NationStates Jolt Archive

Girls/Guys We've Dated

Cuneo Island
07-05-2004, 01:54
Alright guys and girls here's your chance to talk about the people you've dated. Discuss their looks, personality, the relationship, the break up. Also you can all counsel each other.

Here's some guidelines for describing them or something.

Body Appearance:
Best thing about her/him:
Worst thing:
07-05-2004, 01:57
Good topic. But, i've got nothing. :cry:
Aryan Supremacy
07-05-2004, 02:01
Bitches one and all. Otherwise id still be going out with them.
The MU Continent
07-05-2004, 02:03
lol u got a good point
Red Guard Revisionists
07-05-2004, 02:30
one's a classics professor now
one's i think an asian studies prof
one's probably in jail
one just had brain surgury last month
the rest i've completely lost tract of.
07-05-2004, 02:46
Alright guys here's your chance to talk about the girls you've dated. Discuss their looks, personality, the relationship, the break up. Also you can all counsel each other.

This presupposes that I've had a date. Sadly, this is a wrongheaded presupposition.

Now if it were about women I've tried to date but have preemptorily crucified me, then we'd be game. . .
07-05-2004, 02:58
Alright guys here's your chance to talk about the girls you've dated. Discuss their looks, personality, the relationship, the break up. Also you can all counsel each other.

This presupposes that I've had a date. Sadly, this is a wrongheaded presupposition.

Now if it were about women I've tried to date but have preemptorily crucified me, then we'd be game. . .

OOOOO! I would post in that thread for sure!

Oh, do one random one night stands count as dates?
07-05-2004, 03:00
Alot of people. Lemme think. I'll tell you about my current lady, she's about s years older than me, and super smart, she's really short, and I'm really tall. My last gf...jsut didn't work out, I guess, I don't hate her or anything. And my first gf was a nut case
Cuneo Island
07-05-2004, 03:02
Alot of people. Lemme think. I'll tell you about my current lady, she's about s years older than me, and super smart, she's really short, and I'm really tall. My last gf...jsut didn't work out, I guess, I don't hate her or anything. And my first gf was a nut case

Really tall, how tall? I'm 6'4.5''.
Cuneo Island
07-05-2004, 03:15
Alright here's the scoop on my fiancee, I'll tell that one first.

Age: 21
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Body Appearance: Slender, she's been doing stuff after having the baby, and she's quickly regaining her figure.
Style: Anything sexy, usually expensive stuff, she uses my money.
Profession: Stock analysis manager
Best thing about her/him: Everything
Worst thing: That I can't get enough of her even though we spend nearly every moment together.
Personality: She's always trying hard to be attractive. And she's very nice unless she's taken advantage of. And she giggles alot.
07-05-2004, 03:22
Love is great but it can truly hurt you in ways nothing else could. My ex g/f did that to me some 28 months ago, ripped out my heart and I still haven't recovered fully. It sucks big time!
Cuneo Island
07-05-2004, 03:25
Love is great but it can truly hurt you in ways nothing else could. My ex g/f did that to me some 28 months ago, ripped out my heart and I still haven't recovered fully. It sucks big time!

Yeah it sure does hurt. I dated this girl once that I fell in serious love with and then she took a bunch of my money and spent it on expensive clothes, which I let her do because I loved her. But she had just bought the expensive clothes and then dumped me and used them to impress another guy. I nearly killed myself. I was in the kitchen, my friends and I were cooking. A tear came to my eye and I turned the knife on myself. My best friend tackled me and stole the knife and we all talked it out over some good Italian food.
Cuneo Island
07-05-2004, 03:38
07-05-2004, 03:43
As a guy I'm actually happy being single because most of the girls at my school are so *frigging* shallow (i go for ones w/personality). And then there's the ones that all they boys say are "hot" . . . wth are they thinking???

Funny thing is I'm friends with some *really* good-looking girls . . . and they're smart, athletic, have great personalities as well. But I just don't feel any chemistry. Oh well; c'est la vie!
07-05-2004, 04:02
Alright here's the scoop on my fiancee, I'll tell that one first.

