What's wrong with Catholics?
07-06-2004, 17:21
I am proud to say I am a Roman Catholic, but as of late I have noticed a hostility toward my religon.
What's the deal? We are not bad people. Then again I am rather paranoid, and there may not be an anti-Catholic feeling.
Please, If you know why people don't seem to like us, or if your a Catholic-hater yourself, please explain...
07-06-2004, 17:30
Although I may come off as having a hostility towards Catholics, I really don't. I have friends that are Catholics - some practicing, some not. I even once dated a Catholic.
That said, I have studied the history of the church and therefore have some very opinionated views. I know that many people, especially those who consider themselves a part of the Catholic church, have huge misconceptions about Catholicism. Some even base their choice of faith on these misconceptions. Because I think religion should be a personal choice made by someone who is as well-informed as possible, I have no qualms with pointing out these misconceptions. Often, those who are afraid of anything that doesn't coincide with their set-in-stone beliefs consider this an attack on their religion.
What's wrong with Catholics?
Nobody quite knows... :lol:
No, seriously, I have nothing particular against catholics, although the lengths the church will go to cover up peadophillia are just appalling.
07-06-2004, 17:30
Dor Cirion
07-06-2004, 18:13
Everything! And I'm "baptised" Catholic....
07-06-2004, 18:19
Now Dor, When you say "everything" you really are not presenting your opinion. Now if you were to explain why everything is wrong with Catholics, maybe it would mean more to me. Please everyone, in the future, don't post stupid one liners, if you are gonna say something, at least explain why you said it.
Ice Hockey Players
07-06-2004, 18:31
What's wrong with Catholics? Nothing to speak of, at least nothing wrong with them as a group...they are all different enough that it's hard to pigeonhole them...
What's wrong with the Catholic Church? Well, let's see...it's slow, stodgy, bureaucratic, largely out of touch, and illogical, but that could be said about many other groups on the planet.
I think its a big symbol of conformity for people who know nothing about religion and try to rebel.
Also I think the the conservatism of some catholics becomes quite scary at times, giving the rest of you a bad reputation
07-06-2004, 18:58
I am a Catholic. What I love are people that say "I was raised Catholic, but..." It shows that people would love to adhere to the religion as their first choice, but usually their life choices got in the way. In general, I think the Catholic belief system is seen as too high a bar for the younger Christian sects to comply with (which is what all of my friends say from other Christian sects), but that after 2K years it is still growing shows it is totally achievable.
07-06-2004, 19:07
Well, In a world where a guy wearing a stocking cap raving about how his life sucks and how he hates :his mom, his dad, his ex-wife, his ex-girlfriends, his fellow rappers, cops, himself, etc. is regarded as entertainment, I think a conservitive view kinda works.
I was baptized Greek Orthodox, but my girlfriend and one of my roommates/best friends are both Catholic, and the church I go to (when I do go :oops: ) is Catholic as well. I can see why some people don't like Catholics, but there's people in practically every church you can disagree with, and I have to agree that the Catholic Church catches more flack than any other church, probably because of how widespread and high-profile it is.
I have no problem with most Catholics, though the ones at the church near my house (which luckily I've only been to once) freaked the hell out of me by calling for divine intervention against gays (Well a couple people asked for it) :shock:
Actually, I take that back - it was also awkward when I was reciting (?) a rosary with my gf's family and the beginning talked about how it was the duty of Catholics to convert the Russians (Orthodox as well)...that was a tad uncomfortable :wink:
The Katholik Kingdom
07-06-2004, 21:31
Well, I think that the problem is too many "buffet" Catholics, who only pick and choose what they want, like their at a buffet. Course, I'm one of them, and the conflict we cause with the fundie Catholics causes alot of problems.
Raysian Military Tech
07-06-2004, 22:35
I am by no means a catholic hater, a lot of them are great people.
But there is no doubt that corruption and wickedness are rampant in the catholic clergy, and with over 5000 priests being accused of horrible acts like child molestation, I can not say that I truely believe God would allow his true church to fall that far.
Raysian Military Tech
07-06-2004, 22:37
Oh, and I'm sick of people treating religions like catholcism as races. It is impossible for someone to be an unreligious catholic, yet many identify themselves as such.
