Christians should go back to Popeland!
yes, all the way back. barefoot. and with egyptians chasing behind in chariots.
San haiti
10-05-2004, 13:49
and you wonder why you keep getting deleted?
10-05-2004, 13:51
Yay! it begins!
"you are so correct. Ever since they came from popeland it's been
"Do this, heresy! Blasphemy! go to sunday school, get thee to a monestary!"
The more egyptians that chase them the merrier.
i know, they are always telling me im a crazy heathen. like i am. ha! thats just foolishness.
10-05-2004, 14:03
It's up to us to send those Christians back to Vishnu.
(I really hope that I got the God from the Hindu religion right)
Christians, bah humbug. Worst thing to ever happen to Britain. Ever read the Bernard Cornwell Arthur books? Says a lot!
Life was simple then along come Christains and take away the fun. Sin! Bah.
Also like the Simpsons episode where they go back to pagan times and the Christian Flanders mock the pagan Simpsons!
Christians, bah humbug. Worst thing to ever happen to Britain.
worst thing to happen to the world, those foolish people praying to the air.
The Mycon
11-05-2004, 02:46
I'm not too fond of any given invisible sky pixie, but I think Catholics are sexy. Therefore, I'm going to have to say I'm happy they're here. Oh, and there are a few nice ones and some of my best friends are and yadda yadda yadda... That's all true, but it doesn't really matter so much as physical attractiveness.
Be more tolerant of their beliefs, even some of them aren't of yours, and be shallow in your choice of mates. It makes life much more pleasant.
If they've got a persecution complex, though, then meh. I hate whiners.
11-05-2004, 02:52
but I think Catholics are sexy.
mmmmm...plaid skirts
Jesu Cristu
11-05-2004, 03:05
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Matthew 5:11-12
Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you mesure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the wooden beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me remove that splinter from your eye," while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite; remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye.
Matthew 7:1-5
Tactical Grace
11-05-2004, 03:08
Wasn't there also that bit about not eating crustaceans? :?
11-05-2004, 03:09
Andrew, I think you'll have to think up another creative word to put after "Kisarazu" for your new nation. But to be fair, they should have to go back on barefeet AND over broken glass. And the Egyptians' whips should have pirahhna heads tied to the end...Somehow capable of biting.
New Genoa
11-05-2004, 03:30
This is blatant flamebait but whatever.
*starts praying to invisible man in the skies*
but I think Catholics are sexy.
mmmmm...plaid skirts
I miss my kazaa lite. :cry:
11-05-2004, 03:33
This is blatant flamebait but whatever.
*starts praying to invisible man in the skies*
Ah, that's so cute. He's talking to his imaginary friend!
11-05-2004, 03:34
but I think Catholics are sexy.
mmmmm...plaid skirts
I miss my kazaa lite. :cry:
Fools. Whoever decided that (here, at least) all girls up until college have to wear a skirt everyday should get a Nobel Prize.
Capsule Corporation
11-05-2004, 03:38
why don't we go back to israel?
New Genoa
11-05-2004, 03:38
This is blatant flamebait but whatever.
*starts praying to invisible man in the skies*
Ah, that's so cute. He's talking to his imaginary friend!
He is not an imaginary friend. He's just some mysterious 2000-year-old carpenter who resurrected from the dead after being crucified by the Romans for leading a non-violent revolt to destroy Judaism and inspire Mel Gibson to make a movie that guilts people into worshipping his father who also happens to be the creator of the world, universe, and Rosie O'Donnell's second cousin. :roll:
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Matthew 5:11-12
Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you mesure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the wooden beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me remove that splinter from your eye," while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite; remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye.
Matthew 7:1-5
I can quote too. "The Pythagorean Cult, which was prevalent in Greece several centuries before Jesus, also preached loving thy enemy. Pythagoras was said to be able to walk on water, ressurect the dead, turn water into wine, and other such feats that are now common to the current ideology of Christianity."
