My Hunger
:twisted: I must now rant and rave. You can ignore this completely, I just need to get it out of me. :tantrum: Why does my hunger always take control of me? Can't I ever just power over it? I need the energy, but why do I have to take it like that? For once can I just control it? For once can I not scare the victim? For once can I find someone willing to give to me? For once can I just realize how bad it is when I'm doing it? I don't know if that will ever happen. I wish for nothing more in the world, yet it seems like so much to ask. Can it really be that much? Or do I just not know how to control it? Do I need help? Or is this something I have to overcome myself? Will I ever know the answers to my questions? I might not, so I guess I'm stuck with wondering.
Demonic Furbies
17-05-2004, 04:02
sux being a vamp, doesnt it.
17-05-2004, 04:02
Try a sandwich.
quiznos sandwichs are really good.
Demonic Furbies
17-05-2004, 04:10
that hampster things scares the crap outa me though
17-05-2004, 04:24
The Atkins diet is a bitch, ain't it?
Counter Measures
17-05-2004, 04:39
that hampster things scares the crap outa me though
You mean the sponge monkey's from
Demonic Furbies
17-05-2004, 04:41
that hampster things scares the crap outa me though
You mean the sponge monkey's from
if those are the dinging hampster things from the quiznos comercials then ya.
Counter Measures
17-05-2004, 04:45
hahaha...those things aren't scary. Just really...really.......different. Unfotunately not enough people in the states know about them to make the commercial worthwhile, I think. seems to be more of a British phenomenon.
Cuneo Island
17-05-2004, 04:45
Just find something to do to take your mind off the hunger.
Greater Valia
17-05-2004, 04:50
:twisted: I must now rant and rave. You can ignore this completely, I just need to get it out of me. :tantrum: Why does my hunger always take control of me? Can't I ever just power over it? I need the energy, but why do I have to take it like that? For once can I just control it? For once can I not scare the victim? For once can I find someone willing to give to me? For once can I just realize how bad it is when I'm doing it? I don't know if that will ever happen. I wish for nothing more in the world, yet it seems like so much to ask. Can it really be that much? Or do I just not know how to control it? Do I need help? Or is this something I have to overcome myself? Will I ever know the answers to my questions? I might not, so I guess I'm stuck with wondering.
uh, wtf?
yes yes, terrible
i just dont care
Greater Valia
17-05-2004, 04:52