NationStates Jolt Archive

Paradise Club - Page 4

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31-07-2004, 01:05
Me? A hostess? I'm afraid I look dreadful in a skirt. I can't walk in heels. Wouldn't work out at all...

*pokes at the piano keys a bit*

Bye Prue...

31-07-2004, 04:12
*runs his fingers across the keys of the piano*
*goes and gets himself a Summit Extra Pale Ale, due to the lack of wait staff*
*sits down at the piano*
*takes a long draw off the bottle and begins to play*
Ahh..Beethoven's 8th Piano Sonata, the Pathetique...Opus 13 for those of you keeping score at home...
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 04:47
Prue will stay hostess until she quits. She is perfect from the job.

*Gets on the other piano and duets with Vex.*
31-07-2004, 04:51
We look like some cheesy Vegas act...dueling pianos!

And BTW, Prue is a wonderful hostess. She deserves a raise. A substantial raise.
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 04:56
Yes, Prue I'm raising you $10K.
31-07-2004, 04:59
*begins playing the Moonlight Sonata*

Don't you just love Beethoven?
31-07-2004, 05:28
Guess not...

*opens another Summit and plays on*
31-07-2004, 06:15
*walks in and spots Vex... figures it would be him with the beer in hand...* *snickers to herself*

Hey, there, Beethoven. Or is it Chopin?
Demonic Furbies
31-07-2004, 06:31
*stumbles in from back door and mumbles to self*
why does my foot always find the deep puddles?
*looks back up*
ello all.
31-07-2004, 06:33
You crack me up, Lakren. Really get me rolling on the floor, you do...

*continues playing BEETHOVEN's sonata number 15...Pastorale*

Hey DF.
Demonic Furbies
31-07-2004, 06:39
hey Vex. lovely rendition. you playing this by memory?
31-07-2004, 06:50
Bah, I can never win with you, Vex...

*sits in a nearby chair and crosses her legs*
Demonic Furbies
31-07-2004, 06:54
*notices the girl n the chair*
who's your friend Vex?
31-07-2004, 06:56
I never have learned to sight read music. So, instead, I learn pieces really, really, really slowly...memorize...and then play at a tempo closer to the composers intent. Bottom line: I know very few pieces well. VERY few.
Demonic Furbies
31-07-2004, 07:03
its a way to do it.
31-07-2004, 07:17
We untalented types have to muck through somehow...
31-07-2004, 07:32
*takes a sip of water from her bottle*

Untalented? No. You're far too modest, friend, or maybe just fishing for other things besides trout or bass... ;)
31-07-2004, 07:48
Not doing any fishing tonight, girlfriend...
31-07-2004, 07:56
Ah, really? Then what are you doing to entertain yourself tonight?
31-07-2004, 08:09
Sitting in an uneventful, boring club lounge.

However does this place stay in business??
31-07-2004, 08:11
Hmph. I do take that personally-- the uneventful, boring comment.

I apologize for lack of events. I'm quite uncreative.
31-07-2004, 08:19
Why would you take that personal? It's not your bloody club?

The place is completely understaffed. Prue can't do it all herself. Lord knows she tries. Cuneo seems to try on occasion, but has no real grasp on things. Tink seems to have abandoned the enterprise totally...and she was always the real the brains behind the whole deal. It's just a shame the place has been left to fall apart like this. Too bad.
31-07-2004, 08:21
I just thought you thought it was boring because of the company.

And now that you bring it up, it does seem like these places come crashing to the ground quite easily..
31-07-2004, 08:31
Maybe if you sat in a booth out front, showing a little leg...

Not my club. Just trying to be helpful.
The fairy tinkerbelly
31-07-2004, 14:48
sorry i've been neglecting this place, i havn't been on the forums, but i'm back and i'm gonna try and come up with a few ways to liven this place up
Demonic Furbies
31-07-2004, 16:55
maybe a pool party would attract some attention.
31-07-2004, 17:10
Ooh, a pool party? Will there be naked ladies?
Demonic Furbies
31-07-2004, 17:12
*rolls eyes*
you guys are so single minded.
31-07-2004, 17:39
Yup! :p
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 18:00
sorry i've been neglecting this place, i havn't been on the forums, but i'm back and i'm gonna try and come up with a few ways to liven this place up

Don't worry, I've been taking care of it babe.

Since I'm half owner and you are the founder, I titled myself CFO since you have to be CEO if you're the founder.

I've got Prue as a hostess in case you didn't know. She's great.
31-07-2004, 18:11
Maybe if you sat in a booth out front, showing a little leg...

Not my club. Just trying to be helpful.

Yes, helpful, mmhmm...
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 18:14
Maybe if you sat in a booth out front, showing a little leg...

Not my club. Just trying to be helpful.

Yes, what a bright idea!

You're hired as my creative director!

$100K a year sound good?
Aspen Clark
31-07-2004, 18:25
Hey Cuneo can I have a job?
31-07-2004, 18:41
*feels left out*

Pleeeease can I have a job, too, Cuneo? ;) *sits in a booth out front, showing a little leg*
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 18:54
Hey Cuneo can I have a job?

What job would you like?
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 18:55
*feels left out*

Pleeeease can I have a job, too, Cuneo? ;) *sits in a booth out front, showing a little leg*

Sure, is that the job you want? You tell me what you can do for us and I'll give you a job
31-07-2004, 19:01
I'm pretty much a multi-purpose girl... I can be a hostess, or a bartender, or a waitress, if you like... and I'm flexible on uniform.
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 19:05
I've got a hostess, and I think I have a bartender. But I could use a waitress. No uniform necessary, just look as cute as I know you can.

31-07-2004, 19:08
Yes, sir. *grins and makes her way over* So, when do I start?
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 19:11
Whenever you want.
Aspen Clark
31-07-2004, 19:16
Can I dance?
31-07-2004, 19:18
can someone let the dog out, it needs a poopoo
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 19:18
A dancing job, I love that idea. Yes Aspen, you certainly may.

Is an Italian CFO good enough to have a dance with you?
Aspen Clark
31-07-2004, 19:20
Ok course you are, I would love to dance with you anyday
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 19:24
Alright. What's your favorite slow song Aspen?
Aspen Clark
31-07-2004, 19:26
I don't have one, you choose
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 19:32
Well since we both like Los Lonely Boys, we could go with "More Than Love".

*Turns it on and holds you close to him, swaying to the beat.*
Aspen Clark
31-07-2004, 19:33
That is a good song
I like my job I get to flirt with all the guys, I hope Vex will not get jelous
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 19:42
Why would Vex be jealous?
31-07-2004, 19:46
:) :sniper: wazup peoplez?
31-07-2004, 19:52
Why would Vex be jealous?

Yes, I'm curious too... why would he be jealous, Aspen?

*greets Frallhalla* Welcome to the Paradise Club... may I take your order? ;)
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 19:59
I just learned why. Apparently Aspen and Vex are informally together.

Well Vex is my creative director, he works here too.

*Goes out and stands on the balcony and yells.*

I'm the CFO! Woohoo!

"Chief" Financial Officer. The Big Cheese. The One. Ya'll's boss!

*Starts singing.*

I've got the powa!
31-07-2004, 20:22
*hears shouting from blacony and walks in*
Cuneo Island
31-07-2004, 20:23
It looks like my dance repelled everyone.
31-07-2004, 20:27
That can happen sometimes. Trust me, I know. ;)

So how's it goin around here.
31-07-2004, 20:28
just passing through don't mind me.

Next time you see me I'll be a pimp!
31-07-2004, 20:32
Next time you see me I'll be a pimp!

And how are you going to manage that?
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 02:03
is it just me is there a feminine aura in this place. maybe its all the female employs lurking about. Need more guys. What've you got for me Cuneo?
01-08-2004, 03:56
**walks in quietly,and sits down in a corner table**
01-08-2004, 04:20
*walks in quietly and sits down in a different corner table*
01-08-2004, 04:22
*walks in quietly and sits down in yet another corner table*
01-08-2004, 04:28
**Watches new comer very carefully**
01-08-2004, 04:32
*stares at the cieling while humming quietly to himself*
01-08-2004, 04:38
*keeps one eye on Gide and one eye on Squorn*

*decides to park both eyes on Gide...*

Better view
01-08-2004, 04:39
**is VERY uncomfortable**
01-08-2004, 04:39
01-08-2004, 04:40
*keeps one eye on Gide and one eye on Squorn*

*decides to park both eyes on Gide...*

Better view

Can't blame you Vex.

