Gay Adoption: Yea or Nay - Page 2
09-06-2004, 07:48
I'm sure of it now, fascistwhitestates is a parody.
No one is that stupid.
We can only pray.
The bible says the followers of God will be condemned, harassed, beaten, tortured, persecuted, and such by almost all. But that it is because the masses are under the influence of the Great Deceiver and do not know that the small group of True Believers seeks to enlighten and save them...
Off course it would, why else would people flock to it if it didn't make them feel good about themselves?
09-06-2004, 07:48
Why not? Oh wait.. I know why
That's a pretty sweeping statement. Presumably, you have evidence to prove that. Seems very unlikely anyway because gay people are attracted to their own sex so why would lesbians want to rape little boys?? How do you know so mucha bout what gay people do anyway? You must spend a lot of time with a lot of different gay people.
The actual fact is that if the rate of paedophilia was the same in the straight and gay populations (if you have evidebce to say thats not true, by all means present it) then as there are far more heterosexual people there would be far more heterosexual paedophiles.
Instead of spouting unsubstantuated conjecture, you might actually like to try forming an opinion based on evidence rather than bigotry and unfounded prejudice.
By the way, do try to check your spelling, dear; its paedophiles not pedophiles and the word "gay" does not have a 4 in the middle of it!
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 07:49
I'm sure of it now, fascistwhitestates is a parody.
No one is that stupid.
We can only pray.
The bible says the followers of God will be condemned, harassed, beaten, tortured, persecuted, and such by almost all. But that it is because the masses are under the influence of the Great Deceiver and do not know that the small group of True Believers seeks to enlighten and save them... Who is more persecuted than the extreme right-wing white.
Umm....who's more persecuted than the right-wing white, hmmm....that's a tough one.
Anyone living under fascism
Most people in 3rd world countries
Remember, the right-wing white is the ruling class of America, I hardly call that persecution.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 07:50
Why not? Oh wait.. I know why
That's a pretty sweeping statement. Presumably, you have evidence to prove that. Seems very unlikely anyway because gay people are attracted to their own sex so why would lesbians want to rape little boys?? How do you know so mucha bout what gay people do anyway? You must spend a lot of time with a lot of different gay people.
The actual fact is that if the rate of paedophilia was the same in the straight and gay populations (if you have evidebce to say thats not true, by all means present it) then as there are far more heterosexual people there would be far more heterosexual paedophiles.
Instead of spouting unsubstantuated conjecture, you might actually like to try forming an opinion based on evidence rather than bigotry and unfounded prejudice.
By the way, do try to check your spelling, dear; its paedophiles not pedophiles and the word "gay" does not have a 4 in the middle of it!
Hmm, clear sarcasm followed by slightly less clear sarcasm, I like it.
Transformed Peoples
09-06-2004, 07:51
(directed at FascistWhiteStates)
My dear man, you seem to think I actually give a crap about your interpretation of the Bible, or even the Bible itself. I am asking for FACTS. Not faith. There is a large difference between evidence and belief, and you do not seem to realize that.
If you can get God Him/Her/Itself to come here right now and tell me I'm wrong, fine. But don't quote the Bible. The Bible was written by man, not God. And man is fallable. As you so eagerly prove.
I'm sure of it now, fascistwhitestates is a parody.
No one is that stupid.
We can only pray.
The bible says the followers of God will be condemned, harassed, beaten, tortured, persecuted, and such by almost all. But that it is because the masses are under the influence of the Great Deceiver and do not know that the small group of True Believers seeks to enlighten and save them... Who is more persecuted than the extreme right-wing white.
Umm....who's more persecuted than the right-wing white, hmmm....that's a tough one.
Anyone living under fascism
Most people in 3rd world countries
Remember, the right-wing white is the ruling class of America, I hardly call that persecution.
Wrong... Look at Trent Lott... If the right-wing white was the ruling class he never would have had to resign as senate minority leader...
You obviously don't know about the tool called "political correctness" that is used to keep right-wing white males quiet in the USA.
09-06-2004, 07:51
Fascist, Instead of copying and pasting everything, why not tell us what you are trying to prove and give us the essential info?
09-06-2004, 07:52
Why not? Oh wait.. I know why
That's a pretty sweeping statement. Presumably, you have evidence to prove that. Seems very unlikely anyway because gay people are attracted to their own sex so why would lesbians want to rape little boys?? How do you know so mucha bout what gay people do anyway? You must spend a lot of time with a lot of different gay people.
The actual fact is that if the rate of paedophilia was the same in the straight and gay populations (if you have evidebce to say thats not true, by all means present it) then as there are far more heterosexual people there would be far more heterosexual paedophiles.
Instead of spouting unsubstantuated conjecture, you might actually like to try forming an opinion based on evidence rather than bigotry and unfounded prejudice.
By the way, do try to check your spelling, dear; its paedophiles not pedophiles and the word "gay" does not have a 4 in the middle of it!
Oh Christ not another one.
And mr fascistretardI'mkewlcusI'mwhitedon'tlaughtatmewaahmommymakeitgoawayI'mscaredofeverythingthatisdiffer entwaaahgodsavemehelpwaah, nice ducking into posting crap to avoid being laughed at.
09-06-2004, 07:53
I'm sure of it now, fascistwhitestates is a parody.
No one is that stupid.
We can only pray.
The bible says the followers of God will be condemned, harassed, beaten, tortured, persecuted, and such by almost all. But that it is because the masses are under the influence of the Great Deceiver and do not know that the small group of True Believers seeks to enlighten and save them... Who is more persecuted than the extreme right-wing white.
Umm....who's more persecuted than the right-wing white, hmmm....that's a tough one.
Anyone living under fascism
Most people in 3rd world countries
Remember, the right-wing white is the ruling class of America, I hardly call that persecution.
Wrong... Look at Trent Lott... If the right-wing white was the ruling class he never would have had to resign as senate minority leader...
You obviously don't know about the tool called "political correctness" that is used to keep right-wing white males quiet in the USA.
Whites really aren't that persecuted, Christian I would say are quite a bit, and we take it on by choice most of the time, then again, so do the homosexuals. Unlike the blacks and jews.
By Bertrand Comparet
Even those who should know better, that we Christians owe a debt to the Jews, for we got our Bible and our religion from them, commonly make the statement. While many people have been deceived into believing this, it is completely false. Part of the mistake comes from the complete confusion in the minds of nearly all people as to just what they mean by Jew. Are they referring to people of a certain race, or referring to a people of a certain religion, for the two are not the same. There are in Africa today, some pure blooded Negroes who are Jews by religion and there are in China today, some pure blooded Mongolians who are Jews by religion. Likewise, there are some people today who are racially of the stock we know as Jews, but who have been converted to other religions.
First let's consider the claim we got our Bible and our religion from the Jews, as meaning Jews by religion. It is certain we didn't get the New Testament from them, for it condemns the Jewish religion throughout all the New Testament. But did we get the Old Testament from them? No, for several reasons. In the first place, no Jew by religion existed before the return from the Babylonian captivity, shortly after 536 B.C. Their great historian Josephus writes, "So the Jews prepared the work. Jew is the name they are called by from the day that they came up from Babylon." The only books of the Old Testament that were written after the return from Babylon are, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah (all of them historical, rather than doctrinal) Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. In none of these do the Jews receive anything but rebuke for their wickedness, for their apostasy from the religion of the Old Testament. The late Rabbi Stephen F. Wise, formerly the Chief Rabbi of the United States said, "The return from Babylon and the introduction of the Babylonian Talmud mark the end of Hebrewism and the beginning of Judaism."
The learned Rabbi was correct in distinguishing the true religion of the Old Testament as Hebrewism, for it was the religion of the real Hebrews, who were not Jews at all. Judaism, the religion of the Jews, is as the learned Rabbi says, based upon the Babylonian Talmud, which contains the supposed oral law. It was never reduced to writing as part of the Bible. This oral law gradually gained greater force among the Jews than the written law in the Bible, with which it often conflicted. In Yahshua's day, the Babylonian Talmud was known as the Tradition of the Elders. This is why Yahshua told the Jews:
"Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoreth Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. Howbeit, in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the Commandments of men. For laying aside the commandments of Yahweh that ye may keep your own tradition, * * making the word of God of none effect through your tradition which ye have delivered." Mark 7:6-13.
"Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of Yahweh." Matthew 22:29
"Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! For ye pay tithes of mint, anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith." Matthew 23:23
This was the religion of the Jews. As the learned Rabbi Stephen F. Wise said, Judaism, as distinguished from Hebrewism, the real religion of the Old Testament. Certainly Christianity took nothing from any Jewish religion for we have never taken any part of Christianity from the Talmud. Naturally, the Jews didn't give us the New Testament either, for it completely repudiates and condemns the Jewish religion of the Talmud.
Can it be said we got our Bible or our religion of Christianity from men of the Jewish race? No, it cannot. I haven't the time in the remainder of this lesson to give the Bible evidence in detail. I will have to reserve that for a later lesson. It can be clearly proven, both out of the historical books of the Bible and out of the only thorough history of the times written by one living when the facts were still well known. Josephus' "Antiquities of the Jews", tells that the Jews were a people distinct and separate from Yahweh's people Israel, although living among them. The Jews were the Canaanite people who lived in Palestine, before Israel entered the Promised Land and who were not driven out. These Canaanite people, and the mixed offspring from intermarriage with the Israelites, were allowed to remain in the land while paying heavy tribute taxes. The prophets, who wrote the books of the Old Testament, were all of pure Israelite stock, from one or another of the 12 tribes of Israel. Moses, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Haggai and Zechariah were of the tribe of Levi. Joshua and Samuel were of the tribe of Ephraim. Isaiah, Daniel and Zephaniah were of the house of David, Jonah was of the tribe of Zebulun. Hosea was of the tribe of Issachar.
When the Assyrians conquered and deported the people of the ten northern tribes, the Bible records that the Assyrians brought other people in from the Assyrian empire and settled them in Samaria, in place of the Israelites they had deported. Samaria is only the southern half of the territory occupied by these ten northern tribes. The northern half was Galilee and this was left vacant. When the kingdom of Judah was later deported to Babylon, for their seventy years captivity, their land was left with very little population. While they were gone, the Edomites who were descendants of Esau, mixed with Canaanite people, were forced out of their own land by pressure of invading Arab tribes, and moved westward into the vacant lands of Judah, occupying the southern half of the former kingdom of Judah. Therefore, when a portion of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned from the Babylonian captivity, they were too few in numbers to drive out the warlike Edomites and had to try to squeeze into the very little territory they had left. It was too small for them, so what was left of the tribe of Judah took the little territory remaining around Jerusalem and Benjamin was pushed to the north. They could not move next door into Samaria, as the people the Assyrians had settled there occupied this area. Benjamin had to leapfrog over them into the vacant territory of Galilee.