Red Sox Fanatics
07-06-2004, 23:10
Gee, can you say the Inquisition? Nice little party they threw.
07-06-2004, 23:27
Gee, can you say the Inquisition? Nice little party they threw.
So you hate Catholics now for something that happened 500 years ago?
Red Sox Fanatics
07-06-2004, 23:29
Gee, can you say the Inquisition? Nice little party they threw.
So you hate Catholics now for something that happened 500 years ago?
Never said I hated them. Just one of many reasons not to like them.
07-06-2004, 23:30
Gee, can you say the Inquisition? Nice little party they threw.
So you hate Catholics now for something that happened 500 years ago?
Never said I hated them. Just one of many reasons not to like them.
Which would mean it would be OK not to like Germans because of Hitler, right?
Gee, can you say the Inquisition? Nice little party they threw.
If this is the best argument you have, then by the same logic you hate ever race/religion/nationality/political grouping because each one has committed atrocities at some point
Well...not all Catholics are bad people. It's just that it's history is a little...corrupt is one way of putting it, hypocrtical is another. I'm not saying that all Catholics are that way, but the church has been that way. Scandal after scandal. They generally (not all) hate a lot of people.
08-06-2004, 06:01
3P: Nice to see you aren't going nuts on me this time lol
Ahh, the child molestations, I figured that it come up sometime.
The whole thing with child abuse is been blown a bit out of proportion. I think the main reason we were and still are so shocked is that it contrary to what the common belief has been on priests on SO many levels. I mean, these are men that we saw as intermediaries to God. One of the priests at my parish was convicted, and is currently seeking help. As I was an altar server at the time, I was sickened. The guy was hilariously funny, and he seemed like a good guy. Unfortuanately for the people of my religous community, we were wrong. (FYI: Just to let you know, he didn't rape any kids that we know of, he was convicted on child porno)
Pedophillia is a disease. A henious, morally disgusting disease. But I do not feel that it is caused by the vow of abstinace, as I have heard so many state. No, even married lawyers and doctors rape little kids, so does that mean we go nuts on all lawyers and doctors. Of course not. This gained so much attention because it was people we trusted. And I highly doubt the Church is the only religous group with skeletons in thier closets...
08-06-2004, 06:06
I am proud to say I am a Roman Catholic, but as of late I have noticed a hostility toward my religon.
What's the deal? We are not bad people. Then again I am rather paranoid, and there may not be an anti-Catholic feeling.
Please, If you know why people don't seem to like us, or if your a Catholic-hater yourself, please explain...
im catholic and proud of it to! :D
08-06-2004, 06:14
You're definitely right that every religious organization has undoubtedly got "skeletons in the closet", as you call it.
Let me start out by saying that regular, everyday Catholics have as a general rule been nice to me and tend to be good friends and good conversation. I also know that there are many people in the clergy who are there for the right reasons. That is why, when I get into this discussion, I distinguish between "Catholicism" (which I think of as the everyday people) and "the Vatican" (a political institution). It's the political institution I've never understood properly...the sheer amount of worldly power. That worldly, political power has indeed been a party to past problems in the world, as well as to the modern one mentioned.
I'd like you to educate me a bit. What I have never understood is the political power the Vatican wields. I don't get decisions like putting Cardinal Law (who got kicked out of his post for being complacent about child molestation among priests in his diocese, I think) in charge of a chapel in the Vatican--to me, that's a show of support for the man. I don't really understand why he's not held accountable to the fullest extent by the Vatican...I would think that it would be the most meaningful to demonstrate that, as people of God, such things are not to be tolerated at all, and that even those within the church hierarchy who commit such acts must be held to the same standard as everyone else, if not an even higher one. I think what I see most is a lack of accountability.
I guess I just cannot understand the institution of the Vatican and why it acts the way it does. I'm not hateful--I just don't get it, that's all. I'm only asking this because I'm curious to see how someone more knowledgeable will reply.
08-06-2004, 06:31
Gee, can you say the Inquisition? Nice little party they threw.
If only the Inquisition were Church of England. :?
"Talk! Will you talk!"
