I'm new!!! .. hi
20-07-2004, 00:33
:sniper: hi, umm.. in nationstates, all you do is like-join the U.N., make issues, law, ect. and agree/disagree with laws?? :eek: :gundge:
The Trojan Empire
20-07-2004, 00:35
you can roleplay as well.
Five Civilized Nations
20-07-2004, 00:35
You also RP in the NationStates and International Incidents subforums and debate things in General...
20-07-2004, 00:35
... how do you do that?
20-07-2004, 00:35
Yes... Rping is fun...
20-07-2004, 00:36
how do you rp!?
Bodies Without Organs
20-07-2004, 00:36
...but most of the time we just argue.
20-07-2004, 00:37
how do you rp!? :rolleyes: :confused:
20-07-2004, 00:40
can anyone help me? wuts rp?
Five Civilized Nations
20-07-2004, 00:42
Go to this link...
Role Playing.
You assume the role of you're nation's leader, whomever that may be at the time.
I don't do it, so others could probebly be better at explainint it then me ;)
20-07-2004, 00:44
oh.. ty guys. :sniper: :mp5: lol
Five Civilized Nations
20-07-2004, 00:44
Role Playing.
You assume the role of you're nation's leader, whomever that may be at the time.
I don't do it, so others could probebly be better at explainint it then me ;)
Um that's not what it is...
Wakawaka, follow the link...
20-07-2004, 00:47
ok.. but where do you rp?
**shrugs** I've never done it, I just said what I honestly thought it was ^_^;;;
Bodies Without Organs
20-07-2004, 00:50
ok.. but where do you rp?
In the forums called "International Incidents" and "Nationstates".
Satanic Mirth
20-07-2004, 01:10
Hi. I'm not new. I have just recently returned however, and am seeing if anythings changed in my absence.
20-07-2004, 01:50
hello I suppose
20-07-2004, 01:53
Welcome, comrade. Check out the stickies in the International Incidents and NationStates forums for help on roleplaying.