NationStates Jolt Archive

The Best President Ever

21-06-2004, 05:58
This is in opposition to the just recent forum on the 'Worst President Ever'. Too much blame is put on certain Presidents for doing some bad deeds.

Best President Ever: Gotta be Ronald W. Reagan

Why? He created the best growing economy this nation has ever seen. He stopped the recession caused by leftover slack from the Carter Administration. He ended the Cold War with the USSR and made a friend of Mikhail Gorbachev. He brought back the respect and world attention that the United States deserves. He knew how to speak and work with the American people, thus creating tax cuts to boost the economy.

And the main thing he strongly preached- There is too much government in the United States, and it is going against the basic principle of our Constitution, "We the People..."

2nd: Nixon- Peace with China, stopped inflation caused by the Johnson Administration, pulled us out of Vietnam. Watergate was a mistake he happened to get into.

3rd: FDR- Got America back on his its feet from the Depression.

As far as today goes- George W. Bush is doing an okay job, and he sure as hell would be far above Bill Clinton on my scale.
21-06-2004, 06:00
I don't agree, but you do make some good points. My favorite President would have to be George Washington, hands down.
Power and War
21-06-2004, 06:01
No your both wrong(even though I am a strong Bush supporter) John Kennedy was our best.
21-06-2004, 06:06
Kennedy was a good President somewhat, he's probably 4th on my list. He got the wheels moving in the US for the space program and the great boost in the economy of the 60's. He also did good for the world in the Cuban missle crisis.

Other than that, he was a just a good talker. It was sad to see him end his presidency the way it happened.
21-06-2004, 06:07
Power and War, I'd prefer that you said "I disagree," rather than "You're both wrong." These are all opinions, not facts. Opinions SUPPORTED BY facts, but still opinions.
21-06-2004, 06:09
Why are there two best-presidents pages on the front of generals?

*tsk tsk*
21-06-2004, 06:11
Gorgoth probably didn't notice the one I put up (shrugs). Ah, well, no one's perfect.
21-06-2004, 06:14
I personally beleive regan was not the greatest president in the world, his spending program was extremely reckless and created a precident to today's dangerous deficit spending program. This probably had an extremely bad impact, for post FDR / Regan, our spending program has become so large and so dependent on deficit that it is only a matter of time until the budget collapses and the currency along with it; rather than focusing on issues that look appealing to voters, regan should have dealt with this key issue in terms of the economy.
21-06-2004, 06:14

Strangely enough it was made by the same person who made the other thread..
Omni Conglomerates
21-06-2004, 06:14
Me, I pick Reagan for best president ever. The top ten list goes as follows:

3)Eisenhower (I like Ike)
4)George W. Bush
5)Franklin D. Roosevelt
6)(not sure)
7)Andrew Jackson (he was just cool)
8)Richard Nixon (he just wasn't charismatic, that was all)
9)John F. Kennedy
10)Millard Filmore (no reason, just thought he deserved some credit for being mediocre)

Ok, to that is my top nine favorite/best presidents.
Southern Industrial
21-06-2004, 06:19
Power and War, I'd prefer that you said "I disagree," rather than "You're both wrong." These are all opinions, not facts. Opinions SUPPORTED BY facts, but still opinions.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but yours is still wrong.

Any democrat since 1932 (there was a party switch sometime before then, and the republicans were liberal or something like that).
Power and War
21-06-2004, 06:27
Well as long as Hillary Clinton isnt elected im safe lol
21-06-2004, 06:31
Power and War, I'd prefer that you said "I disagree," rather than "You're both wrong." These are all opinions, not facts. Opinions SUPPORTED BY facts, but still opinions.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but yours is still wrong.

Any democrat since 1932 (there was a party switch sometime before then, and the republicans were liberal or something like that).

Don't be an a**hole. I don't call your ideas wrong, so you need to learn to show some respect for others' ideas.
21-06-2004, 06:33
I seem to be the only one who favors TR... Interesting. Ah well, I suppose the rest of you will develope good taste and intellegence soon enought. J/K. :wink:
Spherical objects
21-06-2004, 06:34

Upper Virginia
21-06-2004, 10:23
Best US Presidents Ever

G. Washington - the model for everyone else
A. Lincoln - preserved the Union
T. Roosevelt - established the model of the modern presidency
F.D. Roosevelt - managed the two greatest crises since the Civil War
R. Reagan - engineered the peaceful defeat of communism
H.S. Truman - committed the US to containment of communism

Most Underrated US President

D. Eisenhower - preserved peace, prosperity and constitutional order in what could have been a turbulent decade
21-06-2004, 10:36
Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt, that is.
21-06-2004, 10:41
I seem to be the only one who favors TR... Interesting. Ah well, I suppose the rest of you will develope good taste and intellegence soon enought. J/K. :wink:

I just saw your post. I'm on board and so is he as the most current presidential face found in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I wonder why that could be?
21-06-2004, 10:46
I think many people who are younger than I look on Reagan in far too favorable of a way and many older than I look on FDR(the only US dictator) in far too favorable of a way. To me, the best ever President was George Washington. Washington managed to hold together what was at best a loose confederation and make a great nation from it.
Southern Industrial
21-06-2004, 19:22