Could you ever kill someone not in self defence?
Is there a reason, or a cause for which you would kill? Would you ever kill someone in revenge, or for profit? When your life is actively threatened, I think that most people would be able to make a "them or me" decision, but in a circumstance where your life is not directly at risk, could or would you do it?
I probably couldn't...but you never know. :twisted:
26-06-2004, 22:11
No. There are causes I would die for, but I would never take another human life, even in self-defence. I hold this belief for both religious and rational reasons.
No. There are causes I would die for, but I would never take another human life, even in self-defence. I hold this belief for both religious and rational reasons.
Same here.
"If the left is understood to include 'Bolshevism,' then I would flatly dissociate
myself from the left. Lenin was one of the greatest enemies of socialism."-Chomsky
Free your mind! (
I like big butts!
New Auburnland
26-06-2004, 22:15
fuck yeah I could.
someone trying to kill me do not respect my rights as a person, so I would earn my respect from them, 5.56mm at a time.
Lance Cahill
26-06-2004, 22:16
If someone was killing someone else I could, I guess andernaline would take over.
The Erg Raiders
26-06-2004, 22:17
I could kill. Not just to defend myself, but also other people dear to me.
f--- yeah I could.
someone trying to kill me do not respect my rights as a person, so I would earn my respect from them, 5.56mm at a time.I don't know shit about guns, but thats a pretty small caliber isn't it?
Thinking about it, I really should have expected that most of the people to vote "yes" would be the gung-ho conservatives. Even so, I gotta say that killing for reasons of "respect" has gotta be close to the dumbest things I've ever heard
26-06-2004, 22:19
I could kill, but only to defend people I care about.
I think that most of the time, my answer would be no, however, there are certain forms of political assassination that I could find acceptable. (On the overall justification of saving more lives, if that was appropriate)
Lance Cahill
26-06-2004, 22:22
No responsible person kills for respect.
New Auburnland
26-06-2004, 22:23
f--- yeah I could.
someone trying to kill me do not respect my rights as a person, so I would earn my respect from them, 5.56mm at a time.I don't know shit about guns, but thats a pretty small caliber isn't it?
Thinking about it, I really should have expected that most of the people to vote "yes" would be the gung-ho conservatives. Even so, I gotta say that killing for reasons of "respect" has gotta be close to the dumbest things I've ever heard
5.56 MM is the same caliber as a M-16.
If it ever came down to a situation where it was me or someone else, I have to look out for my favorite person in the whole world, myself.
26-06-2004, 22:25
5.56 is NATO standard for assault rifles. And for that, I can kill someone, no problem.
26-06-2004, 22:33
I would prefer not to kill anyone, but if I ever felt I had to I would. I do not view life as sacred, and I believe that some values are more important than life. To all those who assume that makes me immoral: keep in mind that most of your freedoms were assured by the sacrifice of those who considered them to be more important than their own survival.
26-06-2004, 22:49
I could kill, but only to defend people I care about.
^what he said
But I would not resort to killing unless it was a last-ditch situation
Pax Salam
26-06-2004, 22:54
What about bugs and stuff...
26-06-2004, 23:16
i can think of nothing that i would kill for that did not have an immediate defense of myself or someone else.
the only bugs i kill are mosquitos but thats self defense, its us or them.
isnt the willingness to kill for an idea the hallmark of the fanatic?
I'd have no issues with the "them or me" thing, and since I don't view life as sacred, I say that I could. I believe that there are plenty of people on this planet undeserving of life, and were I presented with a consequence-free shot at taking one down, I'd probably go with it.
Of course, I'd want to make pretty sure that s/he was a worthless human being (say, those -ssholes from the Enron tapes), and that in-and-of-itself really clutters up the decision. Since I'd have to be damn sure, it's pretty unlikely that it would ever happen.
But I guess the short answer is "yes."
Cannot think of a name
26-06-2004, 23:28
I have a hard time causing another person pain or discomfort for any reason, much less killing them. I have agressions, but the thought of actually acting on them makes me intensly uncomfortable and instance where I have hurt someone (in sports) I have felt uneasy about it. (that's why theres video games. I have no problems with fake killing sprees.)