Hey Lang, how's it goin?
01-08-2004, 04:41
Is going good. You?
01-08-2004, 04:42
*walks in, glaring at no one in particular or perhaps one person in particular..., and sits down at the bar*
01-08-2004, 04:42
**is VERY uncomfortable**

*moves to Gide's table*

Since when did I make you feel uncomfortable?

Hey Lang.
01-08-2004, 04:43
Pretty good here too. School starting up again soon though :mad:
01-08-2004, 04:43
*walks in, glaring at no one in particular or perhaps one person in particular..., and sits down at the bar**sneaks up behind her*
01-08-2004, 04:44
*walks in, glaring at no one in particular or perhaps one person in particular..., and sits down at the bar*

Hmm, vagueness.
01-08-2004, 04:44
Yes, indeed. *smiles mystically*
01-08-2004, 04:45
Pretty good here too. School starting up again soon though :mad:Yipe. Poor you.
01-08-2004, 04:45
*walks in, glaring at no one in particular or perhaps one person in particular..., and sits down at the bar*

*looks at the young woman at the bar*

She seems to be showing a little leg...well now...wonder what that means?
01-08-2004, 04:45
*sneaks up behind her*

*feels... watched... somehow*
01-08-2004, 04:46
*feels... watched... somehow*Hewwo. :D
01-08-2004, 04:48
Hallo, Lang! I'm glad to see you haven't left us yet. *gives him a tight, rather suffocating hug*
01-08-2004, 04:48
Yipe. Poor you.

I graduate in May though. :D
01-08-2004, 04:49
*gasps for air and turns blue a bit*
01-08-2004, 04:49
*looks at the young woman at the bar*

She seems to be showing a little leg...well now...wonder what that means?

*sees him looking in her general direction* *looks back...* *feels safer after tugging on her skirt*
01-08-2004, 04:50
I graduate in May though. :DOooh, something to look forward to.
01-08-2004, 04:50
I graduate in May though. :D

*gasp!* Oh, your seniorness! *kowtows*
01-08-2004, 04:51
*moves to Gide's table*

Since when did I make you feel uncomfortable?

Hey Lang.

**jumps a mile high**

**turns ghost white**
01-08-2004, 04:52
*gasp!* Oh, your seniorness! *kowtows*


It's actually as much scary as exciting.
01-08-2004, 04:52
Is it, really? Why? The prom? ;)

*slides behind the bar* Somehow that reminds me... can I get anyone something to drink?
01-08-2004, 04:53
I couldn't wait to graduate.
01-08-2004, 04:57
Is it, really? Why? The prom? ;)

*slides behind the bar* Somehow that reminds me... can I get anyone something to drink?

Maybe. ;)

Iced Tea'll be fine, thanks.
01-08-2004, 04:59
Sure thing. *whips out a pitcher of iced tea* Any sugar in that?
01-08-2004, 05:00
**jumps a mile high**

**turns ghost white**

I'm sorry Gide. Why so jumpy? It's just me...Vex...remember me?
01-08-2004, 05:00
n-no reason

**tries to stop shaking**
01-08-2004, 05:02
Sure thing. *whips out a pitcher of iced tea* Any sugar in that?

Yeah, a little.

btw, I don't think I'll need the whole pitcher.
01-08-2004, 05:03
No worries, smartie. I've got some glasses, too. *sticks her tongue out*
01-08-2004, 05:03
n-no reason

**tries to stop shaking**

Gide, you're shaking like a leaf. You OK? You want me to just leave you alone?
01-08-2004, 05:06
01-08-2004, 05:07
Gide, you're shaking like a leaf. You OK? You want me to just leave you alone?
No dont go, please....
01-08-2004, 05:11
*pours a glass of iced tea for Squorn and slides it over to the other side of the counter* *pours herself some lemonade and watches the room...*
01-08-2004, 05:13
*picks up tea and sips*

Thanks, that's pretty good.
01-08-2004, 05:14
No dont go, please....

I'm not going anywhere. I'm happy to talk. I'm happy to listen. I'm happy to just sit here and not do a thing.
01-08-2004, 05:18
*slides a finger along the counter and then back... and then over again and back... and... whoo!* *^____^* You're welcome, Squorn.
01-08-2004, 05:27

*digs around in a bag*

Here, it's Carlos the Amazing Boxing Monkey. He ran away from the Circus or something.
01-08-2004, 05:31

*digs around in a bag*

Here, it's Carlos the Amazing Boxing Monkey. He ran away from the Circus or something.

