NationStates Jolt Archive

Bush torched sensitive Iraqi Saddam documents

18-06-2004, 01:30
*im sure this is no coincidence
Post-War Library Looting Targeted Sensitive Hussein Documents
An Arab specialist at the Library of Congress reports that the fires set by arsonists in April 2003 at the Iraq National Library were targeting sensitive archives from the Saddam Hussein regime. The papers which were brought to the library in the late 1980s were burned using a highly flammable material similar to phosphorus that would not be common among casual looters. Archives from earlier periods of Iraq's history were not touched.
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 01:32
Credible links? Besides Democracy now.
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 01:33
Credible links? Besides Democracy now.

Couldn't say it better than myself. Besides if it was true, it'll be blasted over every media network and I have received no indication of this since I subscribe to breaking news of all major media outlets. (giggles)
18-06-2004, 01:35
Of course, Saddam couldn't of possibily started the fires in an attempt to cover up his activities. Not saying that Bush didn't do it (he might of), but that he isn't the only guy who would.
18-06-2004, 01:37
Credible links? Besides Democracy now.

Couldn't say it better than myself. Besides if it was true, it'll be blasted over every media network and I have received no indication of this since I subscribe to breaking news of all major media outlets. (giggles)rightwingers hijacked the america media precisely to kill stories like this..its clear that your a victim of foxnews lies
18-06-2004, 01:38
Of course, Saddam couldn't of possibily started the fires in an attempt to cover up his activities. Not saying that Bush didn't do it (he might of), but that he isn't the only guy who says postwar--by then Saddam was in his spiderhole
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 01:39
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 01:39
Actually most of the media is liberal and also I watch CNN also with FOX and anyways this would be blasted on AOL when I signed on where they show the news, nice try but usually left wing attacks without credible information are ignored.
18-06-2004, 01:43
Actually most of the media is liberal and also I watch CNN also with FOX and anyways this would be blasted on AOL when I signed on where they show the news, nice try but usually left wing attacks without credible information are ignored.before air america I never heard a liberal opinion on the american media in all my life--the corporate pablum news that your talking about is as "liberal" as Genghis Khan
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 01:46
Lets see Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, all the attacks on the T.V. programs try NPR PBS, the list gos on and on. Dont tell me you havnt heard a liberal opinion on T.V.
18-06-2004, 01:49
Lets see Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, all the attacks on the T.V. programs try NPR PBS, the list gos on and on. Dont tell me you havnt heard a liberal opinion on T.V.MK is insane, their idea of "liberal" is what happened to the Nazis, they went so far left, they ended up on the right.
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 01:51
Actually most of the media is liberal and also I watch CNN also with FOX and anyways this would be blasted on AOL when I signed on where they show the news, nice try but usually left wing attacks without credible information are ignored.before air america I never heard a liberal opinion on the american media in all my life--the corporate pablum news that your talking about is as "liberal" as Genghis Khan

I thought Air America went Bankrupt?

Lets see Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, all the attacks on the T.V. programs try NPR PBS, the list gos on and on. Dont tell me you havnt heard a liberal opinion on T.V.

Your right, it would have been blasted over the LIBERAL MEDIA. I do watch it occassionally just to see what is being said. I have not heard about this. If it was true, it would be blasted over them. Until I hear it from CREDIBLE news sources, then I will believe it.
18-06-2004, 01:52
Considering 87% of media personnel are liberal, there is a tremendous bias. But liberals in their blind worlds find them moderate. They criticize FoxNews for being conservative. Their outlets lean FAR to the left: CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek; basically, almost the entire media.
18-06-2004, 01:56
Considering 87% of media personnel are liberal, there is a tremendous bias. But liberals in their blind worlds find them moderate. They criticize FoxNews for being conservative. Their outlets lean FAR to the left: CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek; basically, almost the entire media.this lie has been discredited too many times to mention--basically the rightwing made up the myth of the liberal media in order to hijack it for themselves and this is when americans started becoming dumbed down as a result--if the media was as liberal as you claimed americans would be ALOT more informed
18-06-2004, 01:58
Lets see Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, all the attacks on the T.V. programs try NPR PBS, the list gos on and on. Dont tell me you havnt heard a liberal opinion on T.V.MK is insane, their idea of "liberal" is what happened to the Nazis, they went so far left, they ended up on the right.I would like one of you rightys to show me ANY difference between Bush and Osama at all
18-06-2004, 02:00
Actually most of the media is liberal and also I watch CNN also with FOX and anyways this would be blasted on AOL when I signed on where they show the news, nice try but usually left wing attacks without credible information are ignored.before air america I never heard a liberal opinion on the american media in all my life--the corporate pablum news that your talking about is as "liberal" as Genghis Khan

