WMD Conspiracy Theory
This is my own theory. You won't find any sources on it, because, well, it's my theory about what happened to the WMDs in Iraq.
For starters, I don't think Saddam was actually in charge there. He may not have even been informed about his own chemical and biological arsenals.
Fact: Saddam had WMDs, because he used them to slaugter the Kurds in northern Iraq.
Fact: Saddam offered proof that he destroyed most, but not all of his WMDs.
Fact: Saddam continually threw out UN weapons inspectors.
Fact: As of yet, stockpiles of WMDs have not been found.
Fact: BUT something must not have been destroyed because a shell of sarin gas was recently found.
What got to me was if Saddam knew he had no WMDs, and he knew he would get creamed by us if he didn't prove he destroyed them, then why didn't he offer that proof?
One possibility comes immediately to mind:
WHAT IF: Saddam thought he had WMDs, but without his knowledge, people under him either destroyed, hid, or exported them. With this scenario, it's less likely that they were destroyed because he would have offered proof to stave off the toppling of his regime. If they were hidden, and it's very easy to do in the desert, we couldn't easily find them (look how long it took to find Saddam, and he had to be near a source of food and water). I think that exporting is somewhat less likely, because it would be easier to track, but it's still a possibility because WMD were recently found. You are going to say that it's just one shell, but do you ever see just one ant? If you do, you know there are more nearby, and that they may be underground.
Now, why would Saddam's underlings do something like this? To create the awkward international situation we are dealing with now. They knew that Saddam was a goner, but they figured that if the justification for the war went up in smoke, there would be international hatred for the US. That is exactly what they would want. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of the US and Israel, so if they make us (the US) look bad, and we:
lose allies: check
are hated more in the islamic world: check
lose the trust of the international community: somewhat
Those are major victories on their part.
Let the analysis begin...
[edit]Sorry. I don't know why the poll disappeared, but I put it back.
One shell isnt proof that Iraq didnt destroy its arsenal. Its important to make the distinction between Stockpiles the Iraqi's knew about and ones that were forgotten about.
Tuesday Heights
04-06-2004, 18:03
Your theory is quite plausible, but I highly doubt Iraq had ANY WMD regardless of theory.
Your theory is quite plausible, but I highly doubt Iraq had ANY WMD regardless of theory.
Stupid. We know they had them, we just don't know where they went.
They used them before, they didn't have one shred of documentation to show for the "destruction" of the weapons. They had far too many to not have ANY records of them. The facilities to make such things are there, it's just the weapons that are missing.
Planetary Confederacy
04-06-2004, 18:16
Yah, I could pull a WMD out of me arse right now, it doesnt take much to make a chemical or biological weapon, just a virus or chlorine, and a delivery system.
Soviet Cake
04-06-2004, 18:17
We don't know they are out there! The guy in charge of this and who said they were there, resigned. Think that means something? I do! I think it means that he made a mistake that is costing lives of our own men. I dont think they have any. As soon as they heard of an invasion they sold the weapons and tried to escape. THe "captain" tried to either go down with his ship or revolt..... IDIOTS! :twisted:
We don't know they are out there! The guy in charge of this and who said they were there, resigned. Think that means something? I do! I think it means that he made a mistake that is costing lives of our own men. I dont think they have any. As soon as they heard of an invasion they sold the weapons and tried to escape. THe "captain" tried to either go down with his ship or revolt..... IDIOTS! :twisted:
Sold their weapons to who?
Exactly. That's why we wanted to get them so quickly. Too bad the U.N slowed us down so much that they had time to sell them.
No way Iraq sold them. The better Crazy theory is that they gave them away. Cant speak for the actions of Individual iraqis.
If Iraq was selling then why couldnt the U.S or U.N buy? Then everybody wins.
No way Iraq sold them. The better Crazy theory is that they gave them away. Cant speak for the actions of Individual iraqis.
If Iraq was selling then why couldnt the U.S or U.N buy? Then everybody wins.Because Iraq wanted to sell them to someone who would happily do what Saddam was afraid to try.
AQ comes to mind...
*hears crickets chirping*
If anyone else has conspiracy theories about what happened to the wmds, feel free to post.
04-06-2004, 18:59
Here's a thing that I've never understood. If Saddam did indeed have these stockpiles of WMDs at his disposal and, given his obviously cavalier attitude towards using them in the past, when it became clear that we were invading Iraq or even further on that we were going to depose him, why were none ever used? Perhaps general orders might not have been able to be given while Saddam was on the run, but if they were there and as pleantiful as some might have us believe, then wouldn't there have been at least one or two instances of them cropping up during the inital fighting?