I am disturbed and sickened by the arrogance of people that have no cumpunction to kill or harm others. Who are you to make those decisions of life and death on others? Assholes.
Cannot think of a name
26-06-2004, 23:29
I have a hard time causing another person pain or discomfort for any reason, much less killing them. I have agressions, but the thought of actually acting on them makes me intensly uncomfortable and instance where I have hurt someone (in sports) I have felt uneasy about it. (that's why theres video games. I have no problems with fake killing sprees.)
I am disturbed and sickened by the arrogance of people that have no cumpunction to kill or harm others. Who are you to make those decisions of life and death on others? Assholes.
I have a hard time causing another person pain or discomfort for any reason, much less killing them. I have agressions, but the thought of actually acting on them makes me intensly uncomfortable and instance where I have hurt someone (in sports) I have felt uneasy about it. (that's why theres video games. I have no problems with fake killing sprees.)
I am disturbed and sickened by the arrogance of people that have no cumpunction to kill or harm others. Who are you to make those decisions of life and death on others? Assholes.I agree, I mean, I really don't like fighting, and on my braver (more deluded?) days I think its because I'm afraid of hurting the other guy.
On the other hand, there are times when I could visualise myself hiting someone and not stopping.
I am disturbed and sickened by the arrogance of people that have no cumpunction to kill or harm others. Who are you to make those decisions of life and death on others? Assholes.
Who am I? A human being. Who are they? Also human beings. Seems pretty much even to me...and I'm not going to argue that I'm not an arrogant person with an innate sense of self-superiority.
The Sadistic Skinhead
27-06-2004, 03:28
No one knows how they could react in a situation but i would kill if i could get away with it just for the adreniline.
27-06-2004, 03:31
No one knows how they could react in a situation but i would kill if i could get away with it just for the adreniline.
i think its the "after the act" reaction that you would need to worry about. people who have been in situations where they were forced to kill someone in utterly justified circumstances are wracked with guilt afterwards. you might well find that, unless you can keep it utterly out of your mind or convince yourself that you didnt really do it that you would have ruined the rest of your life.
27-06-2004, 03:32
I could kill to protect myself or my family without hesitation.
27-06-2004, 03:37
> Guess I'll be completely honest...yea...I would. But my reason aren't the norm...I don't react well when people piss me off and I get extremely violent. Yes...I could and probably would kill someone if they simply pushed the wrong button. But don't prejudge me...I've got my reasons...some of which none of you could understand never having being where I was...
27-06-2004, 03:40
I would not kill for no reason, but if someone threatened the life of myself or my family then I would do what was necessary to ensure our safety.
Tuesday Heights
27-06-2004, 03:51
If someone really hurt my family or best friends or girlfriend, for that matter, I could kill in vengenance.
Garaj Mahal
27-06-2004, 03:55
If someone seriously harmed or killed someone I love, my instincts would make me want to take revenge on them.
I also want to always live in a country which would prevent me from doing that and would never act to do it for me.
Super American VX Man
27-06-2004, 03:57
I have few qualms about killing in general...and there are some people that I would absolutely love to kill, but they did something to achieve such a grudge from me.
Garaj Mahal
27-06-2004, 03:58
people who have been in situations where they were forced to kill someone in utterly justified circumstances are wracked with guilt afterwards.
True. Plenty of cops have been surprised at how emotionally messed up they got after having to kill in the line of duty.
Suicidal Librarians
27-06-2004, 16:10
I might want to kill someone for revenge or other reasons, but I wouldn't. It isn't worth it to get thrown into prison for the rest of my life if I'm caught.
Dragons Bay
27-06-2004, 16:16
Knowing myself (hopefully), to solve the problem, I think I'll kill myself.
I have no problem with killing rabbits or pigeons with my airgun, though to kill a person would be very differant. I guess if someone broke into my house with a gun, i would not hesitate to put a pellet in his head, then chagre down the stairs with my sword like a crazed loon! However, i would feel really bad afterwards. I guess its one of the things i would do in "the heat of the moment"
Killing in defense or for survival is never wrong. Killing because I'm annoyed, that’s more of a gray area but I'd do it if I thought I could get away with it.