last respects to Pres. Reagan
06-06-2004, 03:03
My God. When I read those left-wing posts, it made me want to punch something (or, an even better idea, someone). Regardless of whether you are an American or not, Ronald Reagan was a good man and a good president. If you can't find it within your twisted, childish selves to hold your tongue in front of people who want to pay their last respects (of a sort) to a fallen leader, then at least take your slander somewhere else. It doesn't belong on this thread, and neither do you.
Purly Euclid
06-06-2004, 03:07
Eloquently said. Let's confine this post to those sad to see Reagan go, rather than those who are glad he passed on. Regardless, pray for Reagan's soul.
06-06-2004, 03:26
Amen to that.
imported_Happy Lawn Gnomes
06-06-2004, 03:31
Well, when you have a man whos name strikes such strong emotions, you cannot expect anything else but strong reactions.
If you are all wanting a happy care bear love fest, why not go find a Republican... or better yet, a reagan fan message board. Between the pro-reagan crowd and the probably censorship, I am sure you will find the wake you desire.
Otherwise, people are free to express their opinions on the man, love him, hate him, or can't wait to piss on his grave.
Super American VX Man
06-06-2004, 03:31
RIP, Ronald Reagan.
06-06-2004, 03:55
Best way to think about him at this time...he is already at God's right hand, ready to lead us again when our own time is due. A truly good man has passed.
God bless Ronald Reagan, and God bless America.
Arizona Nova
06-06-2004, 03:57
Reagan struck a nerve... he embarrased the left, and maintained his own dignity and never fought fire with fire. That, and the wholesale electoral slaughter of Carter and then Mondale still echoes in their ears. Whatever you think of his policies, just the man, Reagan, was a threat to their dominance by his existence and his character. The outpouring of hate on the man doesn't surprise me, not the least in this place.
Rest in peace, Mr. President.
Rupert Superb
06-06-2004, 03:59
I was no fan of Reagans politics but the current incumbent makes him look like a saint.
However, I would like to say that I would not wish the kind of slow, painful and malicious disease that he had on anyone. RIP
06-06-2004, 04:03
reagan was the greatest man. ever.
Rupert Superb
06-06-2004, 04:17
[quote="Panhandlia"]Best way to think about him at this time...he is already at God's right hand, ready to lead us again when our own time is due.
What? Not Lincoln, FDR or Washington?
New Genoa
06-06-2004, 04:20
Oh come, Reagan was far better. Lincoln only suspended habeas corpus and FDR only tried to become the first American dictator
06-06-2004, 04:21
I salute former Pres. Reagan, just as i would salute any Pres. of the United States
Reagan was our best. FDR's new deal gave hope, but DID NOT end the Depression. WWII did when people got jobs in defense industries.
Reagan saved us from 10% unemployment and stagflation. He won the Cold War.
Now, this comes from my heart.
you are gone from this Earth, but alive in our hearts. You will remain there so long as I live. Future generations will know of your greatness.
God put you on this Earth to liberate Eastern Europe. You did so and it has come time for God to take you back. You will now sit by his side for eternity. We know you deserved to be by God's side.
May God bless you Mr. President.
Your biggest fan,
Ben Tallman
Cappa De Latta
06-06-2004, 04:26
My God. When I read those left-wing posts, it made me want to punch something (or, an even better idea, someone). Regardless of whether you are an American or not, Ronald Reagan was a good man and a good president. If you can't find it within your twisted, childish selves to hold your tongue in front of people who want to pay their last respects (of a sort) to a fallen leader, then at least take your slander somewhere else. It doesn't belong on this thread, and neither do you.
12-06-2004, 05:13
Thank you. But I just couldn't believe the fact that Mr. Reagan hadn't been even been dead for more than a day or two, and the lefties were already dancing on his grave. Unbelieveable, shocking, and totally disrespectful and inappropriate.
12-06-2004, 05:13
Thank you. But I just couldn't believe the fact that Mr. Reagan hadn't been even been dead for more than a day or two, and the lefties were already dancing on his grave. Unbelieveable, shocking, and totally disrespectful and inappropriate.
Insane Troll
12-06-2004, 05:14
Obviously when someone dies all the bad things they did are automatically erased.