Age: 21
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Body Appearance: Slender, she's been doing stuff after having the baby, and she's quickly regaining her figure.
Style: Anything sexy, usually expensive stuff, she uses my money.
Profession: Stock analysis manager
Best thing about her/him: Everything
Worst thing: That I can't get enough of her even though we spend nearly every moment together.
Personality: She's always trying hard to be attractive. And she's very nice unless she's taken advantage of. And she giggles alot.

You're just starting threads to talk about yourself and your "friends" now arent you? How can she even be moving after having a baby, what?..2 days ago? This is why people think you're lying about everything dude. I somehow doubt she's regaining her figure in 2 days....
07-05-2004, 04:11
Alright here's the scoop on my fiancee, I'll tell that one first.

Age: 21
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Body Appearance: Slender, she's been doing stuff after having the baby, and she's quickly regaining her figure.
Style: Anything sexy, usually expensive stuff, she uses my money.
Profession: Stock analysis manager
Best thing about her/him: Everything
Worst thing: That I can't get enough of her even though we spend nearly every moment together.
Personality: She's always trying hard to be attractive. And she's very nice unless she's taken advantage of. And she giggles alot.

You're just starting threads to talk about yourself and your "friends" now arent you? How can she even be moving after having a baby, what?..2 days ago? This is why people think you're lying about everything dude. I somehow doubt she's regaining her figure in 2 days....

It's called breast-feeding dude. You can lose a lot of weight in a very short amount of time doing that. Hell, there are models who are able to get back on the runway in six weeks or so. In any case, yes you can get back on your feet in a day or so after pregnancy, just not for extended periods of time.
07-05-2004, 04:13
My sister was recently pregnant, and she didn't even get out of the hospital until later the next day. Took her a bit to even be able to move around comfortably.
Jay W
07-05-2004, 04:19
Why is it that I get the feeling that within the first three pages in this thread I will see someone post:

Celestial Paranoia
07-05-2004, 04:30
Your mum! *rolls around laughing*

Soviet Haaregrad
07-05-2004, 04:37
To sum up the last girl I dated I must quote Ice Cube, "a bitch iz a bitch."
07-05-2004, 04:37
Your mum! *rolls around laughing*


Aha. A member of XX chromosome. Perfect time for a guerrilla interview. . .

CP, as a member of an incomprehensible alien subspecies, could you tell us Neanderthals how we can go about wooing you. And I mean this seriously, with none of that crap about "being a nice guy" or "having a sense of humor." I've been both for years, and yet I'm still trying to iron out the dents in my skull from the last woman in stilletto's who ran over me to get to some "gorgeous" guy who (surprise, surprise) turned out to be a world-class jerk.
Demonic Furbies
07-05-2004, 04:39
Age:last one was 20
Hair: vibrant blone
Eyes: crystal blue
Body Appearance: *sigh* really fine
Style: dunno. low cut shirt and tight jeans mostly.
Profession: translator major
Best thing about her/him: her smile
Worst thing: i could never win an argument. (she's a debater. or whatever the equivalent is)
Personality: fun, innocent, little klingy tho.

ended about a month ago.
Celestial Paranoia
07-05-2004, 04:43
Uh oh...did I fall into a trap? :P

All women are different. (Yeah, yeah...same ole BS) But what I am more interested in, is a guy who can make me laugh. Not even a snicker...I mean laugh out loud. Personality is the key for me. I think a guy who knows how to have a good time, even when things are bad...that speaks to a woman. Or maybe just me.
The Sadistic Skinhead
07-05-2004, 06:07
Before i start i have to say i always go out with girls more psycho than me i mean really fucked up in the head every one had a mental disorder. But thats what im attracted too the weird ones.

Age: they ranged from a few months older than me too a year older.

Hair: all brunetes or black hair

Eyes: green or blue

Body Appearance: no skinny ones always bit big but not much

Style: no style one wore second hand clothes one wore denim all the time the rest dress way different than everyone else.

Profession: all unemployed

Best thing about her/him: sex, and they made me smile

Worst thing: a couple of them were childish but my last ex was the absolute worst, she made animal noises out of the blue shed say the most anoying things for no reason and she would do stupid stuff in front of my friends and everyone else, her laugh, and way too much stuff to write.

