I got my learners permit.
Wooohooo. I got my learner's permit today. After failing the knowlage test twice, I finally passed. I am happy. :D
Garaj Mahal
20-05-2004, 04:13
Got mine too - over 29 years ago. I still remember what a proud feeling it was - just wait till you get your full license! Drive safe.
The Sadistic Skinhead
20-05-2004, 04:15
congrats it took me 10 times and 4 years to get mine
The Black Forrest
20-05-2004, 04:29
Where do you live?
I want to avoid the area! :P
20-05-2004, 04:34
Fool. I don't plan on ever getting my license, or taking the class. I couldn't afford the class, so why should I shell out $130 just to learn something that will be of no use to me? I have a bike, and I know how to ride it.
Cannot think of a name
20-05-2004, 04:38
Wooohooo. I got my learner's permit today. After failing the knowlage test twice, I finally passed. I am happy. :D
Cool, just do me a favor: Keep in mind that the turn signal on a VW MicroBus DOES NOT mean "Hurry up, he's trying to get in front of us!!!" Otherwise, enjoy the freedom and use your car as little as possible.
Demonic Furbies
20-05-2004, 04:40
bah. dont listen to the people. drive as much as possible ang gain experiance so you dont hit anyone once you get your liscense
You have to remember that there are alot of psycho people out on the roads. I AM ONE OF THEM!