Homosexuality is wrong!
If god (yes, I am an American Catholic) wanted us to be gay, there would have not been both Adam and Eve. Think of it as Adam and Stephen or Eve and Eva. Homosexuality is downright wrong. I am proud to be straight, and if god wanted me to be gay, he would have made a decision a long time ago.
Homosexuality is perverted and wrong!
Wow, you sure convinced me.
02-05-2004, 02:24
Ladies and gentlement, start your flaming!
Seriously, dude, if you're going to post something like this, at least try and come up with an argument that hasn't been beaten into the ground like a red-headed stepchild. At least make it interesting.
02-05-2004, 02:25
How terribly enlightened of you. If God didn't want man to be gay, then He wouldn't have created the urge within some people to be gay. If God really were against homosexuality, then why did He create it?
02-05-2004, 02:25
Oh lody, lody! Convert 'da Heathens! Praise Jeesus! Amen!
I feel the light of God upon me and it is good.
Thank you so much for your belligerant, bigotist, Spamtastic, dogmatic, and all around lame answer.
Glad I got this in before it was locked.
"Everyone, please, bow your heads, and pretend to be serious."
02-05-2004, 02:27
Oh lody, lody! Convert 'da Heathens! Praise Jeesus! Amen!
I feel the light of God upon me and it is good.
Thank you so much for your belligerant, bigotist, Spamtastic, dogmatic, and all around lame answer.
Glad I got this in before it was locked.
"Everyone, please, bow your heads, and pretend to be serious."
Oh, yeah, good point.
In Before The Lock!
why did he create adam and eva and not Adam and Stevan? Because he wanted to populate the world and to create. It's kinda hard to do that with two guys and no girls. Also doesn't Jesus teach compassion and tolerance of others? So your defying your own religion here.
"But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality."
Free your mind! (http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/berkman/comanarchism/whatis_toc.html)
I like big butts!
Greater Valia
02-05-2004, 02:28
*puts on the final countdown by europe*
im taking bets on how fast it will be before this is locked :D
Side Four
02-05-2004, 02:28
Homosexuality is not a choice made by a given person, it is simply their orientation. Homosexuals can no more easily change their orientation than straight peaple can. I believe homosexuality is no more wrong or "sinful" tahn heterosexuality. I do, however, feel that putting gays down for something that is not in their control is wrong.
02-05-2004, 02:28
why did he create adam and eva...
Hehe, I guess Eva was Adam's little bit on the side.
Homophobes are more likely to be gay themselves, you sir are likely gay. I suggest you take a look at yourself.
Homosexuality is wrong!
No it isn't. Anything else?
(fix your lags Let!)
02-05-2004, 02:29
I guess if God didn't want us to kill each other he would have done something about that too right? All these good christian soliders marching off to war?
God didn't ask us to be gay, he gave us our own brains for a reason. What I'm trying to say is, if God really wanted it , he would have endorsed it somehow.
Minds Eye
02-05-2004, 02:29
"But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality."
Free your mind! (http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/berkman/comanarchism/whatis_toc.html)
I like big butts!
BAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol:
Discordia Magna
02-05-2004, 02:29
If god (yes, I am an American Catholic) wanted us to be gay, there would have not been both Adam and Eve. Think of it as Adam and Stephen or Eve and Eva. Homosexuality is downright wrong. I am proud to be straight, and if god wanted me to be gay, he would have made a decision a long time ago.
Homosexuality is perverted and wrong!
No it isn't. It's just a part of life for a minority of folk on this planet. The biblical story of creation is just that, a story, and only has validity in the mind of the faith-based believer. That aside though, I have no reason to believe that sexual orientation, regardless of what it is for each person, is a choice. Science aside, I've met and talked with enough folk of all walks of life to know first hand that we don't get to choose our orientation. Some folk can deny who they are, but that doesn't change the fact that they are what they are, be it hetero, homo, bi, or intersexual (exceptionally uncommon, I know, but I think it's worth mentioning anyway).
Back to the Bible though, I have always found it rather odd that Jesus himself, in the Four Gospels, didn't even mention homosexuality once. Not once. Of course there's always Paul but he ain't Jesus christ!
02-05-2004, 02:30
I'M Last before it's locked!
02-05-2004, 02:30
God didn't ask us to be gay, he gave us our own brains for a reason. What I'm trying to say is, if God really wanted it , he would have endorsed it somehow.
Er, by creating it, I guess he sort of did.
Grow, little thread, grow! How big will you get before someone locks you up tight?
02-05-2004, 02:32
God didn't ask us to be gay, he gave us our own brains for a reason. What I'm trying to say is, if God really wanted it , he would have endorsed it somehow.
Er, by creating it, I guess he sort of did.
Grow, little thread, grow! How big will you get before someone locks you up tight?