As for a conspiracy theory, I think I go with the whole tried and true, "He had thembecause we gave them to him, he got rid of them, he tried to bluff us into thinking he still had them, we called his bluff and found him sitting in a hole in the ground."
I think the reason they weren't used was because Saddam may have given the order but his underlings didn't carry it out so we would look bad.
04-06-2004, 19:07
It occurs to me, though, that for that scenario to be true, his underlings would have to be a lot more politically savvy than they're showing themselves to be. It just seems odd that amid the mass chaos that was our march into Baghdad that, at some point along the way, in all the confusion and disorder, that if these weapons had been present they wouldn't have been used at least once during our advance.
04-06-2004, 19:07
Fact: Saddam had WMDs, because he used them to slaugter the Kurds in northern Iraq.
Fact: Saddam offered proof that he destroyed most, but not all of his WMDs.
Fact: Saddam continually threw out UN weapons inspectors.
Fact: As of yet, stockpiles of WMDs have not been found.
Fact: BUT something must not have been destroyed because a shell of sarin gas was recently found.
There is a problem with your theory, because there are problems with your facts. Yes, Saddam gassed the Kurds.. but that was over 15 years ago. Saddam never kicked out weapon inspectors, this is one of the greatest myths about Saddam actually. They left on their own. Yes, nothing has been found. As for the Sarin, it was one can, it could of been an old can left over from the 80's that was stolen or whatever, much speculation can be made about that one can of poor grade Sarin.
04-06-2004, 19:26
Thanks for pointing that out, Steph. Everyone points to the gassing of the Kurds as proof that Saddam had WMD--but no one mentions that Saddam hadn't used WMD at all in the intervening years, all 15 of them, against invaders or against his own people.
You know who was the only politician to mention that in the primary season? Howard Dean. I guess he was right when he said that in Washington, a gaffe is when you tell the truth and people don't think you should have.
Here's a thing that I've never understood. If Saddam did indeed have these stockpiles of WMDs at his disposal and, given his obviously cavalier attitude towards using them in the past, when it became clear that we were invading Iraq or even further on that we were going to depose him, why were none ever used? Perhaps general orders might not have been able to be given while Saddam was on the run, but if they were there and as pleantiful as some might have us believe, then wouldn't there have been at least one or two instances of them cropping up during the inital fighting?
As for a conspiracy theory, I think I go with the whole tried and true, "He had thembecause we gave them to him, he got rid of them, he tried to bluff us into thinking he still had them, we called his bluff and found him sitting in a hole in the ground."Its like, you'd think that if you were ever going to use WMDs, when you're being invaded by a superior force might just be the right time.
BTW, most chemical and biological weapons aren't actually weapons of mass destruction. They're weapons of mass casualties, which is a different thing.
No way Iraq sold them. The better Crazy theory is that they gave them away. Cant speak for the actions of Individual iraqis.
If Iraq was selling then why couldnt the U.S or U.N buy? Then everybody wins.Because Iraq wanted to sell them to someone who would happily do what Saddam was afraid to try.
AQ comes to mind...
And AQ would get the Money where. As I said the better theory is that they were gave them away. And As I also said. you have to make the Intellectual Distinction between The governemnt and Individual Actions.
Well Actually Its fairly certain He did use them in the Gulf war. and It makes sense that This was covered up since it was H.W who sold them to Iraq and wanted to Avoid embarrasment.
05-06-2004, 06:55
No way Iraq sold them. The better Crazy theory is that they gave them away. Cant speak for the actions of Individual iraqis.
If Iraq was selling then why couldnt the U.S or U.N buy? Then everybody wins.Because Iraq wanted to sell them to someone who would happily do what Saddam was afraid to try.
AQ comes to mind...
And AQ would get the Money where. As I said the better theory is that they were gave them away. And As I also said. you have to make the Intellectual Distinction between The governemnt and Individual Actions.
Their are probebly alot of Rich people who wouldn't mind to see America fall not to mention quite a few foriegn leaders i bet.
But If the HSS to be believed AQ's funding capacity has been cut off.
06-06-2004, 06:39
Wanna hear my theory? Iraq had no WMD's except for the ones the American's gave him in the Irani-Iraqi war and he used up most of those bombing the Irani's and gassing the Kurds. So the canister of Sarin gas is more than likely American owned. So I think America has far more to own up to than Saddam Hussein ever did.
06-06-2004, 06:43
Y'know, the sites where 'WMD' were buried aren't guarded or anything. Especially since Iraq had it's army disbanded. Anyone could've just dug up an old shell or bomb and put it by the side of the road.
06-06-2004, 07:31
I think the reason they weren't used was because Saddam may have given the order but his underlings didn't carry it out so we would look bad.
Saddam said that they couldn't use them.