The Pope blessed Mussolini
So all catholics must be facists! Right? Based on the logic seen on these forums this means that all catholics, and protestants as well, are all facist. It doesn't matter what you do or think, if you're a christian you're a facist.
Tell me some of you see the problems with this theory. Please? I see threads all the time that make grand judgements of entire nations do to the actions of a singular few people decades (or even centuries) ago. They do not take into account the current actions of the nation (or people) under discussion, nor do they even restrict their judgements to members of that specific group, if there's even a tiny connection then other people are lumped in with the first group.
The Pope did bless Mussolini, but to my knowledge it was to keep himself and the rest of the Vatican alive and not exiled from the country. The Pope's actions do not represent the actions of the entire christian world, and neither do the leaders of other religions/nations/political groups. Please, stop holding up individuals as evidence for complete evilness, you just look like an idiot.
The Pyrenees
19-05-2004, 18:57
So all catholics must be facists! Right? Based on the logic seen on these forums this means that all catholics, and protestants as well, are all facist. It doesn't matter what you do or think, if you're a christian you're a facist.
Actually, by Catholic dogma you're a fascist- because all Catholics should believe the Pope as he is Gods representative on earth and so infallible... therefore Catholics= Support the Pope and Pope= supports Mussolini.
Free Soviets
19-05-2004, 19:14
the catholic hierarchy as a whole supported fascists whenever they got the chance throughout europe. therefore everyone who remained a catholic either was a fascist or was at least complicit in their crimes.
National syndicalism
19-05-2004, 19:29
I am glad that the pope blessed the corporate state. Any so called crimes were necessary in order to defend and advance the interests of the nation. Also Europe was being weakened by liberal democracy and threatened by Communist revolution. Both church and state is ordained by God and exist by his grace.
The Black Forrest
19-05-2004, 23:48
I am glad that the pope blessed the corporate state. Any so called crimes were necessary in order to defend and advance the interests of the nation. Also Europe was being weakened by liberal democracy and threatened by Communist revolution. Both church and state is ordained by God and exist by his grace.
Yea! Let's all convert as we have seen the value of Goverment by Religion!
The Taliban, Iran, The Crusades, The Inquistion and the European Religious wars!
Dang who would not want a Religious based goverment!
See ya later Troll
National syndicalism
20-05-2004, 12:00
I said that governments should be blessed by religion not controled by them. :roll: As a Fascist I'm opposed to all reactionary governments no matter whether they are monarchies or theocracies.
20-05-2004, 12:26
By my set of beliefs, I'm Christian, but what everyone else here is saying, I'm something far different. I'm extremely supportive of socialism. I'm mostly Chrsitian because I believe in the teachings of the new testament, and many other beliefs. Some things I believe are different from many Christians, but I still consider myself Christian since my faith is based in the same scriptures as other Christians. I'm going to say them just to make a bunch of people yell, or think for a change, whichever you choose. One things I disagree with is, hell lasts forever. If there is one thing that Christianity has taught me, it is forgiveness, and I believe that God is too benevolent too sentence people to an eternal hell, although hell would still exist, but it would allow peoploe to redeem themselves. Another is, which is fairly uncontroversial, is that the New Testament didn't happen, God didn't make Adam and Eve, he didn't flood the world, and although Moses I believe was real, he didn't make the Red Sea open up a path. Also, atheists, and people of other religions have an equal chance to get into heaven. Or at least other religions, atheists might have to spend time in hell because they are often atheists due to allowing a death or something completely natural to shake their faith enough to believe that God doesn't exist. By the way, I'm only 14, so feel free to ignore everything I just said, after all, what do I know?
So all catholics must be facists! Right? Based on the logic seen on these forums this means that all catholics, and protestants as well, are all facist. It doesn't matter what you do or think, if you're a christian you're a facist.
Actually, by Catholic dogma you're a fascist- because all Catholics should believe the Pope as he is Gods representative on earth and so infallible... therefore Catholics= Support the Pope and Pope= supports Mussolini.The Pope is only infalable ex-catheradly.
So all catholics must be facists! Right? Based on the logic seen on these forums this means that all catholics, and protestants as well, are all facist. It doesn't matter what you do or think, if you're a christian you're a facist.
Actually, by Catholic dogma you're a fascist- because all Catholics should believe the Pope as he is Gods representative on earth and so infallible... therefore Catholics= Support the Pope and Pope= supports Mussolini.The Pope is only infalable ex-cathederaly.
20-05-2004, 12:33
I remember once when this guy killed this other guy. The first guy was a 'human being' and therefore all humans are murdering bastards.
Hatcham Woods
20-05-2004, 12:36
I remember once when this guy killed this other guy. The first guy was a 'human being' and therefore all humans are murdering bastards.