If god (yes, I am an American Catholic) wanted us to be gay, there would have not been both Adam and Eve. Think of it as Adam and Stephen or Eve and Eva. Homosexuality is downright wrong. I am proud to be straight, and if god wanted me to be gay, he would have made a decision a long time ago.
Homosexuality is perverted and wrong!
I've seen the light from your strong and decisive argument.
God created homosexuals and heterosexuals. If he didn't why do they exist? Of course if Satan lures men into homosexuality, then clearly God isn't all powerful.
End of argument. I win.
02-05-2004, 02:41
I'm last before it's locked! I win. :D
02-05-2004, 02:42
No, I'm last before it's locked!
I win! 8)
02-05-2004, 02:43
How did this become a "Last One to Post Here Wins" thread?
The Frostlings
02-05-2004, 02:46
When the topic is completely stupid, the host is disgustingly ignorant, and no one actually hears what anyone has to say, that's when you know to mass spam :roll:
Let me make 3 assumptions
1. Everyone's opinion is equally valid
2. Everyone thought about this before
3. Everyone believes they are right.
Thus, everyone is firmly set in their belief and arguing till the sky falls wont chagne it. In fact the only way to possibly change someone's opinion is probably experience.
02-05-2004, 02:46
In response to God created homosexuality.....He did, sort of. In the same way he created other sins, which is by creating man and giving him free will. We can do whatever the heck we want, just as long as we know about consequences for our actions.
02-05-2004, 02:46
How did this become a "Last One to Post Here Wins" thread?
Better use of bandwidth and server space than the original post?
I WIN!!!
02-05-2004, 02:48
Sadly which ever mod closes it will win :(
If god (yes, I am an American Catholic) wanted us to be gay, there would have not been both Adam and Eve. Think of it as Adam and Stephen or Eve and Eva. Homosexuality is downright wrong. I am proud to be straight, and if god wanted me to be gay, he would have made a decision a long time ago.
Homosexuality is perverted and wrong!
Bollocks. I think that God has more important things to concern Himself with than the sexual activities of two consenting adults.
02-05-2004, 02:49
As always.
New Fuglies
02-05-2004, 02:52
Well, did God not create the Pope too and he's short only an ostrich feather parasol to be fully on his way to supreme drag queendom. :lol:
02-05-2004, 02:54
I win!!! 8)
02-05-2004, 03:00
Well, did God not create the Pope too and he's short only an ostrich feather parasol to be fully on his way to supreme drag queendom. :lol:
"Darling, your drag is wonderful, but your purse is on fire."
Who said it?
I win!
02-05-2004, 03:01
I did!
Now I win.
02-05-2004, 03:02
I think that everyone has the right to live their life how they see fit and no one can judge someone for being happy :D
02-05-2004, 03:02
I did!
Now I win.
Damn you!
Now I win!!
02-05-2004, 03:04
nope i win
02-05-2004, 03:04
nope i win
02-05-2004, 03:06
No one wins because we are all losers.
02-05-2004, 03:06
Okay, Elv, you win.
Wait, by saying that, I WON!!!
I would also have to agree that homesexuality is wrong.
02-05-2004, 03:08
I would also have to agree that homesexuality is wrong.
Bully for you. I believe you're wrong. Isn't belief an amazingly elastic thing?
And, by so saying, I WON!
02-05-2004, 03:08
i win
02-05-2004, 03:09
You're a sly one, Elv.
But I win.
02-05-2004, 03:10
I must say that God put concequences down for homosexuality. AIDS,HIV. But i also believe that homosexuality might be hereditary THAT CAN BE Changed.
02-05-2004, 03:10
I must say that God put concequences down for homosexuality. AIDS,HIV. But i also believe that homosexuality might be hereditary THAT CAN BE Changed.
I'd hate to see how this guy responds when he sees rope.
"But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality."
Free your mind! (http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/berkman/comanarchism/whatis_toc.html)
I like big butts!
Back to the Bible though, I have always found it rather odd that Jesus himself, in the Four Gospels, didn't even mention homosexuality once. Not once. Of course there's always Paul but he ain't Jesus christ!
Actually... Jesus discussed the matter quite a bit. He's always telling people that "he who sins is worthy of death" and that "he is the light and salvation". I think the message there is that you're going to sin anyway because you're an imperfect human, and he's your one way to stay out of hell. So before you judge gay people for being sinners worthy of hell why don't you look at yourself, huh? If you think about it, 99.99% (besides the ultra-Christian types) live a lifestyle of sin. Homosexuality is merely another sinful lifestyle, just like a lifestyle revolving around money, or power, or whatever other obsession someone might have. Our focus is not to be (insert obsession here), it is to be on God.