Personality: there was a girl who was turning goth, a farm girl, a depressed emotionless girl, a comlete childish psycho, and my current girlfriend is a pill head
Cannot think of a name
07-05-2004, 06:38
Can't get enough of filling out forms that no one will read and/or care. And yet, everytime...

Age:Alright, look. They're all around my age at the time I dated them and unless one of us has been traveling near the speed of light they still are. If this where Logan's Run, we'd have died a couple of years ago...
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Great, I'm a bad person 'cause I don't remember. Light, I believe.
Body Appearance:Athletic, ballerina. quality.
Profession: Last I checked something veternary
Best thing about her/him:Man, everything. She was pretty cool. Talented. I'll go with that. Sharp as a tack and talented as hell.
Worst thing:She really could do better than me....(she was the first, so she is a bit idealized...

Eyes:blue I think. Look, I'm color blind....
Body Appearance:Short, and, you know-good with infants.
Profession:Last I checked data entry in the Navy
Best thing about her/him:I refuse to answer on the grounds that it makes me out to be a bastard.
Worst thing:CLINGY! I was playing sax in cafes for sandwiches and working 4 days a week for rent when she started to say we should get married. When my roommates girlfriend tried to prove us wrong when we said she one track, she responded to the questions about her pasttimes and hobbies (all of the INDIVIDUAL questions) as "Dating him..." Sweet crap. It's cool to be loved, but only if they have something else goin' on of their own.
Personality:Clingy. Upbeat. Religious before I dated her.

Hair: Red
Eyes:Green? That's probably not right.
Body Appearance:A little thick.
Style:Preppie who has moved out of her parents house and into Berkeley (where the first one went, coincidentaly)
Profession:I believe she is an editor now.
Best thing about her/him: I don't remember. Talent I guess.
Worst thing:Collector. She collects interesting friends to appear interesting herself. I've known a few like this. That sounds a bit bitter, she's not personalitiless (the last one kinda is), just, well....

Never dated this one, she was engaged when I met her. I haven't really had the passion to go after anyone after meeting her. It sounds mellodramatic, it's not so much. I don't feel sorry for myself about it or bitter-It's like I'm comfortable knowing I met the one person who is the greatest and that's enough. I don't even think about it unless things like this come up.

Eyes:dark, yet cheery and captivating.
Body Appearance:normal I guess. I don't know how to discribe it.
Style:Thrift store hippie who isn't trying to be hippie
Profession:Operaticly trained singer who now is mother to her children and bass player in a community band.
Best thing about her/him:Everything is great when she is involved. The only cheery upbeat person I can stand. Talented, and I've seen her swap three engines in two VW Bugs in one day. And she would fix my cars. Smarter than she appears, and lays the deep on you out of nowhere. Even when she is saying something insulting (like when she told be she discribed me to her fiancee as someone who looked like a walrus) it is endering. Gushing. gotta stop.
Worst thing: She met her husband first. Nah, I like the guy and they are happier then we would be. And she's still in my life in a way I can't screw up.

And so there it is. My only consolation to pouring this out is that I don't even have a name here. And no one cares.

EDIT:I should point out that when I say 'talented' I don't mean naked talented, I mean like dancers and singers and musicians or some combination thereof
07-05-2004, 06:54
I've never dated... yeah I'm a total loser. women just don't appear drawn to me. I'm apparently a great guy to be friends with but dating me is unthinkable. it sucks. Oh, and women don't go for nice guys, the way they say they do. That's complete BS. Women go for a**holes
The Sadistic Skinhead
07-05-2004, 11:25
I've never dated... yeah I'm a total loser. women just don't appear drawn to me. I'm apparently a great guy to be friends with but dating me is unthinkable. it sucks. Oh, and women don't go for nice guys, the way they say they do. That's complete BS. Women go for a**holes

thats pretty damn true especially round here
Cuneo Island
08-05-2004, 00:05
Alright here's the scoop on my fiancee, I'll tell that one first.

Age: 21
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Body Appearance: Slender, she's been doing stuff after having the baby, and she's quickly regaining her figure.
Style: Anything sexy, usually expensive stuff, she uses my money.
Profession: Stock analysis manager
Best thing about her/him: Everything
Worst thing: That I can't get enough of her even though we spend nearly every moment together.
Personality: She's always trying hard to be attractive. And she's very nice unless she's taken advantage of. And she giggles alot.

You're just starting threads to talk about yourself and your "friends" now arent you? How can she even be moving after having a baby, what?..2 days ago? This is why people think you're lying about everything dude. I somehow doubt she's regaining her figure in 2 days....

It's called breast-feeding dude. You can lose a lot of weight in a very short amount of time doing that. Hell, there are models who are able to get back on the runway in six weeks or so. In any case, yes you can get back on your feet in a day or so after pregnancy, just not for extended periods of time.

Thank you very much for sticking up for me. This was not meant to be another flamebait Cuneo thread.

And yes breastfeeding does cause some weightloss. And I said she was quickly regaining it, not that she had regained it. Pay attention man. She's just lost weight faster than I thought she would. Besides all you do is sleep for quite a while to regain energy after a baby, she's not like dead or anything, it wasn't that hard for her.

By the way do you even have a wife, do you know what it's like when your wife has a baby. I bet you don't so shush. I'll have to talk to the mods about you like I did Spaam if this continues, but it doesn't have to continue.
Aryan Supremacy
08-05-2004, 03:04
Age: Questionable, they all lie about it anyway.

Hair: Yes. Well usually... Some of them just had too much of the damn stuff, especially downstairs. Sometimes it made me feel like Indiana Jones venturing into unexplored and dangerous undergrowth.

Eyes: Bloodshot. Usually shifty, with an evil twinkle in there too.

Body Appearance: Fat, all of them. Even the ones who started of thin went the way of the flab sooner or later. The pregnant one gets an exemption on this one, but the others have no sympathy.

Style: None.

Profession: Very weird things most of them. Im sure at least half of them must of been lying to me. :?

Best thing about her/him: That they're gone. :wink:

Worst thing: Sleeping with people behind my back before i get a chance to do it to them, always gets me that one.

Personality: Too much or too little. Either dull as dishwater or too overexcited all the time to spend any amount of time with.
Cuneo Island
08-05-2004, 03:54
Lying about age, yeah that happens with girls and guys alike. When I was 22 I dated a good looking girl that said she was 20 when she was really 26. How weird.
The Mycon
08-05-2004, 04:49
You're gonna love these ones...
Age: 45, I think
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Body Appearance: Meh.
Style: Whatever she needed it to be.
Profession: Talented, professional scam artist
Best thing about her/him: VERY charming company until it hits you...
Worst thing: That she's almost a pedophile and wants to take you for everything you have.
Personality: Almost a pedophile because I lied about my age, and she just didn't care when I came clean about it (while underage). Charming, sweet, loves RPing more than anything but money. A lot of fun, but a bit expensive. If I could have, I might have stayed with in willing ignorance.

Age: 16
Hair: D. Brown
Eyes: Brown
Body Appearance: About as thick as my thigh, with lips that don't even reach past his nose sideways.
Style: None, and no class or dignity, either.
Profession: Unemployed student who lives off his daddy's money.
Best thing about her/him: He was damn cute.
Worst thing: He was a coward, with the brainpower of a block of wood and was significantly less reliable as a doorstop. And he never said straight and to your face.
Personality: N/A

Age: 18
Hair: Perpetually died blond
Eyes: Blue
Body Appearance: Heavy build
Style: Plain, but always had food on her
Profession: Actress/Student
Best thing about her/him: She baked me Cinnamon Buns. (Or, was a sweet girl who honestly seemed to care about me and had my sense of humor.)
Worst thing: Utterly unreliable.
Personality: Damn near perfect, except for being a sociopath with guilt. She knows when she's doing something hurtful and apologizes, but never lets it stop her, and self-sacrifice at any level never crosses her mind (Since I held these three things on top of the twelve I'm already holding for you while you were in the bathroom for half an hour, could you sit and wait 30 seconds so I can pee too? I'm sorry, but I need to redo my eyeliner that I just touched up in there and I can't be late.)

If they're worth your while, they're already taken. Evolution in action.
08-05-2004, 07:52
Alright here's the scoop on my fiancee, I'll tell that one first.

