AMD or Intel?
I was just wondering were the NS community stood on this....
Insane Troll
20-06-2004, 20:15
AMD all the way.
20-06-2004, 20:19
AMD. the simply rule when it comes to games :D
but yeah pretty much fact all my machines are AMD except for the laptop....thats a Pentium.
20-06-2004, 20:40
AMD.. simply because the CPUs are produced where I live :)
20-06-2004, 21:29
Note: this doesn't take into account the new generation of 64-bit processors. I've yet to have a look at them running.
Depends on whether you want the best power/money ratio, or performance at a premium. AMD processors are good for home computers or small businesses; they're more than fast enough to deal with the typical Windows/MS Office/computer games software in that type of machine, and the hardware is attractively priced.
Intel hardware is generally more expensive. However the Intel has a higher clock frequency than a comparable AMD processor, a higher front-side bus clock frequency, and a much larger maximum addressable memory space. It also has better equipment on-chip for handling floating point arithmetic, used in all sorts of multimedia editing and high-end graphics and server applications.
If you're just playing computer games, browsing the Internet and writing letters, I'd say go for AMD. There's little difference in performance between the two when running stuff like that - most of the hard work in modern games is done through stuff on the graphics card, and the Internet only requires a minimal-spec computer to connect to and use.
22-06-2004, 20:49
Intell....heres why.
Athlon boards only support up to 400 mghtz Front side Buses.
Pentium Boards support up to 800 mghtz.
The new Prescott series, while "only" having a 533 mghtz Front side bus speed, has 1 MEG of cache memory instead of 512.
Thats cool.
I shall soon buy this:
24-06-2004, 03:09
Word to the wise: all this bumping might go down very un-good with the Mods (May Their Names Be Prais-ed).