23-07-2004, 08:36
Clicky (|oddlyenough|07-22-2004::09:29|reuters.html)
Rock Star Sues Over 'Frampton Bikini
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Rock star Peter Frampton is suing popular surfwear manufacturer Billabong for selling a bikini that features his face on the rear and the phrase "Baby, I love your waves."
I kept thinking about that scene from High Fidelity where Rob (John Cusack) is going to see Marie DeSalle (Lisa Bonet) perform and he stops at the bar door and asks the doorman "Is that Peter fucking Frampton?" God I love that movie.
Rock Star Sues Over 'Frampton Bikini
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Rock star Peter Frampton is suing popular surfwear manufacturer Billabong for selling a bikini that features his face on the rear and the phrase "Baby, I love your waves."
I kept thinking about that scene from High Fidelity where Rob (John Cusack) is going to see Marie DeSalle (Lisa Bonet) perform and he stops at the bar door and asks the doorman "Is that Peter fucking Frampton?" God I love that movie.