"But it hurts!"
"Well, loosen it up a bit will you?"
The Katholik Kingdom
08-06-2004, 15:21
I am by no means a catholic hater, a lot of them are great people.
But there is no doubt that corruption and wickedness are rampant in the catholic clergy, and with over 5000 priests being accused of horrible acts like child molestation, I can not say that I truely believe God would allow his true church to fall that far.
And there's not rampant wickedness in the Mormon church?! I'm sorry, but alot of horrible things happened when I was still on the active list. Blatant manipulation, embezlement, and adultery all happened.
And that comment about god's true church just makes my blood boil :x
And about the Inquisition:
"Death, or cake?"
"Well I'll take death, NO! CAKE!"
/Eddie Izzard
Catholic Europe
08-06-2004, 15:27
I am proud to say I am a Roman Catholic, but as of late I have noticed a hostility toward my religon.
What's the deal? We are not bad people. Then again I am rather paranoid, and there may not be an anti-Catholic feeling.
Please, If you know why people don't seem to like us, or if your a Catholic-hater yourself, please explain...
Since the reformation Catholics have, and still do, experience discrimination and hostility (within Protestant nations).
Nowadays, atheists are on the warpath against Catholicism and many people jump on the bandwagon against Catholics.
Unfortunately, because of actions in the past, taken by a small powerful minority, we are persecuted and because of old wives tales we are persecuted.
08-06-2004, 15:46
Unfortunately, because of actions in the past, taken by a small powerful minority, we are persecuted and because of old wives tales we are persecuted.
But you are cannibals! :lol:
New Gaelic States
08-06-2004, 15:46
I have no problem with catholics, (my best friend is catholic), and i have no problem with the religeous aspects of cathlolisism (except for the decree about birth control). My problem is with the organization and the decisions made by the Catholic Church. My problems are with things like the infalibility of the pope, which prevents any pope from changing their mind or altering decisions made in the past. This means that issues such as celebacy of the clergy (which, by the way, was originally a political and economic decision, not a religeous one), or prohibition of birth control, which, in Africa where the catholic church is growing more thab any other region of the world, causes huge numbers of deaths each year through AIDS and other STD's. I have no problem with Catholics, some of my best friends are Catholics, my problem is with the organization itself and the decrees from the popes that need to be changed.
The Katholik Kingdom
08-06-2004, 15:49
I have no problem with catholics, (my best friend is catholic), and i have no problem with the religeous aspects of cathlolisism (except for the decree about birth control). My problem is with the organization and the decisions made by the Catholic Church. My problems are with things like the infalibility of the pope, which prevents any pope from changing their mind or altering decisions made in the past. This means that issues such as celebacy of the clergy (which, by the way, was originally a political and economic decision, not a religeous one), or prohibition of birth control, which, in Africa where the catholic church is growing more thab any other region of the world, causes huge numbers of deaths each year through AIDS and other STD's. I have no problem with Catholics, some of my best friends are Catholics, my problem is with the organization itself and the decrees from the popes that need to be changed.
No, Papal Infallibility is a power of the Pope which can be invoked that says God told them this and it is right. The dogma can be changed, as vatican II shows.
New Gaelic States
08-06-2004, 16:00
I'm not sure that this issue of celebacy in the clergy should be linked to the pedophilia issue, but I do think that clergy should be free to have romantic relationships and to marry. The decision, way back when, was based more on economics than on religious doctrine. Back in the middle ages, there were three routes for the sons of nobles, being the heir, being in the militairy or being in the clergy. Many young noblemen, with large sums of money, would join the clergy and then leave when they got married and would leave their money to their kids. The Church saw that they were losing a huge amount of revenue and decided to both prevent people from leaving the clergy and to keep them single and celebate so they would leave their money to the church. (This, by the way, was explained to me by a catholic friend). This decision was made back in the Middle Ages and has since prevented devout clergy from experiancing this important part of being human. They have been prevented from experianceing romance and from experiancing the joys of raising a child. I think it is time to re-evaluate this issue and to free loyal clergy.
The Katholik Kingdom
08-06-2004, 16:01
and the permanent deaconate thingy. I'm sorry, what's up with that?