That the apostles and the majority of Christian converts came from the Benjaminites should not surprise us. When the kingdom was split in two upon the death of Solomon, Yahweh said he would leave Benjamin with Judah so that the house of David should have a light before them. In the New Testament all of the apostles were of the tribe of Benjamin except Judas Escariot, the only Jew among them. Judas came from the village of Kerioth in southern Judea. Iscariot is a corruption of Ish Kerioth, man of Kerioth. Paul tells us that he (Paul) was of the tribe of Benjamin and all the other apostles except Judas Escariot were from Galilee where the tribe of Benjamin settled after the return from Babylon.
Yahshua confirms this. In Matthew 15:24 He said, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel". In John chapter 10 Yahshua tells the Jews, "I am the good shepherd and know My sheep and am known of Mine. But ye believe not because ye are not of My sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me." From the Savior's own lips we have the proof that the Jews are not of the tribes of Israel. Note carefully that He does not say that their unbelief keeps them from being of His sheep. He says the exact opposite that the reason why they do not believe is that they are not of His sheep, the house of Israel.
Christianity and Judaism are completely and irreconcilably inconsistent. Whichever one is right, the other must be wrong for they mutually repudiate each other. A great part of Yahshua's reported words are his denunciation of the Jews for their religion, which He tells them is not that of the Old Testament. In John 5:46 Yahshua told them, "Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me: for he wrote of Me." In Luke 16:31 Yahshua said, "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead." He was right, He did rise from the dead, but to this day they are not persuaded. It is therefore clear, we did not get either our Bible or our Christian religion, either in whole or in part from those who were Jews, either by religion or by race. We owe them no debt, for they gave us nothing.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 07:55
I'm sure of it now, fascistwhitestates is a parody.
No one is that stupid.
We can only pray.
The bible says the followers of God will be condemned, harassed, beaten, tortured, persecuted, and such by almost all. But that it is because the masses are under the influence of the Great Deceiver and do not know that the small group of True Believers seeks to enlighten and save them... Who is more persecuted than the extreme right-wing white.
Umm....who's more persecuted than the right-wing white, hmmm....that's a tough one.
Anyone living under fascism
Most people in 3rd world countries
Remember, the right-wing white is the ruling class of America, I hardly call that persecution.
Wrong... Look at Trent Lott... If the right-wing white was the ruling class he never would have had to resign as senate minority leader...
You obviously don't know about the tool called "political correctness" that is used to keep right-wing white males quiet in the USA.
Oh, my bad, I mean, if one person had to resign as senator (he must have gone through a lot of persecution to get to such a high-paying, powerful, and respected job) then obviously everyone else is being persecuted for being white, I mean jeeze, why else do whites make the most money in the US?
Raysian Military Tech
09-06-2004, 08:09
wow... I don't understand why any christian would trust man's interpretations of the bible... let alone God's word.
(directed at FascistWhiteStates)
My dear man, you seem to think I actually give a crap about your interpretation of the Bible, or even the Bible itself. I am asking for FACTS. Not faith. There is a large difference between evidence and belief, and you do not seem to realize that.
If you can get God Him/Her/Itself to come here right now and tell me I'm wrong, fine. But don't quote the Bible. The Bible was written by man, not God. And man is fallable. As you so eagerly prove.
All I know is what it says in the bible and what God speaks to me.
wow... I don't understand why any christian would trust man's interpretations of the bible... let alone God's word.
I trust what God Himself says to me.
09-06-2004, 08:11
wow... I don't understand why any christian would trust man's interpretations of the bible... let alone God's word.
You'd think the issue would be way too sensitive for that indeed.
Btw, do you have any comment on his 'all mormons agree that' statement earlier in the thread? (around page 10 I think)
But I thought Paul was evil and twisted?
Why, then, do you quote him and make references to a book he helped write? :p
I'm sure of it now, fascistwhitestates is a parody.
No one is that stupid.
We can only pray.
The bible says the followers of God will be condemned, harassed, beaten, tortured, persecuted, and such by almost all. But that it is because the masses are under the influence of the Great Deceiver and do not know that the small group of True Believers seeks to enlighten and save them... Who is more persecuted than the extreme right-wing white.
Umm....who's more persecuted than the right-wing white, hmmm....that's a tough one.
Anyone living under fascism
Most people in 3rd world countries
Remember, the right-wing white is the ruling class of America, I hardly call that persecution.
Wrong... Look at Trent Lott... If the right-wing white was the ruling class he never would have had to resign as senate minority leader...
You obviously don't know about the tool called "political correctness" that is used to keep right-wing white males quiet in the USA.
Oh, my bad, I mean, if one person had to resign as senator (he must have gone through a lot of persecution to get to such a high-paying, powerful, and respected job) then obviously everyone else is being persecuted for being white, I mean jeeze, why else do whites make the most money in the US?
45% of all CEOs are Jewish... 20% of the US Senate is Jewish...
Jews are 1% of the US population... The influence they exercise would classify them as a political elite (Any group that has more power than is proportionate to their population)
09-06-2004, 08:13
:roll: and atheists don't seem to agree from you. But how does god have anything to do with this? Gays can be loving parents too.. :?
New Genoa I apologise for my earlier post. I assumed you were being sincere in your "All gays are paedophiles" post but given your comments above, I see you wre being sarcastic. Sometimes its so hard to tell in writing but I should have thought first and leapt later.
It used to be on the APA website, I know you can find it in google too. Um, I think talked about it at one point (I might be thinking of something else). But also, many christian organizations have done alot of help/research in this area which isn't accepted by the APA because it goes against their current view point. There are quite a few good documented cases/research studies that have shown that it is possible for homosexuals to change and lead completely normal, heterosexual lives.
I'd like to see those, why don't you link to a few? Just grab a few good ones for me.
09-06-2004, 08:15
wow... I don't understand why any christian would trust man's interpretations of the bible... let alone God's word.
I trust what God Himself says to me.
God talks to you? Wow.
Why doesn't He talk to me then?
And don't give me that "you're not listening. your heart is full of sin" crap.
Aside from the fact that God is omnipotent and I can therefor not really go about ignoring him, He would know how to get my attention, and that I'd listen to Him if He would speak to me in plain English. (or Dutch)
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:16
45% of all CEOs are Jewish... 20% of the US Senate is Jewish...
Jews are 1% of the US population... The influence they exercise would classify them as a political elite (Any group that has more power than is proportionate to their population)
How many of those are secular Jews?
wow... I don't understand why any christian would trust man's interpretations of the bible... let alone God's word.
I trust what God Himself says to me.
God talks to you? Wow.
Why doesn't He talk to me then?
And don't give me that "you're not listening. your heart is full of sin" crap.
Aside from the fact that God is omnipotent and I can therefor not really go about ignoring him, He would know how to get my attention, and that I'd listen to Him if He would speak to me in plain English. (or Dutch)
Yes God speaks to me.
09-06-2004, 08:17
1 in 7 people are homosexual.
1 in 10 are gay. 1 in 20 are lesbian.
Just thought you should know the facts.
By the way, even Raysia has submitted to the logic of this whole stupid arguement. :wink:
A bit off topic here but....
how does the maths work here?
If these are facts I'll have another slice of moon please with pickle and a little lettice.
There are no established or generaly accepted facts about the % of homosexuals is the world. The supposed figure vary greatly according to race and culture, let's just say there are enough to be a significant proportion of the population in most cultures.
As to adoption, we should be carefull who we let look after children but sexuality would come way down the list of things to be worried about.
09-06-2004, 08:17
wow... I don't understand why any christian would trust man's interpretations of the bible... let alone God's word.
I trust what God Himself says to me.
God talks to you? Wow.
Why doesn't He talk to me then?
And don't give me that "you're not listening. your heart is full of sin" crap.
Aside from the fact that God is omnipotent and I can therefor not really go about ignoring him, He would know how to get my attention, and that I'd listen to Him if He would speak to me in plain English. (or Dutch)
Yes God speaks to me.
Cute. Are you going to respond to the rest of my post too?
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:17
wow... I don't understand why any christian would trust man's interpretations of the bible... let alone God's word.
I trust what God Himself says to me.
God talks to you? Wow.
Why doesn't He talk to me then?
And don't give me that "you're not listening. your heart is full of sin" crap.
Aside from the fact that God is omnipotent and I can therefor not really go about ignoring him, He would know how to get my attention, and that I'd listen to Him if He would speak to me in plain English. (or Dutch)
Yes God speaks to me.
You should go see a therapist about that.
45% of all CEOs are Jewish... 20% of the US Senate is Jewish...
Jews are 1% of the US population... The influence they exercise would classify them as a political elite (Any group that has more power than is proportionate to their population)
How many of those are secular Jews?
There is no such thing as a strictly "Secular Jew" because on some level the jews all identify as a race...
I would make the distinction that there are some white jews... Whites who converted to judaism... But there are no "White Semites"... Semitic is the race, judaism is the religion.
09-06-2004, 08:18
As to adoption, we should be carefull who we let look after children but sexuality would come way down the list of things to be worried about.
I'm far more worried about kids being adopted by nazi retards.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:19
As to adoption, we should be carefull who we let look after children but sexuality would come way down the list of things to be worried about.
I'm far more worried about kids being adopted by nazi retards.
They could be home-schooled.
"Todays lesson is: Why homosexuals, blacks, jews, and retards are destroying American society and usurping power from the rightful owners, the white christians (protestant, not those heathen catholics)."
My religious visions / experiences that immediately come to mind.
As I stood in a room one day I saw that the walls began to bleed, blood dripped down... But I reached for it and there was nothing there.. Symbolic that much blood will be spilled in the great war between the Children of Cain and the Children of Abel... Psalms 58 talks about bloodsheed.
The Lord Yahweh spoke to me and told me that I should find followers and someday the time would be right and I will be commanded to lead the faithful followers to Crusade into South Africa and Rhodesia and save my racial and religious brethren. (Note: I have thus far found several dozen followers)
In one vision, I saw a white horse appear and it was on a map of africa.. The horse had wings, the wings spread, and the horse rode over Rhodesia and South Africa... The white horse is the biblical sign of conquest.
In a dream, I saw large blue minibuses full of blacks, they were entering into a city environment... They were all armed with soviet style weapons, they weren't soldiers though. They wore clothing like civilians... They got out and began to fire into crowds of whites. I saw two white men who each had what looked like a .308 caliber rifle fire into a mob of blacks armed with axes and knives... The black mob with axes was attacking a group of unarmed whites... However the two white men ran out of ammunition and were swarmed... The whites though that were in danger managed to get to safety as a result of their sacrifice.