12-06-2004, 05:28
Have you no respect for the dead? Regardless of whether he was a saint or a sinner, the man is gone and his family now have a vacuum in their lives where he used to be. Can't you understand that? They feel pain. I watched the funeral on CBS. I saw the look on Nancy Reagan's face when she leaned across the casket and cried. A lot of people on this site need to see that footage. Maybe then you can understand what I'm talking about. Until then, though, please refrain from insulting the deceased. If nothing else, it's poor manners.
Spherical objects
12-06-2004, 05:28
I have just watched the beautiful and moving funeral of President Reagan on television. I was moved by the speeches of his children and especially by Mrs. Reagan finally crying openly at his coffin. On a human scale, I give my respects and condolences to his family and those Americans that also mourn him. I also grieve for a time when a president of America could be admired, liked and loved for the person he is, even when he carried out actions that I and others dissagreed with.
New Foxxinnia
12-06-2004, 05:28
Obviously when someone dies all the bad things they did are automatically erased.Yep!
Insane Troll
12-06-2004, 05:37
Have you no respect for the dead? Regardless of whether he was a saint or a sinner, the man is gone and his family now have a vacuum in their lives where he used to be. Can't you understand that? They feel pain. I watched the funeral on CBS. I saw the look on Nancy Reagan's face when she leaned across the casket and cried. A lot of people on this site need to see that footage. Maybe then you can understand what I'm talking about. Until then, though, please refrain from insulting the deceased. If nothing else, it's poor manners.
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.
I always saw him as being a good man.
No words or the gusto of little spirits will change that.
R.I.P. Dear R.R.
- T.R. Kom
* Leaves a " @ > > > - - - - - " in thread.
i say again!
all people that like Communism or Soviet Union may say "Good riddance!" Or any other "flaming" because what respect do they need to show? Curse and laugh and flame the man all you want because he is the cause that the Union collasped in the arms race. Those that are glad he did all that, then go ahead and defend him pointlessly, for you will never stop the "flamage"
furthermore Stop the "Its just a game" or the "Get a Life" stuff, the games point is to debate and its in the general forum, its a FORUM, not a game at this point its a chat room. Jeeezeee and the Get a Life stuff, well what the hell how many times have you bashed sometihng or done anything wrong or sinful or any of that christian or jewish or hindish or religionous whatever however where ever crap
let the bashing go, i do not think i would like the Soivet Union being in existence, but just because i feel very petty i am gonna say this.
F Ronald Reagon and look at my SMILE PEOPLE! look at my smile! look at it you little bleeding hearts, Look!
and too those who bash reagon or wahtever his name is....
He ruined your soviet union with lies! they believed it and did what they knew they couldnt, no more communison this man bested your beliefs! Hahahahahaa look at me laugh in your face HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh oh my, how about some russian vodka to pour in your wounds oh ho ho ho oh hah ha ha ha ha haa! this must be christmas cause all the Soviet orphans are crying in the snow! HAHAHahahahahhaha!!!
--Yours Truely, sincerely and Cruely
the Dark Order of Jhenova
why do you post my region name at the end of that, jhenova?
i don't understand. and TGs.
Insane Troll
12-06-2004, 05:47
i say again!
all people that like Communism or Soviet Union may say "Good riddance!" Or any other "flaming" because what respect do they need to show? Curse and laugh and flame the man all you want because he is the cause that the Union collasped in the arms race. Those that are glad he did all that, then go ahead and defend him pointlessly, for you will never stop the "flamage"
furthermore Stop the "Its just a game" or the "Get a Life" stuff, the games point is to debate and its in the general forum, its a FORUM, not a game at this point its a chat room. Jeeezeee and the Get a Life stuff, well what the hell how many times have you bashed sometihng or done anything wrong or sinful or any of that christian or jewish or hindish or religionous whatever however where ever crap
let the bashing go, i do not think i would like the Soivet Union being in existence, but just because i feel very petty i am gonna say this.
F Ronald Reagon and look at my SMILE PEOPLE! look at my smile! look at it you little bleeding hearts, Look!
and too those who bash reagon or wahtever his name is....
