Charles Robert Jenkins - US deserter?
Daistallia 2104
20-07-2004, 16:47
This has been front page news for weeks on end here in Japan. I wonder how it's being covered back home....
Meh, it's been what...more than three decades, let the guy go already. lol
20-07-2004, 17:23
It has been covered a little in Britain. By which I mean there was an article about it in the Guardian, and I heard a couple of stories on the BBC radio news.
I think that they should just let him go. It just seems a bit vindictive.
20-07-2004, 17:50
Meh, it's been what...more than three decades, let the guy go already. lol
I agree, it was 40 years ago.. he's an old man, I can't see any justice being served by the Americans going after this clearly feeble old man.
20-07-2004, 18:12
he is a deserter
he should be subject to military justice
I'm not saying we should shoot him or anything, but he still has to be punished, maybe just a few months in prison, or take away his cidizenship
The Great Think Tank
20-07-2004, 18:16
I believe his story, it is quite possible that he was abducted while checking out a noise.
And besides, even if he deserted, I think that some 40 years in North Korea is punishment enough.
The Black Forrest
20-07-2004, 18:23
I agree, it was 40 years ago.. he's an old man, I can't see any justice being served by the Americans going after this clearly feeble old man.
Age has nothing to do with the crime.
For example, you will be tried for murder no matter what. You could have done it when you were 20. Be captured at 90 and you will still be tried.
Don't forget the US is still in a state of war with NK. He does not fall under peace time rules.....
Five Civilized Nations
20-07-2004, 18:48
Well quite frankly right now, the US government and military can go F*CK themselves. They've done enough to hurt the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and other nations. Just leave this man alone and allow him to live a life without being afraid of being arrested in the middle of the night.
Dragons Bay
21-07-2004, 16:19
Hm...poor guy...why he deserted completely beats me...
21-07-2004, 16:29
Just curious, but what punishment - besides death - could the military mete out that is any worse than "having had to live in North Korea for 40 years"?
21-07-2004, 17:12
Just curious, but what punishment - besides death - could the military mete out that is any worse than "having had to live in North Korea for 40 years"?
Listening to a Celine Dion Live concert?
Nab him and give him 6 months then quietly release. I firmly believe a wall of shame should be created for people who desert from their units (although not for those who dodge a draft).