Photos from Iraq that you will never see on the news
10-06-2004, 22:49
I think it's general knowledge that the troops arn't all assholes
Lance Cahill
10-06-2004, 23:07
My uncle who served in Iraq for 1 1/2 years took photos that I saw, I saw the progress in Iraq.
There is a reason these pictures will never be on the news and its not because of any liberal Media Bias. Also did tht guy kissing the letter remind anyone else of Michael Shanks?
But all that aside did this guy not notice the AP and Reuters logos on the bottom of those pictures?
10-06-2004, 23:08
I think it's general knowledge that the troops arn't all assholes
True enough! I have always supported the war in principle. All I ever questioned was the motives. . .
"A few bad apples do not spoil the barrel" as my ol' aunt used to say :wink:
I guess it's fair that they don't show those pictures on the news because they also won't show all of the pictures of the abuse and torture courtesy of the United States on the news. Fair is fair.
10-06-2004, 23:17
As a matter of fact these pictures have made the news in America & Canada. So few, compared to so many photo's of death and destruction.
Zyzyx Road
10-06-2004, 23:20
I guess it's fair that they don't show those pictures on the news because they also won't show all of the pictures of the abuse and torture courtesy of the United States on the news. Fair is fair.
They DO show pictures of abuse. Or at least report about it.
10-06-2004, 23:21
As a matter of fact these pictures have made the news in America & Canada. So few, compared to so many photo's of death and destruction.
Well, that should make us wonder about the media's obsession with blood and gore, shouldn't it?
That's why I changed my mind about wanting to be a journalist some 10 years ago. Journalists are all vultures, its a job requirement.
I notice that 4 out of the 5 photos have press credits: AFP, AP (twice), and Reuters. So there's every chance that these photos, or others like them, have reached and will reach the news. Photojournalists don't tend to take pictures which they can't sell somewhere.
A Channel 4 bulletin from Iraq a few weeks ago showed some scenes like these, along with others that were less heartwarming, and I've seen similar images dotting the press over the last year. Granted, they are not as "newsworthy" -- not as shocking -- as some other recent images we've all seen, but those were never intended to reach the media. The images of the soldiers in a circle, and of the soldier kissing the letter, could easily be used to illustrate an article about low US troop morale, should one wish to do so. The photo with the child, the photo with the baby, and the photo with the cat, could feature in a not-uncommon piece on progress being made with reconstruction and to reinforce the perfectly valid point that most of the troops out there are decent human beings. The issue is the context in which they are taken, and in which they are used.
The media is not obsessed with blood gore. Conflict is a disruption of the staus quo. Its change, that IS news. When things get boring you get gossip and tabloids chasing celebrities for news.
I have a very nice picture of a Soldier petting some dogs. In fact you could make a stronger argument (though not much stronger) that these photos arent widely reported because of a conservative media Bias.
These pictures dont drum up sipport for the war. They erode Morale, and show soldiers with low morale. Its Ridiculous that they are keeping these troops in country for so long, and are taking active measures to keep them from leaving.
10-06-2004, 23:36
As a matter of fact these pictures have made the news in America & Canada. So few, compared to so many photo's of death and destruction.
Well, that should make us wonder about the media's obsession with blood and gore, shouldn't it?
That's why I changed my mind about wanting to be a journalist some 10 years ago. Journalists are all vultures, its a job requirement.
That's their job Wom.. how often do you expect to hear "And in other news.. army dude takes pic with kitten" ..That's not news.
Seeing soldiers do kind things-that isn't "news"
it's "olds"
And people want to see things that'll make them react.
11-06-2004, 01:53
Violence sells. I thought someone in the US would know that better than anybody.
Purly Euclid
11-06-2004, 01:55
The last one actually did make it on the news.
Spherical objects
11-06-2004, 02:00
King George sent those people there. I like to think that most of them are like you and me.....decent. What they are ordered to do is not always so decent.