I thought Air America went Bankrupt?

Lets see Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, all the attacks on the T.V. programs try NPR PBS, the list gos on and on. Dont tell me you havnt heard a liberal opinion on T.V.

Your right, it would have been blasted over the LIBERAL MEDIA. I do watch it occassionally just to see what is being said. I have not heard about this. If it was true, it would be blasted over them. Until I hear it from CREDIBLE news sources, then I will believe it.more proof that the media ISNT liberal--you bought the foxnews lie that air america being bankrupt meanwhile Im listening to it right now--see how the rightwing media has dumbed down americans who take things at face value?
Tuesday Heights
18-06-2004, 02:01
I don't think Bush intentionally ordered this to happen; somebody he knows probably did.
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 02:01
How bout you point similarities, MK. Have you ever watched CNN, they always use a different tone when talking about Bush but when Kerry it is hippy and exciting.
Purly Euclid
18-06-2004, 02:02
Considering 87% of media personnel are liberal, there is a tremendous bias. But liberals in their blind worlds find them moderate. They criticize FoxNews for being conservative. Their outlets lean FAR to the left: CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek; basically, almost the entire media.this lie has been discredited too many times to mention--basically the rightwing made up the myth of the liberal media in order to hijack it for themselves and this is when americans started becoming dumbed down as a result--if the media was as liberal as you claimed americans would be ALOT more informed
How has this been discredited?
18-06-2004, 02:02
Lets see Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, all the attacks on the T.V. programs try NPR PBS, the list gos on and on. Dont tell me you havnt heard a liberal opinion on T.V.MK is insane, their idea of "liberal" is what happened to the Nazis, they went so far left, they ended up on the right.I would like one of you rightys to show me ANY difference between Bush and Osama at all
We could but it would all be lies because we're brainwashed by the rightwing fauxnews lie center, remember?
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 02:03
Actually a company can still operate when in bankruptcy example Dickensons Theaters.
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 02:03
Actually a company can still operate when in bankruptcy example Dickensons Theaters.
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 02:06
more proof that the media ISNT liberal--you bought the foxnews lie that air america being bankrupt meanwhile Im listening to it right now--see how the rightwing media has dumbed down americans who take things at face value?

Didn't some broadcast company yank it and a judge ordered it back onto the airways? Somewhere out west I think! Probably new SF?
18-06-2004, 02:18
How bout you point similarities, MK. Have you ever watched CNN, they always use a different tone when talking about Bush but when Kerry it is hippy and exciting.Similarites= Bush and Osama are both religious extremists, Bush and Osama both have ties to the CIA,Bush and Osama are both hated the world over and both seen as the faces of evil, Bush and Osama both benefit from terrorism and use it for their own personal agendas
18-06-2004, 02:20
more proof that the media ISNT liberal--you bought the foxnews lie that air america being bankrupt meanwhile Im listening to it right now--see how the rightwing media has dumbed down americans who take things at face value?

