Religion: Good or bad?
The Katholik Kingdom
18-07-2004, 01:28
What is the general consensus among nationstaters on religion? Is it more responsible than good or bad in the world?
I have to go with good. I will explain after I eat dinner.
Until then, enjoy the emoticon art.
:fluffle: :headbang:
:rolleyes: :confused: :D
:eek: :sniper:
Good because it's a security blanket against the cruel cruel world :p
Bad because most religions will eventually say "hate so and so"
In short, go Paganism :p
18-07-2004, 01:32
Religion, like man, in and of itself, is a neutral thing. I guess for believers it must be positive.
When religions do charity (especially if they don't try to convert people before they give them help), they're doing good. If people feel like there is a God and she/he/it/they make him feel better, it's doing good for a person.
Religious Fanatacism (especially violent religionous behavior, but also including restrictions of rights and liberties because of religious beliefs and/or the establishment of a state religion), on the other hand, is a bad thing.
18-07-2004, 01:34
as in all human endeavors, religion is good AND bad.
like goed said, its a comfort in a random world, thats good. it can inspire you to great acts of kindness, thats good.
it can severly restrict your view of the world to a small and ugly one. thats bad. it can inspire acts of great barbarity, thats bad.
in the end the religious person should try to maximize the best of their religion
18-07-2004, 01:34
Bad like Michael Jackson!
The Katholik Kingdom
18-07-2004, 01:38
Bad like Michael Jackson!
Who can argue with logic like this :rolleyes: ?
18-07-2004, 01:39
Depends on the religion and how far you take it.
18-07-2004, 01:42
Who can argue with logic like this :rolleyes: ?
I can be more explicit with my metaphor if you like.
Religion is like Michael Jackson because.
1- loves kids but we suspect bad motives.
2- started out one colour, now is something else.
3- really good and productive in the early days, now washed up and useless.
4- lots of money, poor taste.
5- funny outfits.
18-07-2004, 01:45
Religion is bad and unneccessary. Too easily abused and its existence is to control the masses..the sheep :)
Religions have both good and bad aspects. They are over all neutral. For example:
--Good: communism, golden rule
--Bad: pleasure negative
Satanism (LaVeyian)
--Good: pleasure-positive
--Bad: rather egoistic
Actually, now that I think about it, they are practically inverses of each other.
The Katholik Kingdom
18-07-2004, 01:54
Ok, why I think religion is good:
It has helped alot of people (Christian/Budhist works of charity)
Produced great art (Sistine Chapel, Slayer's album "God Hates Us")
Gives people something to channel their energy into that otherwise might have gone into spraypainting trains (Making up funny sayings to appeal to the youth, such as my {Catholic} parish's "You are what you eat!")
Lets people make polls and generously use punctuation.
18-07-2004, 02:09
Religions have both good and bad aspects. They are over all neutral. For example:
--Good: communism, golden rule
--Bad: pleasure negative
Satanism (LaVeyian)
--Good: pleasure-positive
--Bad: rather egoistic
Actually, now that I think about it, they are practically inverses of each other.
Communists are anti-Christian, and vice versa.
18-07-2004, 02:18
Communists are anti-Christian, and vice versa.
Nah, technically Communists are irreligious, like the US is. Supposedly, anyhow, like the US is. They don't concern themselves with religion in government matters.
The difference is, the US condones Chrisitanity while claiming to be irreligious, Communism condones Atheist while claiming to be irreligious.
Communists are anti-Christian, and vice versa.
That's true of Marxism, but not necessarily of all forms of communism.
"But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality." (Golden Text: 2 Corinthians 8:14)
The Katholik Kingdom
18-07-2004, 02:28
That's true of Marxism, but not necessarily of all forms of communism.
"But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality." (Golden Text: 2 Corinthians 8:14)
That sounds more like socialism to me, Letila.
18-07-2004, 02:36
That sounds more like socialism to me, Letila.
communism is a socialism.
superstition is a tragic symptom of human weakness and insecurity. i don't blame most people for falling back on religion, because they are raised to not know any better, and traditionally religion has functioned as one of the few carrots in a painful and miserable existence.
superstition is much like drug use, in that such imaginitive play can be a welcome spice to life if used with full understanding and in moderation (think Santa, good luck charms, and other harmless silliness). but precious few people are capable of such good judgment and rational perspective; far more often, people become dependent on irrationality and begin living for their superstitions.
instead of labeling religion as evil or wrong, the true goal should be to eliminate the problems that lead to superstition addiction.
New Spartacus
18-07-2004, 05:37
I'd say it is good. after all the U.S. was built with christianity as part of the motive of building a country
Josh Dollins
18-07-2004, 06:33
I'd say both. They all have or religion as a whole has its or their bad points and good. I lean in favor of it being overall a good thing as religious people are often fair, kind loving people who work hard and so on. HOwever it can be a bad thing and I lean in this direction of it being bad as of late as many religious people try to force their beliefs on others and establish religious based laws and regulations and governments. And yes the hate thing to. I don't hate any faiths (with exception for those who hurt others like cults that kill etc) but rather disagree with them
If followed correctly, a religon is a good thing.
However, it is mostly not. Thus we have radical extremists, murderers, insane people, etc.
The Mana Goddess
18-07-2004, 06:53
I feel that religion (organized religion, that is) is a very bad thing. No offense to anyone but one of the oldest (established) religions also has the most (verifiable) number of corruptions. I'll not name the religion because, again, I'm not here to offend anyone.
I share Josh's view, as far as "being tolerant" of other religions. I learn what I can about other religions. I do not, however, believe for a second that one religion has it "all right" and all others have it "all wrong". With the human tendency for error, NO person can get it perfect. I've found much common ground within other religions; there are just certain things that I disagree with and that's fine with me. If everyone could agree to disagree, I think the world would be a much better place.