In another dream, I saw about 200 white men, armed with FN-FAL rifles... They were in a large fortified building that appeared to once have been a movie theater, but they turned it into a fortress, it was made of concrete and brick... They had laid remote detonated explosives out all around the building, they had set up barbed wires (symbolic for well prepared)... They had some women and children inside with them... They had bolted tightly shut every door... Outside, there was a vast army, too numerous to count... They were all demons, they weren't people at all... They were driven by hatred and anger, one of them stood out, the leader of the beast army, it was a beast of such size and ugliness. He let out a yell and the demons poured forward... The explosives went off and killed thousands... Two whites were trying to lay more mines, they were symbolic of those who hesitated to prepare, they were cut down by demons... The demons didn't use guns, they were their own weapons. The men inside shot down thousands of beasts, but the master of the beasts was unable to be harmed ( I think the master was symbolic of the collective hatred that blacks have for whites... Nothing can ever end their hatred)... Nearby in other buildings, rich whites threw money into vending machines to try to buy toy soldiers (Symbolic of either trying to bribe the blacks away, or to try to hire mercenaries to defend them)... But the help they got was too little, too late... They died.. The weather was very odd, it was snowing in parts of the city, in other parts it was hot and dry... The demons were approaching the theater, the whites, many of them were scared... One suggested retreat, but they only had 1 truck (it was a URAL I think)... Their leader said no retreat.. Suddenly, they noticed a door was not bolted properly, it would fall open... As soon as they noticed it, out of nowhere, whites appeared and barred the door (symbolic of foreign assistance or angels from heaven)... The door was tightly barred now... The demons were about to crash into the walls, the commander was debating setting off charges that were all around the walls... It would mean sacrificing their fortress but they might win the battle and thereby win the war. (Symbolic that whites will have to do great damage to their own lands to win.) The dream ended before the commander made his decision..
Raysian Military Tech
09-06-2004, 08:20
45% of all CEOs are Jewish... 20% of the US Senate is Jewish...
Jews are 1% of the US population... The influence they exercise would classify them as a political elite (Any group that has more power than is proportionate to their population)So what? Mormons are 2% of the US population, and 3% of the congress :P
45% of all CEOs are Jewish... 20% of the US Senate is Jewish...
Jews are 1% of the US population... The influence they exercise would classify them as a political elite (Any group that has more power than is proportionate to their population)So what? Mormons are 2% of the US population, and 3% of the congress :P
They are a tiny elite then... The jews are 1% of the population and 20% of the Seante... That means a massive elite.
09-06-2004, 08:21
45% of all CEOs are Jewish... 20% of the US Senate is Jewish...
Jews are 1% of the US population... The influence they exercise would classify them as a political elite (Any group that has more power than is proportionate to their population)So what? Mormons are 2% of the US population, and 3% of the congress :P
Political Elite! *points*
Yes God speaks to me.
You should go see a therapist about that.
Eh, there's no therapy for gotta medicate that, and for that you'd need a psychiatrist. Perhaps some Zyprexa could help.
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Joan of Arc wasn't viewed as crazy for long... Because she won... As soon as the war starts and we win... Then you won't call me crazy anymore.
09-06-2004, 08:24
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Hello? Why won't God talk to me? I asked you already? Hello?
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Hello? Why won't God talk to me? I asked you already? Hello?
He only talks to those who will listen. You will not listen so He will not speak to you.
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Joan of Arc wasn't viewed as crazy for long... Because she won... As soon as the war starts and we win... Then you won't call me crazy anymore.
Hmm, interesting, and about how often does God speak to you?
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:26
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Hello? Why won't God talk to me? I asked you already? Hello?
Well it's pretty obvious god wants whites to take over the world, based on fascist's "visions".
I guess if you join the klan you can talk to god too.
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Joan of Arc wasn't viewed as crazy for long... Because she won... As soon as the war starts and we win... Then you won't call me crazy anymore.
Hmm, interesting, and about how often does God speak to you?
There is no set pattern. He usually speaks to me throug visions and dreams. He reveals His orders through events and symbolism... Seldom will He actually state, "Do this"... But He has a few times.
09-06-2004, 08:28
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Hello? Why won't God talk to me? I asked you already? Hello?
He only talks to those who will listen. You will not listen so He will not speak to you.
Bullshit. What makes you think I won't listen?
Is it: God won't talk to you because you won't listen to him, and you don't hear him because He doesn't talk to you. So He doesn't talk to you because you're not listening, and because you're not listening He won't talk to you.
I'm gonna see you on the news for terrorist actions.
I just know it.
I think it's funny you said that a dream about bloody walls was biblical. I guess Jamiroquai is a Christian musician afterall :p
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:29
Another flaw in the argument that homosexuality is "normal." If it's so normal, why can't it achieve what "normal" sex is used for, reproduction. Therefore, if they want to have children, then adopt the child into a "normal, functionable" environment, or marry someone of the opposite sex, have sex, and have a child.
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Hello? Why won't God talk to me? I asked you already? Hello?
He only talks to those who will listen. You will not listen so He will not speak to you.
Bullshit. What makes you think I won't listen?
Is it: God won't talk to you because you won't listen to him, and you don't hear him because He doesn't talk to you. So He doesn't talk to you because you're not listening, and because you're not listening He won't talk to you.
You are not of God... You do not hear...
What Christ said...
John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 8:45 And because I tell [you] the truth, ye believe me not.
John 8:46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
John 8:47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear not, because ye are not of God.
09-06-2004, 08:31
Another flaw in the argument that homosexuality is "normal." If it's so normal, why can't it achieve what "normal" sex is used for, reproduction. .
Because it's, *gasp*, different!
Yet different does not equal not normal.
Some people have brown hair, some black, some blond, etc. Those are different, yet they are all normal.
Yeah, of course it's not natural. I mean, tons of animals do it. Therefore it CAN'T be natural!
Now here's how the argument goes: You tell me that "humans are more then animals," and I respond with "Well I guess that makes us unnatural then, huh?" Then you give me a weird look, and I say "Well then, since according to you both humans and homosexuality is unnatural, they go hand in hand!"
I'm gonna see you on the news for terrorist actions.
I just know it.
I think it's funny you said that a dream about bloody walls was biblical. I guess Jamiroquai is a Christian musician afterall :p
It wasn't a dream... It happened while I was awake... Vision=awake... Dream=sleeping
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:32
I'm gonna see you on the news for terrorist actions.
I just know it.
I think it's funny you said that a dream about bloody walls was biblical. I guess Jamiroquai is a Christian musician afterall :p
It wasn't a dream... It happened while I was awake... Vision=awake... Dream=sleeping
Those are usually called "hallucinations".
You could have a serious mental problem....actually, it wouldn't surprise me.
Actually, I have visions when I'm awake too. Usually when I'm really bored. I call them "daydreaming." Only, my daydreams, or "visions" as you call them, are usually much more pleasant.
I'm gonna see you on the news for terrorist actions.
I just know it.
I think it's funny you said that a dream about bloody walls was biblical. I guess Jamiroquai is a Christian musician afterall :p
It wasn't a dream... It happened while I was awake... Vision=awake... Dream=sleeping
Those are usually called "hallucinations".
You could have a serious mental problem....actually, it wouldn't surprise me.
No... They are called Visions... Yahweh blesses the faithful with visions of hope that the future will be theirs.
09-06-2004, 08:33
As to adoption, we should be carefull who we let look after children but sexuality would come way down the list of things to be worried about.
I'm far more worried about kids being adopted by nazi retards.
I hope you're not trying to imply that I fall into that category?
As I said some behaviours such as intolerance, being narrow minded are more of a concern. As is force feeding children an ideological stand point, be it far right, far left or anti anything. Yes that includes anti communism and anti nazi. If you raise the child properly, let them understand different points of view, they will decide for themselves what they think. By all means let them know your thoughts and preferences, but make sure they know they are allowed to disagree.
My father was well left of centre, I’m right of centre on some things, left on others. He always allowed me to disagree with him.
But back to thread, take every adoption case on an individual basis and set no hard and fast rules about homosexuality. Some straight couples have what I would call shaky morals and I would not like them to raise children.
Again as I said consider sexuality (or if you like sexual activity) but it would come way down my list.
Actually, I have visions when I'm awake too. Usually when I'm really bored. I call them "daydreaming." Only, my daydreams, or "visions" as you call them, are usually much more pleasant.
It's not daydreaming when you stare at the wall and you can see the blood run down it. Daydreaming is when the mind wanders... Not when the mind is totally aware, alert, and focused on what you see.
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:34
Yeah, of course it's not natural. I mean, tons of animals do it. Therefore it CAN'T be natural!
Now here's how the argument goes: You tell me that "humans are more then animals," and I respond with "Well I guess that makes us unnatural then, huh?" Then you give me a weird look, and I say "Well then, since according to you both humans and homosexuality is unnatural, they go hand in hand!"
Really? or is that a liberal lie that has been brainwashed into you?
09-06-2004, 08:34
[quote=FascistWhiteStates]Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Hello? Why won't God talk to me? I asked you already? Hello?
He only talks to those who will listen. You will not listen so He will not speak to you.
Bullshit. What makes you think I won't listen?
Is it: God won't talk to you because you won't listen to him, and you don't hear him because He doesn't talk to you. So He doesn't talk to you because you're not listening, and because you're not listening He won't talk to you.[
Nice try, now tell me why God won't talk to me.
I'm not ignoring Him, I'm not pretending He doesn't excist. I do not put my hands on my ears and go "TRALALALA!!"
It's really simple. If God would talk to me, I'd hear Him. Making baseless assumptions about me serves no purpose. (not to mention being a circular reasoning)
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:34
I'm gonna see you on the news for terrorist actions.
I just know it.
I think it's funny you said that a dream about bloody walls was biblical. I guess Jamiroquai is a Christian musician afterall :p
It wasn't a dream... It happened while I was awake... Vision=awake... Dream=sleeping
Those are usually called "hallucinations".
You could have a serious mental problem....actually, it wouldn't surprise me.
No... They are called Visions... Yahweh blesses the faithful with visions of hope that the future will be theirs.
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Oh no, my mind is very acute when it happens. I swear, the friend I think about is sitting right next to me, it's so real.
It must be a sign that one day, we'll sit next to each other in class...then we'll KILL ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE!
just kidding ^_~
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:36
Yeah, of course it's not natural. I mean, tons of animals do it. Therefore it CAN'T be natural!
Now here's how the argument goes: You tell me that "humans are more then animals," and I respond with "Well I guess that makes us unnatural then, huh?" Then you give me a weird look, and I say "Well then, since according to you both humans and homosexuality is unnatural, they go hand in hand!"
Really? or is that a liberal lie that has been brainwashed into you?
Actually, it's pretty well documented that there are many homosexual animals.
There's even species where 100% of the population is bisexual.
Or maybe the liberals fabricated it all.
I'm gonna see you on the news for terrorist actions.
I just know it.
I think it's funny you said that a dream about bloody walls was biblical. I guess Jamiroquai is a Christian musician afterall :p
It wasn't a dream... It happened while I was awake... Vision=awake... Dream=sleeping
Those are usually called "hallucinations".
You could have a serious mental problem....actually, it wouldn't surprise me.
