the vote for a significant amount of people. But I'm curious...
Kerry - 68%
Kucinich - 59%
Bush - 32%
So I guess I'm right to vote Kerry...IF I could actually vote
Lunatic Goofballs
24-07-2004, 06:21
Fat Rich People
24-07-2004, 06:55
Kinda scary if this is a site that actually influences the vote for a significant amount of people. But I'm curious...
I think it may actually influence a few people. My mom found this on her AOL bootup news list (I've tried so hard to get her to get rid of AOL, but to no avail).
Cold Hard Bitch
24-07-2004, 06:55
1 Bush Score: 52%
2 Kerry Score: 49%
3 Kucinich Score: 37%
24-07-2004, 07:04
1 Bush Score: 52%
2 Kerry Score: 49%
3 Kucinich Score: 37%
Wow--I expected a bit more of a spread in favor of Bush on your scores. What gives?
24-07-2004, 07:06
Kerry - 78%
Kucinich - 74%
Bush - 10%
Douleureuse Garde
24-07-2004, 07:13
I don't even like Kerry. He looks untrustworthy-just like Clinton! Bush was only so low because of his views on religion and whatnot-apparently some people like to ignore the First Ammendment...
Kerry - 52
Kucinich - 30
Bush - 64
they left out a lot of things Kerry flipflops on. example partial birth abortions. he recently stated he belives life begians at conception but he has voted to allow them every time it has come up. well when he votes that is. it is my firm belief that most of you realy dont know exatly what it is. a cursery search only gives you a small idea. my girlfriend works in the medical field and she has told me that it can be as bad as a women giving birth naturaly and having the baby killed before it is fully out of the birth canal (she has seen it). it is my hope that any of you that support it will take the time and find out what is really allowed by this procedure. that is if you want to know the truth and not the political $%^ that is widely told
24-07-2004, 08:01
Bush 92%
Kerry 25%
Kucinich 3%
Now how did Mr Waffle (aka Flip Flop) get 25% of it. Well at least shorty got only 3%. By the way the Clintons want Kerry to blow this one so Hillary can take the throne in 08, just so you know. Kerry can return to his millions and call someone else names when he falls down when snowboarding since he "never falls". Now with this news about the Mr Kerry adviser stuffing secret documents in his drawers, things seem to be falling into place for Hillary. You don't have to believe me because most likely I'm a moron or at least a right wing wacko.
PS "I love it when a plan comes together." Hillary Clinton July 2004 and Hannibal Smith 1984
Think about it!!!
24-07-2004, 08:09
I forgot to mention I'm a gun owning, white American male, drive a gas guzzling suv, support our troops, and just love Haliburton!
24-07-2004, 08:17
I forgot to say I'm from Utah, a Christian (which probably makes me a hate monger or homophobe), and I don't recycle!
PS: My wife homeschools our 2 children
The Flying Jesusfish
24-07-2004, 08:22
I got 75% for Kerry and Kucinich and 19% for Bush. The thing seems to be off on a lot of the categories, though. It says Kucinich has no opinion extending Medicaid.
24-07-2004, 08:24
Kerry 66%
Kucinich 57%
Bush 38%
Pax Salam
24-07-2004, 08:25
68% Kerry, 64% Kucinich, 18% Bush
Moderates rule.
24-07-2004, 08:37
Bush 76%
Kerry 38%
Kucinich 19%
Safety Devices on All New Guns: Bush - Strongly Opposes
Wow, that doesn't sound good for Bush's resume... :)
82% Kucinich
74% Kerry
17% Bush
I think I'll go for Kerry, Kucinich has some key issues I disagree with.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
24-07-2004, 09:30
Although I believe that stances on issues are a secondary aspect of having a good leader I took the damn thing anyways. It said that I got Kerry by a huge margin. I tabulated my results by manually, and this page is either weighted heavily towards Kerry or they just don‘t know how to add. There was no huge margin, in fact they were pretty close to each other.
I rate this test, ill thought out, biased, and stupid.
Although I believe that stances on issues are a secondary aspect of having a good leader I took the damn thing anyways. It said that I got Kerry by a huge margin. I tabulated my results by manually, and this page is either weighted heavily towards Kerry or they just don‘t know how to add. There was no huge margin, in fact they were pretty close to each other.
I rate this test, ill thought out, biased, and stupid.
would not be supprised
Although I believe that stances on issues are a secondary aspect of having a good leader I took the damn thing anyways. It said that I got Kerry by a huge margin. I tabulated my results by manually, and this page is either weighted heavily towards Kerry or they just don‘t know how to add. There was no huge margin, in fact they were pretty close to each other.
I rate this test, ill thought out, biased, and stupid.
Have you bothered comparing delegates at the end of the test? What were your scores anyway?
Blue torch
24-07-2004, 13:07
Kerry 0 Kucinich 0 Bush 0. I guess I'll vote for Badarik. Libertarian all the way baby!
Suicidal Librarians
24-07-2004, 15:59
Kerry- 72%
Bush- a whopping 3%
24-07-2004, 17:32
Kucinich - 77%
Kerry - 72%
Bush - 9%
Please note that I am feeling quite liberal today.
Onion Pirates
24-07-2004, 19:01
Kucinich 85%
Kerry 68%
Bush 08%
But there was an error: The site claims Bush had military service!
Violets and Kitties
25-07-2004, 19:40
Kucinich - 93%
Kerry - 78%
Bush - 1%
Much trueness. Kucinich is one of the very few politicians I actually admire.
Leavers and Takers
25-07-2004, 19:59
Well, even if the test was a perfect calculation of which of the three candidates you should vote for, these are just three candidates. And I don't think many of us were surprised by the results.
I think it's funny that I can have 49% Kerry and 41% Bush. I'll second that woot for moderates. /sigh
I think it would be funny if they did a libertarian matcher where you just got the same score for every libertarian candidate. Because, really, how different do they get? Go, Badnarik! Not only is he not Bush, but he also shares the majority of my political views!
25-07-2004, 20:39