"Mithra, a pagan god, was born December 25th, and was said to have risen from the dead two weeks later during the spring equinox"
"the universe is about 15 billion years old"
"What's the big sacrifice in dying and going to heaven?"
"Men are actually derived from women. THis is demonstrated in the XX chromosome of females, and the XY chromosome of men"
"If it weren't for us, you people would still be burning each other as witches and blaming the devil for diseases."
"" --- From the bible. Several chapters may appear between this string of words.
11-05-2004, 03:41
come on guys, the few rabid fundies there are don't represent all of us. I am a christian (even though my nation is pagan), but I tend to place the most emphasis on the one ultimate rule, treating others as one would like to be treated. That's the important part. All the other stuff really is nitpicky detail, and all the rules in the old testament are either stupid or unnecessary.
See, you get all these fundamentalists making a bad name for the rest of us, they're really only using the religion as an excuse to hate people and to hold themselves as superior to others, which is wrong.
11-05-2004, 03:44
This is blatant flamebait but whatever.
*starts praying to invisible man in the skies*
Ah, that's so cute. He's talking to his imaginary friend!
He is not an imaginary friend. He's just some mysterious 2000-year-old carpenter who resurrected from the dead after being crucified by the Romans for leading a non-violent revolt to destroy Judaism and inspire Mel Gibson to make a movie that guilts people into worshipping his father who also happens to be the creator of the world, universe, and Rosie O'Donnell's second cousin. :roll:
Riiiiiiiight, NOT an imaginary friend (wink wink).
seriously though, popeland was made for christians. wouldnt they want to be chased there?
11-05-2004, 06:42
seriously though, popeland was made for christians. wouldnt they want to be chased there?
But the pirahnna heads would probably hurt a lot.
Popeland... Popeland... sounds familiar. Is that the new Disney theme park in the Vatican?
11-05-2004, 06:47
Popeland... Popeland... sounds familiar. Is that the new Disney theme park in the Vatican?
Yep. Settled it right between The Spanish Inquisition ride and The Crusade.
my personal fav is the "blame the jews" ride. i love that 1.
11-05-2004, 06:53
my personal fav is the "blame the jews" ride. i love that 1.
Yeah, they really got that one down pat. I didn't agree with their blatant use of gold coins though. They could've been more subtle in their bashing of a good people.
11-05-2004, 06:58
This one has potential for seriously sick, perverse, funny humor.
Wonder when JayW is getting in on it ....?
This one has potential for seriously sick, perverse, funny humor.
Wonder when JayW is getting in on it ....?
thats exactly why i made it. that and i was bored out of my mind.
11-05-2004, 07:05
This one has potential for seriously sick, perverse, funny humor.
Wonder when JayW is getting in on it ....?
thats exactly why i made it. that and i was bored out of my mind.
That and you always laugh about the idea of Christians running away from Egyptians in chariots in a desperate attempt to make it to the safe haven of "Popeland".
So, does that mean that Moses parted the Mediterranean and all the Jews ran to Rome?
Well, -that- explains a lot.
they didnt run! they walked, and some jogged.
11-05-2004, 07:11
they didnt run! they walked, and some jogged.
No wonder so many of them got a taste of the pirahnna whips. Lazy bastards.
11-05-2004, 07:15
i like kosher hot dogs.
The pirahnnas enjoy the taste of people who eat kosher hot dogs.
11-05-2004, 07:21
We'll go back to popeland if the atheists go back to Russia, and the muslims go back to Saudi Arabia, and the Jews Israel, etc...
11-05-2004, 07:21
I am a christian (even though my nation is pagan),
I didn't know that there were still pagan nations. Where do you live?
And the Hindus and Buddhists back to India, the Shintos back to Japan, the Taoist and Confucians back to China, the deists back to the United States, the Anglicians back to England, the Catholics back to France and Italy, Lutherans back to Germany...
That makes for some -really- tightly packed spaces, and populationless areas.
The hindus back to Cow Land, the Muslims back to Suicidebomb Land, the Pagans back to RapeandPillage Land, the Jews back to Imcutyournot Land, and the the buddhists back to HilariousLaughingFatGuy Land.
