Whats your favourite country?
22-07-2004, 11:25
Whats your favourite country? I'm just curious, I'm pretty sure what the overwhelming response will be but I want to confirm it.
Anyway, my favourite country is England, followed by the UK (I just don't like scotland and wales as much!) and to get something off my chest. England is NOT America's lapdog, Tony Blair is, not England on the whole.
I think they all suck. lol.
But outside America, I have a couple:
Brazil, 'cause they're the best at football.
Switzerland, 'cause they have lots of places to ski, good foreign policy for a country of that type, and are absolutely armed to the freakin' teeth.
The Marshall Islands, for no particular reason.
(If this were a "Least favorite countries" thread I'd probably have a lot more.)
Dragons Bay
22-07-2004, 11:58
Hong Kong, China!!!
The Island of Rose
22-07-2004, 12:01
I love America.
I notice everyone wants America dead :headbang:
22-07-2004, 12:14
I love Japan. Maybe because that is where I live.
Australia is nice. More specifically, on the east coast from about Sydney down. love that region. New Zealand is a lot of fun, I love the weather there. Singapore owuld be perfect were it not for the constant heat and excessively strict government. Taiwan is a decent place, however I'm not nearly fluent enough in Mandarin to survive there yet.
Canada is, as of yet, my favorite place. Their neighbor directly to the south is not.
22-07-2004, 12:18
I love America.
I notice everyone wants America dead :headbang:
I don't want America dead, it can be a lovely country, with some very lovely people in it.
I have some disagreements with the way that it is doing things at the moment, the most significant of which are the seeming total disregard for the environment.
Favourite countries after the UK probably Canada, and France. Not for the governments policies, but more for their beauty and beautiful people.
Ireland's good, they are none of them right in the head and it's a fun place -- although the smoking ban is a bit of a pisser.
Italy: also populated by crazy people, also good. Currently prone to electing right-wing criminals like Berlusconi but the good thing about Italian politics is that it never lasts. 51 governments in 50 years, and their economy has gone from ground zero to outstrip the UK's. Plus the food and the art.
The Netherlands: if you like canals, dope, Van Gogh, Vermeer and some of the most achingly beautiful women on the planet, you can't go wrong.
Spain: for the city of Granada, and the Alhambra, and for just recently pissing off the Catholic Church big time.
America: too big to take as one lump, and I've only seen little bits of it. New Orleans was a blast, New York was fun (but again with the smoking ban...), San Diego needs to stick its head in a bucket of cold water.
The Cook Islands, just for being there.
Australia is nice. More specifically, on the east coast from about Sydney down. love that region.
Yeah, there's some nice country there, especially Lakes Entrance, but that's more to the south.
22-07-2004, 12:22
My favourite countries to visit on holidays are probably beautiful France or Italy. This is not a stamp of approval for their governments. I don't much Chirac's UMP gvt, and I downright hate Berlusconi's kleptocracy.
Australia would be perfect if it didn't have so many rules, regulations and taxes.
Australia would be perfect if it didn't have so many rules, regulations and taxes.
What rules and regulations do you mean?
Lagrange 4
22-07-2004, 12:45
Finland is okay, but I actually like Iceland more. Reykjavik has a lovely small town feel to it and the people are nice. Oh! and their musicians are quite talented. They don't have large orchestras, but from what I've heard of their solo performers and string ensembles, they could go far.
What rules and regulations do you mean?
Watch one of the current affair programs and each week there's another story about a local council telling someone to tear down their cubby house or change the colour of their house. Then there was the Brack's government new child labour law which forbids an employer to allow an employee under 15 to work during the night, thus forbidding the existence of paper boys and girls.
Watch one of the current affair programs and each week there's another story about a local council telling someone to tear down their cubby house or change the colour of their house.
Fair point. And if you want to uproot a tree in your garden, council requires all of your neighbours to sign an approval.
Then there was the Brack's government new child labour law which forbids an employer to allow an employee under 15 to work during the night, thus forbidding the existence of paper boys and girls.
Well, if you look at it the other way, theres plenty of 15 year olds that do 2AM close shifts at Mcdonalds. Then they have to go to school in a few hours. They can't tell their employers "no" because they simply will be sacked. I think that's unfair.
22-07-2004, 13:48
22-07-2004, 13:52
22-07-2004, 13:58
Greater Duestchland
22-07-2004, 13:59
Mother Russia
Forum Feline
22-07-2004, 13:59
Top is tied by the U.K. and Sweden.
Following closely in this order are Japan, France, Germany (tied with France), and Belgium.
22-07-2004, 14:03
22-07-2004, 14:07
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland all the way!!!
following that, Austrailia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Republic of Ireland, USA, Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic & Israel.
Countries I don't like: France, Italy, Spain, Argentina (grrrr), China, Russia, Japan, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine/Jordan
Australia, followed by Ireland.
