21-07-2004, 02:19
Do you support Euthanasia. I do if I am diagnosed with a illness that cannot be cured and will make me not know where I am. I feel that it would be better to be killed than to die for 10 years with alzheimers or any other diease that makes me not know my own name or my families name or a diease that would cause me great amounts of pain. I would rather die with dignity than be babbleing on in a nursing home or making an incovience to my family who wishes to take care of me.
21-07-2004, 02:33
If a person is truly suffering, it is unfair to make them continue to live when it is clear that they are in the pit of pained suffering and anguish. It's also a drain on the system if they are forced to live. After a certain point, it's only humane to let them die. If people force those who should have died a while go live on in pain are incompassionate and ignorant.
21-07-2004, 02:38
If a person is truly suffering, it is unfair to make them continue to live when it is clear that they are in the pit of pained suffering and anguish. It's also a drain on the system if they are forced to live. After a certain point, it's only humane to let them die. If people force those who should have died a while go live on in pain are incompassionate and ignorant.
I don't support anyone but the recipient of it to decide.
Hysterical Dramatism
21-07-2004, 02:42
Euthanasia is based on the freedom of choice. However, only the one with the illness should decide - euthanasia by the advice of the doctor might be misguided. There have been many instances where doctors (or family members) advised a patient to take euthanasia when there actually was something to do about the illness. Basically, it's all about choice.
Queen Anastasia
21-07-2004, 02:44
I witnessed the 9/11 attacks, and my friend was injured terminally. I never had an opinion on this subject until I saw first hand how cruel suffering can be not only for the patient, but for their loved ones as well. I support this topic, but only in the realm of the patient/victim's request.
Fascisti Morali
21-07-2004, 02:55
Euthanasia... I'm not quite sure. The ability for euthanasia may become abused, so I can't really state my idealism here without a whole long monologue.
Magnus Rex
21-07-2004, 02:55
I support euthanasia if and only if the decision lies in the hands of the one suffering. Why would anyone want to live in pain, let alone knowing that they will have to suffer until the day they die? Again i support this and whoever started this "Thread" should seriously consider passing this as a resolution.
21-07-2004, 02:57
I support euthanasia if and only if the decision lies in the hands of the one suffering. Why would anyone want to live in pain, let alone knowing that they will have to suffer until the day they die? Again i support this and whoever started this "Thread" should seriously consider passing this as a resolution.
I left the UN a little while back it had gotten to liberal for me.
why would anybody oppose another person's right to chose when and how they die? i don't get why people would oppose euthanasia.
21-07-2004, 15:01
I´m against euthanasia.
We are free to life our lives. But we neither have decided to be born nor do we choose when to die. The freedom we have is due to life. Killing oneself is after all the elimination of the basis of our freedom.
Demanding or even ordering another person to kill you is not only immoral, it is and ought to remain illegal.
Killing of sick and old people is not morally justified.
Consent is not possible. It is an illusion. In fact people who are sick and old feel useless, they feel that they are a burden to society. Allowing euthanasia would break the moral barriers and would lead step by step to more people wanting to be killed. It this really voluntary by the way?? Doubts are reasonable to that extent. We don´t life in a vaccum. Our societies are facing an ageing population and problems to finance them. The health costs are very high at the end of someones life. Allowing euthanasia means that you accept an development in which people are pressured directly or indirectly, by relatives or by the society as a hole or by themselves not to be a burden for society anymore and to end their existence.
The experience in the Netherlands showed that consent is often assumed and constructed. Sometimes people are only psychologicall ill. However doctors are ready for the euthanasia. Sometimes the people are mentally retarded. Well: sometimes it is than assumed that they want to die because the relatives are saying that (to which this person of course is a burden).
We have to face the facts: and that is that euthanasia leads to the killing of the sick and the old. It is immoral and unjustifiable. It is unethical as well to demand a doctor which job is to preserve human life to kill life. It is a violation of the oath of Hipocrates, to our laws (murder, manslaughter, killing on demand are all crimes) and to the moralic and ethical principles of our societies.
And there are - as mentionend - good reasons for it.
Therefore euthanasia has to remain outlawed.
21-07-2004, 15:09
I am completly for it as my step-gradmother, who was suffering from stomach cancer, wanted to have active euthanasia despite that fact it is illegal, and i feel she should have had that choice.
a person should be able to die with dignity and without agony
The SARS Monkeys
21-07-2004, 23:03
It is wrong to me unless they are on artificial survival(heart pumpers).
21-07-2004, 23:37
As long as the person in question is adult and sane, I see no reason why the law should prevent them choosing not to live any longer.
Kybernetia, all our decisions are made in the context of the society we live in, not just the choice to die. If a person wants to die, why should their reasons for it be questioned (unless they aren't sane, in which case they aren't in a position to give informed consent to anything)? Who are you and I to judge what constitutes an unacceptable reason?
It is a violation of the oath of Hipocrates, to our laws (murder, manslaughter, killing on demand are all crimes) and to the moralic and ethical principles of our societies.
None of these things are necessarily right, though. You can't simply say that something is wrong because it has been regarded as wrong for a long time.