Jeesh, I don't think Disney would be willing to make half of those places. Besides, those'd be some pretty big theme parks.
There are, what, over 700 million Hindus? How would you fit them -all- in one carnival-place?
Rowan Mayfair
11-05-2004, 07:32
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Matthew 5:11-12
Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you mesure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the wooden beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me remove that splinter from your eye," while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite; remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye.
Matthew 7:1-5
right on man! :D
Bah... the persecution returns after centuries of quiescence. Can't say that we historically don't deserve it...
You know, I wonder just what it is that makes people hate all Christians? I mean, what have I ever done to you?
i love christians. doesnt mean i cant make fun of them, cuz i make fun of anything.
im probably the most equal person you have ever met, cuz i make fun of everything equally.
11-05-2004, 09:28
The hindus back to Cow Land, the Muslims back to Suicidebomb Land, the Pagans back to RapeandPillage Land, the Jews back to Imcutyournot Land, and the the buddhists back to HilariousLaughingFatGuy Land.
Do us atheists get to go back to Jokesonyousuckers land? Cuz I remember the good ol' days...
12-05-2004, 05:56
Jeesh, I don't think Disney would be willing to make half of those places. Besides, those'd be some pretty big theme parks.
There are, what, over 700 million Hindus? How would you fit them -all- in one carnival-place?
Most of those Hindis are starving. That means more of them can theoretically fit into one spot, as they take up less room.
12-05-2004, 05:58
Bah... the persecution returns after centuries of quiescence. Can't say that we historically don't deserve it...
You know, I wonder just what it is that makes people hate all Christians? I mean, what have I ever done to you?
I'm still pissed about the "holier than thou" attitudes.
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 05:59
I'm still pissed about the "holier than thou" attitudes.
Not all Christians are like that. You must remember that. You can judge Christianity like that, but do not judge individual Christians in this manner.
12-05-2004, 06:04
I'm still pissed about the "holier than thou" attitudes.
Not all Christians are like that. You must remember that. You can judge Christianity like that, but do not judge individual Christians in this manner.
The topic is "Christians should go back to Popeland!" I'm no English major, but I think this means all Christians, and we do want them to take their religion with them. With the religion goes the "holier than thou" attitude. Therefore, I haven't singled anyone out. All of you need to get going, and be careful; those pirahnnas are deadly.
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 06:07
The topic is "Christians should go back to Popeland!" I'm no English major, but I think this means all Christians, and we do want them to take their religion with them. With the religion goes the "holier than thou" attitude. Therefore, I haven't singled anyone out. All of you need to get going, and be careful; those pirahnnas are deadly.
Exactly! Christianity as a whole might be one that you can judge, but each individual Christian is different! Look at the liberal Christians! Open your mind a little bit. You seem more anti-Christianity than me and I am a Satanist.
12-05-2004, 06:13
The topic is "Christians should go back to Popeland!" I'm no English major, but I think this means all Christians, and we do want them to take their religion with them. With the religion goes the "holier than thou" attitude. Therefore, I haven't singled anyone out. All of you need to get going, and be careful; those pirahnnas are deadly.
Exactly! Christianity as a whole might be one that you can judge, but each individual Christian is different! Look at the liberal Christians! Open your mind a little bit. You seem more anti-Christianity than me and I am a Satanist.
First off, Satanism is a branch of christianity. You may slaughter goats and bang the carcass for fun, but in essence, you are admitting to god's existence, and choosing the opposing team. And I've opened my mind before. I'm in a christian school, and I'm more atheist than anyone ever. So no more philosophical humbo jumbo.
I now pronounce (in accordance with the fact that if Kisarazu wants a piece, he can walk over to my house and get some) that all Satanists must go with their distant bretheren back to Popeland.
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 06:18
First off, Satanism is a branch of christianity.
Wow, that has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen.
You may slaughter g0at and bang the carcass for fun, but in essence, you are admitting to god's existence, and choosing the opposing team.