He ruined your soviet union with lies! they believed it and did what they knew they couldnt, no more communison this man bested your beliefs! Hahahahahaa look at me laugh in your face HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh oh my, how about some russian vodka to pour in your wounds oh ho ho ho oh hah ha ha ha ha haa! this must be christmas cause all the Soviet orphans are crying in the snow! HAHAHahahahahhaha!!!
--Yours Truely, sincerely and Cruely
the Dark Order of Jhenova
Wow, that was one of the most unintelligeble and jumbled arguments I've ever read.
Good job, you didn't do a thing for your cause.
Spherical objects
12-06-2004, 05:49
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.
Yes, I too know how much pain there is in burying a loved one. I had to do it myself only a few short weeks ago. I expect some people, like you, thought my sons funeral was boring, but if they did, they had the grace not to say it. My son doesn't deserve 'sainthood' either. I wasn't a fan of Reagan but I wouldn't dream of making the squalid remarks you have at this time.
Insane Troll
12-06-2004, 05:51
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.
Yes, I too know how much pain there is in burying a loved one. I had to do it myself only a few short weeks ago. I expect some people, like you, thought my sons funeral was boring, but if they did, they had the grace not to say it. My son doesn't deserve 'sainthood' either. I wasn't a fan of Reagan but I wouldn't dream of making the squalid remarks you have at this time.
I only responded like that because of what Shermanica said to me.
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.
Yes, I too know how much pain there is in burying a loved one. I had to do it myself only a few short weeks ago. I expect some people, like you, thought my sons funeral was boring, but if they did, they had the grace not to say it. My son doesn't deserve 'sainthood' either. I wasn't a fan of Reagan but I wouldn't dream of making the squalid remarks you have at this time.the difference is your son wasnt evil and Reagan was and people are getting sick of the deranged media in america drooling over and idolizing someone many people thought was an atrocity
12-06-2004, 09:41
maaaann....put the guy in the ground already.
My condolences to his family, it's never good to loose someone.
However, I find the out pouring from the Americans etc a little bit fake - The guy was not a particuarly great president, he made the lower 50% of the populice get poorer while the top 10% got richer. He tried to bring in legislation saying that Tomato ketchup should be classed as a vegetable - because he would be damned if those lower class kids should get the real thing!
I also have a feeling that people who say they have lost members of their own family recently are just saying that to get sympathy towards their point of view, make others feel bad or trying to disparage anothers point of view by making them feel $hit about their comments.
Nancy reagan has been planning this bloody funeral for 10 years!!! ten years!!!! They had a room in a hotel setup as a command centre for that amount of time!
I mean how pompous is that?
Sure a man has died, I feel for his family....but he is just one man - he may have ended the cold war with Russia, but there are other people on this planet more deserving of praise.
Oh, and while you americans are spnding 10's of millions on his funeral, spare a thought for all those people who are being massacared, raped and destroyed by arab militia in the Sudan.
You people make me sick.
Thank you. But I just couldn't believe the fact that Mr. Reagan hadn't been even been dead for more than a day or two, and the lefties were already dancing on his grave. Unbelieveable, shocking, and totally disrespectful and inappropriate.
The left is trying to break and demoralize the Right. The best revenge is to get involved Vote, run for office, or help a candidate.
Niccolo Medici
12-06-2004, 10:24
Obviously when someone dies all the bad things they did are automatically erased.
No, but when someone dies, they cannot harm you again. They cannot hurt your feelings, they cannot talk trash about you, they cannot make policies that make things harder for you. They cannot do anything. They are dead.
It is useless to hate the dead. They are dead, and that is the end of our interaction with them for all intents and purposes.
When someone dies, it is a good idea to remember that no matter how much they wronged you in the past; they were a human being doing what they could to live their life as they knew how. Saint or demon, you bow out quietly into the night. So take a moment and try to think of what good they have done, for you or someone else, it doesn't matter.
We mourn the loss of a human being who tried his best, for himself, and others, he tried to help. Perhaps history will judge that he failed...It matters not. Be respectful of the dead, and reflect on how you can live a better life by examining his.
Reflect and improve yourself. Regean's death helps us remember that the most powerful of positions are still held by people who are only human. With a human's weaknesses and a human's faults We are only human, and we can only try our best to help each other.
Obviously when someone dies all the bad things they did are automatically erased.