Didn't some broadcast company yank it and a judge ordered it back onto the airways? Somewhere out west I think! Probably new SF?I dont know but in NY is going strong Kickin Bushs ass 24/7
Lance Cahill
18-06-2004, 02:21
Actually I wouldnt call Bush an extermist, the only tie for Bush is that his dad was the Director of Intelligence one time, The face of evil is an opinion, I dont see Bush benifitting from terrioism because if 9/11 didnt happen people wouldnt hate him as much.
18-06-2004, 02:22
Considering 87% of media personnel are liberal, there is a tremendous bias. But liberals in their blind worlds find them moderate. They criticize FoxNews for being conservative. Their outlets lean FAR to the left: CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek; basically, almost the entire media.this lie has been discredited too many times to mention--basically the rightwing made up the myth of the liberal media in order to hijack it for themselves and this is when americans started becoming dumbed down as a result--if the media was as liberal as you claimed americans would be ALOT more informed
How has this been discredited?its been discredited thoroughly mainly by FAIR.ORG
18-06-2004, 02:23
How bout you point similarities, MK. Have you ever watched CNN, they always use a different tone when talking about Bush but when Kerry it is hippy and exciting.the corporate media are followers--they know the people are turning against Bush and they wanna follow the herd--but CNN would lie for Bush is they thought he was ahead
18-06-2004, 02:28
Actually I wouldnt call Bush an extermist, the only tie for Bush is that his dad was the Director of Intelligence one time, The face of evil is an opinion, I dont see Bush benifitting from terrioism because if 9/11 didnt happen people wouldnt hate him as much.people never liked Bush all that much from the start but after 911 the country united behind him-people started turning against Bush when he exploited 911 for his own sinister agenda and starting telling bald faced lies to start unecessary wars for corporate greed at the same time when Bush was waging a war against the american workers at home on the economic front--Bush is an elitist scum and a traitor to all things American
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 02:31
Considering 87% of media personnel are liberal, there is a tremendous bias. But liberals in their blind worlds find them moderate. They criticize FoxNews for being conservative. Their outlets lean FAR to the left: CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek; basically, almost the entire media.this lie has been discredited too many times to mention--basically the rightwing made up the myth of the liberal media in order to hijack it for themselves and this is when americans started becoming dumbed down as a result--if the media was as liberal as you claimed americans would be ALOT more informed
How has this been discredited?its been discredited thoroughly mainly by FAIR.ORG

Sounds like another LIberal organization to me!
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 02:35
How bout you point similarities, MK. Have you ever watched CNN, they always use a different tone when talking about Bush but when Kerry it is hippy and exciting.the corporate media are followers--they know the people are turning against Bush and they wanna follow the herd--but CNN would lie for Bush is they thought he was ahead

CNN is about as anti bush as NBC, CBS, and ABC combined. All four were not happy when the statues fell. They called us stalled when a sand storm grounded our forces to a near halt a quagmire whatever that is. They were not happy when Kabul fell either I don't believe.

As for Air America, it isn't going to make a difference in this election. Most people ON BOTH SIDES have stated the Bush would probably when re-election. Besides, when Kerry shows his face, his numbers drop and when he doesnt they go up. what does that say?
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 02:37
Actually I wouldnt call Bush an extermist, the only tie for Bush is that his dad was the Director of Intelligence one time, The face of evil is an opinion, I dont see Bush benifitting from terrioism because if 9/11 didnt happen people wouldnt hate him as much.people never liked Bush all that much from the start but after 911 the country united behind him-people started turning against Bush when he exploited 911 for his own sinister agenda and starting telling bald faced lies to start unecessary wars for corporate greed at the same time when Bush was waging a war against the american workers at home on the economic front--Bush is an elitist scum and a traitor to all things American

Sounds like what the Democrats are trying to do. (9/11 commission comes to mind) They are trying to point a finger saying that Bush was responsible for it (michael Moore comes to mind, Europe came have him) when we all know he wasn't. When Bush has made a mistake, He DOES ADMITT IT. Haven't seen that from the liberals at all.
18-06-2004, 04:04
How bout you point similarities, MK. Have you ever watched CNN, they always use a different tone when talking about Bush but when Kerry it is hippy and exciting.the corporate media are followers--they know the people are turning against Bush and they wanna follow the herd--but CNN would lie for Bush is they thought he was ahead

CNN is about as anti bush as NBC, CBS, and ABC combined. All four were not happy when the statues fell. They called us stalled when a sand storm grounded our forces to a near halt a quagmire whatever that is. They were not happy when Kabul fell either I don't believe.