08-06-2004, 16:01
Nowadays, atheists are on the warpath against Catholicism and many people jump on the bandwagon against Catholics.
I'm not on a war path against anyone. :?
Catholic Europe
09-06-2004, 09:38
I'm not on a war path against anyone. :?
Did I say that Chikyota is on a warpath with Catholics?! I don't think I did....
Catholic Europe
09-06-2004, 09:39
But you are cannibals! :lol:
LOL, good representation of what I mean.
09-06-2004, 10:06
In every decision the Catholic Church has made, they have provided extensive reasoning and supportive information as to why they chose the way they did and why they believe it is the right choice.
The whole birth control thing is there because contraceptives effectively (or ineffectively, however you think it goes) pushed God out of the bedroom. It's like saying, "well we may have kids bc God wants us to, but let's try to make sure God doesn't get His way"
Oh, and as a seemingly rising amount of bumper sticers appear on cars these days. "I AM THANKFUL FOR THE THOUSANDS OF GOOD PRIESTS!" Too many people, as another person put it, saw priests as intermediaries between God and us. I still view them as MEN AS PRIESTS not something more or higher than laypeople. Perhaps thats why the whole child molestation charges didn't disturb me as much as I thought they would.
Proud to have Catholic Pride! (wait, isn't pride one of the deadly sins? :twisted: ) lol
09-06-2004, 10:29
The whole birth control thing is there because contraceptives effectively (or ineffectively, however you think it goes) pushed God out of the bedroom. It's like saying, "well we may have kids bc God wants us to, but let's try to make sure God doesn't get His way"
OK High ranking catholic's in the Vatigan have stated on several occasions that condoms help spread aids and other std. This is a lie (there were many threads on this when it broke)
Telling people that Condoms are evil and shouldn't be used has killed or condemned many people not least in Africa.
At 14 I rember writing in answer on how to solve the AIDS and over population problems in Africa was to stop the spread of catholocism and bar visits from the Pope. I got into a lot of troble for that, however I still believe it to be true.
The banning of condoms specifically is an evil and murderous policy taht should be dropped immeadiately. It has nothing to do with pushing God out of the bedroom, a lot to do with trying to save peoples lives.
I'd also like to point out that blaming Catholics for the inquisition is more akin to blaming Nazi's for Hitlers sins than Germans, you can choose to be a Nazi or Catholic or not to be you cannot choose your birth place or parents.
/end rant
That said without exception all of the Catholics I know are for contraception, and are without exception nice people.
09-06-2004, 10:34
On the Inquisition:
Much of what they allegedly did was made up by Protestants. Especially the torture bit. I am not saying no one got tortured, but when the Inquisition Archives in Toledo were opened up it was realised that torture was used very infrequently, and that it usually only happened once. The Inquisition Prisons were also kept in good condition, and the records left by the inquisition show that many normal criminals would blaspheme so that they could be taken out of the State prisons and be taken to the Inquisitional ones. The Inquisistion was in many ways a professional organisation, with trained lawyer and judges working for it. Rather than like the McCarthy Trials where your name just needed to be mentioned.
Most of the above has been taken from Henry Kaman's "The Spanish Inquisition."
If you want to blame the Church for something then you should choose something like the Crusades (all of them, not just the ones in the Holy Land), the great Schism, pushing Luther into a corner so that he had to break away (damned Dominicans).
Also, peadophilia is not rampant within the Clergy. 5,000 is very little compared to the number of priests (especially if you consider that that number spans three decades). However I believe that one case is too much. Also that priests should be allowed to marry (as was said before, this was an economic issue). I am also a conciliarist and reject the Papal supremancy that came about after Trent. I have been called a cafeteria Catholic. I don't agree with that, I do not see why I should believe something just because my Church says so, surely if every Catholic believed everything that the Church says then it would be even more stagnant then it is
Huzen Hagen
09-06-2004, 10:37
I dont particularly have anything against people who are catholics but it is a religion and as such is a pile of bullshit designed to give massive power to a few people, scam the poor and controll the masses. If you look at the past the pope weilded massive power and the crusades were in his name with his blessing (and if im not mistaken he ordered them), then you have the church extorting money from people already crippled by heavy taxes and then you have
the lengths the church will go to cover up peadophillia are just appalling.
