NationStates Jolt Archive

The Anti Anti-Reagan Thread

09-06-2004, 19:00
I have noticed a lot of anti-Reagan sentiment on NS. Here's a sampler:
Lord, TRA, you are just a seething, never ending pit of impotent hatred, aren't you? Are you enjoying bashing a corpse? Are you getting some sort of amusement out of it? Is it undoing any of his policies or his mistakes? Is it even making him mildly uncomfortable in the afterlife?

What, for the love of God, is the point?death is just an illusion anyway--this evil mans soul died long ago--why respect an empty vessel? Im not trying to dance on his grave but I wont allow the mythmakers to try to exploit his death by making him into something better then he was
Reagan ended the Cold War! Reagan took over a Carter administration that saw very high inflation! With that, he LOWERED INFLATION and brought us out of the worst ecomomy since the depression!

The World is morning his death. Former Soviet Union Premier Gorbechev (spelling?) even said how wonderful he was. Anyone that is celebrating his death is a fool and needs to study the Reagan administration!

I barely remember the Reagan years but from what my parents say about him, he was a terrific president.

As for him being a second-rate actor, obviously somebody doesn't like old movies. Those movies were great for their time. I for one enjoy them. I would take an old fashion movie over the junk that is out now, excluding star wars.

The world lost a terrific person!

Rest In Peace Mr. President.

To borrow a qoute for George W Bush, "A shining city is waiting for him"

God Bless you President Reagan. May He look after and bless your Family No. A russian spy ended the war, by telling the american government that Russia didn't have all those nukes. The american economy was only taken out of its deficit through the economical policies of Clinton (who inverted the polices of Reagan/Bush Sr. [only to be turned into an enormous deficit by Bush Jr., which was NOT caused by the war, but by the tax cuts that only affect the wealthier 20% americans]). Please make sure you know what you're talking about when you post something like that. Oh, and if you're an american, you should be ashamed of yourself, since the knowledge of a 14 year old portuguese kid is vaster than yours about your own ex-president.
MKULTRA, since you seem to be extreme left wing, this Reagan quote is for you:


We've been creeping closer to socialism, a system that someone once said works only in heaven, where it isn't needed, and in hell, where they've already got it.
~ Ronald Wilson ReaganI hope they cut off Reagans foodstamps in hell

That stupid ass deserved alzheimers sooooo much.

Looks like Mr. Deficit has left the building. About time.
The above are at "REAGAN IS GONE"

The following are at "The Reagan is Dead Memorial Keg Party and Celebratory Riot."
Lets all get together to celebrate the demise of an evil monster in human garb. Lets drink beer to tost his eternal damnation, and set dumpsters on fire and throw rocks at the police to show that though we are happy one beast is dead, there are other monsters still clinging to political power.bah, he was an evil man while he lived, and he hasn't gotten any better now that he's dead. its cowardly to pretend sympathy for this fiend to avoid offending the sensitivities of reactionaries. would you say the same to someone who celebrated the death of hitler, or stalin, or saddam?He wasn't evil, he was stupid.he should have been impeachedYeah, but he was ficked in the head mentally. Must have gotten dropped on his head. And he did intend to harm all Jews For me to pretend to have any sympathy would be dishonest in the extreme. I only wish he could have met his maker sooner. My hatred for him is not subdued with his death. As far as I'm concerned, he was controlled by evil. His regime brought this great nation economic hardship at home and resentment abroad. I am genuinely happy that he is dead. I felt about the same way at the death of Strom Thurmond. There is no reason for me to mourn a fiend and an enemy.These are only a fraction of the posts I have read in only two topics.

I think it's safe to say that these same people hold Bush responsible for 9-11, right? It happened on his watch, to quote MKULTRA. If that's the way you want to look at it, let's see what happened on Reagan's watch, shall we?

After Reagan's new economic policy took effect (that "evil" system of Reaganomics):

The Economy

Statistic>Inflation dropped from near 15% under Carter to 1% at the end of Reagan's term.
Far Left>Whoa, THAT happened on his watch! Nah, he's a repuke. It must have been because of something else.
Reynes>What, then?
Far Left>*stalls* REAGAN IS EVIL!