No... They are called Visions... Yahweh blesses the faithful with visions of hope that the future will be theirs.
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
When Yahweh damns the wicked (You) and exalts the righteous (I will be in this group)... Then we will see who has the problem... You can burn for all eternity in the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet will be.
Yes. We really live in The Matrix. Only it's not run by regular robots, it's run by...EVIL LIBERAL ROBOTS! DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUUM!
Hey Troll, I'm burning too! We aughta, like, meet together and have a "burning in hell" party!
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:38
It does not serve procreation. Therefore, by your Liberal Mecca, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection, homosexuality is not conducive to the expansion of a species, which according to Darwin (with whome I disagree with on many things) should be removed.
09-06-2004, 08:38
Yeah, of course it's not natural. I mean, tons of animals do it. Therefore it CAN'T be natural!
Now here's how the argument goes: You tell me that "humans are more then animals," and I respond with "Well I guess that makes us unnatural then, huh?" Then you give me a weird look, and I say "Well then, since according to you both humans and homosexuality is unnatural, they go hand in hand!"
Really? or is that a liberal lie that has been brainwashed into you?
Yes! Everything that goes against *your* beliefs is the cause of brainwashing! (Don't worry about who started the brainwashing. It doesn't matter that he needed to be brainwashed too)
And everything that is correct acording to your beliefs is wonderful and morally right and everyone who isn't brainwashed would instantly realise so.
Sorry, but based on your logic, if we have extremists around, we can have homosexuality around :p
Not that I wouldn't mind losing the extremists...
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:40
Hakartopia, when I was younger, I tried talking to god.
I made sure I was righteous, I made sure I was doing all the right things to get him to talk to me.
A few times when I was going through hard parts of my life, I sobbed and begged for his help.
Never a word, never any comfort, I had to try and fix all my problems by myself.
Why would god help some asshole with no respect for anyone other than white christian and not me?
09-06-2004, 08:40
It does not serve procreation. Therefore, by your Liberal Mecca, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection, homosexuality is not conducive to the expansion of a species, which according to Darwin (with whome I disagree with on many things) should be removed.
If what you say were true, then homosexuals will die out in a few generations! So go out! Celebrate! Soon, you'l never have to see another homosexual every again! Yay!
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:40
Hey Troll, I'm burning too! We aughta, like, meet together and have a "burning in hell" party!
I'll bring beer.
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:41
Yeah, of course it's not natural. I mean, tons of animals do it. Therefore it CAN'T be natural!
Now here's how the argument goes: You tell me that "humans are more then animals," and I respond with "Well I guess that makes us unnatural then, huh?" Then you give me a weird look, and I say "Well then, since according to you both humans and homosexuality is unnatural, they go hand in hand!"
Really? or is that a liberal lie that has been brainwashed into you?
Yes! Everything that goes against *your* beliefs is the cause of brainwashing! (Don't worry about who started the brainwashing. It doesn't matter that he needed to be brainwashed too)
And everything that is correct acording to your beliefs is wonderful and morally right and everyone who isn't brainwashed would instantly realise so.
Ah another liberal, by the book trick, putting words that I did not say in my mouth... I never said that everything that goes against my beliefs is the cause of brainwashing. Please reread my posts, and try to open your narrow, hollow, bigoted mind for a millisecond. Thanks. :)
Hey, uh, Troll...that actually soudns a lot like me some time ago. Only I wasn't so much "asking to talk to him" as I was "asking for help"
It didn't exactly come.
Guess you could say that's what started my splintering off from Christianity :p
Spherical objects
09-06-2004, 08:41
My religious visions / experiences that immediately come to mind.
As I stood in a room one day I saw that the walls began to bleed, blood dripped down... But I reached for it and there was nothing there.. Symbolic that much blood will be spilled in the great war between the Children of Cain and the Children of Abel... Psalms 58 talks about bloodsheed.
The Lord Yahweh spoke to me and told me that I should find followers and someday the time would be right and I will be commanded to lead the faithful followers to Crusade into South Africa and Rhodesia and save my racial and religious brethren. (Note: I have thus far found several dozen followers)
In one vision, I saw a white horse appear and it was on a map of africa.. The horse had wings, the wings spread, and the horse rode over Rhodesia and South Africa... The white horse is the biblical sign of conquest.
In a dream, I saw large blue minibuses full of blacks, they were entering into a city environment... They were all armed with soviet style weapons, they weren't soldiers though. They wore clothing like civilians... They got out and began to fire into crowds of whites. I saw two white men who each had what looked like a .308 caliber rifle fire into a mob of blacks armed with axes and knives... The black mob with axes was attacking a group of unarmed whites... However the two white men ran out of ammunition and were swarmed... The whites though that were in danger managed to get to safety as a result of their sacrifice.
In another dream, I saw about 200 white men, armed with FN-FAL rifles... They were in a large fortified building that appeared to once have been a movie theater, but they turned it into a fortress, it was made of concrete and brick... They had laid remote detonated explosives out all around the building, they had set up barbed wires (symbolic for well prepared)... They had some women and children inside with them... They had bolted tightly shut every door... Outside, there was a vast army, too numerous to count... They were all demons, they weren't people at all... They were driven by hatred and anger, one of them stood out, the leader of the beast army, it was a beast of such size and ugliness. He let out a yell and the demons poured forward... The explosives went off and killed thousands... Two whites were trying to lay more mines, they were symbolic of those who hesitated to prepare, they were cut down by demons... The demons didn't use guns, they were their own weapons. The men inside shot down thousands of beasts, but the master of the beasts was unable to be harmed ( I think the master was symbolic of the collective hatred that blacks have for whites... Nothing can ever end their hatred)... Nearby in other buildings, rich whites threw money into vending machines to try to buy toy soldiers (Symbolic of either trying to bribe the blacks away, or to try to hire mercenaries to defend them)... But the help they got was too little, too late... They died.. The weather was very odd, it was snowing in parts of the city, in other parts it was hot and dry... The demons were approaching the theater, the whites, many of them were scared... One suggested retreat, but they only had 1 truck (it was a URAL I think)... Their leader said no retreat.. Suddenly, they noticed a door was not bolted properly, it would fall open... As soon as they noticed it, out of nowhere, whites appeared and barred the door (symbolic of foreign assistance or angels from heaven)... The door was tightly barred now... The demons were about to crash into the walls, the commander was debating setting off charges that were all around the walls... It would mean sacrificing their fortress but they might win the battle and thereby win the war. (Symbolic that whites will have to do great damage to their own lands to win.) The dream ended before the commander made his decision..
Can anyone please explain to me why they're still arguing with this lunatic?
It's obvious to not just me he's in need of mental treatment. Goading him is feeding his paranoia. I started reading this thread when it started. I soon gave up answering when the religious nutters come on (not religious people, just the lunatics). I think anyone who even attempt at 'debating' with him is harming him further. He's quite clearly mad, leave the poor sod alone.
09-06-2004, 08:42
Hakartopia, when I was younger, I tried talking to god.
I made sure I was righteous, I made sure I was doing all the right things to get him to talk to me.
A few times when I was going through hard parts of my life, I sobbed and begged for his help.
Never a word, never any comfort, I had to try and fix all my problems by myself.
Why would god help some asshole with no respect for anyone other than white christian and not me?
I dunno, ask mr IcantalktoGod. I'm the other guy who's being ignored by God remember?
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:42
It does not serve procreation. Therefore, by your Liberal Mecca, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection, homosexuality is not conducive to the expansion of a species, which according to Darwin (with whome I disagree with on many things) should be removed.
Another important part of survival is population control, otherwise there's not enough food to go around and disease becomes rampant.
Homosexuality can be considered population control, thus homosexuality IS conducive to our expansion.
09-06-2004, 08:43
Yeah, of course it's not natural. I mean, tons of animals do it. Therefore it CAN'T be natural!
Now here's how the argument goes: You tell me that "humans are more then animals," and I respond with "Well I guess that makes us unnatural then, huh?" Then you give me a weird look, and I say "Well then, since according to you both humans and homosexuality is unnatural, they go hand in hand!"
Really? or is that a liberal lie that has been brainwashed into you?
Yes! Everything that goes against *your* beliefs is the cause of brainwashing! (Don't worry about who started the brainwashing. It doesn't matter that he needed to be brainwashed too)
And everything that is correct acording to your beliefs is wonderful and morally right and everyone who isn't brainwashed would instantly realise so.
Ah another liberal, by the book trick, putting words that I did not say in my mouth... I never said that everything that goes against my beliefs is the cause of brainwashing. Please reread my posts, and try to open your narrow, hollow, bigoted mind for a millisecond. Thanks. :)
And what makes you think I'm a liberal? Sounds like you're putting words in my mouth.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:44
Hakartopia, when I was younger, I tried talking to god.
I made sure I was righteous, I made sure I was doing all the right things to get him to talk to me.
A few times when I was going through hard parts of my life, I sobbed and begged for his help.
Never a word, never any comfort, I had to try and fix all my problems by myself.
Why would god help some asshole with no respect for anyone other than white christian and not me?
I dunno, ask mr IcantalktoGod. I'm the other guy who's being ignored by God remember?
Oh, I got off topic there, sorry.
I guess what I'm saying is that crazy douche is full of crap.
Flyer? It's called satire. Learn it, love it, read Oscar Wilde.
Who, incidentily, is also going to hell. Man, we're gonna have some AWESOME company!
Oh, and SO, what can I say-it's fun
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:46
It does not serve procreation. Therefore, by your Liberal Mecca, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection, homosexuality is not conducive to the expansion of a species, which according to Darwin (with whome I disagree with on many things) should be removed.
If what you say were true, then homosexuals will die out in a few generations! So go out! Celebrate! Soon, you'l never have to see another homosexual every again! Yay!
Your attempt at sarcasm, was shall we say, rather l4m3. The problem is, (looking at the Greek Civilization, as well as the Roman where homosexuality peaked right before the collapse of both), the wackos in the public schools are teaching that homosexuality and immorality are considered normal, and fundamental, Christian, "walk the straight path -- no pun intended-- " people are crazy fanatics. And by experience, if you attempt to question this, you get into a lot of trouble. So much for free speech, right?
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:46
Flyer? It's called satire. Learn it, love it, read Oscar Wilde.
Who, incidentily, is also going to hell. Man, we're gonna have some AWESOME company!
Oh, and SO, what can I say-it's fun
Dude, hell is going to kick ass.
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:48
I'm sure it will be...
Raysian Military Tech
09-06-2004, 08:48
FWS: Did you ever think to pray about your visions? Not all inspirations come from God... I'd check with him about these crazy little dreams of yours.
09-06-2004, 08:49
[quote=FascistWhiteStates]Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Hello? Why won't God talk to me? I asked you already? Hello?
He only talks to those who will listen. You will not listen so He will not speak to you.
Bullshit. What makes you think I won't listen?