Age: 21
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Body Appearance: Slender, she's been doing stuff after having the baby, and she's quickly regaining her figure.
Style: Anything sexy, usually expensive stuff, she uses my money.
Profession: Stock analysis manager
Best thing about her/him: Everything
Worst thing: That I can't get enough of her even though we spend nearly every moment together.
Personality: She's always trying hard to be attractive. And she's very nice unless she's taken advantage of. And she giggles alot.

You're just starting threads to talk about yourself and your "friends" now arent you? How can she even be moving after having a baby, what?..2 days ago? This is why people think you're lying about everything dude. I somehow doubt she's regaining her figure in 2 days....

It's called breast-feeding dude. You can lose a lot of weight in a very short amount of time doing that. Hell, there are models who are able to get back on the runway in six weeks or so. In any case, yes you can get back on your feet in a day or so after pregnancy, just not for extended periods of time.

Thank you very much for sticking up for me. This was not meant to be another flamebait Cuneo thread.

And yes breastfeeding does cause some weightloss. And I said she was quickly regaining it, not that she had regained it. Pay attention man. She's just lost weight faster than I thought she would. Besides all you do is sleep for quite a while to regain energy after a baby, she's not like dead or anything, it wasn't that hard for her.

By the way do you even have a wife, do you know what it's like when your wife has a baby. I bet you don't so shush. I'll have to talk to the mods about you like I did Spaam if this continues, but it doesn't have to continue.

A) I'm the eldest of 7 children, so I've seen more pregnancies firsthand that you can poke a stick at. Ifracombe is right.

B) Ahhhh threatening.... very nice.... please recall that you are also on warning Cuneo. And unlike you, we have not been deleted.

Now stop the shit and get back on topic.
Cuneo Island
09-05-2004, 01:38
Spaam, again I will tell you that I was not deleted.

And I don't have to get back on topic, this is my thread.
09-05-2004, 02:23
Why are we describing our exs and so forth? We should describe ourselves! Weeeee... Hrmmies.

I became single recently, a few weeks to a month ago. I haven't really paid attention to that. Anyway, here are the stats:

Age: 18
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue... I have some kind of unconscious preference for guys with brown hair and blue eyes. I dunno.
Body Appearance: um, nice body frame, broad shoulders, needed to start working out - but really nice forearms and hands.
Style: casual
Profession: student
Best thing about her/him: fun personality, ability to talk to him about whatever was going on.
Worst thing: after 3 years became very unmotivated about mostly everything, regressed back to old self. seemed a little conforming with things such as smoking, etc. blargh.
Personality: has a lot of potential. fun, outgoing, prone to stupidity...
Cuneo Island
09-05-2004, 04:45
My wife says your cute. But not as cute as me.

That's what she says.
09-05-2004, 12:17
Alot of people. Lemme think. I'll tell you about my current lady, she's about s years older than me, and super smart, she's really short, and I'm really tall. My last gf...jsut didn't work out, I guess, I don't hate her or anything. And my first gf was a nut case

Really tall, how tall? I'm 6'4.5''.

Did you grow suddenly? :roll:
09-05-2004, 15:11
I've never dated... yeah I'm a total loser. women just don't appear drawn to me. I'm apparently a great guy to be friends with but dating me is unthinkable. it sucks. Oh, and women don't go for nice guys, the way they say they do. That's complete BS. Women go for a**holes

thats pretty damn true especially round here

hehe and then they bitch to you about how guys treat them bad
09-05-2004, 15:32
Bottle's current squeeze:
Age: 22
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Body Appearance: broad shoulders, about 6', good build, beginnings of a beer belly (which is strangely endeering)
Style: metal/punk
Profession: none so far, he just got into a social psych grad program
Best thing about her/him: great ass. seriously though, he's the most passionate person i know, both in life and love. he lives more intensely than anybody else i have met.
Worst thing: chews with his mouth open
Personality: funny, sociable, covertly chivalrous, extremely friendly.
09-05-2004, 15:39
09-05-2004, 15:43
last one:

Age: 16
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Body Appearance: incredibly hot, especially her arse
Style: tight jeans and t-shirts, she always wears trainers
Profession: at school
Best thing about her: her laugh (it's really cute)
Worst thing: she'll flirt with anyone to get what she wants (she usually gets it too)
Personality: funny, intelligent, very flirty,
09-05-2004, 15:45
Alright guys and girls here's your chance to talk about the people you've dated. Discuss their looks, personality, the relationship, the break up. Also you can all counsel each other.