Ireland loses based on the weather.
22-07-2004, 15:03
Scotland, then Sweden, then Denmark. Germany, Switzerland. Probably I'll like Norway too, but havn't been... yet.
The U.S., but circa 1815. Fewer invasive laws at that point in time.
But France, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Canada and Luxembourg are also nice. They all have more or less a social system in which the "poor" can still have a nice life. It's just a matter of solidarity. Some so-called rich countries can take an example of that. What's the point in having wealth when a country isn't able to take care of ALL of its people and not only the rich.
Belgium wins because it has the best education system in the world! Knowledge is power! ;-)
22-07-2004, 16:03
I here it has a good motorway system.
22-07-2004, 16:17
I love Flanders. Some of you may say that is not a country. For me it is a country. I think Flanders should be a country at their own and Belgium never should have excisted. Belgium is a big mistake. The people of Flanders diserve to have a country lose from Wallonië, not from economy buth from history. The flemish people fought so much for freedom and still they didn't get whats coming to them.
Stalins Soviet Russia
22-07-2004, 16:33
Besides Canada, I like Australia, China and Ireland.
Findecano Calaelen
22-07-2004, 16:34
according to the UN the top 10 countries to live in (best standard of living) are:
1. Norway
2. Sweden
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Netherlands
6. Belgium
7. Iceland
8. United States
9. Japan
10. Ireland
personally I vote Australia
22-07-2004, 16:38
I have never left the U.S., nor have I ever lived anywhere else so I really can't fairly compare life in the United States to life anywhere else.
Having said that (and automatically excluding the United States out of fear of provincialism), some of the countries I like include: Denmark (I met some WONDERFULLY NICE people from that country); Canada; Sweden; Norway; Finland; Spain; the Netherlands; Australia; the United Kingdom.
I have friends from other countries too, but I don't know enough about their countries to make a comparison to the ones I listed above. Some countries in that category include Austria; Belgium (apologies to Nord Flanders); Brazil (even though I played football with a lot of Brazilians); Russia; and Mexico.
I don't dislike the French because some of the things Americans complain about with regard to the French are because they're also some of the negative qualities that Americans have (arrogance, insistence on speaking their own language in a foreign location). They just aren't one of my favorite countries and I'll reserve judgment until I go to my dad's flat in Antibes someday.
Since there's no category for countries we hate, I won't put that list on here.
Catholic Europe
22-07-2004, 17:06
My favourite country, by far, is Italy. The food, the weather, the history, the women...all are just simply brilliant!
Suicidal Librarians
22-07-2004, 17:23
The United States of America!
22-07-2004, 17:24
according to the UN the top 10 countries to live in (best standard of living) are:
1. Norway
2. Sweden
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Netherlands
6. Belgium
7. Iceland
8. United States
9. Japan
10. Ireland
personally I vote Australia
Well: this report is pretty disputed to say the least. By the way: how do you really objectivly measure that??
Anyway: if you for example would ask which is the country where the people are the most happy or satisfied Norway wouldn´t be on place 1 and Japan wouldn´t be under the top ten.
I can of coures only speak out of my personal experience:
Foreign countries I like are:
South Africa
Why, the country I live in of course, the UK.
Then; Cyprus, Egypt, France, Japan.
BTW, England != UK != Britain.
22-07-2004, 17:34
Why, the country I live in of course, the UK.
Then; Cyprus, Egypt, France, Japan.
BTW, England != UK != Britain.
I know the difference. But since I have never been to Scottland or Wales I say England, and I mean England only since I only know that.
22-07-2004, 17:44
France for me, especially Brittany and Normandy.
To be honest, I can't understand how someone could spend their whole life in one country and never visit others. I mean, fair enough if you can't afford it, but otherwise it just seems a little strange.
I personally love travelling (when I can afford it!) because I enjoy experiencing other cultures.
22-07-2004, 17:48
France for me, especially Brittany and Normandy.
To be honest, I can't understand how someone could spend their whole life in one country and never visit others. I mean, fair enough if you can't afford it, but otherwise it just seems a little strange.
I can understand it: I mean: the US is as big as the continent Europe. Most Americans have never left their country. More than 60% don´t even have travel documents.
I know the difference. But since I have never been to Scottland or Wales I say England, and I mean England only since I only know that.
Ah, I see. A lot of people, johnny foreigner types mainly, get the three terms confused so it was more of a general statement than specifically directed at you.
22-07-2004, 19:27
well speaking strictly from expicne america followed by england...other countires i like are Israel, poland, italy, and even canada to a point. i guess russia isn't to bad either..but the USA is the best
I've never left America, but I've been all over it. I adore Hawaii and the east coast ;)
Euro Disneyland
22-07-2004, 20:17
Well, being a good Canadian, my favourite country is Canada. It is followed VERY closey however by Australia. I love their animals, their climate, their people and even their government. I also like Norway, Sweden, Japan, Ireland and Cuba (for the people there and their ideals). I also like Turks and Caicos because they like Canada so much wooo!