Is it: God won't talk to you because you won't listen to him, and you don't hear him because He doesn't talk to you. So He doesn't talk to you because you're not listening, and because you're not listening He won't talk to you.[
Nice try, now tell me why God won't talk to me.
I'm not ignoring Him, I'm not pretending He doesn't excist. I do not put my hands on my ears and go "TRALALALA!!"
It's really simple. If God would talk to me, I'd hear Him. Making baseless assumptions about me serves no purpose. (not to mention being a circular reasoning)
I’m not defending anything our right wing friend has to say but your argument of ‘I can’t hear him so he does not exist’ and ‘I’m listening and he’s not talking to me so he does not exist’ are flawed.
I’m happy to accept that there are some things others can do that I can’t, like being able to meditate themselves to death, sit cross legged and still while they burn themselves to death, have faith, talk ten languages, all these things I can’t do but I would never deem to demean those that can.
Try a little of the tolerance that you appear to be accusing our right winger of not having.
If they are his beliefs, however misguided we think they are then they are his beliefs. State what yours are rather than knowing every one else’s. Then he might find something in yours he can agree with, then the compromises can start. Or are you right and he’s wrong? If so who’s the fascist?
09-06-2004, 08:50
It does not serve procreation. Therefore, by your Liberal Mecca, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection, homosexuality is not conducive to the expansion of a species, which according to Darwin (with whome I disagree with on many things) should be removed.
If what you say were true, then homosexuals will die out in a few generations! So go out! Celebrate! Soon, you'l never have to see another homosexual every again! Yay!
Your attempt at sarcasm, was shall we say, rather l4m3. The problem is, (looking at the Greek Civilization, as well as the Roman where homosexuality peaked right before the collapse of both), the wackos in the public schools are teaching that homosexuality and immorality are considered normal, and fundamental, Christian, "walk the straight path -- no pun intended-- " people are crazy fanatics. And by experience, if you attempt to question this, you get into a lot of trouble. So much for free speech, right?
No-one is teaching that immorality is normal, that'd be pretty stupid. No, people do teach that certain things aren't as immoral as people use to think.
Very few people actually (seriously) say that all Christians who are just being Christians, who mind their own business most of the time aside from civilized debates or obvious necesity are crazy fanatics.
Most people safe that for the people who are actually crazy fanatics.
Jack Chick gets called a crazy fanatic, mr I go to church on Sunday and try to be a good Christian does not.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:50
It does not serve procreation. Therefore, by your Liberal Mecca, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection, homosexuality is not conducive to the expansion of a species, which according to Darwin (with whome I disagree with on many things) should be removed.
If what you say were true, then homosexuals will die out in a few generations! So go out! Celebrate! Soon, you'l never have to see another homosexual every again! Yay!
Your attempt at sarcasm, was shall we say, rather l4m3. The problem is, (looking at the Greek Civilization, as well as the Roman where homosexuality peaked right before the collapse of both), the wackos in the public schools are teaching that homosexuality and immorality are considered normal, and fundamental, Christian, "walk the straight path -- no pun intended-- " people are crazy fanatics. And by experience, if you attempt to question this, you get into a lot of trouble. So much for free speech, right?
You're dumb.
Now, if you had actually studied history, you'd learn about the numerous circumstances leading to the fall of Rome.
You'd also know that mainly high-class men slept with boys, and such activity was looked down upon by the rest of the population.
Hell, if you had a decent education, you wouldn't be ranting about "liberal lies" and all that crap.
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:51
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
Once the sexual line was crossed, other norms were upheavaled, allowing outside influences to take over and overthrow the Roman empire... Surprising you dont have any comment about the Greeks...
Homosexuality is surprisingly (well actually not) like the AIDS/HIV virus. It takes down the defenses of a nation (or body in the instance of the virus), but lets outside influences kill it (the body).
Yes, he is wrong. I'm not saying I'M always right, 'cause I'm NOT, but right now, he isn't.
Wanna know my beliefs? I am a Diest. I was formerly a Christian, but some time ago converted. I jokingly referr to myself as a "dead-again christian." As you can probebly guess, my spelling isn't too great, but I make due. I'd like you to know how I haven't once said how much I hate anything or want them to die.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:51
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
Once the sexual line was crossed, other norms were upheavaled, allowing outside influences to take over and overthrow the Roman empire... Surprising you dont have any comment about the Greeks...
Homosexuality is surprisingly (well actually not) like the AIDS/HIV virus. It takes down the defenses of a nation (or body in the instance of the virus), but lets outside influences kill it (the body).
Umm, the greeks are still around....just thought you should know.
09-06-2004, 08:52
I’m not defending anything our right wing friend has to say but your argument of ‘I can’t hear him so he does not exist’ and ‘I’m listening and he’s not talking to me so he does not exist’ are flawed.
Please quote my words in this thread where I said this.
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:53
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
Once the sexual line was crossed, other norms were upheavaled, allowing outside influences to take over and overthrow the Roman empire... Surprising you dont have any comment about the Greeks...
Homosexuality is surprisingly (well actually not) like the AIDS/HIV virus. It takes down the defenses of a nation (or body in the instance of the virus), but lets outside influences kill it (the body).
Umm, the greeks are still around....just thought you should know.
Really, as well as their mighty empire? Is that why we are speaking Greek right now?
09-06-2004, 08:53
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
Once the sexual line was crossed, other norms were upheavaled, allowing outside influences to take over and overthrow the Roman empire... Surprising you dont have any comment about the Greeks...
Homosexuality is surprisingly (well actually not) like the AIDS/HIV virus. It takes down the defenses of a nation (or body in the instance of the virus), but lets outside influences kill it (the body).
Umm, the greeks are still around....just thought you should know.
To be honest, he was obviously taking about the 'ancient' Greeks.
09-06-2004, 08:54
Flyer? It's called satire. Learn it, love it, read Oscar Wilde.
Who, incidentily, is also going to hell. Man, we're gonna have some AWESOME company!
Oh, and SO, what can I say-it's fun
Well yes fatstic person. But he went all repentant in the end and Catholic. So according to the Catholic teachings was forgiven his sins and would be going to purgetory rather than hell.
But to quote the great man 'I can't help it I can resist anything but temptation.'
Dude? Greece got conqured by Rome.
But I suppose some Romans were gay, so yeah, I guess you were right about homosexuality killing off the Greeks :p
Only, you know, they weren't killed off. But why let minor technicalities get in the way?
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:55
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
Once the sexual line was crossed, other norms were upheavaled, allowing outside influences to take over and overthrow the Roman empire... Surprising you dont have any comment about the Greeks...
Homosexuality is surprisingly (well actually not) like the AIDS/HIV virus. It takes down the defenses of a nation (or body in the instance of the virus), but lets outside influences kill it (the body).
Umm, the greeks are still around....just thought you should know.
To be honest, he was obviously taking about the 'ancient' Greeks.
Thank you.. Although we may not share the same viewpoints, at least it is good to know that there are some open-minded liberals... Instead of the stupid majority that is called in to lock eyes and mock those who think differently, and usually correctly.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:56
Eh, a lot of greeks were more "integrated" into the roman empire, their cultures tended to merge in areas.
Oh, and I have NEVER read about Oscar Wilde becoming a Catholic on his death bed.
Where'd you hear it from? Link me.
09-06-2004, 08:56
Thank you.. Although we may not share the same viewpoints, at least it is good to know that there are some open-minded liberals... Instead of the stupid majority that is called in to lock eyes and mock those who think differently, and usually correctly.
Funny, a few minutes ago you told me to open my closed-minded, bigot fascist mind. (not your exact words(tm))
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:57
Dude? Greece got conqured by Rome.
But I suppose some Romans were gay, so yeah, I guess you were right about homosexuality killing off the Greeks :p
Only, you know, they weren't killed off. But why let minor technicalities get in the way?
Dude? What I said was that the Romans accepted homosexuality shortly before their downfall... I never said that they accepted it when they conquered Greece... Yet another example of how homosexuality opens a gap for outside forces to overthrow a person, government, and nation.
09-06-2004, 08:58
It does not serve procreation. Therefore, by your Liberal Mecca, Darwin's Law of Natural Selection, homosexuality is not conducive to the expansion of a species, which according to Darwin (with whome I disagree with on many things) should be removed.
If what you say were true, then homosexuals will die out in a few generations! So go out! Celebrate! Soon, you'l never have to see another homosexual every again! Yay!
Your attempt at sarcasm, was shall we say, rather l4m3. The problem is, (looking at the Greek Civilization, as well as the Roman where homosexuality peaked right before the collapse of both), the wackos in the public schools are teaching that homosexuality and immorality are considered normal, and fundamental, Christian, "walk the straight path -- no pun intended-- " people are crazy fanatics. And by experience, if you attempt to question this, you get into a lot of trouble. So much for free speech, right?
Well ok... A) why are we so gung-ho to promote procreation? The planet is well on its way to overpopulation as is. I think we should be thanking people for not contributing to the problem, not punishing them.
B) Darwin never argued that behaviors and features that don't serve to forward the species should be removed. In fact, he never said a species "should" do anything. If it were a trait significantly detrimental to humanity, the trait (or humanity) would be gone by now. Think of gays as the appendix of humanity. Not doing anything to help the system, but not doing any harm either.
C) As for the schools (the public ones anyway), discussion of religion outside an education context is a no-no. You can get fired for that one. So it would be hard for teachers to be labelling Christians (wacko-fundemental or otherwise) as anything.
D) I don't know any school that teaches "immorality" as such, to be normal. If by immorality you mean homosexuality (and I assume you do)... well, I don't think we've established that it IS immoral. So says your book, but... immoral and unnatural aren't necessarily the same thing. Clothes, houses, SUVS... these things are unnatural too.
E) Last, free speech doesn't mean saying what ever you want and not having to deal with the negative consequences. It just means the government can't stop you from saying it. Which they clearly haven't.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 08:58
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
Once the sexual line was crossed, other norms were upheavaled, allowing outside influences to take over and overthrow the Roman empire... Surprising you dont have any comment about the Greeks...
Homosexuality is surprisingly (well actually not) like the AIDS/HIV virus. It takes down the defenses of a nation (or body in the instance of the virus), but lets outside influences kill it (the body).
Umm, the greeks are still around....just thought you should know.
To be honest, he was obviously taking about the 'ancient' Greeks.
Just being a dick.
Dude? It was a joke. I was making a satirical comment on how you claimed that homosexuality destroyed the old Greek Empire.
So, how did homosexuality destroy the Romans?
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 08:59
Thank you.. Although we may not share the same viewpoints, at least it is good to know that there are some open-minded liberals... Instead of the stupid majority that is called in to lock eyes and mock those who think differently, and usually correctly.
Funny, a few minutes ago you told me to open my closed-minded, bigot fascist mind. (not your exact words(tm))
Perhaps I judged you too quickly... but it was more a message to the other liberals out there, including yourself. But you're right... I did judge you too quickly..