No, but when someone dies, they cannot harm you again. They cannot hurt your feelings, they cannot talk trash about you, they cannot make policies that make things harder for you. They cannot do anything. They are dead.
It is useless to hate the dead. They are dead, and that is the end of our interaction with them for all intents and purposes.
When someone dies, it is a good idea to remember that no matter how much they wronged you in the past; they were a human being doing what they could to live their life as they knew how. Saint or demon, you bow out quietly into the night. So take a moment and try to think of what good they have done, for you or someone else, it doesn't matter.
We mourn the loss of a human being who tried his best, for himself, and others, he tried to help. Perhaps history will judge that he failed...It matters not. Be respectful of the dead, and reflect on how you can live a better life by examining his.
Reflect and improve yourself. Regean's death helps us remember that the most powerful of positions are still held by people who are only human. With a human's weaknesses and a human's faults We are only human, and we can only try our best to help each other.
Very nice. and thoughtful.
Farewell, Mr. did your best to put an end to the foul menace which survived the Soviet Union. I'm talking, of course, about welfare, Jimmy Carter and the view that criminals are humans too.
Spherical objects
12-06-2004, 13:06
Spherical objects
12-06-2004, 13:07
Spherical objects
12-06-2004, 13:09
I also have a feeling that people who say they have lost members of their own family recently are just saying that to get sympathy towards their point of view, make others feel bad or trying to disparage anothers point of view by making them feel $hit about their comments.
You people make me sick.[/quote]
What I wrote about burying my son a few weeks ago was the truth and I cannot tell you how much I resent your remarks. I haven't mentioned it anywhere else here on NS because it's my private grief and my private business. I used his death as an example for the point I was making.
I would very much appreciate an apology. In fact, I demand one.
Spherical objects
12-06-2004, 17:08
I am bumping this for my apology.
Tactical Grace
12-06-2004, 17:13
My God. When I read those left-wing posts, it made me want to punch something (or, an even better idea, someone).
Thus we see the inherent intolerance of American political culture.
12-06-2004, 17:13
God bless his soul, Ronald Wilson Reagan. And also God bless Nancy, and the rest of the family.
12-06-2004, 17:27
Ronald Reagan was a good man and a good president.
Left or right wing.. I think we should all agree that Reagan was a good man and did what he thought was right, whether it was or not is debatable. I agree he was a good man, whether he was a good president or not is still debatable
I'm glad to see that some people around here have a decent bone left in their bodies.
I know that Reagan is with his daughter now, and I am thankful for the good he did for this planet.
God Bless the Gipper!
Have you no respect for the dead? Regardless of whether he was a saint or a sinner, the man is gone and his family now have a vacuum in their lives where he used to be. Can't you understand that? They feel pain. I watched the funeral on CBS. I saw the look on Nancy Reagan's face when she leaned across the casket and cried. A lot of people on this site need to see that footage. Maybe then you can understand what I'm talking about. Until then, though, please refrain from insulting the deceased. If nothing else, it's poor manners.
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.I would like you, and you alone, to list off all these "bad things" that you liberals always refer to but never identify. I'm not just going to take your word for it. Try going to the link I posted. You'll see exactly how much gravedancing the left has done, without a single shred of evidence to back them up. Try questioning it and they scatter, regroup, and parrot themselves.
i say again!
all people that like Communism or Soviet Union may say "Good riddance!" Or any other "flaming" because what respect do they need to show? Curse and laugh and flame the man all you want because he is the cause that the Union collasped in the arms race. Those that are glad he did all that, then go ahead and defend him pointlessly, for you will never stop the "flamage"
furthermore Stop the "Its just a game" or the "Get a Life" stuff, the games point is to debate and its in the general forum, its a FORUM, not a game at this point its a chat room. Jeeezeee and the Get a Life stuff, well what the hell how many times have you bashed sometihng or done anything wrong or sinful or any of that christian or jewish or hindish or religionous whatever however where ever crap
let the bashing go, i do not think i would like the Soivet Union being in existence, but just because i feel very petty i am gonna say this.
F Ronald Reagon and look at my SMILE PEOPLE! look at my smile! look at it you little bleeding hearts, Look!
and too those who bash reagon or wahtever his name is....
