Worst Presidential candidate in U.S. history?
27-06-2004, 20:20
Here are the rules:
1)Don't pick a candidate that was elected
3)Respect others' ideas even if they sharply contrast with your own
That said, for me it'd be a tie between the following individuals: George McGovern (whose radicalism borders on fanaticism), Eugene McCarthy (same thing), Hubert Humphrey (same thing), Jesse Jackson (racist scum), John Kerry (radical internationalist, arch-traitor, rabid anti-American).
27-06-2004, 20:21
Barry Goldwater. Because.
27-06-2004, 20:22
in MY time?
michael dukakis
he was pathetic
27-06-2004, 20:39
Barry Goldwater. Because.
Why? (Just curious)
27-06-2004, 20:40
Howard Dean, even though he isn't running, he planned on running. Let's all do the Dean scream! Yeagh!
27-06-2004, 21:26
Any other ideas?
27-06-2004, 21:42
Strom Thurmond is a winner.
So is Pat Buchanan.
And I think Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell ran once.
27-06-2004, 21:47
Strom Thurmond is a winner.
So is Pat Buchanan.
And I think Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell ran once.
Jerry Falwell ran for President? Interesting. Well, you learn something new everyday, or so my dad always says.
Though I agree with some of his left wing views and even though I am British, I can say Al Gore is the most pathetic.
Think about it, he lost to George W. Bush!
He had the intelligence and ability to trounce Bush in the debates but he did nothing. He just stood there speaking but saying nothing.....
27-06-2004, 21:49
Though I agree with some of his left wing views and even though I am British, I can say Al Gore is the most pathetic.
Think about it, he lost to George W. Bush!
He had the intelligence and ability to trounce Bush in the debates but he did nothing. He just stood there speaking but saying nothing.....
You have a good point there.
Chess Squares
27-06-2004, 21:50
Think about it, he lost to George W. Bush!
actually, he lost to the electoral system and vote tampering by Jebb Bush, he WON against George Dubya
Think about it, he lost to George W. Bush!
actually, he lost to the electoral system and vote tampering by Jebb Bush, he WON against George Dubya
I know that, I am just being nice to the Conservatives :P ; but Al Gore could have at least tried a little harder. If he had, he would have been President; electoral tampering or not.....
Chess Squares
27-06-2004, 21:55
" If he had, he would have been President; electoral tampering or not....."
i dont think you get how the electoral system works
27-06-2004, 21:55
Personally, I do not particularly care for Mr. Bush or Mr. Gore.
New Auburnland
27-06-2004, 21:58
Sure, if Gore would have tried harder he would have won.
If he would have tried at all, he would have won his home state, and Florida would have been a non-issue.
New Auburnland
27-06-2004, 21:59
As far as worst Presidential canidate, my vote has to go to Jesse Jackson.
27-06-2004, 22:06
As far as worst Presidential canidate, my vote has to go to Jesse Jackson.
Agreed, sir.
Ice Hockey Players
27-06-2004, 22:08
Ice Hockey Players
27-06-2004, 22:12
Let's see here...
Thomas Dewey took a guaranteed win in 1948 and screwed it up somehow.
Barry Goldwater had the same chance of being elected President as Jesse Jackson has of being named Grand Wizard of the KKK. That and I think he suggested nuking Vietnam, yet he had the nerve (or insanity) to use "In your heart, you know he's right" as his campaign slogan. The fortunate one was that the Dems could turn that around against him without much effort.
Walter Mondale flat-out said he was going to raise taxes. OK, so he was making a point, but it's a really terrible idea.
Al Landon should be mentioned just for the fact that he lost in the biggest rout in history (523-8 to FDR, a margin of 515 electoral votes. Even Mondale only lost by 512.)
William Jennings Bryan got the Dems' nomination THREE TIMES and lost EVERY SINGLE TIME. That's even worse than Adlai Stevenson's record of losing twice, and frankly he lost to Dwight Eisenhower twice, so he has an excuse.
Al Gore lost his home state in an election against George Dubya Bush. If he takes Tennessee, it's game over for Bush.
Ross Perot could theoretically have won the election of 1992. If he could campaign reasonably and listen to his people, we might have had eight years of Perot.
George McGovern was a bit too liberal for most people's tastes, but like Goldwater, he was running up against someone who was more middle of the road.
Pat Buchanan's claim to fame is that he got people to vote for him on accident.
in MY time?
michael dukakis
he was patheticI don't really know about him, why was he so bad?
27-06-2004, 22:15
Let's see here...
Thomas Dewey took a guaranteed win in 1948 and screwed it up somehow.
Barry Goldwater had the same chance of being elected President as Jesse Jackson has of being named Grand Wizard of the KKK. That and I think he suggested nuking Vietnam, yet he had the nerve (or insanity) to use "In your heart, you know he's right" as his campaign slogan. The fortunate one was that the Dems could turn that around against him without much effort.
Walter Mondale flat-out said he was going to raise taxes. OK, so he was making a point, but it's a really terrible idea.
Al Landon should be mentioned just for the fact that he lost in the biggest rout in history (523-8 to FDR, a margin of 515 electoral votes. Even Mondale only lost by 512.)
William Jennings Bryan got the Dems' nomination THREE TIMES and lost EVERY SINGLE TIME. That's even worse than Adlai Stevenson's record of losing twice, and frankly he lost to Dwight Eisenhower twice, so he has an excuse.
Al Gore lost his home state in an election against George Dubya Bush. If he takes Tennessee, it's game over for Bush.
Ross Perot could theoretically have won the election of 1992. If he could campaign reasonably and listen to his people, we might have had eight years of Perot.
George McGovern was a bit too liberal for most people's tastes, but like Goldwater, he was running up against someone who was more middle of the road.
Pat Buchanan's claim to fame is that he got people to vote for him on accident.
Mr. Goldwater did not suggest 'nuking' anybody. He did, however, suggest heavier bombing of North Vietnam. And as for his opponent, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Johnson was far from 'middle of the road.'
New Auburnland
27-06-2004, 22:15
in MY time?
michael dukakis
he was patheticI don't really know about him, why was he so bad?
dude, he sucked! read about him on wikipedia
27-06-2004, 22:20
I wasn't very impressed with Mr. Dukakis, either.
28-06-2004, 00:40
Goldwater also lead (I believe) or at least participated in the rise of conservatism through blocking civil rights administration. That was till Lyndon railed the conservatives.
Aside from him, I think Al Sharpton. He came to speak at my school. The man is an idiot and a racist.
28-06-2004, 00:47
What? Nobody's mentioned Nader?
2. Al Sharpton and Howard Dean (tie)
3. Strom Thurmond
4. McClellan (I forget his first name - used to be a top general for Lincoln)
5. Lyndon LaRouche
Opal Isle
28-06-2004, 00:50
Ralph Nader has to be the best candidate. He has shirts that say "Nader 2000" and have a marijuana leaf on them! ROCK ON!
28-06-2004, 00:52
Ralph Nader has to be the best candidate. He has shirts that say "Nader 2000" and have a marijuana leaf on them! ROCK ON!
SWEET! I want one.
Ralph Nader has to be the best candidate. He has shirts that say "Nader 2000" and have a marijuana leaf on them! ROCK ON!
He is by far the best candidate. He actually wants to give the American people what they need.....
28-06-2004, 09:24
In my short period of life..Clinton cuase he didn't give a damn about our military and allowed 9/11 to happen. :evil:
New Auburnland
28-06-2004, 09:30
In my short period of life..Clinton cuase he didn't give a damn about our military and allowed 9/11 to happen. :evil:
read the entire question and then reply, umkay?