WooT ^.^ COD Stats
Woot as i said check it out im hitsquad!!!!
:shock: :D
so, I doubt INFINITY is such a good name
How bout something like =OMG YOU JUST GOT PWNED!!!!!!111!!!=
or not...
wtf does that mean.......
rools on the ground laughing thinking about what it means in his dirty mind!
no i have people tell me that all the time on cod ....alls i need is another computer geek to tell me that lol j/k
i barely can find the on/off switch on my bros comp.....no very computer literate
computer geek? :roll:
You can barely find an on/off switch, but your a CoD god? :shock:
cod god ....hardly.....
i just play the game in my spare time......plus its to cold to do anything outside anyways
cod god ....hardly.....
i just play the game in my spare time......plus its to cold to do anything outside anyways
lucky, it's too hot around here to open a window
lol if i open by window it would never shut because it would be frozen solid
god why did i choose to live in russia
lol if i open by window it would never shut because it would be frozen solid
god why did i choose to live in russia
umm....because snow cones are easy to come by?
Mutant Dogs
09-05-2004, 07:08
what is this?
what is this?
spawnkillers, campers, Teamkillers, hackers, spammers, all the lot
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you you i lived in cali you should be happy to live there....to damn expensive for me though...anywho i miss the surf...and no snowcones only vodca but it matches up ^.^
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you you i lived in cali you should be happy to live there....to damn expensive for me though...anywho i miss the surf...and no snowcones only vodca but it matches up ^.^
Yeah...lol...that's why I editted that out...because it's awesome
Mutant Dogs
09-05-2004, 07:10
what is this?
spawnkillers, campers, Teamkillers, hackers, spammers, all the lot
does a dances as he kills a 14 laggers
lol they just stay at the spawn camp to get killed
does a dances as he kills a 14 laggers
lol they just stay at the spawn camp to get killed
I used to be a lagger....
and then I got better wireless device!
lol so i was a lagger too
no i have a t1 line now
:shock: lucky, I got mere cable
lol i know im lucky even 30 on 30 i have a ping of 12-30