He ruined your soviet union with lies! they believed it and did what they knew they couldnt, no more communison this man bested your beliefs! Hahahahahaa look at me laugh in your face HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh oh my, how about some russian vodka to pour in your wounds oh ho ho ho oh hah ha ha ha ha haa! this must be christmas cause all the Soviet orphans are crying in the snow! HAHAHahahahahhaha!!!
--Yours Truely, sincerely and Cruely
the Dark Order of JhenovaLookee who forgot their medication!
the difference is your son wasnt evil and Reagan was and people are getting sick of the deranged media in america drooling over and idolizing someone many people thought was an atrocityWhy do you say he was evil? Would Clinton write a letter to a boy apologizing because one of the boy's goldfish died and was replaced with two? And can you name someone who hated Reagan who was alive to see his presidency (and I doubt you were, because you argue like a four-year-old except when you C&P)?
13-06-2004, 00:04
I only responded like that because of what Shermanica said to me.
Oh, boo-f*ckity-hoo, IT. Obviously you have never heard the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". I wasn't even talking directly to you; it was a message to everyone who likes to hang out on this thread and trash-talk a man they never knew, nor respected. I never knew Reagan; I wasn't even born until the last year of his Presidency. But I do know that he made significant contributions to American and world history. Some were good, some less so, but the fact remains that he was an American and our commander-in-chief for eight years, and that definitely counts as respect-worthy in my book.
I only responded like that because of what Shermanica said to me.
Oh, boo-f*ckity-hoo, IT. Obviously you have never heard the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". I wasn't even talking directly to you; it was a message to everyone who likes to hang out on this thread and trash-talk a man they never knew, nor respected. I never knew Reagan; I wasn't even born until the last year of his Presidency. But I do know that he made significant contributions to American and world history. Some were good, some less so, but the fact remains that he was an American and our commander-in-chief for eight years, and that definitely counts as respect-worthy in my book.would you show the same respect for Clinton then?
13-06-2004, 01:40
Yes, I would.
My assessment of Clinton: good President; less-than-decent man.
Yes, I would.
My assessment of Clinton: good President; less-than-decent man.
Yeah he did some decent policies (or did not veto such...) such as NAFTA and welfare reform.
Yes, I would.
My assessment of Clinton: good President; less-than-decent man.
One of the best presidents we have ever had, an excellent politician, a horrible man.
13-06-2004, 02:39
[quote=Panhandlia]Best way to think about him at this time...he is already at God's right hand, ready to lead us again when our own time is due.
What? Not Lincoln, FDR or Washington?Given that the original George W, Honest Abe and FDR have all been departed for a long time, it'd not be necessary to eulogize them at this point.
13-06-2004, 02:43
I also have a feeling that people who say they have lost members of their own family recently are just saying that to get sympathy towards their point of view, make others feel bad or trying to disparage anothers point of view by making them feel $hit about their comments.
You people make me sick.
What I wrote about burying my son a few weeks ago was the truth and I cannot tell you how much I resent your remarks. I haven't mentioned it anywhere else here on NS because it's my private grief and my private business. I used his death as an example for the point I was making.
I would very much appreciate an apology. In fact, I demand one.On behalf of the decent people here (on either side of the aisle,) I convey my respect and my condolences to you on your loss.
Spherical objects
13-06-2004, 03:40
I also have a feeling that people who say they have lost members of their own family recently are just saying that to get sympathy towards their point of view, make others feel bad or trying to disparage anothers point of view by making them feel $hit about their comments.
You people make me sick.
What I wrote about burying my son a few weeks ago was the truth and I cannot tell you how much I resent your remarks. I haven't mentioned it anywhere else here on NS because it's my private grief and my private business. I used his death as an example for the point I was making.
I would very much appreciate an apology. In fact, I demand one.On behalf of the decent people here (on either side of the aisle,) I convey my respect and my condolences to you on your loss.
Pan, you have no idea what that means to me. Thank you. I shall leave it at that. Thank you.
Von is taken
13-06-2004, 03:48
Yes, Hail Quorthon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Spherical : First let me start by apologising if I caused you any upset. I have not posted before now because I only have access to a computer during working hours. If you have lost your son then I am truly sorry and deeply regret my comments.