Statistic>Unemployment dropped from near ten percent to five percent under Reagan, and both unemployment and inflation were spiraling upward at the end of Carter's term.
Far Left>Only the rich benefited from Reagan!
Statistic>Not so. The US standard of living increased dramatically as a result.
Far Left>But he created a huge deficit! Guess who got rid of it?
Reynes> Okay, if you want to talk about that...

The Federal Deficit

Statistic>There WAS a huge deficit under Reagan.
Far Left> HA!
Statistic>BUT the reason that there was a deficit comes from several areas. Carter had cut military funding severely, and Reagan chose to rebuild the military. That accounts for a lot of the deficit. Also, he started his revolutionary economic policy, cutting taxes. That also contributed to the deficit.
Far Left> SEE? We were right!
Statistic>However, to help keep the deficit down, Reagan tried to cut government spending on wasteful welfare programs that no longer exist today, but the democrat-controlled congress wouldn't let him. Reducing excess spending in that area would have slowed down the deficit.
Far Left>That was tinkle-down economics! As in PISS ON YOU, POOR PEOPLE!
Reynes>Actually, there was no time limit for welfare at that time. People could leech off the government and never work a day in their lives. Kind of wasteful, don't you think?
Far Left>Reagan still f*cked up foreign issues!
Reynes>Here we go...

The Soviet Union

Far Left> Uh-oh.
Reynes> :lol:
Far Left> Next topic!
Reynes> Hey, you asked.
Far Left> Well, um, it was a Russian spy!
Reynes> Reagan became a personal friend of Gorbachev. He and Gorbachev continued to meet even after Reagan's presidency ended.
Far Left> I-am-not-lis-ten-ing La dada da da...
Reynes>...and then there was the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty...
Far Left> No-no-no! I didn't hear none of that.
Reynes>...the Berlin wall...
Far Left> Deficit! Deficit! Deficit!
Reynes> You were partly responsable for that. Anyway, Reagan made us economically strong. He bankrupted the "evil empire"...
Far Left> Shut up!
Reynes> ...and freed the hostages that were held in Iran for over a year. Carter couldn't do anything about it.
Far Left> Wait! That's our chance! IRAN-CONTRA!
Reynes> Bring it on.

The Iran-Contra Affair

Far Left> He knowingly gave arms to Iran, which in turn went to terrorists!
Reynes> He knew nothing about it.
Far Left> Are you kidding? He apologized to the American public!
Reynes> He knew nothing about it. He admitted that later, and he had a history for taking responsibility for things he was not responsible for. Remember that Beirut car bombing?
Far Left> *stalls* He was an evil man!
Reynes> *sigh*

In Closing

Reynes> Let's summarize. He jump-started the economy, lowering inflation and creating jobs in a thriving economy that Clinton would inherit four years later. He broke up the Soviet Union and tore down the Berlin Wall. He was loved by national leaders and, in general, united the American public. Then, he-
Far Left> You're forgetting something. He created a huge deficit and gave weapons to terrorists.
Reynes> You mean all you chose to hear was the negative? All you have on him is something for which you were partly responsible and something he had nothing to do with at all?
Far Left> What else was there?
Reynes> *shakes head* You're beyond help.
Far Left> Clinton caused the economic boom which Bush destroyed, and the surplus Bush ate through in a few months!
Reynes> Clinton must be magic, then, for him to have made the "Clinton" boom TEN YEARS before he entered office. As for the surplus, all that means is that the government was taking in more money than it was spending. Guess how he did it? He cut the legs out from under the military and cut back on intelligence. Then we had 9-11 as a result. What else can you expect when you put a draft-dodger in the Oval Office?
Far Left> But that happened on Bush's watch!
Reynes> Aha! So, by that logic, you have no choice but to attribute the good economy et al to Reagan.
Far Left> No we don't!
Reynes> Why?
Far Left> Because he was a republican!
Reynes> *sigh*
09-06-2004, 20:14
Hahaha, very amusing actually. But the fact is that Reagan didn't singlehandedly bring down the Soviet Empire. I think millions of people in the Communist bloc had a lot to do with that. Gorby had a lot to do with it. The very fact that when Communist Bloc nations began pulling away he didn't send in the Soviet Army to quell opposition had a lot to do with it. But don't forget the fact that Reagan could have done away with almost the entire nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union when Gorby was saying he was willing. But instead of doing so, Reagan states that the United States is going to proceed with Star Wars and then cried foul when the Soviets walked away from the table. Going to the press and crying "SEE!!!" was their way of handling the situation. That wasn't a bright move by Reagan. Credit should be given to Reagan for the Cold War's end but he hardly is some lone hero that Republicans are making him out to be.