Hatcham Woods
20-05-2004, 12:43
Hatcham Woods
20-05-2004, 12:51
I am glad that the pope blessed the corporate state. Any so called crimes were necessary in order to defend and advance the interests of the nation. Also Europe was being weakened by liberal democracy and threatened by Communist revolution. Both church and state is ordained by God and exist by his grace.
Do you have any idea what these so-called "so called crimes" were? Can you explain in what way they were "necessary in order to defend and advance the interests of the nation"? Why was it vital for Italy to bomb the crap out of Abyssinia, except to let Musso stick his pigeon chest out even further?
And I have to say, for a state "ordained by God", it didn't lose any time in being roundly beaten by every enemy it came up against, collapsing, being invaded from two directions at once, and finally -- with more than a little exuberance -- stringing its bloated, corrupt, pea-brained former dictator upside down from a lamp-post. Still, you're the one with the hotline to God; no doubt you have an excellent explanation for this as well.
20-05-2004, 14:15
Background info
20-05-2004, 14:16
Background info
20-05-2004, 14:22
Background info
The view of Pope Pius's defenders
To his defenders, Pius is said to have worked tirelessly for peace and to help Jews who were facing persecution by Nazi Germany. Through the Pontifical Aid Commission, Pius XII provided relief to the victims of the war on both sides, but especially to the Jewish people. When, following the collapse of the Italian Royal Government, the Nazis occupied Rome on 10 September 1943, Pope Pius XII opened the Holy See to Jewish refugees. Estimates have suggested that 800,000 to 1,500,000 refugees, including Jews were helped by Pope Pius, many through the granting of Vatican citizenship. It has also been alleged that Pius directly supported the network of priests who smuggled vast numbers of Jews to safety. Israel Zolli, the Chief Rabbi of Rome, was so impressed by Pius's actions that following the war he not only became a Roman Catholic, but took "Eugenio," Pope Pius XII's Christian name, as his own Christian name upon Baptism, becoming "Eugenio Zolli." Furthermore, Jewish relief agencies donated over a million dollars in gratitude to the Holy See after the end of World War II in Europe, while Pius XII was awarded the title "Righteous Gentile" by the state of Israel, and the Israeli Government announced its intention to plant 850,000 trees in his honor - one for each Jewish life he was credited with saving. Upon Pope Pius XII's death he was eulogized movingly and appreciatively by Golda Meir, at that time Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.3
Uh, you all really missed the point of this thread. I was just using the Pope as an example that first popped into my mind, this thread has nothing to do with Christianity or anything else along those lines.
This thread was made to show that, on this forum, people often use ancient acts of solitary individuals to support their current prejudicial beliefs. Nothing more.
20-05-2004, 20:01
Hmn... I was baptised Catholic, but I'm an athiest, what does that make me? A heretic fascist? :P
20-05-2004, 20:05
I'm a Pooping Lizard! :shock:
20-05-2004, 21:58
Hmn... I was baptised Catholic, but I'm an athiest, what does that make me? A heretic fascist? :P
Nah. Just another 'fallen away' Catholic. Besides, there's nothing wrong with a little heresy... :wink:
National syndicalism
22-05-2004, 23:17
Can you explain in what way they were "necessary in order to defend and advance the interests of the nation"? Why was it vital for Italy to bomb the crap out of Abyssinia, except to let Musso stick his pigeon chest out even further. Yes i can. Italy had a colony called eritrea. Ethiopia claimed it as a province, so Mussolini decided to attack Ethiopia before Ethiopia attacked Eritrea. plus it also helped his goal of reviving the Roman empire. He failed of course. After world warII, Ras Tafari the emporer of Ethiopia was restored to the throne and was allowed to annex eritrea. It wasn't until 1993 that Eritrea won it's independence from both Italy and Ethiopia.
23-05-2004, 02:14
I am catholic but I would not say I am hardcore fanatic. I do not believe in all of the teachings. Also I do not always agree with the catholic church like when they tried to cover up those child molestation charges aganst the pedifile priests or when they sheltered Ante Pavilick (almost as bad as Josef Mengel.) So not all of the actions of the catholic church are believed by all catholics.
Jesus Christ, did you people even read the opening post? This thread has nothing to do with christianity! Nothing at all! The Pope was just a convenient example! I could have used Martha Stuart and inside trading, or Joseph Stalin and massive paranoia, or even William Shatner and bad acting. There should be no religious discussions here.
23-05-2004, 23:55
Which Pope are you talking about?? It couldn't have been John-Paul II; he was in Poland fighting the Nazis
It doesn't matter! This isn't a religious thread!
And it may very well be John-Paul II, since the Pope blessed Mussolini back in the 1910's or 1920's, almost two decadesa before the invasion of Poland even happened.