If someone's having homosexual feelings and is repressing them by blasting out hatred and bigotry then they're pretty obviously sinning. God commands us to "hate the sin, love the sinner", and Jesus frequently talks about hypocrisy being evil. Now that doesn't mean you should be a homosexual yourself, as the Bible clearly states that is a sin as well, but in reality it's a matter between the individual and God. So the point of the original messages stands. It IS wrong, but because we are also sinners living sinful lifestyles, we really have no room to criticize them for their sin.
Hope somebody found that helpful.
02-05-2004, 03:11
I must say that God put concequences down for homosexuality. AIDS,HIV. But i also believe that homosexuality might be hereditary THAT CAN BE Changed.
How unfortunate that God also hates hemophiliacs and, at the latest count, women, as they represent the majority of HIV + individuals in the world today. He does seem to love lesbians, though.
02-05-2004, 03:11
i win!
02-05-2004, 03:13
Back to the Bible though, I have always found it rather odd that Jesus himself, in the Four Gospels, didn't even mention homosexuality once. Not once. Of course there's always Paul but he ain't Jesus christ!
Actually... Jesus discussed the matter quite a bit. He's always telling people that "he who sins is worthy of death" and that "he is the light and salvation". I think the message there is that you're going to sin anyway because you're an imperfect human, and he's your one way to stay out of hell. So before you judge gay people for being sinners worthy of hell why don't you look at yourself, huh? If you think about it, 99.99% (besides the ultra-Christian types) live a lifestyle of sin. Homosexuality is merely another sinful lifestyle, just like a lifestyle revolving around money, or power, or whatever other obsession someone might have. Our focus is not to be (insert obsession here), it is to be on God.
If someone's having homosexual feelings and is repressing them by blasting out hatred and bigotry then they're pretty obviously sinning. God commands us to "hate the sin, love the sinner", and Jesus frequently talks about hypocrisy being evil. Now that doesn't mean you should be a homosexual yourself, as the Bible clearly states that is a sin as well, but in reality it's a matter between the individual and God. So the point of the original messages stands. It IS wrong, but because we are also sinners living sinful lifestyles, we really have no room to criticize them for their sin.
Hope somebody found that helpful.
Even those ultra Christian types live in sin because most of them are very proud people, often quite full of themselves.
02-05-2004, 03:14
i win
02-05-2004, 03:14
I must say that God put concequences down for homosexuality. AIDS,HIV. But i also believe that homosexuality might be hereditary THAT CAN BE Changed.
How unfortunate that God also hates hemophiliacs and, at the latest count, women, as they represent the majority of HIV + individuals in the world today. He does seem to love lesbians, though.
*Bows before Berkylvania's awesome statement of what he was thinking when he read the flamebait post*
Watch, now Scotinasterban is going to make a comment about how that's just us miserable humans "perverting God's will," or that it's "Satan's influence," or perhaps that that's all part of the "homosexual agenda." Ignore the bigots. They're all just going to get themselves killed someday anyways.
I must say that God put concequences down for homosexuality. AIDS,HIV. But i also believe that homosexuality might be hereditary THAT CAN BE Changed.AIDS and HIV are consquences for homosexuality? The way they are transmited also means that it is a consequence fram God for having a blood transfusion. Also does that mean cancer is a consequence for living? Is SARS a consequence of going to China?
02-05-2004, 03:14
well,im not some diehard christian that wants to see all non-belivers put to the stake. I myself do not agree with many of the christian views. Christians put to many people down to start judging people. I am not judging homosexuals im just stating that i dont see the way i do. I could be wrong.
Heaven and Hell United
02-05-2004, 03:15
If g[-]d (yes, I am an American Catholic) wanted us to be gay, there would have not been both Adam and Eve. Think of it as Adam and Stephen or Eve and Eva. Homosexuality is downright wrong. I am proud to be straight, and if g[-]d wanted me to be gay, he would have made a decision a long time ago.
Homosexuality is perverted and wrong!
This is such a wretched, wretched argument.
Seriously, you're going to base appropriate sexual behavior off of <i>Adam and Eve</i>?
Adam and Eve were two people. They had children. In order to populate the earth, as they were commanded, they would have to commit <b>incest</b> with one another to do so. Incest, at the time, was not wrong theologically because the covenant with G-d concerning sexual behavior and other things besides had not been made yet; that's in Leviticus, not Genesis. It wouldn't have been wrong biologically because, assuming the human race was new, would have relatively few genetic defects. If not no defects at all. If that were so, than children born of incest would not have had the problems that children born of incest today have: if neither parent has too many potential defects in their genome, then the likeliness that a defect will appear in a child because the parents have similar genomes decreases wildly.
02-05-2004, 03:15
Even those ultra Christian types live in sin because most of them are very proud people, often quite full of themselves.
While they have sinned, the main focus of their lives is God. I've met many of them and they aren't full of themselves at all. The ones who are are generally avoided by the ones who aren't.
02-05-2004, 03:16
i win again
02-05-2004, 03:16
I have no idea.