As for the economy? I think we now all see how well Reaganomics worked. The trickle down theory was exposed as fraud when nothing ever trickled down from the top. Sure Reagan slashed welfare programs for the needy. He then replaced them with corporate welfare. Reagan's administration almost singlehandedly started the whole concept of giving huge companies monstrous tax breaks and other incentives. Its a trend that continues to this very day, with disastrous results.

Deficit spending shot out of hand. Republicans love to lament the fact that Republicans HAVE to spend so much because their Democratic counterparts underfunded the military. Again, one must be intelligent and actually look at how military funding is dispersed. Did Reagan fund the military or special programs in the military? Do you know? How much money did the buildup of our nuclear arsenal cost? How much for Star Wars? How much for programs that are, by the Department of Defense's own standards, considered wasteful? No, I'm sorry, Republicans don't get to take credit for being friends of the military, unless you consider the lucrative contracts that defense contractors get for building weapons systems the Pentagon doesn't want. If you want to fund the military, why not fund the people who actually serve?

You'll also realize that while defense spending soared, it was not the sole reason for the increase in deficit spending. It took a Democrat in Bill Clinton to finally bring the deficit spending in check. And I'm sorry Republicans, you can't have it both ways. You can't have huge increases in spending federal money on projects (military or otherwise) without increases in taxes. That is irresponsible spending. Either you raise taxes to cover the expense or you reduce the spending. Growing a huge deficit only shuffles the problem off to the next generation. That is not the mantra of responsible government. Republicans love to call Democrats "tax and spend" but the bottom line is that you can't do one without the other. Its just, plain dumb. So you can continue to live in your ether about what's going on with the economy and praise Reaganomics for all that's worth.

Reagan may have denied knowing anything about Iran-Contra, but its hard to deny something that had your actual signature attached to it. So then, if you believe the Republicans on this, you had an idiot for a president who blankly signed his name on something that he didn't understand or was unaware of. Sounds a lot like the current administration's excuse for everything.

Bringing up Beirut? How about bringing up Reagan's deal with Iran to not release hostages until after he was elected? How's that for being scum? Or how about tipping off the Iranians that a rescue operation is underway in order to smear Carter to the American people? How's that for scum?

Being loved by national leaders means you have good charisma. That doesn't make you a good leader yourself. Reagan deserves credit for giving Americans a feeling of self-worth for the first time in nearly a decade. He deserves credit for being able to work with Democrats and Republicans. He deserves credit for being an intelligent and quick witted person. But unfortunately, the presidency of the United States demands so much more than being a nice guy. It demands responsibility. It demands competence. Reagan misses out.
09-06-2004, 20:22
took a Democrat in Bill Clinton to finally bring the deficit spending in check.
Bill Clinton wasn't doing much for the deficit the two years he had a friendly majority in Congress. In 1994 when Gingrich @ Co. came in, the budget started to get slashed and a lot of other things people give Clinton credit for wrongly (like Welfare Reform) got done.
09-06-2004, 20:43
Well, Clinton didn't have one of these:
09-06-2004, 20:43
Well, Clinton didn't have one of these:
09-06-2004, 21:13
Hahaha, very amusing actually. But the fact is that Reagan didn't singlehandedly bring down the Soviet Empire.I never said he did.

As for the economy? I think we now all see how well Reaganomics worked. The trickle down theory was exposed as fraud when nothing ever trickled down from the top.That's the beauty of your arguement: you say it didn't work, but then you don't say why the economy turned around so drastically. Reagan created a thriving economy that lasted nearly two decades, but since it absolutely couldn't be because of Reagan...