09-06-2004, 08:59
Dude? Greece got conqured by Rome.
But I suppose some Romans were gay, so yeah, I guess you were right about homosexuality killing off the Greeks :p
Only, you know, they weren't killed off. But why let minor technicalities get in the way?
Dude? What I said was that the Romans accepted homosexuality shortly before their downfall... I never said that they accepted it when they conquered Greece... Yet another example of how homosexuality opens a gap for outside forces to overthrow a person, government, and nation.
We're still waiting for the connection between 'not burning all gays' and 'empires collapsing'.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 09:00
Dude? Greece got conqured by Rome.
But I suppose some Romans were gay, so yeah, I guess you were right about homosexuality killing off the Greeks :p
Only, you know, they weren't killed off. But why let minor technicalities get in the way?
Dude? What I said was that the Romans accepted homosexuality shortly before their downfall... I never said that they accepted it when they conquered Greece... Yet another example of how homosexuality opens a gap for outside forces to overthrow a person, government, and nation.
Are you aware that every nation has homosexuals, and has had them for a very long time?
Even the US!!!
I know, it's unbelievable, but it's true.
09-06-2004, 09:00
Yes, he is wrong. I'm not saying I'M always right, 'cause I'm NOT, but right now, he isn't.
Wanna know my beliefs? I am a Diest. I was formerly a Christian, but some time ago converted. I jokingly referr to myself as a "dead-again christian." As you can probebly guess, my spelling isn't too great, but I make due. I'd like you to know how I haven't once said how much I hate anything or want them to die.
It helps me understand the argument (won't call ist a discusion) when I can see where people come from.
Me I'm what I would describe as an open minded unconvinced Christian.
Can't get enough conviction to believe or disbelive, so am very interested in what others have to say. But we're getting all religious and off thread here.
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 09:01
Thank you.. Although we may not share the same viewpoints, at least it is good to know that there are some open-minded liberals... Instead of the stupid majority that is called in to lock eyes and mock those who think differently, and usually correctly.
Funny, a few minutes ago you told me to open my closed-minded, bigot fascist mind. (not your exact words(tm))
Perhaps I judged you too quickly... but it was more a message to the other liberals out there, including yourself. But you're right... I did judge you too quickly..
I think you're just a douche. Stop talking.
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 09:03
The overpopulation myth is just that, a myth. One could fit all of the people on earth into Texas, side by side, with a 10 foot buffer for each person, with room to spare. Also, like I said, homosexuality is not gone because it is being forced into todays young, as I can attest. Anyway, Its been nice talking to you... but its time for me to go now... Bed time... Perhaps you will all still be discussing it tomarrow.
09-06-2004, 09:04
Oh, and I have NEVER read about Oscar Wilde becoming a Catholic on his death bed.
Where'd you hear it from? Link me.
It's right down the bottom of the page. Quite a few references to it.
Death bed conversions sound to me like some one trying to cover all the bases.
I hope so, this is fun!
Overpopulation isn't the problem, it's the fact that we waste WAY too many resources. I'm not even gonna TOUCH that one.
Super Sky Flyer
09-06-2004, 09:05
Thank you.. Although we may not share the same viewpoints, at least it is good to know that there are some open-minded liberals... Instead of the stupid majority that is called in to lock eyes and mock those who think differently, and usually correctly.
Funny, a few minutes ago you told me to open my closed-minded, bigot fascist mind. (not your exact words(tm))
Perhaps I judged you too quickly... but it was more a message to the other liberals out there, including yourself. But you're right... I did judge you too quickly..
I think you're just a douche. Stop talking.
You seem to like that word, dont you... Good night
Now that he's gone, lets play a game-how many questions did he avoid or not answer!
I'm thinking...over 5, at least :p
09-06-2004, 09:06
The overpopulation myth is just that, a myth. One could fit all of the people on earth into Texas, side by side, with a 10 foot buffer for each person, with room to spare.
Oh yeah, thats going to be comfortable. :roll:
Also, like I said, homosexuality is not gone because it is being forced into todays young, as I can attest. Anyway, Its been nice talking to you... but its time for me to go now... Bed time... Perhaps you will all still be discussing it tomarrow.
How is it being forced? At best(worst?) you could say that it's being put forward as a fad, as the new thing to do.
That still doesn't account for real homosexuals though, only the (hopefully few) who think "Maybe it'd be cool to become homosexual!"
09-06-2004, 09:07
Thank you.. Although we may not share the same viewpoints, at least it is good to know that there are some open-minded liberals... Instead of the stupid majority that is called in to lock eyes and mock those who think differently, and usually correctly.
Funny, a few minutes ago you told me to open my closed-minded, bigot fascist mind. (not your exact words(tm))
Perhaps I judged you too quickly... but it was more a message to the other liberals out there, including yourself. But you're right... I did judge you too quickly..
I think you're just a douche. Stop talking.
Oh behave!
"Stick it in your ass Tommy! All the cool kids are doing it!"
Actually, most rap music would have you know that butt sex is the greatest thing in the world.
I dunno, if I was gay I'd be strictly blowjob only. When I see a hole filled with poo, my last thought is "stick your dick in here!"
As a christian, I am held to a higher covenant than atheists... so if an atheist sins, what do i care? I have sworn not to be a homosexual... but they have not, so they haven't really done anything beyond normal worldly sin. I'm not going to tell them what to do, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
I'm curious as to how a gay couple compares to a straight couple when raising children?
Hey Raysia are you attracted to males as well as females?
09-06-2004, 09:07
Now that he's gone, lets play a game-how many questions did he avoid or not answer!
I'm thinking...over 5, at least :p
Quote them please.
And can we do mr Whiteboy too?
09-06-2004, 09:08
"Stick it in your ass Tommy! All the cool kids are doing it!"
Actually, most rap music would have you know that butt sex is the greatest thing in the world.
Ah, but is that between a man and a woman, or between 2 men?
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 09:10
The overpopulation myth is just that, a myth. One could fit all of the people on earth into Texas, side by side, with a 10 foot buffer for each person, with room to spare. Also, like I said, homosexuality is not gone because it is being forced into todays young, as I can attest. Anyway, Its been nice talking to you... but its time for me to go now... Bed time... Perhaps you will all still be discussing it tomarrow.
I may be wrong, but I checked the numbers, and that doesn't click.
There are about 1,382,288,160 sq. ft. in Texas.
The world population is 6,377,641,642.
That's over 4 people in every square foot.
09-06-2004, 09:10
Well, gone or not, I'm gonna refute.
It take a lot more than 10 square ft. to supply for the needs of even a single human being. Think of how large your home (apartment, dorm, whatever) is. If it is 10 square feet, I'll eat my hat. Now take into account the land on which your food is grown, the water supply from which you drink and bathe, the factories that supply you with the many things that you "need" survive (at least to go on surviving the way we are now)... you can't "live" on 10sq feet of land.
Forced into today's youth? You got me there. I'd like to hear some of this attesting. If by "forced" you mean some gay guys came onto you, that's like saying that guys hitting on girls are "forcing" them to be sluts. Anyway, without statistics to back me up, I'd wager there are a lot more people "forcing" people to be straight than there are "forcing" them to be gay. And no one is holding a gun to the heads of teenagers and forcing them to accept a socially ostracizing, legally challenging, potentially dangerous lifestyle. I just don't buy it.
Mutant Dogs
09-06-2004, 09:12
Well, gone or not, I'm gonna refute.
It take a lot more than 10 square ft. to supply for the needs of even a single human being. Think of how large your home (apartment, dorm, whatever) is. If it is 10 square feet, I'll eat my hat. Now take into account the land on which your food is grown, the water supply from which you drink and bathe, the factories that supply you with the many things that you "need" survive (at least to go on surviving the way we are now)... you can't "live" on 10sq feet of land.
Forced into today's youth? You got me there. I'd like to hear some of this attesting. If by "forced" you mean some gay guys came onto you, that's like saying that guys hitting on girls are "forcing" them to be sluts. Anyway, without statistics to back me up, I'd wager there are a lot more people "forcing" people to be straight than there are "forcing" them to be gay. And no one is holding a gun to the heads of teenagers and forcing them to accept a socially ostracizing, legally challenging, potentially dangerous lifestyle. I just don't buy it.
Nice work, Betrayer of Hope 8)
Lews Therin is rolling in his grave!
Is it ok if I lump them both together?
Starting from page 15:
And what makes you think I'm a liberal? Sounds like you're putting words in my mouth.
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse? (that was a big one)
FWS: Did you ever think to pray about your visions? Not all inspirations come from God... I'd check with him about these crazy little dreams of yours
So, how did homosexuality destroy the Romans?(the first was about the Greeks, though I suppose I could put those to together as well)
Hmm, guess I was wrong.
For the record, the "game" thing I just said was a joke and should not be taken seriously. I'm a very jokingly character :p
09-06-2004, 09:20
He took back the first one actually.
Ack; once again my habit of scanning things quickly at times comes back to bite me on the ass.
09-06-2004, 09:27
Actually most pedophiles are straight.
How does the claim that most pedophiles are straight contradict the claim that all gays are pedophiles?
Let's say there are 100 pedophiles in the world, 60 of them are straight and 40 of them are gay, and those 40 are all the gays there are. So all gays are pedophiles and most pedophiles are straight.
Aaaaaaaaaanyway, I believe they should be able to adopt.
09-06-2004, 09:30
Actually most pedophiles are straight.
How does the claim that most pedophiles are straight contradict the claim that all gays are pedophiles?
Let's say there are 100 pedophiles in the world, 60 of them are straight and 40 of them are gay, and those 40 are all the gays there are. So all gays are pedophiles and most pedophiles are straight.
That is most logical captain.[/Spock] Well done.
Joan of Arc heard God... Would you have "medicated" her also... At least I follow the orders God gives me... You would probably ignore the Lord Yahweh.
Joan of Arc wasn't viewed as crazy for long... Because she won... As soon as the war starts and we win... Then you won't call me crazy anymore.
Hmm, interesting, and about how often does God speak to you?
There is no set pattern. He usually speaks to me throug visions and dreams. He reveals His orders through events and symbolism... Seldom will He actually state, "Do this"... But He has a few times.
Hmm, and what would might one of these visions or dreams look like or contain?
And this voice of God, how would you describe it?
09-06-2004, 09:40
As a christian, I am held to a higher covenant than atheists... so if an atheist sins, what do i care? I have sworn not to be a homosexual... but they have not, so they haven't really done anything beyond normal worldly sin. I'm not going to tell them what to do, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
I'm curious as to how a gay couple compares to a straight couple when raising children?
Studies show that children in gay relationships are no better or worse than children with a mother and a father. The most recent study of this that I saw was conducted by a member of the Christian Democrat party of Sweden.
BTW, that Fascist-What'sHisName has said enough to be deated like 10 times throughout this thread. Where are the mods when you really need them?
09-06-2004, 10:02
I dont believe adoption should be allowed for homosexual couples. Sure they will treat the baby well but it will affect the child when growing up and they will presume that this is the normal way people are. You cant argue it is normal as homosexuals cant have children, thus if we were all gay Humans would go extinct in one generation!
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 10:02
I dont believe adoption should be allowed for homosexual couples. Sure they will treat the baby well but it will affect the child when growing up and they will presume that this is the normal way people are. You cant argue it is normal as homosexuals cant have children, thus if we were all gay Humans would go extinct in one generation!
Read the damn thread, noob.
09-06-2004, 10:08
why not let them be as unhappy with love as we are
09-06-2004, 10:12
i don't think most gays would want to be adopted. i think the're adults just like anybody else.
BTW, that Fascist-What'sHisName has said enough to be deated like 10 times throughout this thread. Where are the mods when you really need them?
This is a thread devoted to debate... If debate scares you... Then run and hide under your bed.
09-06-2004, 18:57
BTW, that Fascist-What'sHisName has said enough to be deated like 10 times throughout this thread. Where are the mods when you really need them?
This is a thread devoted to debate... If debate scares you... Then run and hide under your bed.
Funny, I don't see Cromotar saying "FWS was debating! Ban him! Now!", do you?
The Katholik Kingdom
09-06-2004, 19:06
I don't know...
They'd be very manly.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Four leaf clovers
09-06-2004, 19:27
I dont believe adoption should be allowed for homosexual couples. Sure they will treat the baby well but it will affect the child when growing up and they will presume that this is the normal way people are. You cant argue it is normal as homosexuals cant have children, thus if we were all gay Humans would go extinct in one generation!
obviously we aren't all gay so we arent going to go extinct. and even if we were if people knew the risk of extinction was present than they would still produce... doesnt mean they have to enjoy having sex with someone of the opposite sex. if everyone were to be gay it would be because thats how they are happy and they wouldn't want to end their happiness because they didn't want to have sex w/ someone of the opposite would be ignorant...given many people might choose to be ignorant not everyone wake up...its not going to happen....god forbid a gay couple wants to adopt a child and make it happy and have a loving family... alot of kids growing up in a gay family aren't gay anyway...just because the childs parent were gay doesnt mean it can't choose to be otherwise.
Gay People of World
09-06-2004, 19:31
Gay People of World
09-06-2004, 19:33
Gay People of World
09-06-2004, 19:33
09-06-2004, 19:43
I dont believe adoption should be allowed for homosexual couples. Sure they will treat the baby well but it will affect the child when growing up and they will presume that this is the normal way people are. You cant argue it is normal as homosexuals cant have children, thus if we were all gay Humans would go extinct in one generation!
We're not saying all people should be gay. Some evidence shows that homosexuality is caused by hormonal imbalances in the womb which affect the way the brain forms, causing some parts of the brain to develope into female/male standard parts. Men and women have been shown to have, on average, typical mental traits, such as women multi-tasking better.
A mixture of these talents in the brain produces an apparently higher intelliegence, since a different mental form is processing the information. This is an evolutionary advantage, since problems are solved by innovative thinking. Homosexuality is one of the effects of this- in effect it's a by-product of a species-advancing phenomenon.
As for the kids thinking it's the way people normally, or rather commonly, are, they will soon have this idea countered, like children of the devoutly religious or political extremists. They obviously won't become gay, since just about all gays have straight parents.
If people are gay due to hormonal imbalances... Do what Apartheid South Africa did to their queers... Force them to undergo hormonal treatment...
The Katholik Kingdom
09-06-2004, 19:58
If people are gay due to hormonal imbalances... Do what Apartheid South Africa did to their queers... Force them to undergo hormonal treatment...
Why? What good would that do to the gays? It would just cause alot of emotional and physical trauma. I'd rather let take it up the butt.
If people are gay due to hormonal imbalances... Do what Apartheid South Africa did to their queers... Force them to undergo hormonal treatment...
Why? What good would that do to the gays? It would just cause alot of emotional and physical trauma. I'd rather let take it up the butt.
Why indeed... Because they need to be cured of their sickness... Unless you want to go on the idea they are demonically possessed... Then we can burn them alive to cure them of their demons.
The Katholik Kingdom
09-06-2004, 20:00
Homosexuality isn't a sickness. I really hope you're be sarcastic, or else I'll need to get my alter ego Bubba to cyber with you.
Homosexuality isn't a sickness. I really hope you're be sarcastic, or else I'll need to get my alter ego Bubba to cyber with you.
It is either sickness or sin... Or both... And it needs to be ended.
The Katholik Kingdom
09-06-2004, 20:18
Homosexuality isn't a sickness. I really hope you're be sarcastic, or else I'll need to get my alter ego Bubba to cyber with you.
It is either sickness or sin... Or both... And it needs to be ended.
Or farking neither! Why does it need to be ended? What's wrong with it? Give me some good reasons.
It's not a sin. If you believe that, you're getting it from the same book of the bible that says to kill your children if they talk back to you!
Insane Troll
09-06-2004, 20:18
Usually illnesses actually hurt people.
Alright then, it's a sin.
OMGWTF!!1!11!one!! Someone's sinning! That NEVER, EVER happens! We neED TO Kill tHEM ALl and burn all the sinners! Those...those SPAWN OF SATAN!
Vladimir Stremouchov
09-06-2004, 21:21
no, just no
Vladimir Stremouchov
09-06-2004, 21:22
plus, wouldent the children be confused? What if the adopted child wasent gay, the parrents could try and change that, and thats not right.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
So is wearing two different types of material in your clothes.
09-06-2004, 21:38
plus, wouldent the children be confused? What if the adopted child wasent gay, the parrents could try and change that, and thats not right.
Hmm, and yet all those heterosexual parents try day in and day out to make their children straight, but some of them insist on being homosexual. Odd, that.
09-06-2004, 21:39
plus, wouldent the children be confused? What if the adopted child wasent gay, the parrents could try and change that, and thats not right.
Hmm, and yet all those heterosexual parents try day in and day out to make their children straight, but some of them insist on being homosexual. Odd, that.
09-06-2004, 21:42
According to the Bible, God makes his stand clear on such issues as homosexuals. For example, Leviticus 18:22 says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.", and Jude 1:8 also says "Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities."
Since the Bible has nothing good to say about homosexuals, why should we entrust to them the welfare of our children? They are a perverse and sick people. Nothing they do is natural, it isn't something written in their genes. It's all a state of mind which can be changed.
And for those who question God and call Christians themselves perverse and brainwashers, I say to you this: The Bible has never EVER been proven wrong when the context has been taken into account and who the Lord is speaking to (either Gentile or Jew). Now we can connect the two points and prove that homosexuality is not good and will NEVER be good. And the result is simple: Do NOT under ANY circumstance entrust our children to their perverse environment, for it will only corrupt them and others.
Have a nice day.
09-06-2004, 21:50
According to the Bible, God makes his stand clear on such issues as homosexuals. For example, Leviticus 18:22 says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.", and Jude 1:8 also says "Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities."
Since the Bible has nothing good to say about homosexuals, why should we entrust to them the welfare of our children? They are a perverse and sick people. Nothing they do is natural, it isn't something written in their genes. It's all a state of mind which can be changed.
And for those who question God and call Christians themselves perverse and brainwashers, I say to you this: The Bible has never EVER been proven wrong when the context has been taken into account and who the Lord is speaking to (either Gentile or Jew). Now we can connect the two points and prove that homosexuality is not good and will NEVER be good. And the result is simple: Do NOT under ANY circumstance entrust our children to their perverse environment, for it will only corrupt them and others.
Have a nice day.
Fine then, but let's be fair about it and make sure no one who has ever sinned or broken a Levitical law can adopt a child and understand just how "evil" they are. So no one who has eaten shell fish or wore blended fiber clothing or has shaved can adopt a child. Period.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
09-06-2004, 21:54
So is wearing two different types of material in your clothes.
Ah, but those laws of the old testament were abolished in the New Testament when Christ saved us, and created the covenant of the new testament. The Jews had been using the covenant of the Old Testament.
But the counter argument to that is Christ never came to abolish the old laws, simply extend them. Christ himself, though, never spoke about homosexuality one way or another and there are several respected theologians who actually claim to have proof that he was at least bisexual.
So is wearing two different types of material in your clothes.
So is wearing two different types of material in your clothes.
New Genoa
10-06-2004, 02:08
Why not? Oh wait.. I know why
If you want to make fun of gays, at least spell it right. They are NOT pedophiles. The People are suppose to have the right to be FREE! I am Freenadia, and people have a choice. They can be whoever they want to and what they want to!
i see that you're a bad detector of sarcasm :roll:
10-06-2004, 02:12
there are babies dying in 3rd world countries because they will not get adopted, I think that adoption by gay couple is good. Why deny a child a loving family?
Or is it better dead than pink?
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
How about I do...not?
Seriously, I don't care if homosexuality is against your religion. There is not one reason that homosexuals shouldn't be able to adopt.
Why? The United States isn't based off of Judeo-Christianity. I've said it before, I'll say it again; it's stated quite clearly in the Treaty of Tripoli.
Heaven and Hell United
10-06-2004, 05:35
The LDS church's view on homosexuality (particularly those in the church):
In the first place, we believe that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of G[-]d. We believe that marriage may be eternal through exercise of the power of the everlasting priesthood in the house of the L[-]rd.
People inquire about our position on those who consider themselves so-called gays and lesbians. My response is that we love them as sons and daughters of G[-]d. They may have certain inclinations which are powerful and which may be difficult to control. Most people have inclinations of one kind or another at various times. If they do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church. If they violate the law of chastity and the moral standards of the Church, then they are subject to the discipline of the Church, just as others are.
We want to help these people, to strengthen them, to assist them with their problems and to help them with their difficulties. But we cannot stand idle if they indulge in immoral activity, if they try to uphold and defend and live in a so-called same-sex marriage situation. To permit such would be to make light of the very serious and sacred foundation of G[-]d-sanctioned marriage and its very purpose, the rearing of families.
Heh, no offense, but Mormonism is one of those religions one can be 100% sure is false.
10-06-2004, 05:40
Since the Bible has nothing good to say about homosexuals, why should we entrust to them the welfare of our children?
The Bible has nothing good to say about Americans either! Stone them!!!11
Heaven and Hell United
10-06-2004, 05:42
Do you want a retard with a machine gun? No offense but I think mentally retarded people don't belong in such a demanding occupation. Also they should be sterilized to prevent future generations from suffering... Nobody should have to be retarded, but the if we don't stop the corrupted genes from spreading... Well the retarded people may be too retarded to realize if they breed the offspring they'll have will be cursed by the same retardation they are. Therefore they must be sterilized.
Homosexuality isn't genetic. It's caused by an imbalance of hormone levels inside the mother's womb. It's completely unpreventable, except by aborting the child. So apparently, by your argument, all humans should be sterilized on the off chance their children might be gay.
