(Err/Hot-Air) America
08-05-2004, 03:49
And...the tragedy that is Err America continues to play itself out.
First, as you know, after much delays getting started, when they finally did start, the reviews were bad to worse. Then, two weeks into the operation, they got kicked off the air in Chicago and Los Angeles for bouncing checks (we have already discussed why it is disturbing that Err America was paying stations to carry its programming, so let's leave that alone for now.) They went back on the air in Chicago, but only via judicial order.
Then, you might not have heard how Err America took over stations that served minority populations (read: African-Americans, Caribbean, Mexican and Central American immigrants,) taking away what in many cases was the only way for some of those populations to get information and entertainment relevant to them.
Then, the CEO "stepped down" to take a smaller role in the company. Back where I was raised, we called that a demotion...others would call it a nice way to tell you "you're fired." This happened after a particularly poisonous press conference this guy gave to C-SPAN, in which he essentially accused Rush Limbaugh and others in the right wing, of brainwashing listeners.
Now, the chairman and vice chairman of Err America have resigned (http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/news/wire/sns-ap-liberal-radio-shakeup,0,6229903.story). They also report having trouble paying the hosts AND writers...writers???!!! What's up with that??
What's next? Stay tuned.
The Great Leveller
08-05-2004, 03:53
I don't think that it will last long from what I have heard of it. But then again I am surprised that Hannity has managed to stay on the air. So my opinion on American talk radio isn't really worth squat.
Greater Valia
08-05-2004, 03:56
talk radio is the best. especially the stuff i pick up on my satelitte(sp?) radio late at night
08-05-2004, 04:00
Fact is, Hannity stays on air because people are listening, and they find him interesting. Hell, Savage stays on air, and listening to him is kind of like watching a live volcano...you know the explosion is coming, you just don't know when. With the massive numbers of right-wing talk shows out there (at least 15 different shows any day, per my count,) you'd think some of them simply wouldn't make it due to over-saturation, but it isn't happening. That is what makes the failure of Err America all the more surprising...of course, they only have to compete against NPR and ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC/CNBC.
Greater Valia
08-05-2004, 04:03
Fact is, Hannity stays on air because people are listening, and they find him interesting. Hell, Savage stays on air, and listening to him is kind of like watching a live volcano...you know the explosion is coming, you just don't know when. With the massive numbers of right-wing talk shows out there (at least 15 different shows any day, per my count,) you'd think some of them simply wouldn't make it due to over-saturation, but it isn't happening. That is what makes the failure of Err America all the more surprising...of course, they only have to compete against NPR and ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC/CNBC.
savage, and rush are the best. hannity sounds like an idiot though, maybe its his accent but it gets on my nerves when i try to listen to him :?
EDIT: i also hate bill o'riley, stuck up asshole
The Great Leveller
08-05-2004, 04:05
Fact is, Hannity stays on air because people are listening, and they find him interesting. Hell, Savage stays on air, and listening to him is kind of like watching a live volcano...you know the explosion is coming, you just don't know when. With the massive numbers of right-wing talk shows out there (at least 15 different shows any day, per my count,) you'd think some of them simply wouldn't make it due to over-saturation, but it isn't happening. That is what makes the failure of Err America all the more surprising...of course, they only have to compete against NPR and ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC/CNBC.
savage, and rush are the best. hannity sounds like an idiot though, maybe its his accent but it gets on my nerves when i try to listen to him :?
I can kinda see the attraction in Rush, but there is something about Hannity which makes me want to slap him.
Greater Valia
08-05-2004, 04:08
Fact is, Hannity stays on air because people are listening, and they find him interesting. Hell, Savage stays on air, and listening to him is kind of like watching a live volcano...you know the explosion is coming, you just don't know when. With the massive numbers of right-wing talk shows out there (at least 15 different shows any day, per my count,) you'd think some of them simply wouldn't make it due to over-saturation, but it isn't happening. That is what makes the failure of Err America all the more surprising...of course, they only have to compete against NPR and ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC/CNBC.
savage, and rush are the best. hannity sounds like an idiot though, maybe its his accent but it gets on my nerves when i try to listen to him :?
I can kinda see the attraction in Rush, but there is something about Hannity which makes me want to slap him.
well, you see the thing that is so great about rush, and savage; is that its entertainment!!! that is the one thing the liberals dont understand and the reason air america will fail. thats why everybody loves conservative radio. of course i agree with their polotics and the stuff they have to say, but the fact is conservative talk radio is good shit!!! (savage gets extra points from me cause he plays heavy metal :wink: )
Greater Valia
08-05-2004, 04:29
08-05-2004, 04:32
Rush is good on the radio, and I like O'Reilly, and although this might sound oxymoronic with me saying I like Rush, I don't like Hannity that much, though.
09-05-2004, 02:58
Rush is good on the radio, and I like O'Reilly, and although this might sound oxymoronic with me saying I like Rush, I don't like Hannity that much, though.The thing with Rush and Savage is, they both are entertaining, and when they address a topic, they usually have done their homework about it. Hannity does ocassionally come across as a teenager who is sneaking around using his dad's ham radio without permission...though Flipper is kinda hot.