Who do you think is responsible, then, for this drastic growth in the 80s and through the 90s?

Deficit spending shot out of hand. Republicans love to lament the fact that Republicans HAVE to spend so much because their Democratic counterparts underfunded the military. Again, one must be intelligent and actually look at how military funding is dispersed. Did Reagan fund the military or special programs in the military? Do you know? How much money did the buildup of our nuclear arsenal cost? How much for Star Wars? How much for programs that are, by the Department of Defense's own standards, considered wasteful? No, I'm sorry, Republicans don't get to take credit for being friends of the military, unless you consider the lucrative contracts that defense contractors get for building weapons systems the Pentagon doesn't want. If you want to fund the military, why not fund the people who actually serve?He funded all aspects of the military, in case you didn't notice.

You'll also realize that while defense spending soared, it was not the sole reason for the increase in deficit spending. It took a Democrat in Bill Clinton to finally bring the deficit spending in check. And I'm sorry Republicans, you can't have it both ways. You can't have huge increases in spending federal money on projects (military or otherwise) without increases in taxes. That is irresponsible spending. Either you raise taxes to cover the expense or you reduce the spending.And Reagan tried to reduce the spending, but the Democrat-controlled congress didn't let him.
Growing a huge deficit only shuffles the problem off to the next generation. That is not the mantra of responsible government. Republicans love to call Democrats "tax and spend" but the bottom line is that you can't do one without the other. Its just, plain dumb. So you can continue to live in your ether about what's going on with the economy and praise Reaganomics for all that's worth.Sure. You go on lauding Clinton for the economy he inherited from Reagan, not sure of where the boom in the 80's came from.

Reagan may have denied knowing anything about Iran-Contra, but its hard to deny something that had your actual signature attached to it.Do you have a government source on that?

Bringing up Beirut? How about bringing up Reagan's deal with Iran to not release hostages until after he was elected? How's that for being scum?Again, sources anyone?
Or how about tipping off the Iranians that a rescue operation is underway in order to smear Carter to the American people? How's that for scum?No sources, I see.

Being loved by national leaders means you have good charisma. That doesn't make you a good leader yourself.Ironic, isn't it, that description fits Clinton perfectly.
Reagan deserves credit for giving Americans a feeling of self-worth for the first time in nearly a decade. He deserves credit for being able to work with Democrats and Republicans. He deserves credit for being an intelligent and quick witted person. But unfortunately, the presidency of the United States demands so much more than being a nice guy. It demands responsibility. It demands competence. Reagan misses out.How?
09-06-2004, 21:13
Hahaha, very amusing actually. But the fact is that Reagan didn't singlehandedly bring down the Soviet Empire.I never said he did.

As for the economy? I think we now all see how well Reaganomics worked. The trickle down theory was exposed as fraud when nothing ever trickled down from the top.That's the beauty of your arguement: you say it didn't work, but then you don't say why the economy turned around so drastically. Reagan created a thriving economy that lasted nearly two decades, but since it absolutely couldn't be because of Reagan...

Who do you think is responsible, then, for this drastic growth in the 80s and through the 90s?

Deficit spending shot out of hand. Republicans love to lament the fact that Republicans HAVE to spend so much because their Democratic counterparts underfunded the military. Again, one must be intelligent and actually look at how military funding is dispersed. Did Reagan fund the military or special programs in the military? Do you know? How much money did the buildup of our nuclear arsenal cost? How much for Star Wars? How much for programs that are, by the Department of Defense's own standards, considered wasteful? No, I'm sorry, Republicans don't get to take credit for being friends of the military, unless you consider the lucrative contracts that defense contractors get for building weapons systems the Pentagon doesn't want. If you want to fund the military, why not fund the people who actually serve?He funded all aspects of the military, in case you didn't notice.

You'll also realize that while defense spending soared, it was not the sole reason for the increase in deficit spending. It took a Democrat in Bill Clinton to finally bring the deficit spending in check. And I'm sorry Republicans, you can't have it both ways. You can't have huge increases in spending federal money on projects (military or otherwise) without increases in taxes. That is irresponsible spending. Either you raise taxes to cover the expense or you reduce the spending.And Reagan tried to reduce the spending, but the Democrat-controlled congress didn't let him.
Growing a huge deficit only shuffles the problem off to the next generation. That is not the mantra of responsible government. Republicans love to call Democrats "tax and spend" but the bottom line is that you can't do one without the other. Its just, plain dumb. So you can continue to live in your ether about what's going on with the economy and praise Reaganomics for all that's worth.Sure. You go on lauding Clinton for the economy he inherited from Reagan, not sure of where the boom in the 80's came from.

Reagan may have denied knowing anything about Iran-Contra, but its hard to deny something that had your actual signature attached to it.Do you have a government source on that?

Bringing up Beirut? How about bringing up Reagan's deal with Iran to not release hostages until after he was elected? How's that for being scum?Again, sources anyone?
Or how about tipping off the Iranians that a rescue operation is underway in order to smear Carter to the American people? How's that for scum?No sources, I see.

Being loved by national leaders means you have good charisma. That doesn't make you a good leader yourself.Ironic, isn't it, that description fits Clinton perfectly.
Reagan deserves credit for giving Americans a feeling of self-worth for the first time in nearly a decade. He deserves credit for being able to work with Democrats and Republicans. He deserves credit for being an intelligent and quick witted person. But unfortunately, the presidency of the United States demands so much more than being a nice guy. It demands responsibility. It demands competence. Reagan misses out.How?
09-06-2004, 21:18
Well, Clinton didn't have one of these:

Ha! I laughed at that so hard, soda came out of my nose.
09-06-2004, 21:24
Well, Clinton didn't have one of these:

Ha! I laughed at that so hard, soda came out of my nose.
I like the Account number

1980 1984 Reagan 1988 Bush Sr. 2000 Bush Jr.

They must have increased the credit limit for Bush Jr.?

Ohhhhh and I love the expiry date!!! :lol:
09-06-2004, 21:35
Reagan was the originator of the class war
Reagan invented corporate facism
Reagan started the Hate media
Reagan sponsored a Holocaust of peasants and nuns
Reagan spred Aids
Reagan tried to spread Alzheimers too until he caught it himself
Reagan planted the seeds of mideast terrorism that plagues us today
Reagan was clueless about Iran/Contra because by then he was senile
Reagan cursed us with the Bush family that plagues us to this day
Reagan was the face of evil behind the false mask of a kindly beaming grandfatherly icon
The Black Forrest
09-06-2004, 23:35
I know who you are Reynes!

You're Jack Chick aren't you?

Your dialogue reads like one of his cartoons! :lol:
The Black Forrest
09-06-2004, 23:39
Reagan was the originator of the class war
Reagan invented corporate facism
Reagan started the Hate media
Reagan sponsored a Holocaust of peasants and nuns
Reagan spred Aids
Reagan tried to spread Alzheimers too until he caught it himself
Reagan planted the seeds of mideast terrorism that plagues us today
Reagan was clueless about Iran/Contra because by then he was senile
Reagan cursed us with the Bush family that plagues us to this day
Reagan was the face of evil behind the false mask of a kindly beaming grandfatherly icon

Well Class warefare is much older then him.
Hate media? Ever read the era of Yellow Jounalism?
Holocoust? Central America or South America?
Spread Aids? Didn't know he was gay.
Spread Alzheimers? Ok how do you do that?
Iran/Contra....No comment
Bush Family? Well that was probably more the RNC.
Face of Evil? Ok if he is senile, how can he be the face of evil?
10-06-2004, 01:59
Reagan was the originator of the class war
Reagan invented corporate facism
Reagan started the Hate media
Reagan sponsored a Holocaust of peasants and nuns
Reagan spred Aids
Reagan tried to spread Alzheimers too until he caught it himself
Reagan planted the seeds of mideast terrorism that plagues us today
Reagan was clueless about Iran/Contra because by then he was senile
Reagan cursed us with the Bush family that plagues us to this day
Reagan was the face of evil behind the false mask of a kindly beaming grandfatherly icon

