Former US President Reagan DEAD! -- MMI Mourns Loss
The Emperor of MMI expresses his sincerest condolances to the nation of the United States of America at the recent death of the former president Ronald Reagan. All of MMI mourn's his loss and hereby grants his birthday as a national holiday.
IDF stands by with flags at half staff for the greatest American President ever.
Mr Sniffles Reborn
05-06-2004, 23:36
my condolences to his family while i disagree and hate his policies, he was truly a good man who loved his country and saved the world from communism
he was a true value based conservative which Bush pales in comparison
06-06-2004, 00:05
The Empire of Sud-Afrika mourns the American loss of a great President and to the family of President Reagan.
JRV also mourns the lose of this great man. We slaute President Ronald Regan!
*Flags are raised to half mast across the land.*
Gaia Rodina
06-06-2004, 00:30
Gaia Rodina will do nothing different, as we do not view this "Reagan" as a boon to the world. He aided in the collapse of what could have become the greatest nation on earth, the Soviet Union.
06-06-2004, 00:47
By order of Grand Duke Reginald Leopold I, all Hamptonian flags are to fly at half staff and all members of the Royal Armed Forces are to wear black arm bands to mourn the leader that has so shaped history.
Big Long Now
06-06-2004, 01:28
The Soviet States of Big Long Now is now flying all flags half staff across the nation in memoriam of Ronald Wilson Reagan, one of the greatest presidents in the modern day history of the United States of America who passed away on this day. We have prepared the Medal of Courage to be sent to Nancy Reagan and her family, and for the next seven days on each hour there shall be 60 seconds of silence to remember Ronald Reagan, a tradition normally reserved for Soviet losses.
Thats sad. And I lived in Sacramento.
06-06-2004, 02:01
To commemorate the achievements of Mr Reagan, the Shildonian High Chairman made a brief television appearance to make the following statement:
"My fellow Shildonians, I am pleased to tell you today that I have signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes"
Dancing Moose
06-06-2004, 02:03
The nation of Dancing Moose highly morns the death of the greatest American President ever, and also declares his birthday a national holiday.
The Trojan Empire
06-06-2004, 02:06
If any corporation is interested, some Trojan companies are developing Reagan plush dolls which can be purchased with or without a separate guillotine set. We hope to make large profits off this geezer's, erm, great "American's" death.
If any nation or corporation is interested in purchasing the above sets, please give the Ares Toy Company a ring.
-Ambassador Peleus
The Peoples Scotland
06-06-2004, 02:13
A great cry of joy arose from the populace of the Armed Republic of the Peoples of Scotland as a national festival was annouced to mark the occasion as the people openly danced in the streets.
The President responsibly for the American dual policy of support for Zionism and political and militaristic Imperialism in the Middle East has finaly paid for his acts of Hubris, as if the Iranian hostage disater was not enough.
The leader who got his wife to consult the stars before making policy decisions is dead.
The leader who imposed the most destructive and costly in human life (primaily it's approaching genocidial consequences in Africa and the collapse most of the stable post-Imperial developing states) policy on the world, that most unfair and hypocritical of enforced policys; the quasi-religouse belief in the power of the Free Market.
We are glad the fool has met his death, we await the similary joyus news of the other propieter of Free Market economics, the Tyrannical Thatcher.
The Fool is dead, Long live the Fool!
06-06-2004, 02:32
All flags in Credonia will for the next 24 hrs starting now fly at half staff. Our nation will mourn the loss of one of the worlds greatest presidents of the cold war era, President Ronald Regan. May he rest in peace. As President/Owner of the United States of Credonia, i offer my condolences to the family of this great man.
Alexander Nicolas Sutton
President of the United States of Credonia
Kaimoni .A. Sutton
Owner of Credonia
06-06-2004, 02:38
We send our condolences to Nancy. May Dutch rest in peace. Reagan, you won the Cold War. We are forever in your debt. Now as God once put you on the Earth to fight communism, he must take you back to be at his side.
Ronald Reagan. you are the greatest President since Lincoln. You are and always shall be in our hearts. :cry:
06-06-2004, 02:39
A great cry of joy arose from the populace of the Armed Republic of the Peoples of Scotland as a national festival was annouced to mark the occasion as the people openly danced in the streets.
The President responsibly for the American dual policy of support for Zionism and political and militaristic Imperialism in the Middle East has finaly paid for his acts of Hubris, as if the Iranian hostage disater was not enough.
The leader who got his wife to consult the stars before making policy decisions is dead.
The leader who imposed the most destructive and costly in human life (primaily it's approaching genocidial consequences in Africa and the collapse most of the stable post-Imperial developing states) policy on the world, that most unfair and hypocritical of enforced policys; the quasi-religouse belief in the power of the Free Market.
We are glad the fool has met his death, we await the similary joyus news of the other propieter of Free Market economics, the Tyrannical Thatcher.
