How does this forum feel about fetishes?
Four Fiends
18-07-2004, 07:48
I am wondering about the following things:
Do you believe fetishes are wrong?
Do you believe fetishes are unnatural?
Do you believe some fetishes, such as rape fantasies, are wrong?
Do you believe hebephilia (an attraction to teenagers as opposed to children) is wrong?
If no to the above question, do you believe that 2 consenting adults should be allowed to act out such a fantasy?
I am excluding bestiality and pedophilia from this, because they're very blatantly obviously wrong.
PS :fluffle:
This reminds me of the "Perverse Test", a nifty piece of philosophy:
1: Do you think that one person having sex (attempting orgasm) with a vegetable (pumpkin, carrot, cucumber, squash) is perverse? (Not used as a sex toy between two persons, but one person with a vegetable.)
* Yes. The society I have been brought up in makes me see things only one way.
* No, go to town on a vegetable. As long as it is personal and private.
* Of course not. Let us enjoy the fruits of the earth however we can.
* I do not think it is perverse. Personally, I would not enjoy such a thing or hearing about it. If someone wants to f**k a vegetable, they should really keep it to themselves.
* It is not perverted, as long as those b*stards at McDonald's don't put it in my hamburger afterwards.
2: Do you think that having sex (attempting orgasm) with a fruit (melon, banana, grapes, pineapple) is perverse? (One person with fruit.)
* Most fruits would be alright, but a fruit salad would be disgusting.
* No, but vegetables would be better (less sugar).
* No. Why not? Fruit club rules!
3: Is it perverse for a human to engage sexually with an animal?
* Has the animal consented to this?
* I believe it is perverse to have sex with animals. Did you see Animal Farm? That chicken exploded, man, and that's just nasty.
* Look it, if your cat's in heat and won't shut up and you just want to get some sleep, sometimes it's convenient to just take a Q tip and some Vaseline and just help her out a little.
* Not perverse, as long as the pet doesn't get pregnant. I ain't paying no child support for no budgie.
4: Is it perverse to watch two animals start having sexual relations in front of you (rather than turning away, or stopping them)? Is it perverse to let animals have sex in front of the whole family?
* My family has a tradition where we gather around the living room and attempt to get Sparky to have sex with the goldfish.
* Watching a bull have sexual relations with a cow or any two large animals is too humorous to turn away from. A friend's cat used to hump a feather duster; this too was hysterical.
* No, it's funny. It's nature. No one gets hurt.
* Well, on the farm....
* Yes, you are just getting your thrills from your dog, Spunky, and his girlfriend; that is sick.
5: Is sex between species (members of different life-forms which cannot reproduce with each other) perverse? Examples: Human inseminates pumpkin, or cat inseminates fish.
* Yes. What the hell! Why would an animal want to do this?
* No. But is it possible?
* Impossible scenario.
* I don't think the cat-fish scenario is possible.
* Thanks! Up until now pumpkin pie was my favourite dessert. Imagine thinking about what someone might have done to the filling!
* Some of my favourite films are based on this subject.
6: Was the Marquis de Sade the most perverted man that ever lived? Is it perverted for a middle-aged man to be attracted to young girls?
* No, my uncle Hector was the most perverted man that ever lived, but I think he had genuine feelings for those tadpoles.
* The man presents a good argument for abortion. I would be curious about his childhood.
* It's not perverted. All the young girl's parts are in working order. It's merely a difference in taste.
* The Marquis de Sade was God.
* No. He just had the balls to write down what he thought.
7: Is it perverse to always want sex in one way (one position, for example the missionary position)?
* No, if that's what does it for you, go nuts.
* Absolutely disgusting!
* No. One might want to look at the intention, though; if someone limits himself or herself out of fear or neurosis, this is not healthy; but if it is out of careful and self-aware selection, what is wrong with that?
* No, but it is perverse to think about missionaries when you are having sex.
Wondering about the results? You all passed.
Four Fiends
18-07-2004, 07:58
This reminds me of the "Perverse Test", a nifty piece of philosophy:
Wondering about the results? You all passed.
Thanks for hijacking my thread
You're very welcome.
But, to be fair, it was on-topic. Your OP was questioning whether people thought fetishes were perverse, I pointed out that everyone is a pervert in some wa. No offence meant to anyone, of course.
the best sex of all is politically incorrect in every way possible
Do you believe fetishes are wrong?
If they harm no one, then no.
Do you believe fetishes are unnatural?
I suppose you could say that. They aren't a product of nature, so that would make them unnatural.
Do you believe some fetishes, such as rape fantasies, are wrong?
Yes. I wouldn't trust someone who had fantasies about raping my daughter if I had one.
Do you believe hebephilia (an attraction to teenagers as opposed to children) is wrong?
Yes, if only because I'm tired of people making fun of my screenname.
If no to the above question, do you believe that 2 consenting adults should be allowed to act out such a fantasy?
How do you do that? Pretend they are a teenager?
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
18-07-2004, 14:11
Nothing about animated fetishes huh?
*Sigh of relief*
They must be alright then.
All Right :cool:
*Goes to watch his new Hentai film*
Nothing about animated fetishes huh?
*Sigh of relief*
They must be alright then.
All Right
*Goes to watch his new Hentai film*
Given the Lacus Clyne background in my main folder, I was compelled not to mention it.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
18-07-2004, 14:40
Given the Lacus Clyne background in my main folder, I was compelled not to mention it.
Are you saying you're into that stuff too?
Are you saying you're into that stuff too?
If by "into that stuff", you mean I watch hentai all the time, then no. I happen to think Lacus Clyne is attractive. I watch stuff for more than one reason, though, and a show intended simply to be sexual wouldn't be my thing anymore than one with nothing sexual in it.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
18-07-2004, 15:16
If by "into that stuff", you mean I watch hentai all the time, then no. I happen to think Lacus Clyne is attractive. I watch stuff for more than one reason, though, and a show intended simply to be sexual wouldn't be my thing anymore than one with nothing sexual in it.
Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre ;)
Whatever you say :D
I bet that you have a larger collection than I do.
The Katholik Kingdom
18-07-2004, 15:17
S&M fetishes can be harmful, but people still do it.
And what about S&M gun fetishes? Doesn't anyone else pick up that's what's going on in this emoticon? :mp5:
This must all sound funny to people reading my posts.
Miseria cantere
18-07-2004, 17:05
Why should a fettish be wrong if i t hrts no-one? Is it nay of our business what goes on in a room between 2 consenting adults? If hebephilia is worng does htat mena that a teenager can't fancy someone who he or she goes to school with? Really if it deosn't hurt anybody, why should it be wrong?
18-07-2004, 17:09
i believe the important word in your question is "fantasy"
its not wrong to fantasize about anything its wrong to ACT ON IT
the sexual manipulation of teens by adults is wrong
actual rape is wrong
consenting adults with no damage done, not wrong.
the definition of a pervert is someone who does stuff you wont do. its getting harder and harder to find perverts. hmmmmmmm
If hebephilia is worng does htat mena that a teenager can't fancy someone who he or she goes to school with?
It refers to adults being attracted to teens.
18-07-2004, 19:28
It's damn difficult to do good magic without them.
Vas (confused people should look up where the term came from).
Me: I have a clay fetish.
Consie: Eww. That's nasty.
Me: No, it's a clay medalian with magic powers.
Consie: So you're a witch!
Lunatic Goofballs
19-07-2004, 08:23
Sex is like food.
Just because someone likes to spread peanut butter on his pizza before he eats it doesn't make it gross. Weird, yes. But not gross.
Catholic Europe
19-07-2004, 13:10
I'm not really into fetishes and, I must admit, view people who have fetishes as a little sick, maybe.
What a lot of people don't seem to understand about fetishes is that there's little or no choice involved. It's not like people choose to enjoy S&M or not; either you do or you don't. Either you're homosexual or heterosexual, either you're hebephilic or not. Is it wrong? Is it wrong for a person to be born one way instead of another?
Many fetishes aren't about sex at all, or are merely other issues reflected through sexuality. Many sadomasochist fetishes (including rape fantasy) are about power and domination rather than the act itself.
You might want to put a warning in the title that the content of this thread might not be suitable for all ages.
PS - Letila, men aren't the only ones with power issues. Many women enjoy rape fantasies, from either end of the act.
19-07-2004, 13:37
personal taste is personal taste
fantacise to your hearts content
whatever fantacies do it for you
but when it comes to real life
realise that harm is harm and
a thing to be avoided both for
its own sake and its not so
gratifyingness after all
many more things occur in nature then are the primary
ways things in nature are usualy done.
so saying something is or is not natural is also
a self serving judgement call
i think the main thing is to not sacrafice someone else's
potential for intillectual gratification to gratify your
own physiological gratification.
this applies to any gender or preference.
the real rape may not always involve physical force or
even sex or be about or for it, though of course it also can.
even fanatical asceticism when it is impossed tyrannicly
on others is defacto rape in every real sense of the word
though it gratify nothing
or perhapse precisely because it does
and that may very well be the ultimate real perversion of them all