As for Air America, it isn't going to make a difference in this election. Most people ON BOTH SIDES have stated the Bush would probably when re-election. Besides, when Kerry shows his face, his numbers drop and when he doesnt they go up. what does that say?it says you been listening to the hate media too much--its not too late to come into the light Formal, see fahrenheit 911 for the Unfiltered Truth
18-06-2004, 04:06
Actually I wouldnt call Bush an extermist, the only tie for Bush is that his dad was the Director of Intelligence one time, The face of evil is an opinion, I dont see Bush benifitting from terrioism because if 9/11 didnt happen people wouldnt hate him as much.people never liked Bush all that much from the start but after 911 the country united behind him-people started turning against Bush when he exploited 911 for his own sinister agenda and starting telling bald faced lies to start unecessary wars for corporate greed at the same time when Bush was waging a war against the american workers at home on the economic front--Bush is an elitist scum and a traitor to all things American

Sounds like what the Democrats are trying to do. (9/11 commission comes to mind) They are trying to point a finger saying that Bush was responsible for it (michael Moore comes to mind, Europe came have him) when we all know he wasn't. When Bush has made a mistake, He DOES ADMITT IT. Haven't seen that from the liberals at all.what does this article tell you:

26 former diplomats and retired military officials have co-written a statement saying the re-election of President Bush in November will jeopardize national security. We talk to the former ambassador to Greece and Zimbabwe
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 13:50
it says you been listening to the hate media too much--its not too late to come into the light Formal, see fahrenheit 911 for the Unfiltered Truth

Hate media as in Fox News? Yep definitely liberal and anti-republican! No thanks. I think that you need to switch. Listen to Fox News. Come see the light! Its not to late for you?

Actually I wouldnt call Bush an extermist, the only tie for Bush is that his dad was the Director of Intelligence one time, The face of evil is an opinion, I dont see Bush benifitting from terrioism because if 9/11 didnt happen people wouldnt hate him as much.people never liked Bush all that much from the start but after 911 the country united behind him-people started turning against Bush when he exploited 911 for his own sinister agenda and starting telling bald faced lies to start unecessary wars for corporate greed at the same time when Bush was waging a war against the american workers at home on the economic front--Bush is an elitist scum and a traitor to all things American

Sounds like what the Democrats are trying to do. (9/11 commission comes to mind) They are trying to point a finger saying that Bush was responsible for it (michael Moore comes to mind, Europe came have him) when we all know he wasn't. When Bush has made a mistake, He DOES ADMITT IT. Haven't seen that from the liberals at all.what does this article tell you:

26 former diplomats and retired military officials have co-written a statement saying the re-election of President Bush in November will jeopardize national security. We talk to the former ambassador to Greece and Zimbabwe

Sounds like Carter and Clinton appointees. They want the status quo and they're not getting it. They won't be satisfied till the UN ruins the entire planet! UN is in shambles, corrupt, and they're not coming clean about this scandel.As for the officials, your line is RETIRED OFFICIALS! minor key distinction. Majority of the current Generals are glad that Bush is in office and they don't want Kerry in office.
18-06-2004, 22:58
it says you been listening to the hate media too much--its not too late to come into the light Formal, see fahrenheit 911 for the Unfiltered Truth

Hate media as in Fox News? Yep definitely liberal and anti-republican! No thanks. I think that you need to switch. Listen to Fox News. Come see the light! Its not to late for you?

Actually I wouldnt call Bush an extermist, the only tie for Bush is that his dad was the Director of Intelligence one time, The face of evil is an opinion, I dont see Bush benifitting from terrioism because if 9/11 didnt happen people wouldnt hate him as much.people never liked Bush all that much from the start but after 911 the country united behind him-people started turning against Bush when he exploited 911 for his own sinister agenda and starting telling bald faced lies to start unecessary wars for corporate greed at the same time when Bush was waging a war against the american workers at home on the economic front--Bush is an elitist scum and a traitor to all things American

Sounds like what the Democrats are trying to do. (9/11 commission comes to mind) They are trying to point a finger saying that Bush was responsible for it (michael Moore comes to mind, Europe came have him) when we all know he wasn't. When Bush has made a mistake, He DOES ADMITT IT. Haven't seen that from the liberals at all.what does this article tell you:

