NationStates Jolt Archive

Check out the silencing of criticism of mods.

America the American
06-06-2004, 01:21
Hey everyone, there has been some criticism of the behavior of one of the mods, but the other mods are "circling the wagons" against those of us savage enough to suggest that mods shouldn't use their power to applaud the death of world leaders, then silence the resulting outrage from people who respected them.

Some of us think this is an abuse of the position of mod or admin.

Apparently the mods are the only ones here who are allowed to voice their opinions. Oh, and players who support the actions of the mods like lemmings, demanding that any critics be silent.

Here is where some of the locked topics were - if they haven't been deleted by now.
Unfree People
06-06-2004, 01:25
Um... the mods are not engaging in any form of politica censorship. Take a hint and leave this crusade behind you, before the mods take a bit more forceful actions to show that this is inappropriate.
06-06-2004, 01:25
Assuming this is all true, it is abuse. But I'm too lazy to click on the links so.....Down with the mod oppression! Forumites of the world, unite!
Tactical Grace
06-06-2004, 01:28
You can say whatever the hell you like about Reagan.

So can we.

Now cut out the trolling. You are warned.
Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator