techtv's funeral topic
Pyro Kittens
16-05-2004, 04:13
As many of you know, techtv is in the hands of g4, i have not posted this for so long in the hopes of a revival of techtv, but currently my scources tell me it is dead. The site of techtv is bing moved to LA, CA. And G4 is scrapping many shows. So, this shall be the gret techtv's funeral topic. You may say a few words about techtv and show your mourning.
The Atheists Reality
16-05-2004, 04:20
i dont mourn :D
Pyro Kittens
17-05-2004, 01:28
17-05-2004, 01:51
I don't get TechTV, but I know a little about it.
Ahem. TechTV was a television channel. It had shows. Thank you for your time.
Demonic Furbies
17-05-2004, 02:55
those biznatches had best not kill x-play.
dude, i used to watch x-play in US. i loved it, but i fuckin hated those stupid hosts. man they are complete retards!
Demonic Furbies
17-05-2004, 03:00
host = retard.
show = bada$$.
at least it was somewhat interesting at 4 in the morning
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Pyro Kittens
19-05-2004, 06:37
don't worry, x-play will still be there, freash gear too, it also looks like they are keeping screen savers and unscrewed, others i don't know...
Is Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb going to co-host or host in G4 or something?
Anyways, I hear good things about G4, so I aint mourning.
Morgan Webb. H'm. Do any of you guys really thinks she plays video games 24/7?
*Sniff* My favorite show on TechTV was 'Future Fighting Machines'.
19-05-2004, 07:32
If they cancel Screensavers....or Call for help....PEOPLE WILL SUFFER.