26 former diplomats and retired military officials have co-written a statement saying the re-election of President Bush in November will jeopardize national security. We talk to the former ambassador to Greece and Zimbabwe

Sounds like Carter and Clinton appointees. They want the status quo and they're not getting it. They won't be satisfied till the UN ruins the entire planet! UN is in shambles, corrupt, and they're not coming clean about this scandel.As for the officials, your line is RETIRED OFFICIALS! minor key distinction. Majority of the current Generals are glad that Bush is in office and they don't want Kerry in office.alot of these retired generals and diplomates were in the REAGAN administration saying this and Anthony Zinni and other generals now including the War college all say Bush mishandled this war
Formal Dances
18-06-2004, 23:56
Gore wouldn't have done any better. Bush is doing alot more than the Clinton/Gore office ever did. We have Saddam in custody.

As for them being in the Reagan Admin, I will take your word since I don't know who these guys are.

Bush is doing the best he can with what we have. We can't do everything, I will admit that! The Iraqis gotta help us and they are for the most part. When they get control, that is going to help. And besides, we all know that Generals only play politics. I'm sure most of them are Democrats.
19-06-2004, 00:35
Gore wouldn't have done any better. Bush is doing alot more than the Clinton/Gore office ever did. We have Saddam in custody.

As for them being in the Reagan Admin, I will take your word since I don't know who these guys are.

Bush is doing the best he can with what we have. We can't do everything, I will admit that! The Iraqis gotta help us and they are for the most part. When they get control, that is going to help. And besides, we all know that Generals only play politics. I'm sure most of them are Democrats.Gore wouldnt have gotten us trapped in the Iraqi Quagmire in the first place tho
Formal Dances
19-06-2004, 00:55
Gore wouldn't have done any better. Bush is doing alot more than the Clinton/Gore office ever did. We have Saddam in custody.

As for them being in the Reagan Admin, I will take your word since I don't know who these guys are.

Bush is doing the best he can with what we have. We can't do everything, I will admit that! The Iraqis gotta help us and they are for the most part. When they get control, that is going to help. And besides, we all know that Generals only play politics. I'm sure most of them are Democrats.Gore wouldnt have gotten us trapped in the Iraqi Quagmire in the first place tho

Gore wouldn't have gone into Afghanistan either.
19-06-2004, 01:21
Gore wouldn't have done any better. Bush is doing alot more than the Clinton/Gore office ever did. We have Saddam in custody.

As for them being in the Reagan Admin, I will take your word since I don't know who these guys are.

Bush is doing the best he can with what we have. We can't do everything, I will admit that! The Iraqis gotta help us and they are for the most part. When they get control, that is going to help. And besides, we all know that Generals only play politics. I'm sure most of them are Democrats.Gore wouldnt have gotten us trapped in the Iraqi Quagmire in the first place tho

Gore wouldn't have gone into Afghanistan either.I wouldnt go that far--Gore woulda been forced to go into afghanistan to over throw the govt that poppa Bush installed there
Formal Dances
19-06-2004, 01:32
If you believe that then your in fantasy land as usual MKULTRA! We had 8 years of the Clintons with numerous Al Qaeda Attacks on our country and soverign soil over seas.

Febuarary 1993-- Car Bomb WTC
Respons: NONE

1998-- Embassies Bombed in Tanzania and Kenya
REPONSE: Symbolic Cruise Missile Strike

October 2000--USS Cole
Response: Cruise Missile Strike

We could've taken on Al Qaeda during his administration and we didn't

September 11, 2001---WTC, Pentagon, Shanksville PA (Lives close to there) nearly 3000 dead
Response: Overthrow of the Taliban in October 2001

Sorry! Clinton did nothing and I see no evidence that Gore would do anything except launch Cruise Missile Strikes into Afghanistan and call it a day.
19-06-2004, 02:01
If you believe that then your in fantasy land as usual MKULTRA! We had 8 years of the Clintons with numerous Al Qaeda Attacks on our country and soverign soil over seas.