09-06-2004, 11:04
Well, I have several deep spiritual disagreements with Catholicism, that's why I refused to Confirm. And with all the pontificating of late, denouncing this and that politician, denying the eucharist for only certain tenets and not others, I'm just tired of the hypocrisy.
I know perfectly well the archbishops and cardinals are vying for higher positions because John Paul II looks like he's about to go soon. I know that's the reason that this year Catholicism is turning into a political race - but that doesn't mean I have to like it. And watching the cherry picking, right after stonewalling real change from exposed skeletons in the closet is sickening. So what if other religions have skeletons in their closet - that doesn't excuse them from having them.
They have to seek penance and reconciliation to absolve them of their acts - just as they expect from their faithful. To watch them just dismiss this, play some maneuvering games, and hope to sweep this under the rug - devoid of any soul searching and real contrition - is inexcusable. And then to play political games on top of that? Doubly inexcusable. See, when you are higher on the power ladder, especially the faith power ladder, you are higher on the responsibility ladder for that power. And failings there demand that you repent from your failed ways and try hard again to regain the faith of the community. They haven't - they just walked away from it and started to point fingers later. Shameful.
I would return to Catholicism, but I was pushed out by the irresponsible, out-of-touch, hypocritical hierarchy that has squashed any real positive change within that has been postulated. They have decided to calcify now instead of follow the wisdom of John XXIII and the Vatican Councils. Pathetic. Vatican Council III needs to take place and real reforms need to happen. Otherwise I will call them their new deserved name, the Church of the Sanctimonious Pedophiles
09-06-2004, 11:37
Whats wrong with catholics?
They don't let you wear one of those little rubber things of your dick when you have sex..
'Every sperm is sacred' etc etc
09-06-2004, 11:39
Whats wrong with catholics?
They don't let you wear one of those little rubber things of your dick when you have sex..
'Every sperm is sacred' etc etc
You'd be amazed.
Many priests I have met have been for contraception. In fact the most vicious oponents of contraception have been lay people.
What's wrong with the Catholic Church? Well, let's see...it's slow, stodgy, bureaucratic, largely out of touch, and illogical, but that could be said about many other groups on the planet.That is the same thing you could say about any 1500 year old institution.
09-06-2004, 11:56
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.
Thank goodness I'm agnostic, that's all I've got to say... 8)
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.There's nothing criminal or contemptious about it, people simply misunderstand the Church's position. The Church holds celibacy until marriage as the best form of contraception.
09-06-2004, 12:43
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.
As I have already, not all Catholics are against contraception. Even some some cardinals and bishops see it as a usefuln tool for prevent Aids and othe STDs. Just because the head is conservative doesn't mean that the whole body is.
09-06-2004, 13:05
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.
As I have already, not all Catholics are against contraception. Even some some cardinals and bishops see it as a usefuln tool for prevent Aids and othe STDs. Just because the head is conservative doesn't mean that the whole body is.
Then the head needs it's mind changing, as it is killing people...
Yes the ideal protection is no sex before marriage, but lying to people stating the condoms don't stop AIDS is wrong.
09-06-2004, 13:32
09-06-2004, 13:41
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.
As I have already, not all Catholics are against contraception. Even some some cardinals and bishops see it as a usefuln tool for prevent Aids and othe STDs. Just because the head is conservative doesn't mean that the whole body is.
Then the head needs it's mind changing, as it is killing people...
Yes the ideal protection is no sex before marriage, but lying to people stating the condoms don't stop AIDS is wrong.
I completely agree. There is no excuse for lying on this topic. I think that there are only two ways forward.
1) Have an African Pope who understands the damage that this policy is having on AIDs stricken countries.
2) Move away from papal supremacy to a conciliar way of running the church.
One is realistic, the other ideal (for me anyway)
09-06-2004, 13:46
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.
As I have already, not all Catholics are against contraception. Even some some cardinals and bishops see it as a usefuln tool for prevent Aids and othe STDs. Just because the head is conservative doesn't mean that the whole body is.
Then the head needs it's mind changing, as it is killing people...