Euro Disneyland
22-07-2004, 20:19
Well: this report is pretty disputed to say the least. By the way: how do you really objectivly measure that??
Anyway: if you for example would ask which is the country where the people are the most happy or satisfied Norway wouldn´t be on place 1 and Japan wouldn´t be under the top ten.
It's based on healthcare and education systems as well as income, standard of living etc. And as far as your statement about Norway and Japan goes, how do you know how happy people in Norway are.... don't state you're opinion like it's a fact.
David Ricardo
22-07-2004, 20:24
I love my home in The USA.
The best trip overseas that I have had was to mainland China.
22-07-2004, 20:29
Canada, hands down.
After that, Spain, Mexico, and Italy, mainly because of the weather.
22-07-2004, 20:32
Norway. Beautiful country, beautiful language and nice people. I've been there skiing a few times. Greece would be nice too, i'd like to live on Crete, which is a beautiful island.
22-07-2004, 20:33
Switzerland kicks. Nobody messes with Switzerland.
22-07-2004, 20:40
Spain: for the city of Granada, and the Alhambra.
Yay for Spain!!!
Armed Military States
22-07-2004, 20:41
Well, I like this country (USA), but I hate out government. Time to get the Bush Administration crap out of office and back to Texas. I mean, I don't know what to vote for as far as republicans are concerned: The Defecite or the lies? I'm confused....
I love the United States of America. I live in the god-forsaken land of Canada. As the name does suggest I am Canadian.
22-07-2004, 20:43
Anyone ever been to Chile? It's a beautiful country, though America and Spain are still my favorites.
22-07-2004, 20:49
New Genoa
22-07-2004, 21:10
New Genoa
22-07-2004, 21:24
*waves American flag*
New Genoa
Very Funny... we mean real nations not fictional ones.
Big Stupid
22-07-2004, 22:52
Apart from Britain I rate the Czech Republic, particularly Prague is fantastic, like a big real life disney castle with the most gorgeous women and 30p a beer
New Genoa
23-07-2004, 01:03
Very Funny... we mean real nations not fictional ones.
Then I'll have to pick Rwanda
23-07-2004, 01:47
according to the UN the top 10 countries to live in (best standard of living) are:
1. Norway
2. Sweden
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Netherlands
6. Belgium
7. Iceland
8. United States
9. Japan
10. Ireland
personally I vote Australia
How did Ireland get into the top 10? Our health service is shit, no one ever gets treated. There are homeless people all over the place. The level of social inequality is worse here than anywhere else in Europe. Recently our Minister for Justice, a real liberal right-wing capitalist, declared that inequality is good.
And where the hell is Denmark? They're usually in the top 5. Finland and Switzerland should usually be there too.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
23-07-2004, 01:50
Japan. Nothing bad has ever come out of Japan that I can recall.
The SARS Monkeys
23-07-2004, 01:52
I love America.
I notice everyone wants America dead :headbang:
First of all, not everybody hates America. They hate Bush. Notice how after 9/11 most nations poured their haerts out to us and helped us. But I have to say I like, Potland (Columbia) or Japan cause they make games.
Foolish Pesants
23-07-2004, 02:01
Gotta be Japan. There the craziest nation on the planet.
Purly Euclid
23-07-2004, 02:03
By virtue of living here, my favorite country is the USA. Second place goes to Canada which, despite the hellhole called Toronto, is an extremely nice country to be in.
23-07-2004, 02:04
The United States of America. I would say Japan, but I had a traumatic experience while renting cartoons from there when I was 14... suffice to say it involved tentacles >_<
Oh, and I wouldn't move to one of the Scandanavian countries even if a gun was put to my head. I do not want to subsidize socialist policies.
23-07-2004, 02:07
Watch one of the current affair programs and each week there's another story about a local council telling someone to tear down their cubby house or change the colour of their house. Then there was the Brack's government new child labour law which forbids an employer to allow an employee under 15 to work during the night, thus forbidding the existence of paper boys and girls.
die, die now
never, ever watch those, they are full of crap, they are so one sided that each week they can do a story of the same thing from the other side and no one notices, that being mainly because only idiots watch them
another topic, does ireland have many forests, and can the language understood due to the accent
Cuneo Island
23-07-2004, 02:10
Italy, where my ancestrial roots are.
die, die now
never, ever watch those, they are full of crap, they are so one sided that each week they can do a story of the same thing from the other side and no one notices, that being mainly because only idiots watch them
I'm aware of that, any regular viewer of Sixty Minutes would realise this. That case with the woman who killed her autistic son and was let off is an example of bias. I watch current affair programs because they occasionally show stories with some merit. Still, I'd rather watch one of the nightly current affair programs than Neighbours.