I would however like to explain why I posted what I posted and would like you to try and look at things from my point of view.
I saw someone post about their son's death to (and by your own admission) "to prove their point".
Having looked through your posts, your posts were not the posts of a man who had just lost such a close family member, you also mentioned later in your posts on this thread that you had not mentioned it anywhere else because it was private. Yet you would so easily use the death to prove a point in your posts?
are you seeing the contradiction?
However, thats not the point.
I am sorry if I upset you, and I am sorry if you have lost your son. I posted in a moment of frustration and I hope you can forgive my comments.
Spherical objects
14-06-2004, 12:02
Spherical : First let me start by apologising if I caused you any upset. I have not posted before now because I only have access to a computer during working hours. If you have lost your son then I am truly sorry and deeply regret my comments.
I would however like to explain why I posted what I posted and would like you to try and look at things from my point of view.
I saw someone post about their son's death to (and by your own admission) "to prove their point".
Having looked through your posts, your posts were not the posts of a man who had just lost such a close family member, you also mentioned later in your posts on this thread that you had not mentioned it anywhere else because it was private. Yet you would so easily use the death to prove a point in your posts?
are you seeing the contradiction?
However, thats not the point.
I am sorry if I upset you, and I am sorry if you have lost your son. I posted in a moment of frustration and I hope you can forgive my comments.
Yes, I see the contradiction as you see it. I have greived in my own way and walking around in public and on forums with my head in my hands is not going to help me. However, I accept and thank you for your apology. As you may know there is a place whos name we dare not speak. I posted there regarding my son, and because I'm not allowed to linky, I have copied and pasted it here, just to remove any lingering doubts you may have.
Last Friday we buried our son.
It was the second worst day of my life, the first being four weeks ago when we were told he'd been found dead.
He was called Philip, after me.
I'm looking at a picture of him as I type.
The funeral service was what he deserved.
Hundreds of friends and family took part, with standing room only at the back of the church.
A close friend read a uelogy for him, which moved us all.
The music was appropriate and beautiful.
The vicar was compassionate and spoke for all gathered there, as well as his God.
Six of his friends carried his coffin into the church and carried him out again after the tearful service.
At the green and shady cemetary, my sons friends carried him to his last resting place.
The vicar said his words with dignity and force.
Philips friends lowered him into the cold earth that will now contain my son forever.
Many of the hundreds threw red roses into my sons grave, as did I.
I also picked up some rough clay and dropped it onto my boys coffin.
My two daughters and some friends released six white doves into the air.
I have lost my only son and a part of me will never heal.
I am grateful for my family and friends for their solid support.
I honour and thank my wife for her strength and courage.
I honour my daughters for the same reasons.
If I could change places with my boy right now, I'd not hesitate.
With your permission, I would like to re-post a poem I put up shortly after my beloved son died.
For all his life I loved him, he was me but better than me.
In the beginning he needed me but soon I needed and adored him.
His face was mine, his walk was mine but his heart was bigger.
He was the man I could have been and should have been for him.
He was the best of me and showed me what I could become.
He never took fools gladly but allowed me to be his fool.
Always and always his love for me was undimmed and mine for him.
He was my future, my hope and my joy.
He was, and is, my beautiful boy.
Me, a father, proud and vain, him a son, modest and plain.
He called me dad, I called him son, he was my joy, my beloved one.
Until we meet again my beautiful boy, I send you my blessings and my prayers. I love you. Dad.
I am truly sorry for your loss, I do not know of this 'place with no name' although I've seen it mentioned before.
It sounds like he was a popular and kind person, you have my deepest and heartfelt condolences.
would you show the same respect for Clinton then?I've been waiting for someone to say this.
I wouldn't eulogize him, but I wouldn't flame, either.
Though I don't agree with most of his policies and I think he's a horrible person, I wouldn't be going to his grave wearing a pair of f*cking clogs, like some of the people here have done to Reagan.
I'd probably just clam up again.
The Far-Eastern States
14-06-2004, 15:11
For a person who was born and raised half a world away from the US and spent nearly a third of his life fighting communist rebels, I have great respect for the man that served as the US president during those troubled years.