Febuarary 1993-- Car Bomb WTC
Respons: NONE

1998-- Embassies Bombed in Tanzania and Kenya
REPONSE: Symbolic Cruise Missile Strike

October 2000--USS Cole
Response: Cruise Missile Strike

We could've taken on Al Qaeda during his administration and we didn't

September 11, 2001---WTC, Pentagon, Shanksville PA (Lives close to there) nearly 3000 dead
Response: Overthrow of the Taliban in October 2001

Sorry! Clinton did nothing and I see no evidence that Gore would do anything except launch Cruise Missile Strikes into Afghanistan and call it a day.well I can think of 2 attacks clinton woulda prevented--firstly he stopped the millenial bombings--secondly Clinton woulda prevented 911 cause Clinton/Gore werent despertaly looking for any kinda excuse to wage a unjust war in Iraq for oil
Formal Dances
19-06-2004, 02:12
He prevented the Millinium struck by pure luck.

As for 911, there was no way to prevent it. It would've happened anyway. They started to plan it during his presidency if the reports are right. It would've happened no matter who was president.

And what does 9/11 have to do with oil? nothing! The war in Iraq wasn't about oil! It was about freeing an oppressed people from the hands of a ruthless dictator. He threatened America and we took him out. No ifs ands or buts.
19-06-2004, 03:06
He prevented the Millinium struck by pure luck.

As for 911, there was no way to prevent it. It would've happened anyway. They started to plan it during his presidency if the reports are right. It would've happened no matter who was president.

And what does 9/11 have to do with oil? nothing! The war in Iraq wasn't about oil! It was about freeing an oppressed people from the hands of a ruthless dictator. He threatened America and we took him out. No ifs ands or buts.and Bush "freed" Iraq by looting their oil wells and banning a free press and letting war profiteers like Halliburton steal all the jobs in Iraq and keeping the Iraqi people in squalor and torturing people in the same prison that Saddam tortured them in? wow you republicans have some strange ideas about what freedom is...
Formal Dances
19-06-2004, 03:08
He prevented the Millinium struck by pure luck.

As for 911, there was no way to prevent it. It would've happened anyway. They started to plan it during his presidency if the reports are right. It would've happened no matter who was president.

And what does 9/11 have to do with oil? nothing! The war in Iraq wasn't about oil! It was about freeing an oppressed people from the hands of a ruthless dictator. He threatened America and we took him out. No ifs ands or buts.and Bush "freed" Iraq by looting their oil wells and banning a free press and letting war profiteers like Halliburton steal all the jobs in Iraq and keeping the Iraqi people in squalor and torturing people in the same prison that Saddam tortured them in? wow you republicans have some strange ideas about what freedom is...

Lol! More Liberal propaganda. You would make a great spokesman for them. Maybe you should apply.
19-06-2004, 10:40
He prevented the Millinium struck by pure luck.

As for 911, there was no way to prevent it. It would've happened anyway. They started to plan it during his presidency if the reports are right. It would've happened no matter who was president.

And what does 9/11 have to do with oil? nothing! The war in Iraq wasn't about oil! It was about freeing an oppressed people from the hands of a ruthless dictator. He threatened America and we took him out. No ifs ands or buts.and Bush "freed" Iraq by looting their oil wells and banning a free press and letting war profiteers like Halliburton steal all the jobs in Iraq and keeping the Iraqi people in squalor and torturing people in the same prison that Saddam tortured them in? wow you republicans have some strange ideas about what freedom is...

Lol! More Liberal propaganda. You would make a great spokesman for them. Maybe you should apply.if you ever dont know the truth about anything under the sun just ask the opinion of a rightwinger then believe the exact opposite of what they say and youll always be right
19-06-2004, 10:46
Actually most of the media is liberal and also I watch CNN also with FOX and anyways this would be blasted on AOL when I signed on where they show the news, nice try but usually left wing attacks without credible information are ignored.

Thats actually a misrepresentation.

There is no "Liberal Bias" in the media.

If anything...there is a Conservative Bias.

CNN is almost as bad as Fox.

AOL Time/Warner......Republican owned.