Hi Carlos...pleased to make your acquaintance :)

Hi you guys *waves at everyone else*
01-08-2004, 05:33
*Carlos cocks his head to one side and looks at Prue, then jumps onto her shoulder*

Ooh! Ooh!

*Squorn laughs*
01-08-2004, 05:35
Huh. How 'bout that.
01-08-2004, 05:35
Hola, Prue!
01-08-2004, 05:37
*Carlos cocks his head to one side and looks at Prue, then jumps onto her shoulder*

Ooh! Ooh!

*Squorn laughs*

*Prue staggers back against bar*

Friendly ain't he?
01-08-2004, 05:38
*Prue staggers back against bar*

Friendly ain't he?

er...hi Langy...ahhhhhhhgggghhhh! help me get this monkey under control
01-08-2004, 05:39

*takes out a banana*

Mr. Monkey, lookie what I got!
01-08-2004, 05:39

Did I mention that he dances too?
01-08-2004, 05:40
*Carlos jumps onto the floor and goes over to Lang*
01-08-2004, 05:41
*gives banana to monkey*

Good boy!
01-08-2004, 05:42
*monkey begins to eat banana*

Well, that was interesting.
01-08-2004, 05:43
Yep. You're safe now, Prue!
01-08-2004, 05:44
*blinks* Hmm... just another day in the Paradise Club..
01-08-2004, 05:45
and on that note, I've gotta go.

I'll leave Carlos here, he can't do too much damage. See you all later.
01-08-2004, 05:45
*wonders why Gide ran off...*

Hello there, Prue! Good to see you.
01-08-2004, 05:51
Bye, Squorn! Bye, monkey!
01-08-2004, 05:51
Uh oh... *eyes the monkey* *edges away to the other side of the bar*
01-08-2004, 05:56
Yep. You're safe now, Prue!

*sighs* my hero
01-08-2004, 05:58
Ah, yes, the Cajun super-boy... *starry-eyed* Will you sign my arm?
01-08-2004, 05:59
and on that note, I've gotta go.

I'll leave Carlos here, he can't do too much damage. See you all later.

*gingerly feels bruises in back*

*looks at monkey...monkey looks at Prue*

oh hi Vex...nice to see you again - i've only been away for a day and it feels way too long :)
01-08-2004, 05:59
O.O O.o o.O Erm.....okay.

*signs her arm*
01-08-2004, 06:03
oh hi Vex...nice to see you again - i've only been away for a day and it feels way too long :)

You've been away. I hadn't noticed...

01-08-2004, 06:04
*grins* Being a groupie is fun... but I think I'll go back to being a quiet nerd...
01-08-2004, 06:04
O.O O.o o.O Erm.....okay.

*signs her arm*

*rapidly withdraws her attention from Vex and looks at arm*

who said that? i never said that? Langy...what are you doing?

*looks aghast at forearm which is signed in huge script in indelible green marker pen*

*shrugs and smiles* guess i'll have something to remember you by while you're gone ;)

*walks behind bar and surreptitiously tries to wipe it off, with water, then alcohol, then bleach...nothing touches it*
01-08-2004, 06:05
You've been away. I hadn't noticed...


sure babe *sticks tongue out* ;)
01-08-2004, 06:25
Now that's not very nice...and an employee of the club to boot. Tsk tsk. May have to report this behavior to management...
01-08-2004, 06:30
Now that's not very nice...and an employee of the club to boot. Tsk tsk. May have to report this behavior to management...

*smiles wickedly*

darlin', i'm the hostess with the mostest (in Cuneo's eyes at least - and he raised me 10k last night!)

conventional is boring...if Cuneo want's me to be conventional then i'm outta here :)
01-08-2004, 06:40
The 10k raise was my suggestion. I suppose you missed that part...
01-08-2004, 06:51
The 10k raise was my suggestion. I suppose you missed that part...

i apologies Vex...

and i'm worth every penny (and more!) ;)
01-08-2004, 06:55
Worth every penny?

*looks down at his poor, empty, little pint glass*

That you are, darlin'!
01-08-2004, 07:08
heheheh! i can take a hint.