Yes the ideal protection is no sex before marriage, but lying to people stating the condoms don't stop AIDS is wrong.
I completely agree. There is no excuse for lying on this topic. I think that there are only two ways forward.
1) Have an African Pope who understands the damage that this policy is having on AIDs stricken countries.
2) Move away from papal supremacy to a conciliar way of running the church.
One is realistic, the other ideal (for me anyway)
3.Tell the truth... I have no problems with people saying don't have sex until you're married. I have a real issue with role models and those supposed to be infallable telling lies that are killing people.
This is to me why I see the Rulers of the Catholic church as mass murderers.
09-06-2004, 14:27
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.There's nothing criminal or contemptious about it, people simply misunderstand the Church's position. The Church holds celibacy until marriage as the best form of contraception.
I totally flies in the face of human nature - And the catholic church knows this. The overwhelming majority of people have had sex outside of marriage.
09-06-2004, 14:43
Becuase we set our standards so high when we screw up the news Looks at it tries to make it sound as horible as they can and make us all look like child molesteres. Then there is also the fact that in the past it has been corupted some what take the crusades for example (even though in the end it was sorta a good thing since it did begin the Renissance i hope i spelled that right) Needless blood shed Becuase the Pope then told people that they can have a Free ticket to Heaven. There are some things that I dont agree with the church Like gay marrage and certain things that are said to be "evil". What i do agree with is you must Believe in God and earn your place in heaven by being a good person though i dont think that you have to be any where near perfect. You cant just go to heaven just becuase you believe in god you must follow most of God's rules. :?
Greedy Pig
09-06-2004, 15:23
I'm a protestant. My only beef about catholics is traditions that aren't scriptural, and not reading their bible.
that is all.
09-06-2004, 15:27
The Catholic Church is a bag of spanners. No women priests, no contraception, not allowing priests to marry, divorced people cannot marry in Church ( unless you're Princess Caroline of Monaco ), the Inquisition, Pope Pius who did nothing whilst the Jews were carted off to die and other things.
Bent church that should be destroyed.
09-06-2004, 15:27
09-06-2004, 15:50
The Catholic Church is a bag of spanners. No women priests, no contraception, not allowing priests to marry, you will find a lot of Catholics will agree with you on this.
divorced people cannot marry in Church They could have gotten an anullment. Not hard to do, especially since there are priests who sign anullments out of hand (because the believe that marriage is a union between two people and God and that the church should have no say in it).
the Inquisition Read my post above, The Spanish Inquisition in no where near as bad as it has been made out to be.
Pope Pius who did nothing whilst the Jews were carted off to die and other things. Do some research. Pius did a lot to save Jews in Rome. Remember he was surrounded by a fascist state and his army were little more than toy soldiers. If he had done nothing then why did a senior Jewish leader convert to catholicism and take Pius real name as his Christian name? The Catholic Clergy saved 45,000 Jews in Italy alone and more in other occupied areas (see here (http://www.holocaust-heroes.com/credit_clergy.html)). The Dutch Cardinals were some of the first to speak out on the persecution of the Jews.
Bent church that should be destroyed. quite :roll: You don't know what your talking about.
09-06-2004, 17:46
I've noticed that most people posting are blaming the Church for what it did many years ago, such as the Inquistion.
People, that was a LOOOOOOONG time ago. And don't say that other faiths have been goody-to-shoes either. Have you ever heard of a little thing called "the ban"? Let me explain. In the books of Joshua and Judges it is explained that the Israelites gave thier enemies and ultimatum while on thier conquest of Canaan, the Holy Land. This ultimatum was basically "join us, or die." If the enemy city did not give up, the Israelites would go into the city and kill every living thing: men, women, children, everyone died, regardless of age, sex, or social postion. Now, before all of you start calling me an anti-semite: I do not blame the Jews for what happened. That was a long time ago, back before the Jews really understood God. Same with the Church. You have to understand that the thought of God back then was much different then now.