Here's some guidelines for describing them or something.

Body Appearance:
Best thing about her/him:
Worst thing:

:| Aren't you getting married in a couple of days?
Cuneo Island
09-05-2004, 16:08
last one:

Age: 16
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Body Appearance: incredibly hot, especially her arse
Style: tight jeans and t-shirts, she always wears trainers
Profession: at school
Best thing about her: her laugh (it's really cute)
Worst thing: she'll flirt with anyone to get what she wants (she usually gets it too)
Personality: funny, intelligent, very flirty,

I think I know that girl!
09-05-2004, 16:14
last one:

Age: 16
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Body Appearance: incredibly hot, especially her arse
Style: tight jeans and t-shirts, she always wears trainers
Profession: at school
Best thing about her: her laugh (it's really cute)
Worst thing: she'll flirt with anyone to get what she wants (she usually gets it too)
Personality: funny, intelligent, very flirty,

I think I know that girl!

yep, it's tink
Cuneo Island
09-05-2004, 16:19
I saw her pic man. Might I say, she is damn amazing. Too bad my digital camera and my computer are like incompatible and I can't get a picture of my wife up.
Cuneo Island
09-05-2004, 16:22
Age: 21
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Body Appearance: Thin, waist size 3, very nice ass and a flat stomach.
Style: Cute and revealing clothes
Profession: Security Analysis manager
Best thing about her/him: everything
Worst thing: 24 hours with her isn't enough
Personality: Fast, playful, smart, ambitious, caring.
Attitude 910
09-05-2004, 16:25
My current g/f

Age: 16
Hair: dirty blonde
Eyes: hazel
Body Appearance: tight jeans and revealing tops
Profession: Student
Best thing about her/him: everything
Worst thing: can't think of one
Personality: funny, happy

Ex number 1

Hair: brunette
Eyes: green
Body Appearance: always trying to show something off
Profession: student
Best thing about her/him: *top secret*
Worst thing: she flirts with almost everyone
Personality:sexy, flirty

Ex number 2

Age: 16
Hair: dirty blonde
Eyes: blue
Body Appearance: liked to show off her ass
Profession: student
Best thing about her/him: she was funny
Worst thing: she was friends with a guy I hate
Personality: funny
09-05-2004, 16:25
I'll tell you about the closest thing to a date I've had to date (no pun intended). Of course, it was five years ago, and I have no idea what became of her, since I've moved 500 miles away since then.

Age: we were both high school seniors at the time, so I figure she's about 22 or 23 now
Hair: just past her shoulders, black
Eyes: green, I think
Body Appearance: hot. Even my gay friend said so.
Style: much higher a priority for her than for me
Profession: no idea. But if I had to guess, based on what I know of her, she's probably killing puppies for a living. Or maybe just for kicks.
Best thing about her/him: she was hot. That's about it.
Worst thing: she slept with three other guys while we were together. Actually, that's not entirely true. She'd call me on Friday and break up just before, probably from the bed, but then she'd be crying about how bad an idea that was on Monday morning. And like an idiot I took her back. The first two times. The third time, all I had to say to her was "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, f--- off, beeyotch."
Personality: Ice Queen.
The fairy tinkerbelly
09-05-2004, 16:45
my latest ex:

Age: 16
Hair: Brown
Eyes: baby blue
Body Appearance: slim, nice legs
Style: casual, trendy
Profession: still at school
Best thing about her/him: always there when i needed someone to talk to
Worst thing: usually late
Personality: friendly, caring, fun, happy, generous, a true gentleman
Zyzyx Road
09-05-2004, 17:06
what is love? baby dont hurt me
09-05-2004, 17:16
Depends on the type of relationship, your question is too general.
09-05-2004, 17:35
what is love? baby dont hurt me

Just remember that it's a grand illusion.
Cuneo Island
09-05-2004, 20:31
Love is like sugar. It taste good but it can have bad side effects.
New Auburnland
09-05-2004, 20:32
get some action then forget about them. thats the key to having great relationships.
09-05-2004, 20:33
never dated a girl for more than 3 weeks. they were worth it though :lol: (2 girls, 2 weeks and around 3 weeks)