Well Class warefare is much older then him.
Hate media? Ever read the era of Yellow Jounalism?
Holocoust? Central America or South America?
Spread Aids? Didn't know he was gay.
Spread Alzheimers? Ok how do you do that?
Iran/Contra....No comment
Bush Family? Well that was probably more the RNC.
Face of Evil? Ok if he is senile, how can he be the face of evil?1)class warfare may be older then Reagan but Reagan made it chic---2)yellow journalism still sounds alot nicer then the hate injected into our media when the rightys hijacked it under Reagan 3)latin america 4)Reagan wasnt gay but he passively spread aids by refusing to fund money to fight it 4) Reagan spread alzheimers the same way he passively spread aids but he suffered from karmic blowback from it 5) the evil Bushs were prly doing alot of the truly bad stuff while Reagan napped away for 8 years (only to be awakened for his acten role as president) and they were able to acheive power on his coat tails 6)clearly Reagan didnt know half of what was goin on but that doesnt absolve him of the evil that occured under his watch because ultimately he was the one in the seat of personal responsibility
10-06-2004, 19:04
I know who you are Reynes!

You're Jack Chick aren't you?

Your dialogue reads like one of his cartoons! :lol:Who's Jack Chick? I live in Omaha.
10-06-2004, 19:11
10-06-2004, 19:44
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
10-06-2004, 19:51
Thank you Reynes. I was starting to believe that I was the only person posting on this forum who actually thought before they spoke. Most of the people here type in the first thing that pops up in their heads. Mindless Liberal Blather.Thank you.
10-06-2004, 19:51
Reagan was the originator of the class war
Reagan invented corporate facism
Reagan started the Hate media
Reagan sponsored a Holocaust of peasants and nuns
Reagan spred Aids
Reagan tried to spread Alzheimers too until he caught it himself
Reagan planted the seeds of mideast terrorism that plagues us today
Reagan was clueless about Iran/Contra because by then he was senile
Reagan cursed us with the Bush family that plagues us to this day
Reagan was the face of evil behind the false mask of a kindly beaming grandfatherly icon

Well Class warefare is much older then him.
Hate media? Ever read the era of Yellow Jounalism?
Holocoust? Central America or South America?
Spread Aids? Didn't know he was gay.
Spread Alzheimers? Ok how do you do that?
Iran/Contra....No comment
Bush Family? Well that was probably more the RNC.
Face of Evil? Ok if he is senile, how can he be the face of evil?
1)class warfare may be older then Reagan but Reagan made it chicEver heard of the Russian revolution? (or the American revolution, for that matter?
2)yellow journalism still sounds alot nicer then the hate injected into our media when the rightys hijacked it under ReaganAre you kidding? The media HATED Reagan at that time!
3)latin americaI'll have to look into that, but I doubt Reagan began a holocaust :roll:
4)Reagan wasnt gay but he passively spread aids by refusing to fund money to fight itbecause the governments of the countries that had major outbreaks wouldn't let that money go where it was supposed to. He might as well have been funding the warlords if he did that, because that's exactly where all that aid money went.
4) Reagan spread alzheimers the same way he passively spread aids but he suffered from karmic blowback from itThe question remains: how do you spread alzheimers? It's genetic, not contagious.
5) the evil Bushs were prly doing alot of the truly bad stuff while Reagan napped away for 8 years (only to be awakened for his acten role as president) and they were able to acheive power on his coat tailsBecause (deny it all you want) Reagan was one of the most loved presidents in history. I wouldn't be surprised to find out you were too young and got indoctrinated into hate by those around you.
6)clearly Reagan didnt know half of what was goin on but that doesnt absolve him of the evil that occured under his watch because ultimately he was the one in the seat of personal responsibilityWhat is wrong with you? Why do you hate this man so much? At least have some respect for the dead, for God's sakes!
Onion Pirates
10-06-2004, 20:06
Arrr, loot the poor to feed the rich! Booty fer yer buddies! Bloodshed and mayhem, rule by the sword1
Our kind of man, obviously, arrr...