*fills glass with whatever Vex was drinking and hands it over. Takes empty away* psychic hostess...i could tell what you were drinking ;)

wow! i have POWAH!!!!
01-08-2004, 07:11
You truly have the 10K POWAH!

*wonders why the hell he's holding a pina colada...*
01-08-2004, 07:28
You truly have the 10K POWAH!

*wonders why the hell he's holding a pina colada...*

:D :D :D :D

Vex...i can't have given you a pc cos i don't know what goes in one (maybe not quite so much powah as i thought)
01-08-2004, 08:14
*the pina colada is magically transformed into a martini*

Thank you Prue!

Thank you Spirit Gods!
01-08-2004, 08:17
01-08-2004, 08:58
*walks in and takes a seat in the corner*


Wow!! A nightclub.. what an original idea.
01-08-2004, 09:07
*finding the service to be less than desirable, she heads out the back door and tags the wall by the dupster*
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 12:32
I think a pool party is a great idea DF, i'll discuss the exact details with Cuneo then i'll let everyone know when it'll be
01-08-2004, 13:38
i think it's a terrific idea

wonder if we should set a date and then send out invitations - to individuals?

so many people who used to pop in are staying in offsite forums now :(
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 13:43
yeah, when do you think?
01-08-2004, 13:50
Dunno Tink...weekdays usually see the most people on line...a day next week perhaps? What about Tuesday?

This coming week i'm not doing anything much in the evenings...and if it was busy in the Club i'd stay up late because i'm not doing much during the day...

Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday would be fine by me

Gotta go now but i'll see ya later. If you want me to tg anyone about it then send me a message and i'll send out some invitations :)

see ya *grabs bag and waves*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 15:01
w00t. i had a good idea.
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 15:11
lol, yeah you did, it's gonna be on Tuesday i think
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 15:13
coo. i prolly wont make it in time to see all ya'll over in the UK.
01-08-2004, 16:27
What? :( You won't be able to make it on Tuesday...anytime on Tuesday?

i'll be burning the midnight oil for sure :)
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 16:29
well, it'll be like 2 or 3 in the morning there.
01-08-2004, 16:46
**walks in from the back room,smiling slightly**
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 16:50
hi don't mean to be nosey (actually that's not true) but what were you doing in there to put such a smile on your face?
01-08-2004, 16:52
Just thinking about a conversation I had a couple of days ago, that's all...

**Smiles and blushes slightly***
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 16:53
*sees a figurewalk by out of the corner of his eye*
barkeep, a martini por favor.
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 16:53
hmmmm.......if you say so...
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 16:54
*hops over the bar*

of course DF

*gets DF a Martini*
01-08-2004, 16:55
**sees DF and blushes slightly, but doesnt say hello**

It was a....sweet conversation, I dont have many of those with the opposite sex...
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 16:57
thank 'ye kindly ma'am.
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 17:00
**sees DF and blushes slightly, but doesnt say hello**

It was a....sweet conversation, I dont have many of those with the opposite sex...

awwwww, anyone i know?
01-08-2004, 17:01
No, its some one from work....but he told me I was cute and any guy must be out of his skull not to want me for a g/f.....this after I was in a "I hate all guys" mood.....
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 17:03
No, its some one from work....but he told me I was cute and any guy must be out of his skull not to want me for a g/f.....this after I was in a "I hate all guys" mood.....
that's really sweet
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:03
*desides to lets the girls do their chatting thing and moves to one of the far corner tables*
01-08-2004, 17:04
hello DF**almost in a whisper**
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:07
*gives Gide a little smile on the way back*
hey kid.
01-08-2004, 17:10
well, idt'll be like 2 or 3 in the morning there.

no probs...for this i'd stay up all night!!!!

i kinda think it's sad that so many people are saying the main forum isn't any good when all they need to do is come and give it a if we invite people to one site, and if plenty of the old regulars turn up it should be fun...and mebbe it'll change people's minds a bit

heheh! it could be a wild night :D
01-08-2004, 17:10
I'm sorry....

**looks back to Tink, and smiles as she blushes**
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 17:13
*whispers to Gide* sorry, i'm being nosey again, do you a thing for DF?
01-08-2004, 17:15
**turns bright red, and shakes her head**

No, just......nevermind....
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:15
ya, that it could Prue...
*casts a forlorn look at Gide*
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 17:18
**turns bright red, and shakes her head**

No, just......nevermind....
are you sure? i wouldn't blame you, i've seen his pic and he's really hot!
01-08-2004, 17:21
I've never seen his pic, and its...kinda complicated, I'm not into trusting too many guys...
01-08-2004, 17:26
*walks in* Hello, everyone...

*waves to DF* Remember me? Sparren?
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:28
Hey Sparren. been awhile.
01-08-2004, 17:30
Yes, it has. My nation got deleted because I didn't get on for more than a month... *sigh*

Anyways... are you doing all right, Gide?
01-08-2004, 17:31
I've never seen his pic, and its...kinda complicated, I'm not into trusting too many guys...

give the pic a look - i agree totally with Tink!!!
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 17:32
hi Sparren
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:33
yall'er too kind.
01-08-2004, 17:33
Yes, it has. My nation got deleted because I didn't get on for more than a month... *sigh*

did ya try getting your nation resurrected Lakren?
01-08-2004, 17:35
Yes, it has. My nation got deleted because I didn't get on for more than a month... *sigh*

Anyways... are you doing all right, Gide?

I'm ok.....

And I'll give the pic a look, if I can find it...
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:36
its not on this forum anymore.
01-08-2004, 17:40
May I see it? please....

**tries to look all cute**

its not working is it?
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:44
you know you dont need to try to be cute...
01-08-2004, 17:47
did ya try getting your nation resurrected Lakren?

Eh? What? Resurrected? No, never heard of it...

Nice hair, DF... ;)
01-08-2004, 17:47
This is what I was dancing with?

**blushes red**
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:48
Eh? What? Resurrected? No, never heard of it...

Nice hair, DF... ;)

ya ya, it was late and i'd been in the club awhile.
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:52
yes, this is what you where dancing with. glad it didnt take you too long to notice.
01-08-2004, 17:53
**turns even redder and hides her face**
01-08-2004, 17:53
ya ya, it was late and i'd been in the club awhile.

The last part is probably why your hair's all messed up... I mean, too many drinks? *grins*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:53
hey, im kidding. no need for hiding.
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:55
The last part is probably why your hair's all messed up... I mean, too many drinks? *grins*

im not a heavy drinker really. lets just say it wasnt a slow night at the club.
01-08-2004, 17:55
sorry not used to dancing with hot guys...

**muffled words**
01-08-2004, 17:55
This is what I was dancing with?

**blushes red**

yeah...lucky girl *sighs*

*brightens up* i got a dance with Vex...eventually
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 17:57
sorry not used to dancing with hot guys...

**muffled words**

and why wouldnt a lovely girl such as yourself not be used to it?
01-08-2004, 17:58
Eh? What? Resurrected? No, never heard of it...

Nice hair, DF... ;)

drop the mods a message and they can...give time...ressurect your nation. It will then appear in the region Lazarus
01-08-2004, 17:59
and why wouldnt a lovely girl such as yourself not be used to it?
hmph dont get me started....I tend to to be the type guys look for as friends, not anything else...
Plus, I have a hard time trusting guys. Just too much has gone on for me to be totally trusting.
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:04
alright, i wont get you started then.
01-08-2004, 18:05
actually, that was the whole speel....yo ugot me started....
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:06
01-08-2004, 18:08

**looks away, embarassed**
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:10
for what? you didnt do anything wrong.
01-08-2004, 18:12
**cocks head**

Well, I didnt think you'd be interested in hearing that whole speel. I was afraid I'd bored you, to be quite honest
01-08-2004, 18:12
*curls up in the corner of the sofa and tries to look invisible*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:14
im a very dificult guy to bore.
*looks over at the semi-visible lump on the couch*
alright there Prue?
01-08-2004, 18:17
**nods, blushing slightly, and looks down at the table**
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:18
*gives Gide a gentle smile and takes a sip of his martini*
01-08-2004, 18:20
erm....I need to change, do you know of any rooms where I can get out of these grimy clothes?

**gestures to her faded jeans and tank top**
01-08-2004, 18:20
*creeps out and goes to sit outside*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:21
*watches Prue slink out*
uh.. i think theres bathrooms through there.
*points at a door in a corner of the room*
01-08-2004, 18:24
um thanks...
**leaves DF and Dezzan alone and changes into a red halter top and a black skirt**
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:26
*glances at Gide's door, then Prue's, then back again*
always with the choices...
01-08-2004, 18:28
Decisions, decisions, eh?

