NationStates Jolt Archive


20-05-2004, 10:25
Do you know the fable of the frog and the cow?
20-05-2004, 10:25
20-05-2004, 10:28
Me neither.

I'm helping out my gf with her french. And for whatever reason her hw involves a fable about a frog and a cow :roll:
20-05-2004, 10:35
Found it!! :)

For entertainment puporses I present to you:

"La Grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse que le Bœuf"

Enjoy ;)

La grenouille qui se veut faire aussi grosse que le Bœuf

Une grenouille vit un Bœuf
Qui lui sembla de belle taille.
Elle, qui n’était pas grosse en tout comme un œuf,
Envieuse, s’étend, et s’enfle, et se travaille,
Pour égaler l’animal en grosseur,
Disant: "Regardez bien, ma sœur;
Est-ce assez? dites-moi; n’y suis-je point encore?
—Nenni. —M’y voici donc? — Point du tout. — M’y voilà?
—Vous n’en approchez point." La chétive pécore
S’enfla si bien qu’elle creva.

Le monde est plein de gens qui ne sont pas plus sages:
Tout bourgeois veut bâtir comme les grands seigneurs,
Tout petit prince a des ambassadeurs,
Tout marquis veut avoir des pages.
The Frog Who Would Be as Big as an Ox

A Frog had an Ox in her view;
His bulk, to her, appeared ideal.
She, not even as large, all in all, as an egg hitherto,
Envious, stretched, swelled, strained, in her zeal
To match the beast in overall size,
Saying, "Sister, lend me your eyes.
Is this enough? Am I not yet there, in every feature?"
"Nope." "Then now?" "No way." "There now, as good as first?"
"You’re not anywhere near." The diminutive creature
Inflated still more, till she burst.

The world is full of folk who are as far from being sages.
Every city gent would build chateaux like Louis Quatorze;
Every petty prince names ambassadors,
Every marquis wants to have pages.
Greater Valia
20-05-2004, 10:41
i thought this was about the game :(
20-05-2004, 10:44
i thought this was about the game :(

Must have been a real shocker then to see what it was really about :(

I hope the french didn't hurt your eyes ;)
20-05-2004, 18:58
Elle se crevait? Dommage. :(
Draconis Nightcrawlis
20-05-2004, 19:00
i thought this was about the game :(

Me too :D