Conclusion: Your brain is not merely twisted, it's actually sprained.
It's not caused be a hormone imbalance, that's the psychologist opinion, but a biologist and medical doctor will tell you otherwise. It VERY RARELY has to do with hormones, and when it does, it is still a CHOICE to act that way. I could be a kleptomaniac, but it still doesn't make it right for me to steal.
I'll make this simple for everyone:
Heaven and Hell United
10-06-2004, 05:58
Another flaw in the argument that homosexuality is "normal." If it's so normal, why can't it achieve what "normal" sex is used for, reproduction. Therefore, if they want to have children, then adopt the child into a "normal, functionable" environment, or marry someone of the opposite sex, have sex, and have a child.
What is normal?
Anyway, as has been said before, two same-sex parents can have a "normal, functionable" environment for children.
Heaven and Hell United
10-06-2004, 06:07
Damn, if homosexuality killed off those other nations...well, I'm gonna miss Canada.
Actually, I WOULD. Only, it's not collapsing. DId I mention that homosexuality had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the Roman Empire? It was more along the lines of "barbarian invaders, too much territory, inner strife due to religion, and a shortage of troops"
Explain to me how homosexuality caused it's collapse?
It clearly didn't, especially considering that the collapse of the Roman Empire happened only after a period of time when homosexuals were shunned, not celebrated.
Heaven and Hell United
10-06-2004, 06:17
Well, gone or not, I'm gonna refute.
It take a lot more than 10 square ft. to supply for the needs of even a single human being. Think of how large your home (apartment, dorm, whatever) is. If it is 10 square feet, I'll eat my hat. Now take into account the land on which your food is grown, the water supply from which you drink and bathe, the factories that supply you with the many things that you "need" survive (at least to go on surviving the way we are now)... you can't "live" on 10sq feet of land.
Forced into today's youth? You got me there. I'd like to hear some of this attesting. If by "forced" you mean some gay guys came onto you, that's like saying that guys hitting on girls are "forcing" them to be sluts. Anyway, without statistics to back me up, I'd wager there are a lot more people "forcing" people to be straight than there are "forcing" them to be gay. And no one is holding a gun to the heads of teenagers and forcing them to accept a socially ostracizing, legally challenging, potentially dangerous lifestyle. I just don't buy it.
Nice work, Betrayer of Hope 8)
Lews Therin is rolling in his grave!
That's Ishamael.
Ishmael is a biblical father to the Arabs.
10-06-2004, 06:49
Nice work, Betrayer of Hope 8)
Lews Therin is rolling in his grave!
That's Ishamael.
Ishmael is a biblical father to the Arabs.
Oh now I get it. That post left me completely confused. No, I'm going for Ishmael like "Call me Ishmael." or the book "Ishmael", not Ishamael, or the father of Arabicity. The hyphen is there because Ishmael without a hyphen wasn't available.
10-06-2004, 07:03
Do you want a retard with a machine gun? No offense but I think mentally retarded people don't belong in such a demanding occupation. Also they should be sterilized to prevent future generations from suffering... Nobody should have to be retarded, but the if we don't stop the corrupted genes from spreading... Well the retarded people may be too retarded to realize if they breed the offspring they'll have will be cursed by the same retardation they are. Therefore they must be sterilized.
Homosexuality isn't genetic. It's caused by an imbalance of hormone levels inside the mother's womb. It's completely unpreventable, except by aborting the child. So apparently, by your argument, all humans should be sterilized on the off chance their children might be gay.
Conclusion: Your brain is not merely twisted, it's actually sprained.
It's not caused be a hormone imbalance, that's the psychologist opinion, but a biologist and medical doctor will tell you otherwise. It VERY RARELY has to do with hormones, and when it does, it is still a CHOICE to act that way. I could be a kleptomaniac, but it still doesn't make it right for me to steal.
I'll make this simple for everyone:
I'm sorry, but it's very much a choice, that's why there is no distinct cause. I may be from past experiences or trauma, it may not, either way it is a choice. That's also why enviroment statistics can be linked to whether or not one will choose to become a homosexaul. I.e, past sexual abuse, lake of a father of a father figure, etc. Not always, but you are far more likely if raised with certain enviromental situations. That is why it was originally taken off the APA list as a disorder, not because it's right, but because it's a choice and not a disorder.
10-06-2004, 07:09
Anyone else notice that FWS is now an ex-nation? Think we've seen the last of him/her?
I'll be lonely without a neo-nazi to condescend to.
As for homosexuality being a choice: yes, anyone (save compulsive sexaholics) can choose to be celebate. And in that, homosexual behavior (like heterosexual behavior) is a choice. But just as the vast majority of heterosexuals choose not to be celebate, so do gays. Now why those people are attracted to others of their own gender, I don't know.
I have no doubt that for some, it is the result of psychological trauma. But for many, they are simply attracted, from a very young age, to people of the same sex. I know a lot of guys who grew up in healthy suburban homes in conservative areas that simply didn't care for girls. If that's nurture rather than nature, I don't see how.
The psychological, biological, and medical fields are all split on the issue, which is why there is a debate in the first place. But most, rather than declaring with one side or the other, agree with the stance that both elements are contributing factors, in the same way that being left-handed is a combination of nature and nurture.
And just like being left-handed, being gay is not something that causes direct harm. Unsafe sex, angry conservatives... these are the things that cause harm.
Insane Troll
10-06-2004, 07:11
There's evidence that homosexuality may be genetic.
I'm not saying it's definite, just that there's a lot more yet to be learned about it.
Insane Troll
10-06-2004, 07:12
Anyone else notice that FWS is now an ex-nation? Think we've seen the last of him/her?
I'll be lonely without a neo-nazi to condescend to.
I'm sure he'll come back as someone else, they always do.
10-06-2004, 07:14
environment can be a cause, but that doesn't make it the *sole* cause. certainly no one knows for certain all the causes of homosexuality. perfectly normalm stable people lead perfectly normal lives. have perfectly normal children who have perfectly normal upbringings. and turn out gay. and there's nothing wrong with that. homosexuals are a part of society, and a useful one. some of the most intelligent people i know are homosexual, and so it saddens me to think that they won't get the joy of raising a child.
There's evidence that homosexuality may be genetic.
I'm not saying it's definite, just that there's a lot more yet to be learned about it.
There's evidence for a biological predisposition, but also evidence for social factors. My guess is it's a biological predisposition, coupled with an environment/midset which permits free expression of said disposition.
No one's pinned it down yet, though.
Anyone else notice that FWS is now an ex-nation? Think we've seen the last of him/her?
I'll be lonely without a neo-nazi to condescend to.
I'm sure he'll come back as someone else, they always do.
He has, twice already - he's DOS.
Insane Troll
10-06-2004, 07:27
There's evidence that homosexuality may be genetic.
I'm not saying it's definite, just that there's a lot more yet to be learned about it.
There's evidence for a biological predisposition, but also evidence for social factors. My guess is it's a biological predisposition, coupled with an environment/midset which permits free expression of said disposition.
No one's pinned it down yet, though.
It seems that most everything about a person's personality is a combination of the two.
At least, that's what it seemed like when I took a psych course in high school.
10-06-2004, 07:56
BTW, that Fascist-What'sHisName has said enough to be deated like 10 times throughout this thread. Where are the mods when you really need them?
This is a thread devoted to debate... If debate scares you... Then run and hide under your bed.
Sees "Ex-nation"...
Hihihi... :twisted:
And to those of you saying it's a choice to be gay: IT'S NOT. I've only been attracted to other men for as long as I can remember. It's just the way I'm wired. Of course, I could choose to be with a woman anyway, but I wouldn't be happy. Thus, you could say it's my choice to be gay, if gay means happy... :)
There's evidence that homosexuality may be genetic.
I'm not saying it's definite, just that there's a lot more yet to be learned about it.
There's evidence for a biological predisposition, but also evidence for social factors. My guess is it's a biological predisposition, coupled with an environment/midset which permits free expression of said disposition.
No one's pinned it down yet, though.
It seems that most everything about a person's personality is a combination of the two.
I was just gonna say the same thing. EVERYTHING is psychology is made of both Nature and Nurture (schizophrenia, homosexuality, even spirituality) That's why they haven't settled on one yet. (it's really annoying in my psych classes when they teach us two or three early theories then it turns out they were all right) The way to think about it is the diathesis-stress model. Imagine a cup. First, pour in the nature portion. This may be nothing, or it may flood the glass already. Then, as different things happen, pour in the nurture. If the cup overflows, then you'll have the trait.
My friend once told me that he really hoped science never showed that homosexuality wasn't completely genetic, because then they'd still be harassed for it being a choice and all.
Personally, I think it would be worse for everyone to think of it as a disease or a mental disorder, when it's actually just another trait- like hair color or height. I'll be back in a sec...try to remember what standards must be met for something to be a disorder
10-06-2004, 11:14
Does it matter whether it's a choice anyway? Who cares?
This whole issue abot homosexuality reminds me of a Dutch saying: Turning a mosquito into an elephant.
I have yet to see a shred of evidence that says having gay parents is detrimental to the children.
10-06-2004, 11:25
Interesting that 71% of the people who voted on this poll are for it.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
There's evidence that homosexuality may be genetic.
I'm not saying it's definite, just that there's a lot more yet to be learned about it.
There's evidence for a biological predisposition, but also evidence for social factors. My guess is it's a biological predisposition, coupled with an environment/midset which permits free expression of said disposition.
No one's pinned it down yet, though.
It seems that most everything about a person's personality is a combination of the two.
At least, that's what it seemed like when I took a psych course in high school.
Indeed it's what you're wired to do versus what you're trained to do. This can lead to interesting reactions.
New Fuglies
12-06-2004, 10:03
There's evidence that homosexuality may be genetic.
I'm not saying it's definite, just that there's a lot more yet to be learned about it.
There's evidence for a biological predisposition, but also evidence for social factors. My guess is it's a biological predisposition, coupled with an environment/midset which permits free expression of said disposition.
No one's pinned it down yet, though.
It seems that most everything about a person's personality is a combination of the two.
At least, that's what it seemed like when I took a psych course in high school.
Indeed it's what you're wired to do versus what you're trained to do. This can lead to interesting reactions.
This wiring thing is intersting... I'm not sure how many people get the idea that a good number of homosexuals are actually personally averse to heterosexual inclination which is a low order, innate characteristic manifesting after sexual maturity. IMHO nurture plays next to no role in this case. Nurture influences ego development, not what neurology (lower brain) is laid down largely during the latter stage of fetal development. Considering some homosexuals were aware of thier sexuality in early childhood I'm afraid the 'nurture' camp is losing credibility, rapidly.
*ducks and prepares for the slavering responses that pedophilia may be genetic/environmental too*
My response: so are a lot of things like left handedness, curly hair, perfect pitch and heterosexuality. :idea: