Oil companies versus the good of the world
Even now in the real world the oil companies are fighting progress. Producers of automobiles have the technology to build vehicles with excellent fuel efficiency ( up to 60miles to the gallon from what i have heard) But the oil industry has paid or bribes auto manufacturers not to so the oil companies can get more money from a country who now needs more gasoline due to terrible fuel economy. Some auto manufacturers have been developing a car which runs on hydrogen the most abundant element in the universe. With more support the oil industry could be severly limited of its present power. This would also fuel economic growth and save the enviroment. :idea:
24-06-2004, 16:05
Just out of interest, where does the hydrogen come from? Wouldn't you have to extract it from water via electrolysis which would use electricity generated by *gasp* fossil fuels? I'm not criticising, I really don't know.
Not necessarily. They could use wind-generated or solar-generated power.
24-06-2004, 16:09
Well, it's a ploy to control the world economies until they release their own alternative technologies when there's no dead dinosaurs left to burn.
My question is, would the car companies go along with the conspiracy? Alternative fuels could be a big market.
24-06-2004, 16:24
Of course there are alternative resources in the world today, and pretty efficient ones at that. What one must realize is that the capitalist policies of oil corporations and simply corporations in general are based on two very simple things: greed and apathy. The competitive business of a free market economy corrupts mankind to use Machiavellian tactics. The mentality of the oil corporations is that they shouldn't mess with a good thing. As long as they are raking in the money, they don't care about what the future holds. They will do whatever they can to maintain their current prosperity and show no concern for the posterity of the world.
And someone was commenting on the market of alternative fuels. Alternative fuels would be very efficient. Example: cold fusion is a prospective type of efficient fuel economy. It is a process that fuses atoms at room temperature versus more excessive temperatures. One type of compound that could benefit from this is H20. Consequently, you could run for example a vehicle on 1/4 a tank of water for 4 times longer than a full tank of gasoline. Granted such a fuel economy does not exist. It allegedly existed around 15 years ago but was apparently done away with by corporate powers. All I am trying to say is that even if a corporation jacked up the price of efficient fuel, the long-lasting energies would cause a lapse in spending and destroy profits. That is why free enterprise should simply be done away with all together. That way you can get efficiency without ludicrous expenses.
24-06-2004, 16:30
Of course there are alternative resources in the world today, and pretty efficient ones at that. What one must realize is that the capitalist policies of oil corporations and simply corporations in general are based on two very simple things: greed and apathy. The competitive business of a free market economy corrupts mankind to use Machiavellian tactics. The mentality of the oil corporations is that they shouldn't mess with a good thing. As long as they are raking in the money, they don't care about what the future holds. They will do whatever they can to maintain their current prosperity and show no concern for the posterity of the world.
And someone was commenting on the market of alternative fuels. Alternative fuels would be very efficient. Example: cold fusion is a prospective type of efficient fuel economy. It is a process that fuses atoms at room temperature versus more excessive temperatures. One type of compound that could benefit from this is H20. Consequently, you could run for example a vehicle on 1/4 a tank of water for 4 times longer than a full tank of gasoline. Granted such a fuel economy does not exist. It allegedly existed around 15 years ago but was apparently done away with by corporate powers. All I am trying to say is that even if a corporation jacked up the price of efficient fuel, the long-lasting energies would cause a lapse in spending and destroy profits. That is why free enterprise should simply be done away with all together. That way you can get efficiency without ludicrous expenses.
Ha ha. Oh, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder, HA HA HA HA.
Not necessarily. They could use wind-generated or solar-generated power.
Heh! Right out of a daily issue. Get real, nuclear power is the way to go.
I wasn't actually thinking of the daily issue. Anyway, I don't want to risk another Chernobyl with nuclear power.
24-06-2004, 17:12
Ha ha. Oh, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder, HA HA HA HA.
That's right I was serious and I don't appreciate rudeness. It's probably resultant of ignorance though.
24-06-2004, 17:21
I say Down WIth All Big Bussness and Corporations,Besides that Yeah they probably have a realy cheap solution to using natural gases.Though they wont tell us The United States Economy relies on Gasoiline far to much. Plus they have to Much Fun Picking on The Canadians like myself.
24-06-2004, 17:21
24-06-2004, 17:21
I say Down WIth All Big Bussness and Corporations,Besides that Yeah they probably have a realy cheap solution to using natural gases.Though they wont tell us The United States Economy relies on Gasoiline far to much. Plus they have to Much Fun Picking on The Canadians like myself.
24-06-2004, 17:23
I say Down WIth All Big Bussness and Corporations,Besides that Yeah they probably have a realy cheap solution to using natural gases.Though they wont tell us The United States Economy relies on Gasoiline far to much. Plus they have to Much Fun Picking on The Canadians like myself.
BoogieDown Productions
24-06-2004, 17:24
Ha ha. Oh, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder, HA HA HA HA.
That's right I was serious and I don't appreciate rudeness. It's probably resultant of ignorance though.
hmmmm..... Im going to have to side wiht Libertovania on this... Cold fusion is science fiction stuff, right? I think thats what he was laughing at. I don't think that oil companies would be the ones to invent cold fusion, so we'd all know about it weather they liked it or not. (definatly not)
COLD fusions is the stuff of science fiction, but fusion itself is actually looking quite promising (though it sure as hell isn't going to be powering a CAR anytime soon!):
Having said that, I just want be be clear that I do not side with these anti-corporation nutballs. Capitalism and freedom go hand in hand.
BoogieDown Productions
24-06-2004, 17:43
COLD fusions is the stuff of science fiction, but fusion itself is actually looking quite promising (though it sure as hell isn't going to be powering a CAR anytime soon!):
Having said that, I just want be be clear that I do not side with these anti-corporation nutballs. Capitalism and freedom go hand in hand.
So, being an "anti-corporation nutball" I believe in strict governmental regulation of capitalism to avoid shady business tactics and explotation of employees and investors. but i suppose you'd call that an invasion of corporate freedom to exploit the little guy.
What I really object to is corporate involvment in politics, not the existecne of corporations. I am in favor of true democracy now that we have the communication technology to make it possible. Also I just think that corporate lobbyists are the scum of the earth.
EDIT: oh yeah, and the idea is that fusion would power electrolosis of water, whihc would power hydrogen fuel cells, which would create cheap emissions free cars. Joy.