Now that he is resting, I am sure that the greivances and suffering of the people he may have wronged during his life and tenure as president won't rest with him. He may not have singlehandedly defeated the Soviet Union, but he was a great instrument in its downfall. So the fact that millions of people living a freer life(from one point of view or another) will not rest with him either and that is his lasting legacy.
I give my respect and condolences to his surviving family, as I would give to anyone, friend or foe. For them this is a time of mourning. For now, people who have nothing but spite and hatred matters not for they are half a world away from those who have respect for the man and his mourning loved ones.
May he rest in peace.
-Angelo Flores
For a person who was born and raised half a world away from the US and spent nearly a third of his life fighting communist rebels, I have great respect for the man that served as the US president during those troubled years.
Now that he is resting, I am sure that the greivances and suffering of the people he may have wronged during his life and tenure as president won't rest with him. He may not have singlehandedly defeated the Soviet Union, but he was a great instrument in its downfall. So the fact that millions of people living a freer life(from one point of view or another) will not rest with him either and that is his lasting legacy.
I give my respect and condolences to his surviving family, as I would give to anyone, friend or foe. For them this is a time of mourning. For now, people who have nothing but spite and hatred matters not for they are half a world away from those who have respect for the man and his mourning loved ones.
May he rest in peace.
-Angelo Floreswould you say the same thing at Adolf Hitlers funeral?
Brindisi Dorom
14-06-2004, 23:43
Good Riddance, you plague to mankind..
15-06-2004, 22:39
For a person who was born and raised half a world away from the US and spent nearly a third of his life fighting communist rebels, I have great respect for the man that served as the US president during those troubled years.
Now that he is resting, I am sure that the greivances and suffering of the people he may have wronged during his life and tenure as president won't rest with him. He may not have singlehandedly defeated the Soviet Union, but he was a great instrument in its downfall. So the fact that millions of people living a freer life(from one point of view or another) will not rest with him either and that is his lasting legacy.
I give my respect and condolences to his surviving family, as I would give to anyone, friend or foe. For them this is a time of mourning. For now, people who have nothing but spite and hatred matters not for they are half a world away from those who have respect for the man and his mourning loved ones.
May he rest in peace.
-Angelo Floreswould you say the same thing at Adolf Hitlers funeral?
Did Reagan massacre an entire ethnic group? You are so completely out of touch with reality, it's hilarious.
The Black Forrest
15-06-2004, 23:07
For a person who was born and raised half a world away from the US and spent nearly a third of his life fighting communist rebels, I have great respect for the man that served as the US president during those troubled years.
Now that he is resting, I am sure that the greivances and suffering of the people he may have wronged during his life and tenure as president won't rest with him. He may not have singlehandedly defeated the Soviet Union, but he was a great instrument in its downfall. So the fact that millions of people living a freer life(from one point of view or another) will not rest with him either and that is his lasting legacy.
I give my respect and condolences to his surviving family, as I would give to anyone, friend or foe. For them this is a time of mourning. For now, people who have nothing but spite and hatred matters not for they are half a world away from those who have respect for the man and his mourning loved ones.
May he rest in peace.
-Angelo Floreswould you say the same thing at Adolf Hitlers funeral?
Did Reagan massacre an entire ethnic group? You are so completely out of touch with reality, it's hilarious.
An entire group? What group did Hitler wipe out? :wink:
The Black Forrest
15-06-2004, 23:11
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.
Yes, I too know how much pain there is in burying a loved one. I had to do it myself only a few short weeks ago. I expect some people, like you, thought my sons funeral was boring, but if they did, they had the grace not to say it. My son doesn't deserve 'sainthood' either. I wasn't a fan of Reagan but I wouldn't dream of making the squalid remarks you have at this time.
I know your pain. I lost a daughter to CF at the beginning of the year. My condolenses, etc. goes out to you.
For a person who was born and raised half a world away from the US and spent nearly a third of his life fighting communist rebels, I have great respect for the man that served as the US president during those troubled years.
Now that he is resting, I am sure that the greivances and suffering of the people he may have wronged during his life and tenure as president won't rest with him. He may not have singlehandedly defeated the Soviet Union, but he was a great instrument in its downfall. So the fact that millions of people living a freer life(from one point of view or another) will not rest with him either and that is his lasting legacy.