Sorry, but I do none of those and never will. I would never slaughter an animal. I am a vegetarian! And I do not believe that there is a higher power. I lean more towards atheism, but I try to stray from calling myself one. Though I was a staunch atheist.
And I've opened my mind before. I'm in a christian school, and I'm more atheist than anyone ever. So no more philosophical humbo jumbo.
I never said Christianity was even remotely correct. I believe it is a bunch of crap. But that does not mean every Christian fits into your stereotype.
I now pronounce (in accordance with the fact that if Kisarazu wants a piece, he can walk over to my house and get some) that all Satanists must go with their distant bretheren back to Popeland.
I pronounce that you do not know what Satanism is, modern Satanism.
12-05-2004, 06:23
Wow, that has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen.
Satanism is the belief in satan. To believe in satan, you must believe that there is a god to punish satan for standing against him. Therefore, satanism derives from Christianity. Making Satanism a branch.
Sorry, but I do none of those and never will. I would never slaughter an animal. I am a vegetarian! And I do not believe that there is a higher power. I lean more towards atheism, but I try to stray from calling myself one. Though I was a staunch atheist.
See above comment. If you believe in Satanism, then you believe in satan, and unlness he is your equal...
I never said Christianity was even remotely correct. I believe it is a bunch of crap. But that does not mean every Christian fits into your stereotype.
I will concede this when I meet one who doesn't.
I pronounce that you do not know what Satanism is, modern Satanism.
I pronounce that I win. Douche.
*grabs lith`s hand and throws it up in the air*
*spits on Sov Dem*
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 06:28
Wow, that has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen.
Satanism is the belief in satan. To believe in satan, you must believe that there is a god to punish satan for standing against him. Therefore, satanism derives from Christianity. Making Satanism a branch.
You do not understand modern Satanism. I do not and will not believe in a physical or spiritual Satan. Satan is man. Satan is your lusts in life, your desires. Satan is not some creature living underneath the earth's crust with some pitch fork condemning people to Hell!
Sorry, but I do none of those and never will. I would never slaughter an animal. I am a vegetarian! And I do not believe that there is a higher power. I lean more towards atheism, but I try to stray from calling myself one. Though I was a staunch atheist.
See above comment. If you believe in Satanism, then you believe in satan, and unlness he is your equal...
See above comment.
I never said Christianity was even remotely correct. I believe it is a bunch of crap. But that does not mean every Christian fits into your stereotype.
I will concede this when I meet one who doesn't.
I have met Christians who are not even remotely like that. They have been liberal Christians, but Christians at that.
I pronounce that you do not know what Satanism is, modern Satanism.
I pronounce that I win. Douche.
I pronounce that you still know nothing of modern Satanism!
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 06:29
*grabs lith`s hand and throws it up in the air*
*spits on Sov Dem*
Both of you are morons. He has won nothing. Give me a chance to respond before you "spit" on me with your virtual "spitting".
Hail Satan!
I shall inform you of this because you are a NationStates' newb. It is not "Sov Dem" it is SD!
Hail Satan!
*spits on Sov Dem again*
TRA owns you.
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 06:32
Hail Satan!
*spits on Sov Dem again*
TRA owns you.
Are you...The Red Arrow?
umm... not a chance in hell.
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 06:34
umm... not a chance in hell.
I shall start to ignore you and wait for Lith to say something.
I shall start to ignore you and blablabla
Satanism is as bad or worse then Christianity.
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 06:48
[i]I shall start to ignore you and blablabla[i]
Satanism is as bad or worse then Christianity.
Where is your proof of this? And please, enlighten me on what Satanism is.
12-05-2004, 07:03
Wow, you lot are so hypocritical! The amount of aethiests I have met who have a 'Holier than thou' attitude, even though they don't belive in God, is incredible!
I have never deliberately tried to be a preacher or a missionary or anything like that, and I will chat in a friendly way about my views, and as a lot of my friends are Muslims, they dont have that attitude either!