The Fool is dead, Long live the Fool!
For fun I may declare war on a n00b like yourself. The people in Scotland actually loved Reagan. In a book about him there is a picture of him in front of cheering crowds there
Alcona and Hubris
06-06-2004, 02:41
((OOC comment but how many of you actually remember anything of him in office personally? The typical age around here is 18-22 the oldest of you would have been about five when he left office...))
International Terrans
06-06-2004, 02:50
OOC: You don't need to remember what he was like in office to disagree with him.
IC: The Democratic Federation of International Terrans sends their condolences, even if they disagree entirely with the man's policies on.... pretty much anything. He was a capitalist of the old sort, a man who did much to help crush the rights of the proletariat. He did help bring about the end of the corrupt Soviet Union, and for this we are grateful.
06-06-2004, 02:57
Ronald Reagan, the man who restored the dignity to the President shall never be forgotten. All freedom loving people must remember him
06-06-2004, 02:57
Regan was a terrible president. And don't you say he helped to end the soviet union. That was all thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. Now, if Regan was so good of a president, then why did Mikhail Gorbachev receive a Nobel Prize? Think about that.
OOC: If Carter was a good president why did he get the prize?
bad logic used in your question. No one cares about Nobel anymore. THe thing is a sham.
you know that Gorbachev didn't intentionally destroy the USSR, he tried to build it up and actually increased defense spending more than Reagan. Gorby just sucked so much he killed his nation. No man intentionally kills his empire
06-06-2004, 03:03
He was a good man and stuck true to his values and my nation shall make his birthday a national holiday. Through his politics it ended the corrupt dictatorships in Eastern Europe and that I am greatful.
Ryepnts ville
06-06-2004, 03:06
all the citezens of erv stand in awe as one of the greatest people in power passes from the world of known human chomprehension
ooc: i truly mourn the loss of one of the greatest men who ever lived,were ever he went he made people smile ,and he wasnt afraid to share his views ,his faith and his vision,for that we are gratefull
06-06-2004, 03:16
What is the United States of America? I thought North America was controlled by Menelmacar, New York and Jersey, California and Alaska, and a few others I don't remember. I do remember seeing a movie starring this man, but was never aware he took power in a nation called the United States of America. This nation must not have been very important to international politics. We send condolances anyway.
OOC: In NS, there was a USA, but it dies a LOOOOOOONG time ago.
FluffyCat says good riddance to bad rubbish.
My grandfather on my father's side was an army veteran. He had massive back injuries and was on disability. Along came Reagan and his "re-qualify" plan. My Grandfather was kicked off of all benefits until he could prove he had the problems. It took 8 months but he finally proved what the doctors already had been saying; that he had massive back problems and could not work.
Reagan can rot in his grave. Because for 8 months my grandfather had to rot with no income. God Bless Americas veterans eh?
* kicks fluffycat in the bum
Even if you don't like him his death aint to be celebrated!
Half Mast for 1 week in Galliam Memorial service to TBA
Lance Cahill
06-06-2004, 03:53
The Noble Peace Prize is a sham. For crying out loud Yassar Arafat won it.
Yevon of Spira
06-06-2004, 03:54
Yevon of Spira's flags can only fly at half mast for national affairs, not international, but there will be a compulsory 60 second moment of silence right before the compulsory 9:00pm bed time for non-royalty citizens in our nation tomorrow.
* kicks fluffycat in the bum
Even if you don't like him his death aint to be celebrated!
Half Mast for 1 week in Galliam Memorial service to TBA
Talk to my grandfather about how great "Ronnie" was.
Lance Cahill
06-06-2004, 03:59
Seriously why rejoice when a man is dead. I'm sure when President Kennedy was assassinated, his presidency didnt smell like roses, people didnt rejoice. They were griefed and striken in shock. Why rejoice over a person who is dead. Surely the only reason you are saying this crap is because you are hiding behind a computer.
Seriously why rejoice when a man is dead. I'm sure when President Kennedy was assassinated, his presidency didnt smell like roses, people didnt rejoice. They were griefed and striken in shock. Why rejoice over a person who is dead. Surely the only reason you are saying this crap is because you are hiding behind a computer.
I would have cheered when Kennedy died, if only I were alive to have done so.
Let me elaborate. When Reagan died just now, I am indifferent. I won't shed a tear for the man. When Kennedy died, I would have been jumping for joy, but then LBJ took over and we all know what happened to the country under his 6 years of misrule.
Yevon of Spira
06-06-2004, 04:02
ok...this topic is becoming way OOC.
Lance Cahill
06-06-2004, 04:03
Why would you? You are like those Palenstine childeren who rejoiced when 9/11 happened. Kennedy wasnt a great leader but the respect of life should be given.
