Remember 6th of June - A day of peace in rememberance
The O Faolains
05-06-2004, 14:07
Ladies and Gentlemen players,
I request as one who lost family in the memorable and valliant action on D-day that for one day we don't have any fighting. I realise I ask alot as many topics here are based on War but I ask for just one day of peace. On the 7th we can carry on our Fighting RPs, but for one day please let us remember the sacrifices made by those who left Portsmouth and those who left Germany. Both sides fought for their lives. Both sides lost good men. Both sides lost real men with lives and souls. Both sides deserve to be remembered.
Please Consider my request
M.C.E. Whelan
05-06-2004, 14:18
All sides, sir. Especially those who fought on D-Day, yes, but let us not forget those who gave their lives that others might live the world over.
05-06-2004, 14:31
Air Combat
05-06-2004, 14:47
I agree. While I may not do alot of fighting here, I'm glad to see people who still remember June 6, 1944.
IC: I will do the same.
OOC: Real life events don't apply to the NS world, do they?
05-06-2004, 15:02
No, but I think it's a good thing to honour their memory.
The O Faolains
05-06-2004, 15:44
Thank you, I realise this is in the International Incidents but I'd feel to be SPAMMING if I wrote in the General Forum, so please if you could pass on my message.
Pass on the message at large please.
Both IC and OOC I beleive that we should respect those who died for their countries' freedoms, whether they were soldiers of the Allies or the Axis, they deserve to be remembered, also to those heroes who came back, by that I mean all combatants here not just those awarded for bravery. To face this level of violence deserves the term hero in my mind.
Thank you
OOC: Yes, I agree with everyone here. WW2 has a special relevance for me, as anyone who knows my background can attest.
05-06-2004, 15:47
OOC: Might I ask what that background is? Obviously if you don't want to say that's fine.
05-06-2004, 15:49
I completely agree with the sentiments expressed above.
To remember those, both civilian and military, of all sides who died during that conflict, a day of peace would be a suitable thing.
The O Faolains
05-06-2004, 16:09
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 16:09
wrong forum
05-06-2004, 16:10
*Thinks* aye, it is. Any way to get it shifted?
Perhaps, but then a mod would move it.
I am a former Israeli, now in the United States.
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 16:11
*Thinks* aye, it is. Any way to get it shifted?
post in moderation with a link. request a froum move
The O Faolains
05-06-2004, 16:13
Thanks I wasn't sure where this should go.
05-06-2004, 16:16
Well, I always feel we should remember war heroes. So, I salute thee!
Posted to Moderation forum.