But aethiests can be just as bad as 'some' Christians (Like the ones who would find the life of Brian offensive) always preaching about their views and forcing them upon other christians, and in doing that, slagging off aboiut us doing it to you. And plus, I can stay where I am without going back to popeland, as I am an Anglican, my churches headquarters are right here in England
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 07:05
Wow, you lot are so hypocritical! The amount of aethiests I have met who have a 'Holier than thou' attitude, even though they don't belive in God, is incredible!
I have never deliberately tried to be a preacher or a missionary or anything like that, and I will chat in a friendly way about my views, and as a lot of my friends are Muslims, they dont have that attitude either!
But aethiests can be just as bad as 'some' Christians (Like the ones who would find the life of Brian offensive) always preaching about their views and forcing them upon other christians, and in doing that, slagging off aboiut us doing it to you. And plus, I can stay where I am without going back to popeland, as I am an Anglican, my churches headquarters are right here in England
First off, it is "atheist". Secondly, as I said before, not all atheists are like that.
12-05-2004, 07:10
First off, I cant spell or grammatize very well.
Secondly, all through this topic, us Christians have been trying to say the exact same thing, we arent all like that!!!!
Hypocritical comment again!
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 07:11
First off, I cant spell or grammatize very well.
Secondly, all through this topic, us Christians have been trying to say the exact same thing, we arent all like that!!!!
Hypocritical comment again!
Read what I put. I said that same exact thing about Christians! Not all Christians are like that! So please, read what I personally say before you put words in my mouth.
1st of all- most people are evil and/or stupid anyway.
2nd of all- there are a lot of good christians and athiests. but that doesnt mean the shouldnt be sent to Popeland.
12-05-2004, 07:14
So, now youre saying we should send all atheists to popeland as well? Great, a free trip to Italy :roll:
my bad, i meant only the christians. and who said popeland is in italy?! :roll:
12-05-2004, 07:35
Well the pope lives in, wait where does he live? (Methinks its the vatican but....)
Anyways, I can name you about 20 Christians who I would happily ship off to popeland and hell so they can kiss the popes toes and cater to his every need, but at the same time, I can name you hundreds who dont deserve that, I tell you, it is the minority of us that are like the 'christians' you claim of.
I am against organised religion, I only ever go to church at Christmas and Easter and my parents are very moral athiests. I believe in God becuase I want to believe, hope that when I die, the big man upstairs will take me to a better place, I also hope he will take all people up to a better place, as we are all equal, gays, blacks, muslims, jews, siamese twins, people with six toes, me, you, everybody! Im very righteous like that.
I also in my pasttimes, do Tai Chi and Karate, I am a Reiki Master and I enjoy putting people under hypnosis. I have also done drugs, drink alcohol, and spend a significant amount of time at my pc, mostly at counter strike and Warcraft 3. So what if we Christians are a little different, so what if gays want to have se.x with other men, so what if Black people want to call me a rastclart, I dont care, we should all be treated with repect.
Except Dubya. Te only person in the world I could say I hate.
12-05-2004, 07:37
Does Popeland have roller coasters?
12-05-2004, 07:37
I dont care, and if you do youre just reaaaaaaal sad, ya know?
no popeland does not have rollercoasters, christians are cheap. it does have a ferris wheel though.
12-05-2004, 07:42
no popeland does not have rollercoasters, christians are cheap. it does have a ferris wheel though.
Damn. What a crappy amusement park.
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 07:43
Damn. What a crappy amusement park.
It is because they are conservative with their money!
:lol: I crack myself up.
*shuts up and runs away*
12-05-2004, 07:44
Damn. What a crappy amusement park.
It is because they are conservative with their money!
:lol: I crack myself up.
*shuts up and runs away*
*chases after Soviet Democracy*
Soviet Democracy
12-05-2004, 07:45
*chases after Soviet Democracy*
*wonders why*
Eh, f*ck it.
*leaves computer*
You cannot catch me! Bahahahhaha!
*actually leaves*
Goodnight for the second time.
Hail Satan!
12-05-2004, 07:46
I like money, in fact I would go as far as to say I loved it, Im not conservative at all, anyway popeland does have rollercoasters, you just pay an entrance fee then the rides are free!!!!
12-05-2004, 07:57
yeah, plaid skirts and catholic school girl stereotypes are hott...but more seriously, if you sent all the christians back to "popeland", we'd be just as good off as we are now when the leage of nations/UN decided to "provide the jews" (i am not antisematic, but that is PART of the reason) with a state/formal-homeland, in Israel/Palestine. Now i was raised "liberally" catholic, my sister in law is a jew and my other sister in law is a muslium... and i, well, i don't know what i am at this point. like u said, not all people are really the same, religon included. but hey , f-it. if we can't all learn to get along (as corny as it sounds) just as people, then theres no room for religon or non-religon (secular) beliefs. i just figure that i'll let everyone else pray or hum or roll around on the floor or do jumpingjax or watch the 700club for all i care, it's their business. i do agree that when people try to preach about how right they are and how wrong we all are, that it's ignorant. but oh well. that's just the way it is. if all the millions of christians got sent back to ''popeland'', that'd be a hell-of-a bill to ship them there to... and i think popeland has a nice new waterslide.
12-05-2004, 09:00
You do not understand modern Satanism. I do not and will not believe in a physical or spiritual Satan. Satan is man. Satan is your lusts in life, your desires. Satan is not some creature living underneath the earth's crust with some pitch fork condemning people to Hell!
Satan is non-existant. Your lust, your desires, those are yours. You're becoming far too meta-physical in your observations of life. Is it your belief that Satan is an actual man, or that it is just the dark part of each man? If so, then you should join Scientology or something.
See above comment.
See above comment, keeping in mind that even as a religion evolves, it is still a religion.
I have met Christians who are not even remotely like that. They have been liberal Christians, but Christians at that.
Then it must be your birthday, but since I haven't, that means that I don't care. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, all Christians=back to Popeland!
I pronounce that you still know nothing of modern Satanism!
I pronounce that making up a new definition for Satanism so you can argue with me about whether or not you should be sent back to Popeland with the christians is insignifigant. Off with the shoes, on with the march!
12-05-2004, 09:06
Whoops; that previous post was from me BTW.
12-05-2004, 09:08
Who cares whether or not I lie; I won. I declared it multiple times. Where you at now? Sis house?
12-05-2004, 09:11
if all the millions of christians got sent back to ''popeland'', that'd be a hell-of-a bill to ship them there to... and i think popeland has a nice new waterslide.
They have to walk back. Swim if neccesary. Read the first few posts to get an idea of how bad it's gonna be for them. Also, it does have a water slide, and it's supposedly pretty nice, but there's so many people showing up that the line is like 40 years.
and hey... it will make our waterslide lines soooo much shorter....
12-05-2004, 09:18
and hey... it will make our waterslide lines soooo much shorter....
Yay! Francesca is in the hizzy! Anywho, it certainly would, as we've killed all the Native Americans, and (subsequently) their religion over the past few hundred years. That means that America becomes Jokesonyousuckers land.
oh and uh... lithuagnaidhgasgistania... i agree with you on your views of satanism... a belief that lust and desire are sinful is called christianity, not satanism.
12-05-2004, 09:21
oh and uh... lithuagnaidhgasgistania... i agree with you on your views of satanism... a belief that lust and desire are sinful is called christianity, not satanism.
Go Red-richard. Welcome to the winning team.
i have always been a proud jokesonyousuckerslandian. hell, i've lived here all my life... gotta get used to it at some point.........
12-05-2004, 09:23
i have always been a proud jokesonyousuckerslandian. hell, i've lived here all my life... gotta get used to it at some point.........
im in Satan`s Lair. or some people call it my ex-hostfamily`s house.
12-05-2004, 09:29
im in Satan`s Lair. or some people call it my ex-hostfamily`s house.
Are you there for some sort of reason or what?
Didnt you get the memo? get the hell back to popeland! its got a ferris wheel i said, A POPELAND FERRIS WHEEL!
13-05-2004, 07:30
Well ive just got off the phone to Dubya and told him and Iraqi is hiding at ur house, so get the hell outta there!