I give my respect and condolences to his surviving family, as I would give to anyone, friend or foe. For them this is a time of mourning. For now, people who have nothing but spite and hatred matters not for they are half a world away from those who have respect for the man and his mourning loved ones.
May he rest in peace.
-Angelo Floreswould you say the same thing at Adolf Hitlers funeral?
Did Reagan massacre an entire ethnic group? You are so completely out of touch with reality, it's but its not like he didnt try to...
Spherical objects
15-06-2004, 23:47
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.
Yes, I too know how much pain there is in burying a loved one. I had to do it myself only a few short weeks ago. I expect some people, like you, thought my sons funeral was boring, but if they did, they had the grace not to say it. My son doesn't deserve 'sainthood' either. I wasn't a fan of Reagan but I wouldn't dream of making the squalid remarks you have at this time.
I know your pain. I lost a daughter to CF at the beginning of the year. My condolenses, etc. goes out to you.
Thank you. It is a unique and almost unbearable pain. I wish you the same peace I am searching for.
You know nothing about me, don't be a dick.
Yes, I know what they feel like.
And yes, I watched part of the funeral, you know what I thought about it?
It was boring as hell.
I wasn't dancing on his grave, I was just saying that just because someone dies doesn't grant them sainthood.
He did a lot of bad things in his life, and people expect me to forget all about it just because he died?
I refuse, and I will not mourn him.
I'm not going to dance on his grave, but don't expect to give a f*cking eulogy.
Yes, I too know how much pain there is in burying a loved one. I had to do it myself only a few short weeks ago. I expect some people, like you, thought my sons funeral was boring, but if they did, they had the grace not to say it. My son doesn't deserve 'sainthood' either. I wasn't a fan of Reagan but I wouldn't dream of making the squalid remarks you have at this time.
I know your pain. I lost a daughter to CF at the beginning of the year. My condolenses, etc. goes out to you.
Thank you. It is a unique and almost unbearable pain. I wish you the same peace I am searching for.your son is as alive as you are now and his greatest joy would be for you to know that and be at peace with it yourself
16-06-2004, 00:05
For a person who was born and raised half a world away from the US and spent nearly a third of his life fighting communist rebels, I have great respect for the man that served as the US president during those troubled years.
Now that he is resting, I am sure that the greivances and suffering of the people he may have wronged during his life and tenure as president won't rest with him. He may not have singlehandedly defeated the Soviet Union, but he was a great instrument in its downfall. So the fact that millions of people living a freer life(from one point of view or another) will not rest with him either and that is his lasting legacy.
I give my respect and condolences to his surviving family, as I would give to anyone, friend or foe. For them this is a time of mourning. For now, people who have nothing but spite and hatred matters not for they are half a world away from those who have respect for the man and his mourning loved ones.
May he rest in peace.
-Angelo Floreswould you say the same thing at Adolf Hitlers funeral?
Did Reagan massacre an entire ethnic group? You are so completely out of touch with reality, it's but its not like he didnt try to...
Proof, please? :?
(Three vans crash into the building and members of the Moderation Death Squad jump out, bringing rifles around to bear)
In the event of all this Reagon buisness...we are here to deal some justice, ready? Fire!
(MDS begins to fire on everyone before taking peoples valuables then getting into the trucks)
For a person who was born and raised half a world away from the US and spent nearly a third of his life fighting communist rebels, I have great respect for the man that served as the US president during those troubled years.
Now that he is resting, I am sure that the greivances and suffering of the people he may have wronged during his life and tenure as president won't rest with him. He may not have singlehandedly defeated the Soviet Union, but he was a great instrument in its downfall. So the fact that millions of people living a freer life(from one point of view or another) will not rest with him either and that is his lasting legacy.
I give my respect and condolences to his surviving family, as I would give to anyone, friend or foe. For them this is a time of mourning. For now, people who have nothing but spite and hatred matters not for they are half a world away from those who have respect for the man and his mourning loved ones.
May he rest in peace.
-Angelo Floreswould you say the same thing at Adolf Hitlers funeral?
Did Reagan massacre an entire ethnic group? You are so completely out of touch with reality, it's but its not like he didnt try to...
Proof, please? :?all the peasants in Latin America and aids people too--oh yeah and NUNS