Neo Russian Powers
06-06-2004, 04:09
Fireworks have been set off all over the Neo Russian Powers, people have began dancing in the streets and the Police have joined them, Workers have been given the week off and continuos Parties during this next week have been ordered. However we are sorry That America will have to spend the next week watching Reagan problems
Yevon of Spira
06-06-2004, 04:09
I agree with Barentsburg, if your going to argue about JFK, and grandfathers, and Ronald Reagan, and Palestine, take it elsewhere. this topic has taken a turn to OOC.
Free Pacific States
06-06-2004, 04:11
The flag outside of the Blue House in Liberty City is at half mast. Although I doubt they'll ever see this message, my condolences goes out to the family of President Reagan. He was a great man.
The flag outside of the Blue House in Liberty City is at half mast. Although I doubt they'll ever see this message, my condolences goes out to the family of President Reagan. He was a great man.
I am sad that the man died. However, I think the world will be better without him. Now if only Clinton, Gore, Ted Kennedy, most all of Congress, most of the supreme court could join him; then we'd be great.
06-06-2004, 04:16
Fireworks have been set off all over the Neo Russian Powers, people have began dancing in the streets and the Police have joined them, Workers have been given the week off and continuos Parties during this next week have been ordered. However we are sorry That America will have to spend the next week watching Reagan problems
Wow you sound like those crazy palistian children dancing on the streets after 9/11. Seriously a man just died. And the only reason you are saying this is because you can hid behind a computer.
Fireworks have been set off all over the Neo Russian Powers, people have began dancing in the streets and the Police have joined them, Workers have been given the week off and continuos Parties during this next week have been ordered. However we are sorry That America will have to spend the next week watching Reagan problems
Wow you sound like those crazy palistian children dancing on the streets after 9/11. Seriously a man just died. And the only reason you are saying this is because you can hid behind a computer.
Actually I say what I think in public as well. If I have something to say, I say it. If somebody wants to raise an issue with it and come at me with a fist or a bat, I can sink a knife in their ribs.
Fireworks have been set off all over the Neo Russian Powers, people have began dancing in the streets and the Police have joined them, Workers have been given the week off and continuos Parties during this next week have been ordered. However we are sorry That America will have to spend the next week watching Reagan problems
We propose an alliance comrade.
Neo Russian Powers
06-06-2004, 04:21
I would say that in public, all of my friend know i am anti-republican
I would say that in public, all of my friend know i am anti-republican
I hate all politicians. They're all greedy scum who will sell us out to the first crooked foreign businessman that comes along. Then they start carting the foreign labor in here courtesy H-1B visas. And when the economy turns sour. Oh well, send for more foreign labor, put more Americans out of work. Send more jobs to Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, China, and India. And if you cannot send them overseas quick enough, bring more foreign labor into the nation to push more Americans out of jobs.
Neo Russian Powers
06-06-2004, 04:24
Fireworks have been set off all over the Neo Russian Powers, people have began dancing in the streets and the Police have joined them, Workers have been given the week off and continuos Parties during this next week have been ordered. However we are sorry That America will have to spend the next week watching Reagan problems
We propose an alliance comrade.
hahaha, We Accept.
Neo Russian Powers
06-06-2004, 04:24
I would say that in public, all of my friend know i am anti-republican
I hate all politicians. They're all greedy scum who will sell us out to the first crooked foreign businessman that comes along. Then they start carting the foreign labor in here courtesy H-1B visas. And when the economy turns sour. Oh well, send for more foreign labor, put more Americans out of work. Send more jobs to Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, China, and India. And if you cannot send them overseas quick enough, bring more foreign labor into the nation to push more Americans out of jobs.
..........maybe we were seperated at birth....
The flag outside of the Blue House in Liberty City is at half mast. Although I doubt they'll ever see this message, my condolences goes out to the family of President Reagan. He was a great man.
I am sad that the man died. However, I think the world will be better without him. Now if only Clinton, Gore, Ted Kennedy, most all of Congress, most of the supreme court could join him; then we'd be great.
I hear that! We also need to get rid of most "gothic" kids
politics will make a monster out of a man...
Josh Dollins
06-06-2004, 04:38
we join mmi and other nations in celebrating this great mans life and service to his country we share many of his principles.
The flag outside of the Blue House in Liberty City is at half mast. Although I doubt they'll ever see this message, my condolences goes out to the family of President Reagan. He was a great man.
I am sad that the man died. However, I think the world will be better without him. Now if only Clinton, Gore, Ted Kennedy, most all of Congress, most of the supreme court could join him; then we'd be great.
I hear that! We also need to get rid of most "gothic" kids
politics will make a monster out of a man...
I agree with you. We need some standards and moral decency back in this nation. As it is whores are fornicating the streets, queers are running around trying to seduce children. If you try to stop them, they cry "hater". What a country we live in.
06-06-2004, 16:21
Official Goobergunchian Response
We will not speak ill of the dead at this time, but recommend that the man's life be celebrated by the adoption of an international stem-cell research program