*leans back on the counter, sipping at her drink*
01-08-2004, 18:30
**Comes back out, and after glancing at DF, goes out after Prue**

You ok?
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:30
hey Sparren, there you are. thought you took off.
01-08-2004, 18:33
Yes, I was just fooling around with the appearance of my new computer... Windows XP, finally! : D
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:34
lol. welcome to the block.
*walks up to bar, washes out his empty glass and sets it on a towel to dry*
so what've you been up to recently?
01-08-2004, 18:36
**walks back in and sits down in her old chair**
01-08-2004, 18:36
*shrugs and sets her glass down* Not much... just being a pessimist as usual...

Nothing much good happens to those who don't expect it. ;)

And what about you?
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:37
getting ready for school. last year! whoo!
01-08-2004, 18:39
Argh, you're lucky. I still have... technically... at least six more years to go...

*dies on the spot*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:43
*pulls out a defibulator and shocks Sparren back to life*
no dying around me.
*looks up to Gide*
how 'bout you? what've you been up to?
01-08-2004, 18:44
ARGH! *rubs sore... everythings* There were easier ways to do that... *grumbles*

... but thanks anyway. :P
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:48
sorry about that. if your sore i can give you a masage. might help alittle.
01-08-2004, 18:49
*pulls out a defibulator and shocks Sparren back to life*
no dying around me.
*looks up to Gide*
how 'bout you? what've you been up to?

**turns pale for a moment**

excuse me, be right back

**rushes from the room**
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 18:51
hi, i'm back, my pc died on me!
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:52
*looks after Gide and ponders whether or not go go after her*
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 18:53
well if you're gonna just stand there and ponder about it, i'll go! *runs after Gide*

are you ok sweetie?
01-08-2004, 18:55
sorry about that. if your sore i can give you a masage. might help alittle.

I'm sure it would. I'll take you up on that offer...
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 18:55
if only you knew why i hesitate...
alright then Sparren.
*pulls a chair in front of him and motions for her to have a seat*
01-08-2004, 18:56
sorry IRL I'm really ill atm, and I just needed to grab some meds NOW...but yeah, I'll be ok... thank tink
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 18:59
ok then, can i get you some water or something?
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:00
if your not feeling well you should go sleep Gide.
01-08-2004, 19:01
nah I'll be ok, I'm feeling a bit better....I just didnt want to disappear for twenty minutes without explaining where I went
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 19:02
does anyone else want a drink?
01-08-2004, 19:04
if your not feeling well you should go sleep Gide.
grrr....I cant sleep....
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:06
im sorry. maybe just lie down on the couch or something.
01-08-2004, 19:08
yeah, maybe....


**liesdown on couch and watches everyohne else**
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:11
*pulls a blanket out and covers Gide with it, then sits down on the arm rest near her head*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:12
*sticks his foot out and pulls Sparren and her chair over him and starts massaging her shoulders and back*
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 19:15
*makes a cup of tea then goes and sits in the corner*
01-08-2004, 19:15
I think I missed something...What was your post spar?
01-08-2004, 19:16
aw thanks DF...

**cuddles up under blanket**

Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:18
you just rest and get better Gide.
01-08-2004, 19:20
*smiles and reaches up to hug him**


**lies back down**
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:22
*smiles back at her, then starts working down Sparren's back, stopping to work out the knots*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:26
not feeling left out over there are you Tink?
01-08-2004, 19:27
*shudders as the stiffness in her back s l o w l y relaxes* That feels way to good to be free. ;)
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 19:28
no i'm fine thanks DF *finishes tea then puts on MD player and headphones and dances around*
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:29
it wont cost you a thing, provided that you promise not to make me use that defibulator again.
01-08-2004, 19:34
Meh. <_< I promise...
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-08-2004, 19:37
*sits down at the piano and takes off headphones*

does anyone mind if i play a bit of music?
01-08-2004, 19:38
*sits down at the piano and takes off headphones*

does anyone mind if i play a bit of music?
No, go ahead!
Demonic Furbies
01-08-2004, 19:38
well alright then.
*gets down to the small of her back and works his way back up looking for any spots he missed*
go for it Tink.