Title of the smallest book in the world again...
"Smart World Politics" by G. Bush
Oh well, I always wanted a thread all by myself ;)
And since I enjoy making up these titles...
"The Truth I Told" D.H. Rumsfeld
"How I Won The Spelling Bee"
by D. Quayle
14-07-2004, 18:40
Another very small book:
The Parts of the Constitution that I Haven't Destroyed Yet by John Ashcroft
"Good things about government" by Alexander Berkman or me.
14-07-2004, 21:58
"Tantric Sex for Beginners" by Carol Wojtyla/Pope John Paul II
"How Not To Be a Hypocrite" by J. Kerry.
16-07-2004, 02:42
"Things I can do well" by G.W.B.
Suicidal Librarians
16-07-2004, 03:38
"How Not To Be a Hypocrite" by J. Kerry.
That is priceless! :)