NationStates Jolt Archive

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

18-06-2004, 09:26
For me, it would be Liechtenstein. Small, quiet and surrounded by mountains.
18-06-2004, 09:28
Haven't we had a thread like this before?

Oh well. I'm perfeclty happy right here in Sweden, though Switzerland might be nice.

Always wanted to visit Japan, too, but don't want to live there.
Greater Dalaran
18-06-2004, 09:29
Im very happen living in Great Britain
New Auburnland
18-06-2004, 09:29
Flagstaff Arizona
18-06-2004, 09:35
Where I am. In Northumberland, but with fewer people about.
As long I as I could travel and the world population was halved, just too many people about for me.
18-06-2004, 09:36
Never leaving Texas! Love it here!
18-06-2004, 09:45
Germany. Pretty fine here most of the time, if I ignore our incompetent politicians :p
18-06-2004, 09:47
Between Elizibeth Hurley's breasts.
18-06-2004, 09:48
Between Elizibeth Hurley's breasts.

I guess if you are into confined spaces... :D
18-06-2004, 09:50
Between Elizibeth Hurley's breasts.

I guess if you are into confined spaces... :DI'd adjust!
18-06-2004, 09:52
Between Elizibeth Hurley's breasts.

I guess if you are into confined spaces... :DI'd adjust!

so would she
18-06-2004, 09:58
in an underground house on a forrested mountainside
my only connection to the outside world this internet
what country or even what planet wouldn't matter
as long as no one was going to tear down whatever i built
because it did not conform to their ambient conventionality
it just needs to be a forrested mountainside
miles from the nearest pavement
but only half a mile or less from some other sort of transportation
alternative. like my little people sized trains.

are there any english speaking predominantly taoist, zen or indiginous spiritualty countries?

that don't worship the automobile or romantacize aggressiveness?

i didn't think so. but i'd like there to be.

maybe i should simplify my answer and just say my own carlemnaria

or any of the forrested mountinous regeons on the world of lananara

18-06-2004, 09:59
While we are at it, I'd of course accept a well-muscled, scantily clad or naked, evenly tanned and well endowed human male as company.. that would be nice. If he's not the size of a dwarf aswell then I'd be almost in heaven on earth.
Soviet Democracy
18-06-2004, 10:05
Wherever my love is.

Hopefully that is somewhere liberal. 8)
18-06-2004, 10:08
Oh also.. at this time i am deeply convinced and glad that I would never live in the US and will never lvie nor visit the US. I am so happyto be able to chose for now as long as I can and the US does not own the world yet.
18-06-2004, 10:09
Where I am right now...except without an incomplete paper glaring me in the face. Lousy conclusion...
18-06-2004, 10:20
Make it more interesting, people are just saying they like their own place. BE ADVENTEROUS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
Pick somewhere else.
Im in Australia, but would love to live in New Zealand, cos they make me laugh and have good views everywhere.
The fairy tinkerbelly
18-06-2004, 10:22
Blackpool, England
18-06-2004, 10:30
Oh also.. at this time i am deeply convinced and glad that I would never live in the US and will never lvie nor visit the US. I am so happyto be able to chose for now as long as I can and the US does not own the world yet.We're more than happy not to have you, I'm sure.
18-06-2004, 10:51
Oh also.. at this time i am deeply convinced and glad that I would never live in the US and will never lvie nor visit the US. I am so happyto be able to chose for now as long as I can and the US does not own the world yet.

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to turn this into an anti-American thread. Leave your prejudices for other threads.

Surprised a lot of people would live where they are now. I like where I live but would like to experience living somewhere different.
18-06-2004, 11:02
Australia ! Oh, too late, already do !


But I would love an apartment in the Sydney CBD. Sadly, I'm not a multi-milllionaire.


- T.R. Kom.