Lock me please
02-05-2004, 03:16
no i win!
02-05-2004, 03:17
I am still winning!
02-05-2004, 03:17
i forfeit.
good night
The Lords Mansion
02-05-2004, 03:18
For some homosexuality would be wrong and immoral. In your opinion it is wrong because you were taught that way. I know it is wrong myself, but why judge a word, or even the person who is homosexual. They have their own path to follow, to not imbed your religious vocation on them.
Christianity I can say is of Love, Mercy, Forgiveness and compassion. We should not judge the other person on what they or what they do. Let them choose the path, they want to choose. God gave us Free Will, and a Freedom to choose.
Remember I'd rather accept a homosexual, a poor person and even a robber into my home, and not a rich person. :)
Pluck the twig from your eye first before trying to pull out the plank from another persons eye.
02-05-2004, 03:18
Good night.
And, for the record, I win.
02-05-2004, 03:19
Even those ultra Christian types live in sin because most of them are very proud people, often quite full of themselves.
While they have sinned, the main focus of their lives is God. I've met many of them and they aren't full of themselves at all. The ones who are are generally avoided by the ones who aren't.
But they often hold their devotion to God over other people, as if they are somehow better than people who are not as devout. Only the truly contemplative types are truly without sin.
Grand Serria
02-05-2004, 03:21
Although I do not agree with supporting homosexuality, i do agree with this guy when he says "be able top back up your opinion". But the fact of the matter is, is that there people to, and i myself as a Catholic do see that they diserve respect, but when it comes to gay marriages, its pushing the limits. Today they want marriages, tomorrow they'll want additional family privilages that they could not gain because there family is missing a mother or father. now im not saying that gays should be round up and excommunicated or anything, but in my Canadian society that I was raised in, i was taught that a family NEEDS a mom and a dad, and if gays cant adapt to culture, maybe the closet is the place for there ways. but like i said, there people to, and they have the right to love whom they please...but it should "through my eyes" stay out of our television, streets, and movies. If there so proud to be who they are, Great! but stop telling it to us! we know your here! we know your queer! but we DONT CARE ANY MORE! bottem line is, fine! be who you want to be! but dont expect us to change our culture just because it dosent agree with "homosexual" ways!
Heaven and Hell United
02-05-2004, 03:22
I would also have to agree that homesexuality is wrong.
May I inquire as to what objective reasons you have to believe homosexuality is wrong?
Christianity I can say is of Love, Mercy, Forgiveness and compassion. We should not judge the other person on what they or what they do. Let them choose the path, they want to choose. God gave us Free Will, and a Freedom to choose.
Exactly, but you can't take the love, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion without the rest of it. It requires holiness, servitude and humility to God and to your fellow man, prayer, worship, and Church Attendance.
This theme is commonly encountered throughout every part of the world. You have to work for the good stuff. You can't just say "I love you Jesus, I accept you as my savior", then go drink and have sex with everyone you see until you get so plastered you black out and kill someone. God expects you to live a holy life as well. There is no significant religion in the world that does not emphasize a holy lifestyle.
And as for the dillholes who are always blasting Christianity as "homophobic", why don't you go to the Muslim countries you guys are trying to protect from "Big Bad Bush"? They'll execute gays without hesitation. I believe the method used is decaptitation with a sword.
02-05-2004, 03:26
there is no right for us christians to have any room to talk. there are so many scandals out there in volving chriastianity. look at ur self before judging homos.
02-05-2004, 03:27
Doh! I outlasted Elv and now I have to fight off Foxxinnia.
Not fair.
I win!
Heaven and Hell United
02-05-2004, 03:28
I must say that G[-]d put concequences down for homosexuality. AIDS,HIV. But i also believe that homosexuality might be hereditary THAT CAN BE Changed.
1.) That's a strikingly unbiblical assertion
2.) Heterosexuals get HIV, too. Furthermore, if lesbians are the group that are the least infected, and they are, does that mean G-d really favors THEM to everyone else?
3.) Studies seem to indicate that attempting to change one's sexuality are largely ineffective. Um. I don't know how to link on these boards, but there are studies at religioustolerance.org
4.) If homosexuality is genetic, one must wonder how one would go about changing such a sexual orientation, given that its written into their genes (by this theory).
5.) It's probably foolish to make definite statements about the cause of one's sexuality. With all the different people in this world, I would think that there may indeed be some people who have the capacity to choose their sexuality, as well as some who are gay from their genes, and yet still others who get it from development. No matter what you decide on, there's always going to be one exception to the rule (if not more), and that looks bad for your argument.
6.) What reasons does a person have to change their sexuality, anyway? Because you said so?
02-05-2004, 03:28
Looks like flamebait to me..
Sorry I didn't see it sooner.. oh well, better late then never.. ;)
Game Moderator