Yes, I'm a Jesuit
I've had a number of queries when the issue has come up before. But yes, I follow the Jesuit Order. Though I have no intrest in entering the Preisthood, my family have been associated with the order for over a hundred years. There's really not that much mystery behind it, we're just like any other faction of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, just with cooler robes.
The Great Leveller
12-05-2004, 12:51
I've had a number of queries when the issue has come up before. But yes, I follow the Jesuit Order. Though I have no intrest in entering the Preisthood, my family have been associated with the order for over a hundred years. There's really not that much mystery behind it, we're just like any other faction of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, just with cooler robes.
And better (though longer) training.
When you say that your family have been associated with the order for over a hundred years, does that mean that all you family members have been to Jesuit schools?
Mostly, my Mother went Order of the Blessed Virgin school I think. Can't remember now. But, the intresting thing is on one side of our family we are the strictest Catholics, and on the other Lutheran missionaries. Goes hand in hand I think :)
12-05-2004, 15:23
Yes, I'm a jesuit.
Now what? A cookie? ;)
Anyways, yes, I'm proud of you. *knows thats what Rotovia secretly wanted to hear*