NationStates Jolt Archive

A Battle of Wits

Nepharious Philosopher
20-06-2004, 06:44

In a super battle of evil masterminds...which one of the following would come up on top:

Ernest Blofeld (James Bond)?

Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)?

Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)?

Yuri (Red Alert 2)?

The Vykkers (Oddworld)?

Cast your vote NOW!

It's the evil-celebrity deathmatch for the championship of the UNIVERSE!
20-06-2004, 06:46
I don't see Palpatine in the poll....
Nepharious Philosopher
20-06-2004, 06:48

Sorry about the mistake there
20-06-2004, 06:51
That's okay, I voted for Blofeld, anyway. Little bald beggar just wouldn't stay down.
Nepharious Philosopher
20-06-2004, 06:57
Arrrg! Why do my polls keep disapearing?
20-06-2004, 07:01
I'd say Yuri.

Hell...I've played him. All he needs is for me not to be Commander when he takes over the White House so that he can mind-control the President and voila!
Nepharious Philosopher
20-06-2004, 07:01
I'll just start over.

In the mean-time, Telegram me your votes.