*stops having sex with an extremely hot iraqi illegal immigrant*
what? ahhh shit!
*finishes up and runs*
Josh Dollins
13-05-2004, 07:56
well I am a christian I have some strict rules for living and agree with the outspoken christian community out there and conservatives up until the point they force there beliefs and lifestyle on others. I don't do this. And I'd appreciate it if others (homosexuals etc.) didn't upon me which so far most have I may disagree with your lifestyle,system of government and beliefs etc. but come on I don't deserve this treatment especially when I am fair to you. I could stand living in Israel actually 70% of israelis are now pretty secular in beliefs.
How about you leave me alone and I you? Your having sex with an iraqi is harmless and none of my business unless she is violent threat to my happy existence and of course what your doing is wrong according to my beliefs but hey they're mine not yours. Now see I'm reasonable, see my country for further proof that I am
Soviet Democracy
13-05-2004, 08:12
You do not understand modern Satanism. I do not and will not believe in a physical or spiritual Satan. Satan is man. Satan is your lusts in life, your desires. Satan is not some creature living underneath the earth's crust with some pitch fork condemning people to Hell!
Satan is non-existant. Your lust, your desires, those are yours. You're becoming far too meta-physical in your observations of life. Is it your belief that Satan is an actual man, or that it is just the dark part of each man? If so, then you should join Scientology or something.
I will not join Scientology. And I personally believe that Satan is non-existant, in the Christian sense. Satan in my opinion merely represents man's "dark" side as you say it, though I would not call it that.
I have met Christians who are not even remotely like that. They have been liberal Christians, but Christians at that.
Then it must be your birthday, but since I haven't, that means that I don't care. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, all Christians=back to Popeland![/quote]
I see that as being awfully closed-minded to say that all are like that.
I pronounce that you still know nothing of modern Satanism!
I pronounce that making up a new definition for Satanism so you can argue with me about whether or not you should be sent back to Popeland with the christians is insignifigant. Off with the shoes, on with the march!
Making up a new definition of Satanism? Hah!
Soviet Democracy
13-05-2004, 08:14
oh and uh... lithuagnaidhgasgistania... i agree with you on your views of satanism... a belief that lust and desire are sinful is called christianity, not satanism.
Go Red-richard. Welcome to the winning team.
The winning team? You are basically calling me a Christian! Or at least Satanism a section of it. When in fact the Church of Satan does not believe that Jesus died for us, does not believe in the Christian God, nor does it believe in the Christian Satan! or read the Satanic Bible if you want to know more about it.
Josh Dollins
13-05-2004, 08:21
I could stand being sent to stay in italy for life sure 8)
also I am conservative with my money, pretty bad when your parents will back this up, damn credit card using, money blowing, non saving loons! I saved my own college money, pay for my own private education and rarely ever spend money and if I do I spend the best way possible.
I must get it from the jews, I;m cheap and crafty very good with money.
13-05-2004, 09:02
I must get it from the jews, I;m cheap and crafty very good with money.
Mom? Is that you? :shock:
Christmas Fairies
13-05-2004, 09:10
In my opinion it really doesnt matter whether you are a Christian or not, different people have different opinions and different beliefs, surely we should be tolerant of each other? of course thats just my opinion but, meh! thought i'd voice it anyway.X
Soviet Democracy
13-05-2004, 10:01
In my opinion it really doesnt matter whether you are a Christian or not, different people have different opinions and different beliefs, surely we should be tolerant of each other? of course thats just my opinion but, meh! thought i'd voice it anyway.X
I believe we should tolerate each other also!
Respect each other? That is a different story. But tolerate, yes! 8)
13-05-2004, 18:55
Tolerance is the socially acceptable guise of condescension.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Matthew 5:11-12
Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you mesure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the wooden beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me remove that splinter from your eye," while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite; remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye.
Matthew 7:1-5
I don't trust a Christian that doesn't know how to spell the name of his lord.
Or is it in Spainish? If it's in Spainish it's okay.