Now, on the issue of birth control. If you know you have an STD, don't pass it on. Anyway, condoms don't stop AIDS. The AIDS virus is so small it can easily bypass the latex. The whole chasity before marriage principal is meant to help people. Sex is the act between two partners in order to produce a child. Marriage is the great contract that binds two loving people in a relationship forever. Now, I am not saying sex isn't and shouldn't be enjoyable, but it should be practiced between two loving individuals in a married realtionship with the acceptance that a child could be concived. But...thats just how I see it..
Molotov Cocktail
09-06-2004, 18:52
I have a lot of Catholic friends and really they hate Catholism more than anyone else I know. It might have to do with the extreme right-wing attitude of the clegry and teachers they knew growing up in the chruch and their Catholic broading schools. I mean some of them have been raped coming home from school because of some 'scandel' associated with their family that made them 'forbidden' or 'evil' in the eyes of the community. Some have been severely beaten thanks to their...ah sexual preferences. Others are just plain scarred and I mean that in more ways than one. So basicially it's not a new thing hating the Catholic chruch it's a very old stain coming from within the Chruch it's self.
Anyway, condoms don't stop AIDS. The AIDS virus is so small it can easily bypass the latex
Latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, are highly effective in preventing the sexual transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
AIDS is, by far, the most deadly sexually transmitted disease, and considerably more scientific evidence exists regarding condom effectiveness for prevention of HIV infection than for other STDs. The body of research on the effectiveness of latex condoms in preventing sexual transmission of HIV is both comprehensive and conclusive. In fact, the ability of latex condoms to prevent transmission of HIV has been scientifically established in "real-life" studies of sexually active couples as well as in laboratory studies.
Laboratory studies have demonstrated that latex condoms provide an essentially impermeable barrier to particles the size of STD pathogens.
Latex condoms cover the penis and provide an effective barrier to exposure to secretions such as semen and vaginal fluids, blocking the pathway of sexual transmission of HIV infection.
Epidemiologic studies that are conducted in real-life settings, where one partner is infected with HIV and the other partner is not, demonstrate conclusively that the consistent use of latex condoms provides a high degree of protection.
Link (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pubs/facts/condoms.htm)
There is also this:
The surest way to avoid transmission of sexually transmitted diseases is to abstain from sexual intercourse, or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and you know is uninfected.
You see I can go into my local shop and say Charlie sell me a condom for I am a protestant.....
Seriously the catholic position on contraception is criminal - Beneath contempt - Look at the social problems in Africa as a result.There's nothing criminal or contemptious about it, people simply misunderstand the Church's position. The Church holds celibacy until marriage as the best form of contraception.
I totally flies in the face of human nature - And the catholic church knows this. The overwhelming majority of people have had sex outside of marriage.The Church does not have to condone sin "because everyone else does it", The Church instead remains frimly in favour of absataing as it is the best form of protection.
Raysian Military Tech
10-06-2004, 05:13
Can someone tell me what started the traditional vow of celebacy for priests?
10-06-2004, 05:17
Can someone tell me what started the traditional vow of celebacy for priests?
Try here for the traditional Catholic view:
Can someone tell me what started the traditional vow of celebacy for priests?Rumour has it, Preists were passing their estates to their children and not the Church.
Catholic Europe
10-06-2004, 10:21
I know perfectly well the archbishops and cardinals are vying for higher positions because John Paul II looks like he's about to go soon. I know that's the reason that this year Catholicism is turning into a political race - but that doesn't mean I have to like it. And watching the cherry picking, right after stonewalling real change from exposed skeletons in the closet is sickening. So what if other religions have skeletons in their closet - that doesn't excuse them from having them.
I agree that that is happening. If I had my way that would not be a problem any longer.
If we changed it so that the Cardinals no longer choose the next Pope but rather, the Pope does it before he dies, himself, then there will be no political race.
I am proud to say I am a Roman Catholic, but as of late I have noticed a hostility toward my religon.
What's the deal? We are not bad people. Then again I am rather paranoid, and there may not be an anti-Catholic feeling.
Please, If you know why people don't seem to like us, or if your a Catholic-hater yourself, please explain...
For some good and evil has been traditional enemies, for others it's due to demonic possession (or obsession), for some bad experiences, for others they are trolls, jerks, different religeons, sickos you name it. It always depends on the person.
Keep the faith.